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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone
Miziki shrugged, maybe she could use invisibility of some kind, who knows. Regardless she followed Mirai outside curiously, it was of course in a Kitsune's nature to seek out interesting things and do or see what they are, so Miziki instinctively followed and listened. She covered her ears, not expecting her to shout so loudly with her standing beside her.

Miziki looked at the new, fairly giant prescence beside her. "Ooh...she's so big. What is she?" She asked her. Of course, she was completely un-aware of her extending a hand to help her up, so she simply stayed there and petted the side of the massive bird. She also of course sensed Ame nearby, but paid it no mind, she figured she was simply curious too.
Kazehana said:
Hearing something loud, Ame's head shot up, suddenly alert. "Uhhh I'll be right back," she promised before flying out the recently opened window. She was glad she had been able to collect her things because she didn't want anyone to see them. Little did she know she missed one on her hasty retreat, the bright blue orb. She flew around until she spotted a fire bird thing near the entrance. She landed on the edge of the roof, settling herself as she observed. Odd, a fire bird in the middle of a storm. How does that work? Must be magic or something.
@Cruor Flumine @The Imperial Flame @Mitchs98 @The Otaku Diaries
"Miziki-san, aren't you coming on?" Mirai asked as she runs her hand down Blaze's neck. She looked around for the new found presence and spotted somewhere near a window. She shot her hand up as in saying hello and gestured her to come over.
(Finally off work, yay!)

Varien let out a sigh as he bent over and picked up. "What could this be?" He asked aloud. He looked over to his desk where a crystal ball stood before removing it fron its stand and replacing it with the blue orb. Gently, he set the ball in his trunk.

@Kazehana @The Imperial Flame
Ame blinked a few times, not budging from her roosted position. She had decided that she didn't necessarily get involved, just observe for the time being. To her, it was a good opportunity to learn something about... whatever this was. She took out a pine cone from her wing, holding onto her comfort item. The situation didn't necessarily call for it, but she felt like she needed it for some reason. Perhaps they made her nervous for some reason.

@Mitchs98 @The Otaku Diaries
Miziki Kurone

Miziki blinked, "Umm...yeah. But uh, where and how do I get on? It's so big and I'm not sure.." She told her, confused and still completely oblivious to her trying to help her up. "Do I just..climb up the side?" She asked her. She'd ridden a horse..once. So she figured in theory it'd be the same thing, just..bigger. And with more feathers.
Kazehana said:
Ame blinked a few times, not budging from her roosted position. She had decided that she didn't necessarily get involved, just observe for the time being. To her, it was a good opportunity to learn something about... whatever this was. She took out a pine cone from her wing, holding onto her comfort item. The situation didn't necessarily call for it, but she felt like she needed it for some reason. Perhaps they made her nervous for some reason.
@Mitchs98 @The Otaku Diaries
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone
Miziki blinked, "Umm...yeah. But uh, where and how do I get on? It's so big and I'm not sure.." She told her, confused and still completely oblivious to her trying to help her up. "Do I just..climb up the side?" She asked her. She'd ridden a horse..once. So she figured in theory it'd be the same thing, just..bigger. And with more feathers.
"Uhh. Yes. Just the side is okay. Her name is Blaze. She might be a little nervous to other people besides me though." Mirai continued to pet Blaze's side to tell her that it's fine to let Miziki come on her. Blaze felt safe so she placed a wing on the ground, to let Miziki climb up.
CoreyXIX said:
"When I ascended up to here I was attacked by something that looked a lot like you but whatever it was disappeared before I could retaliate!" he explains, making obvious what he had implied with what he last said. Was it this hard to comprehend that even he wasn't one hundred percent sure what happened? "I think we have bigger issues at hand than your terror." And much bigger issues than his confusion.
"Then let's get going! You've explaining to do mister" she said, walking towards him with her pink cheeks and waving her blue hair.


Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded and felt around for a place to climb up before noticing the wing that was more or less a ramp for her to walk up. Once aboard she clug gently to the feathers. "Ooh. She's so soft..like a fluffy pillow!" She told her excitedly, running her palms through the feathers.

"I started day dreaming first off and the world crumbled beneath my feet and I was in never ending darkness then some...something attacked me, I don't know what it was but it did and then the shadows, the shadows started coming." She says her voice shaking. She didn't know why it scared her so bad. "It seemed so real." She starts tugging at her fingers and looking down at her feet. "I'm sorry I must sound insane" she says while shaking her head trying to make the images go away.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded and felt around for a place to climb up before noticing the wing that was more or less a ramp for her to walk up. Once aboard she clug gently to the feathers. "Ooh. She's so soft..like a fluffy pillow!" She told her excitedly, running her palms through the feathers.
Blaze showed liking to Miziki and begun to soar up into the sky. She flew quickly, as skilled as how dragons fly. Mirai pets Blaze's feathers while holding on so she wouldn't fall down.
ScarlettRose16 said:


"I started day dreaming first off and the world crumbled beneath my feet and I was in never ending darkness then some...something attacked me, I don't know what it was but it did and then the shadows, the shadows started coming." She says her voice shaking. She didn't know why it scared her so bad. "It seemed so real." She starts tugging at her fingers and looking down at her feet. "I'm sorry I must sound insane" she says while shaking her head trying to make the images go away.

@Veyd Sahvoz
(damn right xD jking)

"What you saw, what was it?" he asked, his eyes focused on her as if he needed to know.

[QUOTE="The Otaku Diaries]Blaze showed liking to Miziki and begun to soar up into the sky. She flew quickly, as skilled as how dragons fly. Mirai pets Blaze's feathers while holding on so she wouldn't fall down.

Miziki Kurone

Miziki sensed a prescence coming towards them and almost shouted for her to hurry and fly, but thankfully she flew before she had to. She held on more tightly once they started to fly. I wish I could see...I bet it looks cool..being up here in the sky at night while its raining.. She thought to herself, sighing. "This is awesome! Blaze flies so well!" She told them happily.
Ame simply watched them go, solemnity dominating her disposition. By now, she had put her pine cone back, no longer needing its comfort. Nothing was even happening. She was glad that, at least for a time, everything seemed normal. Taking her attention from the large phoenix, she gazed over the forest, spotting one of her sisters in the distance, moving as a wisp in the wind. Ame breathed a short blessing, letting the winds carry it to her. In response, she received the customary response from her sister. At this, she smiled, happy that she could finally realize that not everything had changed. She would be just fine.

@Mitchs98 @The Otaku Diaries
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone
Miziki sensed a prescence coming towards them and almost shouted for her to hurry and fly, but thankfully she flew before she had to. She held on more tightly once they started to fly. I wish I could see...I bet it looks cool..being up here in the sky at night while its raining.. She thought to herself, sighing. "This is awesome! Blaze flies so well!" She told them happily.
Blaze shot her head up, as in saying: "Of course I fly well!" Mirai patted Blaze's head and giggled. "She kind of a little..... Yeah...." Blaze flew around in a circle and left trails of fire in the air as she faced the entrance. Mirai felt a presence coming.
Thor fire d another bolt of lightning, barely missing the flying creature.

Varien slid to a stop beside Thor and looked up. He place his hand on Thor's arm. "Come down here! As a professor of this academy, I command you to land!" He yelled towards the flying creature and it's riders.

@Mitchs98 @The Otaku Diaries
The Otaku Diaries]Blaze immediately flew aside to dodge the lightning bolt and Mirai narrowed her eyes at the male who shot the bolt. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24115-mitchs98/ said:
Miziki Kurone

Miziki yelped as lightning started to be fired at them. "
Whose attacking us?!" She shouted. Then she heard someone shouting up at them, she instantly recognized the voice: Varien. Welp. "Mirai we should land! That's Proffessor Varien!" She shouted frantically. So much for not getting caught.
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki KuroneMiziki yelped as lightning started to be fired at them. "Whose attacking us?!" She shouted. Then she heard someone shouting up at them, she instantly recognized the voice: Varien. Welp. "Mirai we should land! That's Proffessor Varien!" She shouted frantically. So much for not getting caught.
"A-Are you kidding me!??? It's a professor!?" Mirai knew they were in big trouble as Blaze begun to land. "This was seriously not a great idea." She whispered to Miziki.
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Ame, of course, dared not move from her position on the roof. She thought she might get a better view by moving forward a tad, but decided against it. Was she allowed to be out? Even if she wasn't, Varien let her, so it probably wasn't a big deal.

(Just in case he for some reason notices her)

@Cruor Flumine
ScarlettRose16 said:

(Whatever lol)


"I didn't get a clear view" she says. As she desperately tried to remember. "It had large teeth and it wasn't human, but that's a no duh" she says still racking her brain for anything else she could remember.​
"What about it's eyes? What did it's face look like?" he asked, beginning to wondee if it truly was what he suspected...Of course it wasn't, that wasn't possible! Of course this was all peobably an illision...hopefully.

ScarlettRose16 said:


"I don't know" she says realizing she never really saw the creature's face. The images kept flashing through her head but she never saw their face, she just shuttered as she remembers the teeth and the pain of the creature biting her neck, it made her cringe.​
"Very well..." he said, not making her remember any more. She clearly didn't want to talk about it so he wouldn't pry. Walking over to her he pulled out a flask "Drink this it'll help" he said, hoping that it'd help calm her so she wasn't all frightened.


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