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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

"It does not matter what race you are. When you enter their realm, you agree to abide by their rules," she said, adding quietly, "even if they are rather arbitrary." She shuffled around, trying to make sure that she was both comfortable and covering all the stuff she brought with her. When she finished, she followed up. "The only magic I practice is life inducement. It's pretty fun, actually."

@The Imperial Flame
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"Well, it's not a good idea here. I can't be responsible for a random critter running around. What if it gets into trouble?" she said, eyeing her carefully. "And you shouldn't take advantage of the wind like that. Humans made furniture to sit on," she explained, once again releasing the air to return to its normal activities.

@The Imperial Flame
ScarlettRose16 said:


"Okay so do I just continue on with my life, or what?" She asks with a little more attitude than she really intended. She knew this was the head master, she probably should speak in a respectful tone but she really didn't care at the moment. She put a hand to the back of her head where she hit it and blood was on her hand as she pulled away. She would just deal with that later, she might be partly dead, but she can still bleed and feel pain. She just looked at him. She needed to keep her temper, she didn't have her cloak to save her if she got mad or angry.

@Veyd Sahvoz
"*sigh* I'll explain later just follow me" he said, the light scaring off the shadows that tried to creep up to them "Excelius, protectous!" he shouted, the hallway they were in illuminating as it drew away the shadows.

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Ame looked between the girl and the cat. "I can. But it wouldn't be the same. It would be completely different than whatever you remember. Would you be willing to try it instrad of just keeping its memory?" she asked, solemnity in her visage.

@The Imperial Flame
ScarlettRose16 said:


She covered her eyes from the light. She saw the shadows dissapear. She follows him where ever he walked. The light finally died down. "What now?" She asks. She was trying to keep her cool but he wasn't answering very many of her questions and she was beyond confused.

@Veyd Sahvoz
"Now . . . we leave" he said, looking for a portal he'd put in the hall. Various portals and passages were all over the academy but when you teleport everywhere you lose track of things. . . That's just it. He tapped on the wall and a passage way of darkness and energy emitted from the wall. "I'll explain everything once we get to my office. . .are you coming Kate?" he asked, still debating how he should explain this.

Soon after he left, Varien saw nothing out of the ordinary and decided to return to his room. When he entered, he saw Ame and Alexandria talking. "Oh, you two are still up?" He asked before seeing the dead cat. "On second thought, what's going on?"

@Kazehana @The Imperial Flame

"Yeah" she says following him through the portal. She looked around to what must be the headmasters office. She took a quick glance around. Her head was still spinning and she had a million things on her mind. What happened, stay calm, don't get nervous, mad, or angry. After this she has to go find her cloak. She had to focus on what was going on, she wanted to figure out what or why this stuff happened. She repeated many things in her head and she was lost in thought.
(*Stuffing breadsticks into her wings* "I gotta go" xD

"It's not dead," she insisted, flicking her wrist behind her back. "And don't look at these! They're private," she said, putting her wing up as a curtain to keep him from seeing.

@Cruor Flumine @The Imperial Flame
While they were occupied with the cat, she stuffed the most valuable and unconventional items into her wings, making sure no one saw that she had them. She still hadn't gotten the chance to use them or figure out their uses, but she knew they could prove useful. One in particular looked very important; a bright blue orb of some sort. She thought it was shiny, but there was a magical aura that exuded from it, making her even more intrigued. She, of course, had other items with such an aura, but the orb was by far the prettiest. Maybe not the most powerful or intriguing to others, but to her...

@Cruor Flumine @The Imperial Flame

Miziki Kurone

Miziki sighed, she was clearly extremely bored. Normally, she'd summon Asada to pass the time, but she was still mad at him for earlier. He knew she wasn't comfortable with everyone knowing she was blind, she'd much rather prefer not to tell them until the least possible moment. With a huff she got off of the bed.

Clearly Kate had expected her to be asleep since she said she wouldn't take long, but in reality she was taking forever. Walking over to the door she turned the handle, locked. Well, damn. Grabbing her key out of her pocket she poked around for the key hole and eventually found it. Just because she was tired didn't mean she was sleepy, plus she was excited about the school!

Against better judgement the unlocked the door and walked outside, being sure to re-lock it. She was officially alone save for the Proffessors roaming the school grounds, and breaking curfew. Oh well. She can always tell the truth and say she didn't know what time it was because she couldn't see the clock. Blindness, at times, had its perks.

Where to go first.." She mumbled to herself. The place seemed kinda eerie all by herself with everyone asleep, or cooped up in their dorms. She tensed at the sound of lightning and thunder, but swiftly calmed down before heading for the stairs and descending them.
Ame looked up at her, tilting her head. "Well, I assume wind magic. Although I'm not fond of humans who make my job harder," she said, a blank expression on her face. "I always have to undo or even prevent it, and it gets rather tedious."

@Cruor Flumine @The Imperial Flame
ScarlettRose16 said:


"Yeah" she says following him through the portal. She looked around to what must be the headmasters office. She took a quick glance around. Her head was still spinning and she had a million things on her mind. What happened, stay calm, don't get nervous, mad, or angry. After this she has to go find her cloak. She had to focus on what was going on, she wanted to figure out what or why this stuff happened. She repeated many things in her head and she was lost in thought.​
"Okay, what you saw were beings of shadow and darkness. Beings not even I know of. . .What did you see?" he asked, as if he knew something happened. Her emotions, feelings and aura gave him some sort of nerve racking feeling.

Mirai took a deep breath in and quietly walked into the academy. So far, she has seen trees, trees, and.... Even more trees. She sighed as she walked through the main entrance and into the hallways. Mirai tried to be as quiet as possible, at the same time, trying to calm herself from being nervous.

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