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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

Ame's interest grew as she slowly opened it, looking it over. "It kinda sounds like what I do! Except not... Is it just moving it, or bringing it to life?" she asked, pretending to know what she was reading.

@Cruor Flumine
She whipped around, fear in her eyes. "I can't go there! There isn't any moonlight to keep me safe, and what if I'm by myself? I can't deal with that!" she said, freaking out about even the idea.

@Cruor Flumine
He placed a hand on your shoulder. "What would you have me do? You can open the window for moonlight, but I don't know about you being alone in there."

Alex didn't even have to search hard, she was all over the kingdoms history. She read most of the books, and learned the kingdom was called The Mighty Wastes.

The books said her father, King Ranye ordered her imprisonment, after her threatening to overthrow him. At this she scoffed, he was always scared of me she thought. After reading all she could she journeyed back up to the professors room.
Ame thought for a moment, still very anxious about being alone. Then, her head shot up as she got an idea. "Can I stay with you if no one is there?" she asked, hopeful that she might not have even the opportunity of being all by herself.

@Cruor Flumine
"Getting late," thought Gold. "I should get my room key or something."

He walks around the 2nd story, even through the dining hall. Surprisingly, there was a person there, breathing smoke. "Who's she...? Wait... breathing smoke..." He touches her shoulder gently, to see that she was as cold as stone. "Flame Thrall. Something must have happened to her when Ame removed the air. Let's fix that, then." He casts a weak wind spell on her, aiming for her face.


(I'm just trying something. Sancreek font.)
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Kazehana said:
Ame thought for a moment, still very anxious about being alone. Then, her head shot up as she got an idea. "Can I stay with you if no one is there?" she asked, hopeful that she might not have even the opportunity of being all by herself.
@Cruor Flumine
( xD I ship it! Called it!!)
He looked at her for a moment. "Well then Alexandria, welcome to our academy. I am Archemage Varien, professor of Destruction magics, Defense magics, Enchanting, and Alchemy."

@The Imperial Flame
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Mitchs98 said:
@ScarlettRose16 (just incase notifications bugged, again.)
She smiled as the girl says she rolled down a hill. She thought it was kind of amusing. "Well that sucks, you can take a shower if you want or don't, I guess it doesn't really matter. I think I might go and just take a walk, I won't be gone long" she says as she opens the door and walks out. She locks door behind her and starts walking towards the stairs. She just walks for a while not really thinking, she didn't have an early curfew like some of the other students considering she hasn't aged for a very long time.

[QUOTE="Kid of Darkness]Kenji still don't know what is he doing an decide to just sleep on the stairs like a boss...even though his not a boss anyway. "It's been an hour and I still don't know what am I doing...Where is everyone?" He sighed before tried to stand up...but end up slipping and falling down the stairs....really hard. "A! E! I! O! U!" He screamed while falling down the stairs. "AND SOMETIMES YYYYYY!" He then fall down face first on the floor resulting a big crack on them.

She got down towards the 5th floor and she sees a guy that face planted on the floor and there was a crack. "Genius" she says to herself in an amused tone. "Hey you okay?" She asks looking down at him. She stops walking and sits on one of the steps.
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ScarlettRose16 said:


She smiled as the girl says she rolled down a hill. She thought it was kind of amusing. "Well that sucks, you can take a shower if you want or don't, I guess it doesn't really matter. I think I might go and just take a walk, I won't be gone long" she says as she opens the door and walks out. She locks door behind her and starts walking towards the stairs. She just walks for a while not really thinking, she didn't have an early curfew like some of the other students considering she hasn't aged for a very long time.

She got down towards the 5th floor and she sees a guy that face planted on the floor and there was a crack. "Genius" she says to herself in an amused tone. "Hey you okay?" She asks looking down at him. She stops walking and sits on one of the steps.​
(Perfext oppurtunity! :D )

The moment she attempted to sit the ground began withering away, the boy clenching his insides as blood seeped through his clothes. To her it would look as if the two of them were walking in blank space with no beginning and no end.

Miziki Kurone

Miziki frowned as Kate left, the main reason she didn't want to take a shower was so she could stay up a bit longer and talk to her. Oh well. Sighing she stood from her bed in search of the bathroom, surely it had one, somewhere. After tripping over nearly every solid object in the room and walking into a closet, the same closet, multiple times she eventually found the bathroom.

Finding the tub she wiggled out of her clothes and stepped in, turning on the shower and beginning the process of cleaning herself. If she had sight, she'd probably freak out from the water mixing with dried blood from the various wounds she'd recieved on her journey to Excelius and from Ame's wind in the dining hall.

Once she felt like she wasn't a walking mixture of a Kitsune and forest she stepped out, dried herself off, and re-dressed before walking back to her bed and flopping on it. She'd elected to stay awake until Kate came back, or she passed out. Whichever came first.

(@Veyd Sahvoz mess with the poor blind lonely kistune, do it. DO IT)


She instantly stopped and forced herself back up when the ground withered away from her feet. "What the hell?" She says quietly to herself looking around at what looked like a never ending blank space. She still saw the guy on the floor that face planted. She saw him bleed out. She put two fingers to his neck to see if she could find a pulse, she found one easily and thought he was probably passed out from the fall he took. She looked around but she really couldn't see anything. She hesitates from going into her half-demon, half-human form. She needed to access her situation before she did anything. "Hello?" She calls out seeing if anybody could possibly hear her.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Kid of Darkness

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