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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

ScarlettRose16 said:


She instantly stopped and forced herself back up when the ground withered away from her feet. "What the hell?" She says quietly to herself looking around at what looked like a never ending blank space. She still saw the guy on the floor that face planted. She saw him bleed out. She put two fingers to his neck to see if she could find a pulse, she found one easily and thought he was probably passed out from the fall he took. She looked around but she really couldn't see anything. She hesitates from going into her half-demon, half-human form. She needed to access her situation before she did anything. "Hello?" She calls out seeing if anybody could possibly hear her.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Kid of Darkness
The guy who was bleeding out began to chuckle louder and louder until he eventually got up, slightly sobbing and crying through the laughter. Getting up he approached her and jumped onto her back, opening up his wide mouth and drouling a bit on her head. His teeth were huge, his mouth inhuman with blood as he bit into her neck, then ripping her face off and making her look like it.

When she came back to reality none of what happened was real, as if it were all a day dream. But the images would still flash in the back of her head. . .

me looked at her, a bit surprised. "Uhm, floor 18 room 12. But I think I'm having a sleepover! Not too shabby for the end of a first day. Wait, isn't this academy guarded? Aren't we safe?" she asked, then shifter her attnetion to Varien. "Right?" she asked nervously, not sure of the answer. It unsettled her that she didn't know.

@Cruor Flumine @The Imperial Flame

She didn't realize she was daydreaming, the images flashed through her mind like they were real and really happening. She couldn't move or fight back. When she came back to reality she jumps back on the steps she was on. It seemed so real. She slipped and hit her head on the steps. She gets up quickly running her head where she hit it. "Well dang it" she says softly hoping the guy didn't see or hear any of that. It seemed so real. She couldn't get it out of her head. "What was that" she thinks to herself. Her hands were shaking but she didn't notice it. She felt like she wanted to scream but she couldn't she just sat on the steps waiting for the guy to answer her.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Kid of Darkness
[QUOTE="Golden Glow]"This Thrall will be fine," said Gold. "She just passed out from lack of oxygen. Flame Atronachs and Flame Thralls need air to live, much more than we do. Anyways, any clue where I can find a plae to get my dorm assigned?"

(...she did much more than pass out...her heart actually stopped beating...and one of the teachers took her away...)
His outside astral patrolling was bearing little in the way of results. At this rate he may as well just summon another dozen to two dozen spirits and let them do the heavy lifting. After all, what's the point of summoning things to do work if you're stuck doing the heavy lifting. He could also easily set up skull sentries as well, the Archemage's request be damned! He would put those in his classroom and own room though so it would at least look like he was trying uphold his end of the deal. Still, something gave him an eerie feeling. As if something wasn't quite right. Prof. Shaltaea spends several minutes conjuring several more shades before slowly descends from his position through the roof and into the main entrance of the academy. He planned on going floor by floor for this particular sweep as long as nothing stops him.
CoreyXIX said:
His outside astral patrolling was bearing little in the way of results. At this rate he may as well just summon another dozen to two dozen spirits and let them do the heavy lifting. After all, what's the point of summoning things to do work if you're stuck doing the heavy lifting. He could also easily set up skull sentries as well, the Archemage's request be damned! He would put those in his classroom and own room though so it would at least look like he was trying uphold his end of the deal. Still, something gave him an eerie feeling. As if something wasn't quite right. Prof. Shaltaea spends several minutes conjuring several more shades before slowly descends from his position through the roof and into the main entrance of the academy. He planned on going floor by floor for this particular sweep as long as nothing stops him.
(Freaking creepy stalker ghost watching people sleep >_>)
ScarlettRose16 said:


She didn't realize she was daydreaming, the images flashed through her mind like they were real and really happening. She couldn't move or fight back. When she came back to reality she jumps back on the steps she was on. It seemed so real. She slipped and hit her head on the steps. She gets up quickly running her head where she hit it. "Well dang it" she says softly hoping the guy didn't see or hear any of that. It seemed so real. She couldn't get it out of her head. "What was that" she thinks to herself. Her hands were shaking but she didn't notice it. She felt like she wanted to scream but she couldn't she just sat on the steps waiting for the guy to answer her.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Kid of Darkness
The shadow beings came closer and closer, threatening to make her give in when all of a sudden Draconus came out of no where "I offer up this contract to summon the voice of the 9 realms!!" he shouted out, tackling the girl and disappearing to the 20. . . some floor. Running down the hall, dragging her behind.

(Okay, I'm done screwing around with peoples minds now! i swear xD )

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Varien watched the girl float away before turning back to Ame. "You should get to bed. I'll sleep on the floor tonight." He said, walking over to his armoir and opening it, pulling a small pile of blankets from the bottom of it.

(Ironically, I fell asleep before I could respind to this)

Ame nodded, slowly heading to bed. It hadn't occured to her until not that she was actually pretty exhausted. The excitement of today had gotten to her until the idea of sleep was put out for her. When she got there, she curled up into a ball, much like a cat, and covered herself with her wings. "Goodnight," she said groggily as she promptly fell asleep.

@Cruor Flumine
(Yayy, being sick is just great)

Varien watched her for a moment before setting his makeshift bed up. Instead of laying down, he went and left through the teleporter. After all, the night was still young and they had not caught anything just yet.


She tried to keep up with him desperately. She realizes her cloak must of fallen off and was on the steps where she was sitting. "What was that?" She asks desperately trying to keep up with him. She couldn't rip out of his grip. She just had to keep up with him. She watched as they went up stairs and down some. Turned into different corridors and so on an so fourth. "Seriously what was that?" She asks out of breath.
ScarlettRose16 said:


She tried to keep up with him desperately. She realizes her cloak must of fallen off and was on the steps where she was sitting. "What was that?" She asks desperately trying to keep up with him. She couldn't rip out of his grip. She just had to keep up with him. She watched as they went up stairs and down some. Turned into different corridors and so on an so fourth. "Seriously what was that?" She asks out of breath.​
"Listen, what you saw is something you mustn't ever speak of to another living soul. Do you understand? Because if you do it will only draw them closer, are we clear?" asked Draconus in rather fast paced and stern voice. He didn't mean to startle her he just had to get across to her that what she saw was not to be spoken of. Ever.


(This is literally what Draconus sounds like and kinda what he looks like, it's the guy



(This is literally what Draconus sounds like and kinda what he looks like, it's the guy

"Yes but what was that?" She asks again. "And slow down" she says finally getting out of his grip and stopping so she could catch her breath. She could run for miles but if she didn't have to she didn't want to. "What was it I saw?" She asks in a more serious tone. She wanted to know what happened, what she saw, why the images are still flashing through her head.
ScarlettRose16 said:


"Yes but what was that?" She asks again. "And slow down" she says finally getting out of his grip and stopping so she could catch her breath. She could run for miles but if she didn't have to she didn't want to. "What was it I saw?" She asks in a more serious tone. She wanted to know what happened, what she saw, why the images are still flashing through her head.​
"Did I not make myself clear? I said it isn't to be spoken of" said Draconus, his voice even more stern than the last. He tried not to seem mean or anything but if she was that desperate then he would have to eventually tell her. . .through telepathy that is. 'They were shadow beings from my guess, I've no idea what they are really because they aren't even from this world, or any world I've seen. . .' he explained, searching the walls and pressing his ear against the side of them. He knocked a few times on it before running down another and casting a light spell from his staff.

After a time, she blinked her semi closed eyes awake. As what is essentially the equivalent of a bird, she possessed a unihemispheric slow-waved sleeping pattern, causing her to be awake depending on how alert she felt she needed to be. At a new school, she opted to be about half awake, vaguely noticing things happening in the room.

Realizing she was alone, she sighed, but decided to use it as an opportunity. She hadn't been alone practically all day, so it might be good for her. Taking them one at a time, she picked out her collection from within her wings, laying them out on the bed as she crouched beside it. She really needed to clean more often, but they were all just so pretty! Instead, shw opted to sort them and try to identify the few objects left she didn't know anything about.


"Okay so do I just continue on with my life, or what?" She asks with a little more attitude than she really intended. She knew this was the head master, she probably should speak in a respectful tone but she really didn't care at the moment. She put a hand to the back of her head where she hit it and blood was on her hand as she pulled away. She would just deal with that later, she might be partly dead, but she can still bleed and feel pain. She just looked at him. She needed to keep her temper, she didn't have her cloak to save her if she got mad or angry.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Alex Woke up screaming, her voice hoarse. She had dreamed she was trapped in the tomb again. She shivered as she stood up walking to her window, making sure it was shut. She sensed someone below her was awake. Walking to her window, she jumped out, making the wind bend to her will, she floated down, stopping at the source of power's window.

Immediately sensing the warp in wind patterns, she dismissed the wind to return back to it's normal state, not bothering to look outside. She had to deal with this so often it was almost like a reflex. She returned to her collection, ordering them by color, by function, and by shape. None seemed to please her, but she wasn't sure what she was aiming to do. Then she ordered them by importance, reminiscing about where she found them and why she kept them close.

@The Imperial Flame
Ame frowned as she caused her careful organization to chaotic clutter. She carefully gathered her things in a corner, slowly organizing them into a small pile. After she was done, she settled on them, which was customary of her kind to indicate that no one was to take them. "Isn't entering an enclosed space you weren't invited into considered rude in human standards?" she inquired, a bit salty that her organization had been cut short.

@The Imperial Flame

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