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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

[QUOTE="Golden Glow]He turned the stone to a silver color, and crushed the stone. He glowed in a brilliant silver flash of light, and he started levitating. Both of his Keyblades appeared behind his back, hovering a few inches away. Under his feet was a white light with (So cliche) a silver lining. His clothes turned silver, and the change ended. He was still floating, and when he went over to the edge of the roof, he floated, somewhat like a ghost, his weapons spinning around behind his back as if they had a mind of their own. He jumped from his magic cloud, and, instead of gravity taking its toll on him, he glided like a bird. He did a few aerial maneuvers, and landed back on the roof, his feet hitting the ground for only a second before his cloud sent him back a foot into the air. "I love doing that," he sighed

"That was bizarre," she commented, waiting a moment to make sure he was finished. "It's almost like you could fly," she added. She wasn't sure why he had just done that or how, but she decided not to question it. Instead, she sat up, a bit dreary from her exhaustive day. She didn't want to move, but she also didn't want to stay there. That roof wasn't too comfortable. She lazily blinked a few times, then turned her attention back to Gold.
Alexandria Had Finally arrived at Excelius, she walked up the the door and opened it. she hurried inside, closing the door behind her. "Hello?" she called in her thick accent.
The storm raged outside. Lightning briefly illuminated the sky, a sharp sword of light that cut through the darkness. Thunder boomed loudly, echoing before mixing in with the sound of the rain that had began falling.

A piercing light shot through the roiling clouds–it was not lightning, but something else. The black clouds began twisting in the air, swirling together at the center of the ray of light. They parted, revealing a thin, golden line that slowly ripped itself open. Glowing stairs and winged silhouettes briefly shined inside the portal. A small figure stepped out, and began falling to the ground near the Academy. The same glow, though less intense, from the portal radiated off it, and wings opened up. They drifted to the floor in front of the Main Gates, landing softly.

Gevurah straightened up, the rain evaporating from the sheer heat they emanated. The instructions they had been given... to find a person of authority and inform them of her arrival. Wait for proper accommodations, and to remain proper. Interact with other individuals. That was it. The goal of their expedition was not to destroy the impure (of which filled the Academy), as usually designated for the angels of their choir.

They had to find a person of authority. Maintaining their golden glow, Gevurah strode into Excelius.
Walking around the academy, Prof. Vicar wandered aimlessly. He sensed two magical auras withing the immediate vicinity. One in the dining hall and one at the main entrance. Stepping in the Dining Hall, that was now nearly empty due to students heading off to their dorms, he saw a girl on the ground as if suffocating. He rushed to her, wondering why in Oblivion she was coughing up smoke. Picking her up he created a ghost him to go soeak to this newcomer while ge attended to the females suffocation.

@UnwantedTruth @Strawberry Preserves
"Good...I'll see what I can do. Meanwhile, do you need to go through my paperwork?" He asked, standing up and retrieving a spare cloak from the trunk nearby, donning it and making sure it was on correctly.

@Veyd Sahvoz
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An artificial being made of magic appeared before Gevurah. No hostility detected from the ghost.

Likely, this was one of the important persons of authority. Gevurah raised a hand to their chest and tilted forward in a small bow. "Greetings. I, Gevurah of the choir Powers has arrived. My Dominion has instructed that I find accommodation and begin life at Excelius." Gevurah straightened, face fixed in a slack expression devoid of any life. "My main purpose is to oversee this area and interact with the various personalities of the Academy."

@Veyd Sahvoz
As Prof. Shaltaea looked down from his position up near the academy rooftops he saw very little of interest going on. He was just glad he was patrolling in spirit form and not physically present, otherwise this storm would soak his clothing down to his ancient bones! He couldn't help but smile just a little at seeing the shades and other spirits he had earlier summoned still hard at work. One of the best benefits of using undead over most people: no need to eat and no need to rest. Every now and then he observed some of his summoned creatures interact, passing information to one another. He couldn't help but wonder where the other people in charge of patrolling were at.
With a sigh, Varien strode through the televporter and landed in the open space again. Holding up both hand, black orbs began to form. Once they were done, he threw them onto the ground and watched as a group of six Storm Atronochs rose from the ground. The largest one stepped towards Varien. "Thor. I need you and your brethren to patrol the school grounds for intruders." The stones grumbled as they filed off through the door and into the halls.
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@Veyd Sahvoz[/URL]
"5the floor, secratary's office right off the stairway! Hurry now! You're to be in your dorms!!!" demanded Prof. Vicar, unimpressed for their need to talk whilst being late. He motioned for them to follow him and speed walked to the stairs, mutturing on how damning all if this was.
A nearby strike of lightning jolted Ame (lol unintentional puns) back to her former energy level, jumping up and suddenly ready to move. "Ohmigosh I need to go see anyone I may have harmed!" she said quickly, giving no time or warning before jumping off the roof. She dived down the building back to the window gracefully entering the same place she had departed the building. Once inside, she swooped down to the floor and gracefully transferred to running, albeit not with great form. On her way out, she grabbed the cloak she had been entrusted with guarding, not thinking too much into how poorly she did her job.

As soon as she entered the halls, she darted her gaze left and right,n seeing but a few people she never saw before. She decided to try the empty side of the passage first, not sure what she was looking for. As she rounded the corner, she abruptly ran into something and fell with a thud. "Owwww," was all she could manage as she rubbed her head. Looking up, she saw something strange. A flash of lightning caused her to make the connection that whatever it was, it was connected with the storm. Perhaps it was born from it? She didn't know.

@Cruor Flumine @Golden Glow
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The Storm Atronoch looked down, seeing the girl that Master had asked for the wherabouts of. A line of pebbles extended themselves from the atronoch, chained together by lightning. It wrapped the pebble line around the girl's hand and began to lead her to Master, who was patrolling the halls too.

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Varien was standing by a window, watching the arcs of lightning as they flashed when he heard a set of noisy footsteps coupled with the sound of someone struggleing. Curious, he turned to find Ame being held by one of the lesser Storm Atronochs. He frowned slightly. "Thank you, return to your patrol." He commanded. Instantly, the pebbles retracted and dropped her hand before the hulking stone giant walked away, leaving just the two of them.


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