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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

(Technically it isn't a spell, it's aerokinetics lol)

(Also, I can't tell if that arrow hit her or not O.o )

Ame was unaware of what was happening around her. She didn't dare open her eyes in lieu of being afraid that she was, in fact, face to face with her worst nightmare. In addition, she couldn't hear what he said at all since there was a vacuum surrounding them. Once she felt her captor's strength fading, she immediately shot up into the air, finally free from his grasp. She darted out a window and into the dark stormy night because it was more comforting to her than her current situation.

As she did, she abruptly changed her trajectory to that of the academy's roof, trying to find a safe haven for her. She focused on her flight, leading her to neglect the connection she had with the air and release her grip on its kinetics. The air with all it's 78% N and it's 20% O and miscellaneous other gases quickly flowed back into the space they had once occupied, satisfying an equalized pressure and increasing the entropy of the system. So basically, bit was back to normal.

Ame shivered on the academy's roof, trying to recover from her episode. She didn't notice how dark it was outside until she released most of her anxieties. A sudden flash of lightning lit up the night sky, revealing to her several spectral figures wandering around, which made her more scared than she already was. Petrified, she rocked back and forth, telling herself she was only just dreaming.

@Kazehana[/URL] @Mitchs98
Miziki Kurone

Miziki slowly regained conciousness as the air returned to the room. She wasn't dead so she assumed her arrow must've met its mark. She groaned in pain from the still bleeding cuts made by the air blade..things. Shakily she stood up and shook her head trying to regain her senses. She glanced over to where Ame and Varien were, no sign of Ame. She couldn't sense her anywhere. Oh god I killed her! She thought to herself, panicking slightly as she ran over, or rather stumbled over, to Variens' prescence. She felt around on the ground for Ame's body. Finding none she sighed with relief, she guessed she just ran off somewhere.

As for Varien it became increasingly obvious that the arrow struck him instead as he should of regained conciousness by now. Whoops.. "
Professor Varien. Please wake up, we need to find Ame." She told him, shaking him frantically.
Gold, as soon as the air left the room, tried to summon water. When that appeared, he made a large water bubble, and placed it on his head, keeping it in place with his Magicka... Mana... Oh, whatever the hell you wanted to call it. He ran over to the circle, and saw Miziki next to Varien, the latter had an arrow in his shoulder. He took the arrow out of Varien's shoulder, and used a healing spell on him. That is when the air returned.

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Miziki Kurone

Miziki sighed as Varien didn't wake up, she really didn't want to have to do this..but she knew she had to unless Varien wanted to be unconcious for a while. Before she could do anything, however, Gold ran over and tried to heal him. "That'll fix the small wound where the arrow hit but it won't do much else..I'll fix him." She told him. Biting her pointer finger with her pointy canine she drew Death in kanji on the floor and pressed her palm to it. "Shikigami Summon!" She shouted.

The kanji on the floor pulsed a eerie black red momentarily before a man with black hair in a white kimono slowly shimmered into exsistance. He blinked and groaned once he saw it was Miziki. "
Of course it's you. Shot the wrong person with a Soul Arrow again I take it? When will you learn, you're blind, you don't fire at someone in a crowded area." He complained.

Miziki frowned, she really didn't want literally everyone knowing she was blind unless she could help it. "
Just shut up and fix him Asada. Jeez..I couldn't help it this time alright." She whined. Asada rolled his eyes and knelt down beside Varien, rather rudely shoving Gold out of the way in the process. "Tch..You closed the wound already, rather pointless." He muttered, slicing the area the arrow hit back open with a sharp nail.

Murmuring some words he twisted his hand in a circular motion over the cut, slowly white soft light stemmed forth from it before eventually stopping and dissipating altogether. Once done Asada re-healed the wound. He stayed to make sure Varien would wake promptly, which he should any second now.
Ame scanned the area in attempt to identify what exactly these things were. Now more curious than afraid, she peered over the roof to see them wandering with a purpose. Leaning back, she thought about what could have brought about such spectral creatures, trying to justify their presence in her head. A loud clap of thunder startled her because she had almost forgot that it was raining. When she regained herself, she hovered down to the ground, looking around at the bizarre sight.

Subsequent lightning strikes unphased her, as she was usually used to storms. She made out one or two eyeing her suspiciously via the dim lights provided by the school's windows. Ame wasn't sure if she should be apprehensive, but she tried her best to be brave. The wind was rather unusual for a storm like this; it was oddly tame. Ame, being the good Samaritan she is, moved the air along to create a more authentic storm. There was nothing quite as comforting as rain pounding the windows and lightning in the distance to give a good night's sleep.
Up until the air left the room, Amelia had simply been eating her food, watching the evening's entertainment. But the moment that the oxygen disappeared, Amelia's eyes went wide as she fell backwards in her chair. Her body was sprawled out, all color her body had had disappeared with the air. A look of shock was frozen on her face. But most importantly, something was missing: her heartbeat. Smoke rose from her mouth which was slightly agape as she laid therem completely stiff.

(Fire does kinda need oxygen. xD It's not permanent though. One of the teachers who knows about fire elementals can get her back to normal.)
"What... the...?" asked Gold, confused as to what it... er, he, was. "I'm gonna check on Ame." He pulled out his form orb, turned it silver, and crushed it. His clothes turned silver, his Keyblades hovered behind him, floating behind his back. He himself started floating, and he, like a spirit, glided to the windowsill. He saw it was stormy out, and he grinned. "This'll help if I will it upwards," he said, thinking out loud. "Slow my glide, maybe even get me to go up instead of down."

He jumps up, and jumps out of the window. "Sii Griid Nau!" he shouted, turning into KDK, who willed the winds upward, and attached to the wall nearest to him. "Ko'Do'Kar will just climb to the roof, and scout out for her there," he thought, jumping and gliding to the wall, all the while willing the wind to go up. He repeated this, until he got to the roof. When he got there, he saw Ame on the ground.

Ko'Do'Kar shouted, "Sii Bo Hond!" He became Gol'diir again, who glided down, landing next to her. "Um... hi," he said. "Ame, was it? Well, could you go back into the building? I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who was worried about you."


(Fixed it)
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Draconus kept on watch. Hmm, this part of the academy seems a lot larger than what I remember. He continued walking, always alert, watching his back no matter what because you'd never know what might happen. The halls were dark and the wooden torches long since withered away from their holders. Shadows crept down the corridors of the once busy place for rituals and festivals. So long ago that seemed. . . .All of a sudden a rush of wind swept through and a dark figure appeared in front of him, propelling straight towards him before he could react. It disappeared just as fast as it came. The strange thing was that he suddenly found himself in the old archives, in the deeper parts of the academy. Walking down in the darkest part of the corridor after corridor notion was tiresome but at least he could research in absoulute quit...That is if he wasn't disturbed.

(Fixed it)
Ame turned to him with alight surprise in her expression. "Worried? Why would you be worried?" she asked, not quite understanding what he was talking about. All she did was fix the storm's physics. Out of the corner of her eye, she kept watch of the strange figures going around the building. What could it mean? She just didn't know.
Slowly, Varien's eyes fluttered open. He slowly got onto gis knees and rubbed his head. "Damn I need some medicine..." He looked around, looking for Ame. "Is she ok?"

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(Yay for accidentally hitting send. I do it all the time >_>)

Miziki Kurone

Miziki sighed once Varien woke up, good. "Um..sorry I-" Asada interrupted. "You don't need medicine. The blind kid shot you with a Spirit Arrow and you conked out for a bit, of course being the useless brat she is she had to get my help to fix you. You'll be fine." He told him, smirking amusedly at Miziki. Rather than get angry at him Miziki simply dismissed him by smearing the kanji. "I..he..yeah..Sorry..I was trying to knock Ame out and well.. yea." She told him, looking down at the floor with her ears flattened to her head in a mixture of embarrasment and shame.

As for Ame, Gold went out to find her. She flew outside and I'm not sure where she went. What exactly happened?" She asked him. "Like Asada...the summon you saw said..I couldn't exactly see what was going on." She added. Miziki sighed, she knew she would have to eventually reveal she was blind, but she thought she was putting on the act of someone with sight quite well for the most part. Oh well...as long as Varien didn't make a big deal out of it..
He let out a groan. "Damned headache....She had a panic attack when she saw the flames and used her wind abilities to put it out. I tried calming her down, but it didn't work that well. I would try to go and find her, but I don't want her to become scared like that again...I'm going to my quarters to get some medicine for my head...Tell her to come there after she becomes lucid again."

Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded, she felt bad for Ame, but was now equally afraid of her due to what she was capable of. She was glad she wasn't her room mate, considering she could choke her to death without touching her.."
Alright I will. Sorry again for shooting you..it was an accident." She replied. "I'll assume she knows where it is?" She asked. At-least, it made sense that she did, considering he didn't give directions.

Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded, she felt bad for Ame, but was now equally afraid of her due to what she was capable of. She was glad she wasn't her room mate, considering she could choke her to death without touching her.."
Alright I will. Sorry again for shooting you..it was an accident." She replied. "I'll assume she knows where it is?" She asked. At-least, it made sense that she did, considering he didn't give directions.

She got up from her spot and started walking towards Miziki. She remembered the name as the name of her roommate. She figured she would walk over and introduce herself. She saw her shoot somebody by accident and she seemed preoccupied. She decided to wait to approach her. She simply leaned against the wall waiting for her to be done talking.
ScarlettRose16 said:


She got up from her spot and started walking towards Miziki. She remembered the name as the name of her roommate. She figured she would walk over and introduce herself. She saw her shoot somebody by accident and she seemed preoccupied. She decided to wait to approach her. She simply leaned against the wall waiting for her to be done talking.​
Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded and stood, "Alright. I'll tell her when I..well I would say see her but..I guess when I sense her." She replied half-jokingly, much rather preferring to make light of her condition to those that knew rather than act mopey about it. It was roughly then that she could tell someone was looking at her, why? Had they overheard Asada? I really hope they didn't.. She thought, sighing.

I hope you feel better soon Proffesor Varien." She told him, offering a slight bow out of respect before scurrying off to the person she felt staring at her, both to see what they wanted and because she didn't want to leave Varien in pain any longer especially considering she partially caused it. She also noticed the majority of the students from before had left, what time was it? Was she breaking curfew...? Damn her and her inability to see what time it was. Oh well.

Um..Hi." She told Kate once she reached her. She wasn't exactly sure what she wanted...maybe..maybe she was her room mate? Hopefully she wasn't rude like the first girl she met.
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki KuroneMiziki nodded and stood, "Alright. I'll tell her when I..well I would say see her but..I guess when I sense her." She replied half-jokingly, much rather preferring to make light of her condition to those that knew rather than act mopey about it. It was roughly then that she could tell someone was looking at her, why? Had they overheard Asada? I really hope they didn't.. She thought, sighing.

I hope you feel better soon Proffesor Varien." She told him, offering a slight bow out of respect before scurrying off to the person she felt staring at her, both to see what they wanted and because she didn't want to leave Varien in pain any longer especially considering she partially caused it. She also noticed the majority of the students from before had left, what time was it? Was she breaking curfew...? Damn her and her inability to see what time it was. Oh well.

Um..Hi." She told Kate once she reached her. She wasn't exactly sure what she wanted...maybe..maybe she was her room mate? Hopefully she wasn't rude like the first girl she met.


She realizes she's blind. By the way she moves, she took every step with care and she was tentative, probably since this was a new place. She usually noticed thing other people different, it was from her past that she learned why some people did some of the things they did and she could tell from body language. She wasn't 100% sure but she was pretty sure but she could be wrong."Hey, you're Miziki. Right? I believe we are roommates" she says in a friendly tone, this also ment she didn't have to wear her cloak 24/7. "I'm Kate by the way" she says. She was actually kind of happy she had a roommate. She continued looking at her, she was hoping she made a good first impression. She did have to room with the girl, she might as well become friends with her.​
Varien nodded at the girl before standing up and looking around for his cloak. Not finding it, he sighed and walked out of the hall and to his classroom before stepping in the teleportation circle and going to the Archemage's quarters. Once he arrived, he pulled a bottle off the shelf and downed it, grimacing at the taste before falling onto his bed and closing his eyes.
ScarlettRose16 said:


She realizes she's blind. By the way she moves, she took every step with care and she was tentative, probably since this was a new place. She usually noticed thing other people different, it was from her past that she learned why some people did some of the things they did and she could tell from body language. She wasn't 100% sure but she was pretty sure but she could be wrong."Hey, you're Miziki. Right? I believe we are roommates" she says in a friendly tone, this also ment she didn't have to wear her cloak 24/7. "I'm Kate by the way" she says. She was actually kind of happy she had a roommate. She continued looking at her, she was hoping she made a good first impression. She did have to room with the girl, she might as well become friends with her.​
Miziki Kurone

Roommates? Miziki instantly perked up at the thought, her tail swished happily back and forth. "You're in room 32 too? Awesome! I'm Miziki, nice to meet you!" She told her happily before hugging her quickly. "I've been looking for you for a while now actually. I probably would of asked you sooner but as you could see things happened." She added. She finally found her roommate! And even better, she was actually nice!
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki KuroneRoommates? Miziki instantly perked up at the thought, her tail swished happily back and forth. "You're in room 32 too? Awesome! I'm Miziki, nice to meet you!" She told her happily before hugging her quickly. "I've been looking for you for a while now actually. I probably would of asked you sooner but as you could see things happened." She added. She finally found her roommate! And even better, she was actually nice!


She smiles at the girl. She had to be a couple years younger that her, she was a little shorter that her. She hugs the girl back. "Yeah, it's completely fine, I was waiting in our room for a bit, then I decided to come down here." She says simply. "Want to go up to our room?" She asks. She thought she could show Miziki where the room was since she seemed to be blind and she knew where the room was. She stepped away from the wall behind her,​
ScarlettRose16 said:


She smiles at the girl. She had to be a couple years younger that her, she was a little shorter that her. She hugs the girl back. "Yeah, it's completely fine, I was waiting in our room for a bit, then I decided to come down here." She says simply. "Want to go up to our room?" She asks. She thought she could show Miziki where the room was since she seemed to be blind and she knew where the room was. She stepped away from the wall behind her,​
Miziki Kurone

Miziki arched a brow, she didn't sense her in their room when she was there? Odd..unless..she was one of the three students that she sensed earlier? Had to of been. "
Oh! You must of been with the group that passed me and Professor Shaltaea on the stairs. I called out but I guess you didn't hear me." She told her. "And sure, that'd be great! I'm not sure what time it is either..I'm not sure how old you are but my curfed was set for 9." She replied. Only onneee thing... "Um..if..you don't mind could..you lead me back to our room? Professor Shaltaea helped me earlier but the stairs are confusing." She asked her shyly.
Alphus had watched all of this happen but despite his bodies urge to suddenly cool he was capable to maintain the structure due to the little trick he was playing. He didn't receive any commands to move or assist so he stayed put until the entire situation had more or less ended and looked at the archmage you had been felled by an arrow. "Perhaps this is poor timing but does this mean I am victorious?"

@Cruor Flumine
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone
Miziki arched a brow, she didn't sense her in their room when she was there? Odd..unless..she was one of the three students that she sensed earlier? Had to of been. "
Oh! You must of been with the group that passed me and Professor Shaltaea on the stairs. I called out but I guess you didn't hear me." She told her. "And sure, that'd be great! I'm not sure what time it is either..I'm not sure how old you are but my curfed was set for 9." She replied. Only onneee thing... "Um..if..you don't mind could..you lead me back to our room? Professor Shaltaea helped me earlier but the stairs are confusing." She asked her shyly.


She hasn't aged in a very long time she finally gave up on keeping track and just told people she was 17. She guesses she didn't hear her. "Yeah sure" now she knew she was blind but she didn't mention it. "Here just take a hold of my cloak" she says hand her part of her cloak to hold onto. Once she grips onto her cloak she started walking, not too fast like she usually would. "So...how are you?" She asks trying to make some conversation as they started going up the stairs.​

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