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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

Mouse-O glanced over his right shoulder to see another student readying a weapon and pointing it at him. He flitted back into the land of the unseen with an invisibility spell. Moving towards the student once under the cover of the magic.

@Golden Glow
"All right," said Gold when he saw Mouse-O disappear. "Invisibility, eh? Let's try starting off with this. Air magic will blow you away, because you're levitating, so, Defense!" Gold was suddenly surrounded in a Whirlwind Cloak.
Reapearing on the edge of the cloak, Mouse-O yelled "You shouldn't point your weapon across students!"

@Golden Glow
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"Not to worry," said Gold, shooting a bullet made of magic from his Keyblade at where the voice came from, and in all other directions it might go. "Not like I wouldn't be careful about others I am not trying to fight."
Varien stood tall, hands clasped behind his back as the three students approached, he turned to Adlin. "Yes, somewhat. Due to the lack of information, we need to be careful of our actions and keep our eyes and ears open. For now, Shaltaea will assist in surveying the school grounds. After these events, I will join him."

@Kazehana @Ldybug123 @Veyd Sahvoz
Shot with a bullet made of magic, Mouse-O sprayed over everything behind him. Bits and chunks going every which way. Although Mouse-O was completely visible and being completely non-threatening, his death was swift and painless. The final thought that ran through Mouse-O's head was "Why?" Thus, Mouse-O was no more.
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Vaccum said:
Shot with a bullet made of magic, Mouse-O sprayed over everything behind him. Bits and chunks going every which way. Although Mouse-O was completely visible and being completely non-threatening, his death was swift and painless. The final thought that ran through Mouse-O's head was "Why?" Thus, Mouse-O was no more.
(Hold on! Those bullets are dull as hell! Gold weakened them so this thing couldn't happen. Forgot to specify. That and you had a ward put on you. Think of it as a B.B. pellet.)
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"Ooooh can I play patrol officer too? I loved that game when I was on duty!" she said, happy that she could do something she was used to. She heard what sounded like gunfire and looked over just in time to see Gold shoot a mouse. She was immediately depressed from this. The only thing that kept her from crying was kuro's cuteness. But it didn't help much, and she was on the verge regardless. She wasn't sure if it had died, but it was still sad regardless.

@Ldybug123 @Cruor Flumine
Varien held up a small Soul Gem as the soul flooded into the gem. He sighed. "Good thing I put that failsafe in the ward..." He stuck the crystal into his pocket and waved his hand over the splatter. "Either we will bury his remains or bring him back. But neither can be done at the time being. His soul is safe and that's all that matters at the moment." He said before muttering. "I swear if we have to piece him back together again...Oh well."

@Vaccum @Golden Glow @Kazehana @Veyd Sahvoz @Ldybug123
Fuyuki gasped when he saw the blood and gore everywhere. It reminded him of the massacre in his village. He fell to his knees. He couldn't take it anymore, and vomited. He was next to Ame. @Kazehana
Cruor Flumine]Varien held up a small Soul Gem as the soul flooded into the gem. He sighed. "Good thing I put that failsafe in the ward..." He stuck the crystal into his pocket and waved his hand over the splatter. "Either we will bury his remains or bring him back. But neither can be done at the time being. His soul is safe and that's all that matters at the moment." He said before muttering. "I swear if we have to piece him back together[I] again...[/I]Oh well." [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/27586-vaccum/ said:
Adlin chuckled a bit and rubbed her temples "What is that the 3rd time?" she asked, looking over at Gold "He'll be fine" she said and turned back to Varien.

@Cruor Flumine
Ame shuddered at everything that was going on. She saw death all the time in the wild, just not something as brutal as that. The vomit she just tried to ignore. Snapping back to reality, she looked at Varien holding another crystal. "What did you do?" she asked, a bit puzzled at the new concept in magic.

@Ldybug123 @Cruor Flumine
"Huh? Wha...?" said Gold, kind of freaking out. "Third time? This has happened BEFORE?! And you still let him do this?"

@Veyd Sahvoz

When Gold calms down, he gets up and leaves his Form. He walks over to Ame and Fuyuki. To Ame, he said, "Probably used magic to keep him alive. He's a Necromancer, you know." To Fuyuki, he said, "Mouse-O is fine. He's just temporarily gone. There are a couple necros in this school, ready to revive the dead."

Gold sheathed his blade, and concentrated. A spell appeared in his hand. "I don't like getting dirty, so I made this. I can clean this up, save the janitors some hassle." He casts the spell, cleaning up everything.

@Kazehana @Ldybug123
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He shrugged. "Something like that. What I did, Ame, was store his soul." he said, stepping forward into the fighting area. "Now that that debacle is cleared up, who will take up the challenge of fighting me?"

Alphus came forward looking at the man and the splatter. "It seems a mess has been made...however I wish to have this bout with you if you will grant it...however I warn your magics usage against me." He looked down at the man and shrunk down to closer to his height. @Cruor Flumine
"Oh," she breathed before paying attention for once in her life. She was still getting used to the new concepts she had never been exposed to before. "Is that a game? Can I play? I've wanted to know what you like to play for a while now," she said, excitement and anticipation edging her voice.

@Ldybug123 @Cruor Flumine @Golden Glow
Varien let out a sigh. "Are you sure you are in such a condition to fight?" He asked, narrowing his eyes at him. "As for you Ame, no offense, but this is not something you would want to do. And Gold? Don't think so lowly of my skills. And lastly, the golem. If you truely wish to face the Archemage of Fire, then I accept. Take your position."

@Seraph @Kazehana @Golden Glow @Ldybug123
Ame's excitement quickly died down as he broke the news to her. Obviously crestfallen, she sat in a nearby chair to sulk, watching while petting kuro. She would at least find out what he did for fun. And if nothing else, she could prove to him that she could play any game he could. It was her new goal. And who knows? Maybe she'll join in when she figures out how to play. Knowing her, she probably would. She wasn't happy with being rejected to play a game.


@Cruor Flumine
Alphus looked down at the man "I have emotions to imply wishing but some urge has pushed me to so I shall. Even if you were to destroy me I have no reason to acknowledge I would be destroyed." He rose his hand in the air as it morphed into a spike and he rammed it into the floor. The spike continued to drill down into the earth until Alphus' body turned into a humanoid heap of magma. "I will hope to entertain you...archmage of fire." @Cruor Flumine

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