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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

Using levitate to hover up close to Varien's ear, Mouse-O whispered "Draconus looks busy with the possible situation at hand. Perhaps you should make the speech or announcement for him at this time" He then looked back over to Draconus, wondering if there was a plan being made.

@Cruor Flumine
Varien nodded at the mouse's words before standing and rising to his full height. He exhaled before he took in a large breath. "Fus Ro Dah!" With those words, the power held in his voice exploded forth through the entirety of the academy in a volume that would rival that of the most violent of thunder, shaking the chandeliers and the very foundation itself. He waited as the room nearly instantly quieted down to a dead silence. "Students! Welcome to Excelius Academy of the Arcane Arts! We are all very glad to see so many young students who wish to learn! During your time here, we hope that you not only expand your knowledge of magic, but also learn to make allies and friends that will last you a lifetime, or two! Now, many of you may have heard word of a dueling oppertunity, well let me put an end to these rumors once and for all! The students who wish to test themselves, step forward now! Let us taste your power!" His voice, assisted by the Thu'um, echoed through the hall with ease, overriding any murmuring or small chatter among the students. Turning to Mouse-O, he gestured for him to step -or float- forward to take the stage. After all, why not let the tiny creature have it's fun?

"Now, the rules. You may use any combat technique requiring magic. However, do not aim to maim or kill. Remember students, this is only a duel. Let me not catch you in the act of a killing blow!" Almost unnoticeably, Varien waved his hand, casting a small ward over the tiny mouse to assist it in battle, and hopefully not have it wiped out with the first blow, that was his job!

@Vaccum @Kazehana @Mitchs98 @Ldybug123 @Golden Glow @Veyd Sahvoz @Kihara017 @Annie @Yellow Swan @kurol @AnarchyReins @Kid of Darkness @ScarlettRose16 @JustCallMeAimee @UnwantedTruth @Seraph @Hanakai @Nenma Takashi

(I think that covers all the students in the academy xD )

(Also, I have to work tonight 5-10 eastern time, so I wont be responding between those times)
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@Cruor Flumine @Vaccum @Ldybug123 @Kazehana

Miziki Kurone

Miziki yelped in a mixture of shock and pain and covered her HIGHLY SENSITIVE EARS at the extremely loud noise. Momentarily deafened she missed the first half of what Varien said..she hoped it wasn't important. Though she did catch the latter half of testing their power. Of course, Miziki had never really been in combat much..or rather at all..but she figured it'd be interesting enough so she stood after offering those she was with a light wave and walked up to where the EXTREMELY LOUD AND HARD TO MISS voice was at. "Um. I'd like to try, if I can." She told them, glancing between everyone.
"STEP TOWARD THE PLATFORM THEN, AND FACE ME!" Mouse-O bellowed, the noise carrying over alright thanks to the quiet of the room. He then moved to the left side of the room from the students perspective, and floated in a readied stance 4 feet in the air.



She heard someone from all the way where she was in her room. She stood up. There was something about a duel. She was happy to have her heightened hearing. She opened the door to her room and locks it behind her. She walked down the many stairs to the cafeteria or dining room. (Whatever you want to call it) She saw a girl with fox ears and a fox tail volunteer. A server can to her and she just waved him off. She wasn't hungry. She really didn't want to duel. She would have to go into her half-demon, half human form to fight but she didn't want to loose control so she decided to be quiet as she found a partly empty table and she sat down watching to see who would take on the girl.

As Prof. Shaltaea made it to the bottom of the stairs on the main floor he heard the Archemage's loud proclamation. Looks like he might not make it back in time after all. He passed a few stragglers and other lingering people on his way out of the main hall and on to the academy grounds. The rain and gloom from the storm still raged on. It would be perfect for disguising his activities from most of the people inside and anyone outside. In hindsight, he wished he brought his magic staff with him to empower his summons, but it may have been wise not to show his best off until the attacker was lulled into a false sense of superiority.

When he went just out of the light shining from inside the windows he produces a few soul gems, intending to use them for a small boost for his shades. Channeling the necromantic magic came to him like breathing would a normal person. A faint dark green glow radiated from him as the colored energy flowed into the gems. As they floated up and shattered, a group of low moans could be faintly heard by the lich as dark-colored humanoid spirits manifested from the gems, stronger from the sacrifice. "You are to patrol the academy grounds. If you find anybody suspicious, report to me. Do not fight unless attacked first. Report to me every hour." Prof. Shaltaea says. The shades them shoot off into the darkness, taking to their ghostly patrol. He then begins the work of summoning many more regular shades, and even a few plain old ghosts. Invisible,or at least transparent, sentries may be the best bet for surveillance for now.
Vaccum said:
"STEP TOWARD THE PLATFORM THEN, AND FACE ME!" Mouse-O bellowed, the noise carrying over alright thanks to the quiet of the room. He then moved to the left side of the room from the students perspective, and floated in a readied stance 4 feet in the air.
ScarlettRose16 said:


She heard someone from all the way where she was in her room. She stood up. There was something about a duel. She was happy to have her heightened hearing. She opened the door to her room and locks it behind her. She walked down the many stairs to the cafeteria or dining room. (Whatever you want to call it) She saw a girl with fox ears and a fox tail volunteer. A server can to her and she just waved him off. She wasn't hungry. She really didn't want to duel. She would have to go into her half-demon, half human form to fight but she didn't want to loose control so she decided to be quiet as she found a partly empty table and she sat down watching to see who would take on the girl.

Miziki Kurone

Miziki followed Mouse-O as best she could, she hadn't expected her opponent to actually be a mouse, at-least she assumed it was a mouse judging by its size...even if she was blind she was sure she would maim the poor creature if even one of her attacks hit. "I..didn't expect you to actually be so small." She told him, tilting her head slightly in confusion. "So...uh..do I go first..or?" She asked him. Sure she had wanted to try fighting, but preferrably against someone roughly her same size. Or maybe she was under-estimating the little fella and she was about to get her butt kicked.
When Ame noticed a lack of noise in the room, much later than she should have, she looked around to try to see what had happened. All she saw was that Miziki was on some sort of platform. Was she important for some reason? What was she doing? Ame knew none of these answers. She cautiously played with kuro, glancing up every so often to see what was happening.
@Vaccum[/URL] @Kazehana @Mitchs98 @Ldybug123 @Golden Glow @Veyd Sahvoz @Kihara017 @Annie @Yellow Swan @kurol @AnarchyReins @Kid of Darkness @ScarlettRose16 @JustCallMeAimee @UnwantedTruth @Seraph @Hanakai @Nenma Takashi

(I think that covers all the students in the academy xD )

(Also, I have to work tonight 5-10 eastern time, so I wont be responding between those times)
Draconus sat there with his fingers interlocked, unfazed by Varien's Thu'um and the floating mouse. He hadn't the time at the moment, for the festivities or the duelling. Hell, he managed to block out EVERYONE in the dining hall. Professors. I won't be able to stay long. I have matters I need to attend, you musn't worry I will be back. With that he was off, shortly after a loud, nervracking, ear shattering, boom from a crack of lightning.

"Well that's that" said Adlin, asking a server to fill her cup.
Fuyuki's ears were ringing, he had sensitive ears. He yelped and covered them. He then walked over to where Varien was.


Itsuo stood up and walked over to Varien as well.

@Cruor Flumine
Noticing everyone leave, she decided to follow them, taking kuro in her wings. She didn't know why everyone was leaving. Perhaps the traditional human dinner had finished. Perhaps this was custom. She just didn't know.

@Ldybug123 @Cruor Flumine
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"3...2...1...GO!" With that Mouse-O flew 10 feet into the air while shooting out a barrage of magic missiles. Aining at the middle sides, armpits, and neck, sending anyone whom is ticklish into a fit of laughter.

Vaccum said:
"3...2...1...GO!" With that Mouse-O flew 10 feet into the air while shooting out a barrage of magic missiles. Aining at the middle sides, armpits, and neck, sending anyone whom is ticklish into a fit of laughter.

Miziki Kurone

Miziki readied herself as Mouse-O sounded the start, honestly curious to see what he was capable of even though it was meant to be a test for herself. She dodged most of the missles with ease, seeing as how small they were, though three hit her in the neck and stung a bit. But didn't really do much more than that, maybe tickled a bit. She wasn't sure how to proceed at this point, she couldn't draw a weapon..all the weapons she used were big enough to cut him into tiny pieces. Nor was she really able to use any of her magic without maiming him, she wasn't aware of the ward after all. So, she did the most logical thing she could think of, she attempted to swat him out of the air.
Alphus was unaffected by the mass of loud noises such as the yelling and thunder but once the yelling reached his end he felt strange. He didn't remember ever feeling like this but suddenly he felt the need to accept the challenge, perhaps it was one of his creators rules for him. However before he did such the girl he had been talking to took up arms for the challenge. He was ready to battle but now had to wait his turn now. In the mean time he shifted his body back to his previous form.
As soon as the girl ran towards him, Mouse-O vanished. Now invisible to the world, Mouse-O strafed around the girl to observe her next actions before making his next move.

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Adlin laughed a bit at Mouse-O and Miziki. To think the little guy could go up against such a large person. He continued to amaze her. Glancing at Shaltea and Varien she walked over to the 2 "I will send a couple of my 'girls' to scout around for anything. Please tell me you two have a plan?" she asked, sigh in her voice.

@CoreyXIX @Cruor Flumine
Vaccum said:
As soon as the girl ran towards him, Mouse-O vanished. Now invisible to the world, Mouse-O strafed around the girl to observe her next actions before making his next move.
Miziki Kurone

Miziki panicked momentarily as Mouse-O dropped out of her senses briefly, she thought she'd killed him, of course she didn't realize he'd went invisible for a few minutes seeing as she couldn't of seen it. After the panic subsided she could sense him once more, her enhanced senses more or less pinpointing his movement. She waited motionlessly as he ran around her untill suddenly trying to swat him out of the air again while he ran, intercepting his path.
Mouse-O, being no fool to animal senses and instict, shot of the maximum charge shot he had prepared at her hand, while moving directly at her at top speed. Barely deflecting the hand from connecting Mouse-O cast a shield spell he had been practicing for the past few hours. However flawed it may still be, Mouse-O had tested it enough to know it would protect him from damage while he hurtled into the girl like a small cannonball. Just in the knick of time as well, being inches away from impact.

Yukari made her way into the school finding where everyone was seeing some sort of fight. Not taking into account those around her she shook like a dog sending water onto those around her. "What's going on?" She asked no one specifically she had heard the announcement but also forgotten about it as soon as she heard it.
Vaccum said:
Mouse-O, being no fool to animal senses and instict, shot of the maximum charge shot he had prepared at her hand, while moving directly at her at top speed. Barely deflecting the hand from connecting Mouse-O cast a shield spell he had been practicing for the past few hours. However flawed it may still be, Mouse-O had tested it enough to know it would protect him from damage while he hurtled into the girl like a small cannonball. Just in the knick of time as well, being inches away from impact.
Miziki Kurone

Miziki stumbled slightly as Mouse-O slammed into her chest, and ultimately lost her balance and fell on her butt. She was fairly confused to say the least. Oh well, guess this meant she lost. "Okay, okay. You win little fella. That was kinda fun." She told him, laughing softly. She would of did something more in the fight, but again she really didn't want to hurt him badly, or potentionally mess up and hurt everyone else.
"Well then!" Mouse-O said suprised. "From what I can tell you can take a lot more damage than that." Mouse-O dropped down back to the floor in front of Miziki. "If you choose to forfiet I suppose that I will have to accept." Mouse-O flew back into the air, outsretching a paw, as an offer to help the poor girl up. Thinking to himself that she forfieted because she thought she couldn't beat him.

Vaccum said:
"Well then!" Mouse-O said suprised. "From what I can tell you can take a lot more damage than that." Mouse-O dropped down back to the floor in front of Miziki. "If you choose to forfiet I suppose that I will have to accept." Mouse-O flew back into the air, outsretching a paw, as an offer to help the poor girl up. Thinking to himself that she forfieted because she thought she couldn't beat him.
Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded, in truth it hadn't really hurt..at all. Maybe a little bit, but c'mon Mouse-O was way to small to do much to her. He also seemed to be confident in himself, so she wouldn't say anything to diminish said confidence. Of course, the offer to help her up went un-accepted for the sole reason being that she didn't see it. Pushing herself up she smiled at Mouse-O. "
You did good for such a small creature. You're clearly worthy of your title, Great Mouse-O." She told him happily. She saw no need in saying anything against his strength, mostly because she didn't want to under-estimate him and make him mad. "Thank you for letting me fight you, it was fun." She told him, smiling warmly before offering a slight bow in respect.
Mouse-O bowed back with a little flourish and said "Yes, it was fun, good luck in your classes um... sorry, I didn't catch your name"

"Oh, shit!" Gold exclaimed from a table. He had not noticed everyone else leaving. "Wait for me!" He charged, seeing the last person turn a corner. He saw Mouse-O flying through the air, attacking everyone. "Hey, mouse. Forgot someone!" He took his Form Stone from his pocket, turned it blue, and crushed it, putting him in Wisdom Form. Ominous Blunder appeared in his hands, which Gold readied for ranged combat.

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Vaccum said:
Mouse-O bowed back with a little flourish and said "Yes, it was fun, good luck in your classes um... sorry, I didn't catch your name"


Miziki Kurone

"Thank you, and I'm Miziki. It was nice to meet you Mr. Mouse-O. Good luck in your other fights." She replied before walking back to a table and sitting down, she hoped everyone else would realize that he's..well..a mouse. A magical mouse, but still a little mouse.

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