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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

"I have no idea what that is. To be honest, I'm not sure about many of the types of magic. Typically, I implement life into various objects, and sentience into creatures that are already alive," she explained, though she was still paying the most attention to the animal. By the time she finished, she had forgotten the other question, too absorbed in playing with the animal to remember.

@Ldybug123 @Mitchs98
@Ldybug123 @Kazehana

Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded to Itsuo, "Nice to meet you Itsuo." She told him kindly. She guessed she had over thought things, these two seemed nice enough. At-least they hadn't shoved her and nearly made her fall yet. She listened intently to Ame's explanation of her magic, instilling life into things? Kinda similar, considering she could force a spirit into something for a limited time. The other bit..not so much. "Ohh. I see. That's kinda cool, it's sorta similar to mine in a way. I can summon Spirits and stuff, and make what's called Soul Weapons among other things." She explained. "I hate to ask again but..what's your name?" She asked nervously.

She'd really prefer being able to peg a name to a voice seeing as she couldn't exactly see them beyond their presence.
"Spirits and stuff? That's ironic; my name is Ame," she said with a smile despite not wanting to be social at the moment. She was just so focused on the cute animal that she couldn't help but let it force her to participate. "But it's not really similar. You summon what's already there, but I create what was never there before," she commented, not really seeing the connection.

@Ldybug123 @Mitchs98
@Ldybug123 @Kazehana

Miziki Kurone

Miziki smiled faintly, she supposed it was kinda funny. "
Nice to meet you Ame." She replied warmly. She guessed it wasn't exactly fully similar..though she thought it kinda was. A bit. "Well...I mostly meant the aspect of life and stuff. I guess it's not too entirely similar." She told them, shrugging. "Have either of you met your room mates yet?" She asked curiously, changing the subject for little reason beyond curiousity.
(It was ironic because her name means spirit or soul lol)

Ame thought for a moment before answering. "No, but I haven't been to my room either. I got some wort of weird key for some reason," she said, unsure if that meant she didn't get a roommate. Oh well, more room for her. She kept playing with the kuro, seemingly never tiring of its energy and willingness to play.

@Ldybug123 @Mitchs98
Kazehana said:
(It was ironic because her name means spirit or soul lol)
Ame thought for a moment before answering. "No, but I haven't been to my room either. I got some wort of weird key for some reason," she said, unsure if that meant she didn't get a roommate. Oh well, more room for her. She kept playing with the kuro, seemingly never tiring of its energy and willingness to play.

@Ldybug123 @Mitchs98
Miziki Kurone

(YE. Ik.)

Miziki arched a brow at Ame, or rather in her direction, she never perfectly looked at someone. "Oh. I see. Yeah the key goes to your room, I got one too. I haven't met my room mate either...what room number did you get by chance?" She asked her. Maybe..Ame was her room mate? It'd be possible, and even better she would of already met her!
(Sorryyyyy I was just making sure)

Ame strained hard to remember what he had told her. If she remembered correctly... "I think the 12th room on the 18th floor," she said, though not with much confidence. She wasn't sure who her roommate was, so it could be either of these two. Or anyone else for that matter. She had to wonder what her roommate would be like, then quickly distracted herself with the cute animal once more, forgetting her problems in an instant.

@Ldybug123 @Mitchs98
CoreyXIX said:
As the professor took a look around he noticed the headmaster finally make an appearance, along with one of the other adults. As he notices he heard what sounded like a smaller, almost squeaky voice at the table with him. As he looks down at the table he noticed the hat-wearing mouse. In hindsight, Prof. Shaltaea really didn't know what he was expecting when he learned the mouse was real and not just a joke but he expected a bigger mouse. "Good evening,headmaster." the lich says to Draconis with a small head bow.
@Veyd Sahvoz @Vaccum @Cruor Flumine
@Veyd Sahvoz[/URL] @Vaccum @CoreyXIX
"That won't be necessary" said Draconus, a gloomy expression on his face while he thought about the lightning attack from earlier. It wasn't any old lightning. It was shocker lightning, which was a spell that had to be cast from someone. But who? Nobody is able to harm the academy from the outside due to it's mass amount of magic that radiated from it. This place is starting to become more and more full of holes, he thought. He debated between himself if whether he should or shouldn't tell the other professors. "I have something I need to tell you. . .I was attacked earlier" he said plainly, almost as if he didn't even need to think them.

@CoreyXIX @Vaccum @Cruor Flumine
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Kazehana said:
(Sorryyyyy I was just making sure)
Ame strained hard to remember what he had told her. If she remembered correctly... "I think the 12th room on the 18th floor," she said, though not with much confidence. She wasn't sure who her roommate was, so it could be either of these two. Or anyone else for that matter. She had to wonder what her roommate would be like, then quickly distracted herself with the cute animal once more, forgetting her problems in an instant.

@Ldybug123 @Mitchs98

(It's fine, :P .)

Miziki Kurone

Miziki frowned..welp. Not her room mate, maybe Itsuo was but Ame wasn't. "Oh. I'm on the same floor, room 32 though. It woulda been kinda cool if you were my room mate though, just meeting by chance at dinner and all." She told her, laughing briefly. Though, she supposed that would be too good to be true. She supposed she'd see her room mate tonight before bed at the least.
Ame thought about it for a while longer, somehow staying on one thought path. "Where do the faculty sleep? Is it in the same area? Do we room with them?" she asked, though she thought it was a longshot. She had to try, anyway. Before anyone could respond, she kept playing with the adorable summon until something loud scared it, causing Ame to instinctively wrap herself around it to make it feel safe.

@Ldybug123 @Mitchs98
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]"That won't be necessary" said Draconus, a gloomy expression on his face while he thought about the lightning attack from earlier. It wasn't any old lightning. It was shocker lightning, which was a spell that had to be cast from someone. But who? Nobody is able to harm the academy from the outside due to it's mass amount of magic that radiated from it. This place is starting to become more and more full of holes, he thought. He debated between himself if whether he should or shouldn't tell the other professors. "I have something I need to tell you. . .I was attacked earlier" he said plainly, almost as if he didn't even need to think them.

Attacked? Well, it looked like that was one more thing to add the pile of bad news that was mounting up today. What a way to start the year. Something to do with the lightning from earlier? Who would be stupid enough to brazenly attack the academy from outside? Questions raged within, but the lich had yet to ask a single one. "Oh? Any clues as to who did it?" Prof. Shaltaea inquires to Draconus. If needed he little issue in putting time aside to deal with this matter.
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Mouse-O's eyes widen, slightly shocked he squeaks. "By whom? What heppened to them? Well, what happened at all!?" Mouse-O's mind was jumbled. He had never seen the proffesor like this before. If he said he was attacked ion any other circumstance he might be able to dismiss it, but Draconus's attitude reflected the gravity of the situation more clearly.

Mouse-O also was scared that there was someone out there who would even try to attack the Headmaster in any serious manner. The person who tried must be quite powerful, or quite stupid.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Cruor Flumine @CoreyXIX
Fuyuki walked into the lunchroom. He had gotten lost for about thirty minutes before finding it. He walked over to the lunch line and got some food. He accidentaly ran into someone on the way to a table and they got mad. The person pushed Fuyuki onto the ground and his food spilled everywhere. He was near Ame, Itsuo, and Miziki's table, and they could see him. @Kazehana @Mitchs98
Kazehana said:
Ame thought about it for a while longer, somehow staying on one thought path. "Where do the faculty sleep? Is it in the same area? Do we room with them?" she asked, though she thought it was a longshot. She had to try, anyway. Before anyone could respond, she kept playing with the adorable summon until something loud scared it, causing Ame to instinctively wrap herself around it to make it feel safe.
@Ldybug123 @Mitchs98
Ldybug123 said:
Kuro whimpered and snuggled himself into Ame's arms. "What was that?" Itsuo asked quietly. @Kazehana
Miziki Kurone

Miziki shook her head at Ame's question and was just about to answer when there was a loud noise, she was glad she wasn't the only one scared by it as she soon heard a whimpering sound coming from atop the table. She wasn't sure what it was, but it was clearly scared. Mizki listened intently for several minutes before deciding it was nothing. "No, they sleep on the top floor. I already asked Professor Shaltaea the same question. And..I have no idea what the noise was." She replied.

Soon after that she heard the sound of dishes falling to the floor and breaking accompanied by a thud. Turning to the sound she ascertained it was a person. "
Are you okay?" She asked.
Varien's expression turned grim. "I see. I think the protection of our students and the academy should be our top priority. Do we have any other information whatsoever?" He asked, interlocking his fingers and leaning his elbows on the table. If someone was threatening the academy, the students, and the headmaster, they would surely pay the price.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Vaccum @CoreyXIX
Ame's disposition dropped a bit, her mood dampening. "Oh," was all she could say, disappointed by her answer. When he noticed Miziki was talking with someone, she stood up and looked over, trying to see what was happening. She thought she might say something to the boy she had briefly met, but decided not to butt in on Miziki's conversation. Instead, she opted to start playing with the kuro again, excited to get back to it.

@Ldybug123 @Mitchs98
Ldybug123 said:
Fuyuki looked up at Miziki. "Y-yeah." He said rather quietly to her. @Mitchs98
Kazehana said:
Ame's disposition dropped a bit, her mood dampening. "Oh," was all she could say, disappointed by her answer. When he noticed Miziki was talking with someone, she stood up and looked over, trying to see what was happening. She thought she might say something to the boy she had briefly met, but decided not to butt in on Miziki's conversation. Instead, she opted to start playing with the kuro again, excited to get back to it.
@Ldybug123 @Mitchs98
Miziki Kurone

Miziki fidgeted a bit trying to decide if she should offer to help him up or if she would just make things worse and step on him or something. But before she could he seemed to of stood fine on his own, though she did smell blood. Did he cut himself on the glass? Frowning she debated on whether or not she should attempt to heal him or not, she wasn't exactly all too skilled with healing magic..so she decided to wait and see if Ame would do anything.
CoreyXIX said:
Attacked? Well, it looked like that was one more thing to add the pile of bad news that was mounting up today. What a way to start the year. Something to do with the lightning from earlier? Who would be stupid enough to brazenly attack the academy from outside? Questions raged within, but the lich had yet to ask a single one. "Oh? Any clues as to who did it?" Prof. Shaltaea inquires to Draconus. If needed he little issue in putting time aside to deal with this matter.
Vaccum said:
Mouse-O's eyes widen, slightly shocked he squeaks. "By whom? What heppened to them? Well, what happened at all!?" Mouse-O's mind was jumbled. He had never seen the proffesor like this before. If he said he was attacked ion any other circumstance he might be able to dismiss it, but Draconus's attitude reflected the gravity of the situation more clearly.
Mouse-O also was scared that there was someone out there who would even try to attack the Headmaster in any serious manner. The person who tried must be quite powerful, or quite stupid.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Cruor Flumine @CoreyXIX
@Veyd Sahvoz[/URL] @Vaccum @CoreyXIX
Draconus put his hands together and thought for a moment. The expression on Adlin's face was perplexed, confused, and all of the above. "I don't know but it must be someone that's an enemy of the academy, or just wants to get our attention. . ." he dazed off in thought, trying to uncover this.

@CoreyXIX @Vaccum @Cruor Flumine
Ame was playing when she noticed Mikizi not really doing much. Looking past her, she saw the boy from earlier. It looked like he cut himself. "Well that wasn't smart to cut yourself! You should get someone to look at that," she said before kuro begged her to return to play. She obliged.

@Ldybug123 @Mitchs98
"For their sake, it better be just to get our attention." Prof. Shaltaea remarks, some tenseness in his voice as he leans forward and places his arms on the table. If this person were actually hostile, they would be dealt with as soon as possible. And if the professor had his way, in a fashion to make an example to the unknown person's allies. The lich had spent far too much time and resources safely transporting himself and all his things here for nothing, not to mention the fact that he actually enjoyed most aspects of his job! He had no qualms about guarding this place much like a stereotypical lich would guard a liar.

@Vaccum @Cruor Flumine @Veyd Sahvoz

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