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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

Alphus looked at the girl and reached out his hand waiting for her to take it. "By taking my hand you accept the curse and potential burden of Alphus...by taking my hand I shall take care of you till death do you part...by taking my hand you recognize that if you break the rules set by my creator the bond will be broken...by taking my hand you will not mistake my loyalty for ignorance...take my hand and watch as the curse will bind us." Once again while still holding out his hand and as he was saying all this he shrunk to a size closer to her height same as earlier. He stared into her eyes with eyes currently flickering white. @Hanakai
CoreyXIX said:
"From where we are, the table the other faculty and I will be using is on the other side of the room." he explains to Miziki. Truth be told, he was more than a little curious about some of the more unusual people here. Was that a golem? To the lich's disappointment, it wasn't a blood golem but still looked serviceable nonetheless. "Go on, mingle with some of your peers for a bit. Can't hurt." As one of the servers walked by them Prof. Shaltaea holds up a finger real quick to get there attention."My usual for dinner, if you would." he says as he flagged them down. With a nod the server goes off to fetch it and deliver it to the faculty's table.
@Hanakai @Seraph

Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded, "Okay! Thank you Professor!" She told him happily before promptly walking off. She looked around excitedly, wondering who to talk to first. Her quest was soon answered for her as she smacked directly into Alphus. Truth be told, she thought she hit a wall. Shaking her head slightly dazed she figured out that it wasn't a wall. Though...she had no idea what it was, it seemed vaugely humanoid. And they seemed to be talking to someone else. Welp, might as well introduce herself to two people. "Sorry for running into you, I wasn't exactly paying attention." She addressed whatever she ran into.

Shortly after she apologized the..thing..spoke. Clearly she had interrupted something. She grew completely silent from there, un-sure of what to really do. It seemed she'd interrupted something important, though she wasn't entirely sure what it sounded kinda creepy..
Efah placed her hand on the girl's forehead and gave her a light push away. "Of course you are." She said simply, grinning wickedly as she turned back to Alphus. "Now... you will understand that, by taking my hand you swear fealty to me and me alone. You will protect me from harm and follow my every order to the word. In short, you agree to serve your lady Efah Scathatch until death do us part." A bit last-minute, but it was probably wise to add a bit of her own magic to the pact. She reached out and took the golem's cold hand, staring it down with her own ghastly red eyes.
Hanakai said:
Efah placed her hand on the girl's forehead and gave her a light push away. "Of course you are." She said simply, grinning wickedly as she turned back to Alphus. "Now... you will understand that, by taking my hand you swear fealty to me and me alone. You will protect me from harm and follow my every order to the word. In short, you agree to serve your lady Efah Scathatch until death do us part." A bit last-minute, but it was probably wise to add a bit of her own magic to the pact. She reached out and took the golem's cold hand, staring it down with her own ghastly red eyes.

Miziki Kurone

Miziki hadn't expected to get pushed, sure she ran into someone, but she couldn't exactly help that. Regardless she managed to catch herself on a nearby chair as she stumbled, it was a light push sure enough but again Miziki wasn't exactly expecting it. "Oh..I..Sorry. I'll just..sit down and eat.." She told her sadly before sitting down at the table a few chairs away from them. So much for making friends.. She thought to herself, sighing. Eventually a server came by prompting her to order something, and of course she ordered Sashimi. Failing that, she'd just get a salad. Surprisingly enough, they had it. At-least some good would come of going to the dining room.

Maybe after she ate or tommorrow she'd be able to make friends, she hoped her room mate would be nice at-least..Though, she was afraid she'd already made an enemy, or possibly two, for intruding on their buisiness.
There seemed to be a lot going on, and Ame was having a hard time focusing on eating. There was too much going on for her to ignore! But she forced herself to eat some more, taking a guava from her fruit plate. She didn't get the recommended servings from most food groups since it wasn't a part of her diet. It consisted mostly of fruits and nuts, with some seeds in the mix. She was your basic white bird.

Cruor Flumine]Varien watched as Shaltaea ordered his meal and approached the table. "Have any of you seen the old man? I'd rather not have to do the speech tonight." The Archemage asked. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/27586-vaccum/ said:
Prof Shaltaea shakes his head at the Arch mage's question. "No, but he'll likely show himself." He replies. He brought up a good point though, he wasn't normally so late. Soon after he sat down a plate and goblet were set before him with his favorite food and drink: absolutely nothing, because as undead he did neither eat nor drink. His 'order' was just a symbolic gesture for the event, like most other times he ever agreed to be physically present in the dining hall.
Alphus took her hand squeezing it as his and stretched and twisted up and around her arm. The cold iron against her skin then jabbed where her heart would be "...with this I bind you...through blood and curse..." He looked around watching the girl that bumped into him walk away while he was in the middle of the curse. "Our binding is of the rules of my creator and thus so shall his rules remain..." his elongated fingers sent jolts of magic energy and his eyes started turning red like hers. "With this I bind ye." @Hanakai
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@Kazehana @Ldybug123 @Kazehana @Seraph Miziki Kurone Miziki watched the thing and the rude girl curiously, or rather listened and watched the energy and junk. She thought it was kinda cool, in a creepy demonic binding sorta way. Soon after her sashimi arrived and she more or less turned full attention to it. Just as expected of a famous academy the fish, sea bass to be precise, tasted freshly caught. If the food was any notion she could probably stand to be here, even if she didn't make any friends the food was nice and Shaltaea seemed nice enough. Eventually she looked to the left of her, down the table, and she could make out two people that particularly interested her. Deciding that neither the thing nor the girl with the thing would exactly be kind to her at all she decided to try her luck one more time with another group of students that weren't her room mate. Standing with half a plate of food in hand she walked carefully over to them, she definetly didn't want to bump into anyone and drop her food. Shortly she reached them, "Um, do you mind if I sit with you?" She asked them, attempting to make it look like she was looking between them but was most likely once again staring at the wall.
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(Guess who didn't see this until just now >_<)

Ame tore her gaze from whatever she may have been looking at and inspected the newcomer while chewing. Once she finally swallowed, she held her hesitant gaze, not sure who this was. She kind of assumed that it was Itsuo's friend, but she didn't know for sure. "Sure," she said, taking another bite of a mango. Despite her attempt at hospitality, Ame wasn't sure if she was comfortable with someone else witting there. She had to meet so many people today, and her social limit was reaching its end. But she kept telling herself it was Itsuo's friend so maybe she wouldn't have to say much. Her food was all she needed at the moment.

@Ldybug123 @Mitchs98
Cruor Flumine]Varien watched as Shaltaea ordered his meal and approached the table. "Have any of you seen the old man? I'd rather not have to do the speech tonight." The Archemage asked. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/27586-vaccum/ said:
Adlin saw Draconus walk...slowly down the hall. Slowly? Not something he always did. "Draconus, since when did you walk so slow?" she asked, straightening her back, that was already straightened, an followed him. "I..don't...really know" he stated, putting his hand and pretending to stroke a beard he didn't have. "Are you stalling?" she asked with a smirk, putting her hands at her hips. "No not quite. I'v- never mind, let us go" he said while tilting to his left smd they suddenly faded away. When they reappeared they were at the dining hall, near the professors table.

@CoreyXIX @Cruor Flumine @Vaccum
"Ah, Draconus!" The man appeared a couple seats over, quite suddenly. "What kept ya?" Mouse-O was glad to have a distraction from the freaky situation in the hall. Since none of the staff seemed to take peticular notice to it, Mouse-O stayed quiet, but he couldn't say he wasn't curious.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Cruor Flumine @CoreyXIX
Vaccum said:
"Ah, Draconus!" The man appeared a couple seats over, quite suddenly. "What kept ya?" Mouse-O was glad to have a distraction from the freaky situation in the hall. Since none of the staff seemed to take peticular notice to it, Mouse-O stayed quiet, but he couldn't say he wasn't curious.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Cruor Flumine @CoreyXIX
"I'm sure he had a good reason" said Adlin, teasingly tapping him on the nose and sitting at a random chair next to Valien and Shaltea.

@CoreyXIX @Cruor Flumine @Vaccum
As the professor took a look around he noticed the headmaster finally make an appearance, along with one of the other adults. As he notices he heard what sounded like a smaller, almost squeaky voice at the table with him. As he looks down at the table he noticed the hat-wearing mouse. In hindsight, Prof. Shaltaea really didn't know what he was expecting when he learned the mouse was real and not just a joke but he expected a bigger mouse. "Good evening,headmaster." the lich says to Draconis with a small head bow.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Vaccum @Cruor Flumine
Kazehana said:
(Guess who didn't see this until just now >_<)
Ame tore her gaze from whatever she may have been looking at and inspected the newcomer while chewing. Once she finally swallowed, she held her hesitant gaze, not sure who this was. She kind of assumed that it was Itsuo's friend, but she didn't know for sure. "Sure," she said, taking another bite of a mango. Despite her attempt at hospitality, Ame wasn't sure if she was comfortable with someone else witting there. She had to meet so many people today, and her social limit was reaching its end. But she kept telling herself it was Itsuo's friend so maybe she wouldn't have to say much. Her food was all she needed at the moment.

@Ldybug123 @Mitchs98
Ldybug123 said:
"It's no problem." Itsuo said softly to Miziki. @Mitchs98
(Was uh, eating lunch. Yay sushi)

Miziki Kurone

If her first interaction aside from Shaltaea was any clue as to how people would react to her, Miziki expected to be told to go away, but surprisingly she wasn't. Maybe she could actually make a few friends? "Thank you." She told them happily before scooting a chair out and sitting on the opposite side of the table as them. "I'm Miziki, by the way. Have you guys attended the academy before?" She asked them. Maybe if they had, she could ask them to show her around later? It was worth a shot.
Ame looked up, annoyed that she had to stop eating again. "Nope," she said, returning to her meal. Preoccupied with her thoughts, she wasn't quite paying attention to the conversation at hand. Instead, she stared off into the distance, absentmindedly looking at the head table. The whole concept of socializing was new to her, and she wasn't sure how to cope with the constant need for emotion in the meantime.

@Ldybug123 @Mitchs98
@Kazehana @Ldybug123

Miziki Kurone

Miziki looked up from her food when Itsuo spoke, even if she couldn't see she had picked up a few traits that those with sight did normally. "Oh, I see." She told them, as Ame answered soon after. She sighed to herself and returned to her food, it seemed she was nothing but a common annoyance to people. Oh well..maybe her room mate wouldn't mind her. At-least she'd have one friend then. Or maybe she was just reading to far into things after how that other girl treated her, who knew.

She continued to eat in silence before finishing her food and eventually speaking, "
So uh...what kind of magic can you guys do? If you don't mind me asking.." She asked them curiously.
"Um... well I can summon animals." Itsuo said, summoning Kuro to show her.

(Kuro.) @Mitchs98
"Life magic, aside from all the normal stuff that is," she responded, though her eyes took their time tearing away from the real object of interest. She wondered why this girl was so interested in them, but she soon got lost in her own mind with whatever she was just thinking. Suddenly, she was back to casually glancing at the front table, though not really intentionally. When she heard the cute animal come back, she immediately turned her attnetion to it, eyes lighting up as she coddled it.

@Ldybug123 @Mitchs98
Ldybug123 said:
"Um... well I can summon animals." Itsuo said, summoning Kuro to show her.
(Kuro.) @Mitchs98
Kazehana said:
"Life magic, aside from all the normal stuff that is," she responded, though her eyes took their time tearing away from the real object of interest. She wondered why this girl was so interested in them, but she soon got lost in her own mind with whatever she was just thinking. Suddenly, she was back to casually glancing at the front table, though not really intentionally. When she heard the cute animal come back, she immediately turned her attnetion to it, eyes lighting up as she coddled it.
@Ldybug123 @Mitchs98
Miziki Kurone

"Ooh. That's cool." She told Itsuo, completely un-aware that he actually summoned anything for her to see. She turned to Ame when she told her about her magic. "Life magic? Is that kinda like Spirit Magic? 'Cause, I use Spirit Magic." She replied. She was still entirely un-aware of the summon on the table in front of her. Though, she made note that Ame didn't seem as annoyed anymore. "If you don't mind me asking..What are your names? It's uh..a bit awkward to refer to you as summoner guy and life magic girl in my head." She told them, shrugging.

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