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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

Varien nodded. "From what I see, many students need training in Alchemy. I went through four different potions earlier healing those students." He said, eyeing the Golem that just arrived in the hall. "Never thought I'd see a golem here."

@Vaccum @Veyd Sahvoz @Seraph
Efah hummed to herself as she made her way through the academy's hallways. Even she had to admit that the sight of the school was impressive; anything that could hold thousands of people at once in this day and age was something to behold. Still, she would have to hold her awe until she saw how well the teachers their taught their students. She hadn't been at the school long yet, so her judgment would have to wait. Until then, she made her way towards the dining hall. Once inside, the first thing she noticed was the great, hulking iron behemoth that stood in the center of the room. Even with all the different races and species living under the same roof, the creature stuck out like a sore thumb. Even stranger, despite not being able to see its face it looked as confused by its own presence as everyone else was. "Interesting..." She mumbled as she made her way over to he... she... it. "Hey! Are you lost?" She asked it, though mostly out of curiosity rather than worry.
While in wait Alphus turned to look down at the girl who had approached him. "...dark energy sensed...No, I am not lost...I am exactly where I was told to be. May I be of assistance...or do you merely require answers?" He paused for a moment as the sound of whirring increased and his eyes quickly changed color as they flickered. @Hanakai
Vaccum said:
"Did that girl knock that other girl's drink over on purpose?" Mouse-O exclaimed to the proffesors of magic around him. Interested in the notion of a stranger purposefully messing with another.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Cruor Flumine
"It's foolishness...mortals" he muttured to himself, lifting up his cup for one of the servers "Did I not ask specifically for bloodwine?...Make it again!" he demanded, shooing off the young lady and tapping his fingers on the table.

@Vaccum @Cruor Flumine
Efah raised an eyebrow. She was somewhat familiar with golems, though this would be her first encounter with one. Still, it was surprising that an artificial being could sense her aura. "Right... and who told you to stand in the middle of foot traffic?" She asked, twisting a white lock of hair in her fingers. "Who is your master?"

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Varien let out a sigh. "Give them a break, no need to be hostile over a drink." Said the Archemage as he took a sip from his own cup. "Take a breath and relax for the festivities, tis a rare thing we get. And yes, mouse, she did. Let the students fight amongst themselves for the time being. We will intervene if necessary."

@Veyd Sahvoz @Vaccum
Alphus watched her play with her hair as she questioned him "No one told me to stand in the midst of foot traffic...I was told to get to the dinning hall...now I am here an my destination has been reached...I no longer have a reason to move." He continued to watch her play with her and shrunk his body size to about half a foot taller than her. "I do not have a master...currently rules and demands are given by the highest power in the area...would you like your hair braided dark energy...or is this hair twiddling a trait of your people." @Hanakai
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Well... she didn't have any words for that. Golems and size changing were two things she never expected to go together. Now that she thought about it though, it made some sense. "What? No, no!" She pulled her finger out of her hair and crossed her arms. "You don't just go around asking people that. It's rude." Still, it seemed the golem was eager to serve. And if it didn't have a master, this might be her lucky day. "And my name is Efah, not 'dark energy'. How would you like if I just called you 'Golem' all the time?" Actually, it probably wouldn't care. "Don't answer that. So, if you don't have a master, how would someone go about becoming your master?"

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Mitchs98 said:
@ScarlettRose16 @Yellow Swan
Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded, making note of it being the 2nd floor. Soon after they'd began their journey down the stairs a group of people walked, or rather jogged, by them. Stopping abruptly she turned to them, maybe one of them was her room mate? "Just a minute." She told Shaltaea. She noticed one of them had walked off ahead of the rest she hoped they were close, so she raised her voice just in case. "Um, excuse me, but are any of you in room 32?" She called out, hopeful. If not, she'd simply continue on to the dining room. If so, she'd split off and go meet her room mate. Maybe even see if she'd go with her!


@Veyd Sahvoz @Yellow Swan @Annie

Senki Tazuya

Senki had heard both of the annoucements. Neither interested her. She was too tired to be hungry or for a duel. What she wanted now was to get into her room and take a shower. "
Thank you Ms. Yves!" She called out to her as she walked off. "I'll see you later." She told Zidaine before walking off to her own room. She didn't see anyone there so she decided to go ahead and take a shower while she waited.
Varien watched the golem and the girl with interest, his ember-like eyes shining in the candlelight as he leaned back in his chair. He held much more interest in the golem than the girl however.

@Hanakai @Seraph

She is still in her room waiting for her roommate to get to the room. She still kept her cloak on afraid to take it off. She just continues looking at the pattern in the ceiling. She just continues waiting doing absolutely nothing. She sits up leaning against the wall looking around her room but there wasn't anything I interesting to look at.
Mitchs98 said:
Seeing no response from the other in the hallway, Prof. Shaltaea gives his sight-impaired companion a small tug in his direction, indicting that they should soon be on their way. "You do want to eat tonight, yes?" he remarks to Miziki. "Despite how many favors I've been able to do for you so far, sneaking a midnight snack won't be one of them." Dinner had likely already started, and he would at least show up to the dining on the first day. In respect for tradition and festivity, if nothing else.
Alphus looked down still at the girl and grew back to his usual size standing about 3 feet taller than the girl. "My apologize...Efah...I was unaware your people disliked their hair in braids..." He now towered above her and was processing he questions. "In fact I do believe I am incapable of care...whether or not I care is an irrational question. Now searching for process of becoming a master...female...dark being...no ring...indication unwed...assumption no children...student...process found. By normal means it would be a link of your soul to my soul stone through a blood pact of sorts...however, I do not sense a soul inside your vessel. If one such as yourself were to become my master something equal would have to be given up...a curse would have to be placed upon yourself to ensure my bodies safety...processing...processing...if for some reason you were to decide to destroy my soul stone you would replace it and be stuck as a golem for eternity...ending synchronization...that is how."

"Well then!" The great Mouse himself mused. "Who knew the magic teachers at this school harbored such a disdaine for fun activities!" Glancing back and forth amongst the gathered staff. "Might I say even some may lack care for the students themselves."

This was a brave thing to say Mouse-O knew all to well, and perhaps a stupid thing. As displayed by today's earlier events, Mouse-O was quite obviously feeling adventurous. For even though in truth the teachers frightened him, he was still willing to speak out with his opinion.
Varien let out an irritated sigh. "Don't flick it's head off...it's not worth it Varien..." He muttered to himself. "I have no disdain for these activities. I just look after the student's wellbeing."

Efah frowned. Of course this was going to be complicated. "Sharp sense. Alright, what if I were to come into possession of a soul? Would any soul do, or would it have to be mine? And what sort of soul would I need?" Normally she wasn't so up front, but she doubted the golem had the ability or reason to lie. "I may not have a natural soul, but I can think of... other ways of attaining one." The possibility of turning into a golem was out of the question, and if the golem had too high of a standard it would be a pain getting a soul. But a golem would make for an excellent underling; powerful, loyal, and just dumb enough not to get any funny ideas.

CoreyXIX said:
Seeing no response from the other in the hallway, Prof. Shaltaea gives his sight-impaired companion a small tug in his direction, indicting that they should soon be on their way. "You do want to eat tonight, yes?" he remarks to Miziki. "Despite how many favors I've been able to do for you so far, sneaking a midnight snack won't be one of them." Dinner had likely already started, and he would at least show up to the dining on the first day. In respect for tradition and festivity, if nothing else.
Miziki Kurone

Miziki frowned when no one seemed to answer her...oh well, she figured she'd find them eventually. "
Yeah. Sorry. Just thought I'd see if any of them were, ya know, cause maybe they would of followed us." She replied, sighing. "Lead the way please." She asked him nicely.
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone
Miziki frowned when no one seemed to answer her...oh well, she figured she'd find them eventually. "
Yeah. Sorry. Just thought I'd see if any of them were, ya know, cause maybe they would of followed us." She replied, sighing. "Lead the way please." She asked him nicely.
She would meet her room mate eventually,whether she wanted to or not. One of the joys of sharing space with another person. Prof. Shaltaea was glad he didn't have to do so as often as he used to. After some time he eventually leads to into the dining room. It looked like things were already in full swing by the time they arrived. "Well, looks like we're later than I realized. Take a seat at any of the table except the one's the professors sit at." he explains to her as he looked around at some of the newcomers. Definitely a motley crew of people this year...
"No any soul will not do...the reason for it being the masters soul is create a bond between the two off us...it makes it much easier to determine needs and the best ways to function...also I gain nothing from it being another's soul...You see I devised this condition when my creator was leaving his last commands and enchantments...No other master can be such with a soul link between us...this is due to one of my few defense flaws...the one way to destroy me with absolute certainty I will not regenerate its to destroy my soul stone...however it is enchanted so that only my master can destroy it. The soul bond ensures that if I am to fall by my masters hands so will my master..." Alphus looked down at her believe that perhaps this girl was trying to bite off more than she could chew. @Hanakai
CoreyXIX said:
She would meet her room mate eventually,whether she wanted to or not. One of the joys of sharing space with another person. Prof. Shaltaea was glad he didn't have to do so as often as he used to. After some time he eventually leads to into the dining room. It looked like things were already in full swing by the time they arrived. "Well, looks like we're later than I realized. Take a seat at any of the table except the one's the professors sit at." he explains to her as he looked around at some of the newcomers. Definitely a motley crew of people this year...
Miziki Kurone

Miziki's tail swished happily once they reached the dining room and she smelled food. She could sense a extremely large amount of people in the room, though the main thing she was concerned with was food. "Uhh..which table might that be?" She asked him, pausing mid step as she'd more or less already began walking towards a table. She couldn't exactly differentiate the people aside from Shaltaea considering she hadn't met any of them.
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki KuroneMiziki's tail swished happily once they reached the dining room and she smelled food. She could sense a extremely large amount of people in the room, though the main thing she was concerned with was food. "Uhh..which table might that be?" She asked him, pausing mid step as she'd more or less already began walking towards a table. She couldn't exactly differentiate the people aside from Shaltaea considering she hadn't met any of them.
"From where we are, the table the other faculty and I will be using is on the other side of the room." he explains to Miziki. Truth be told, he was more than a little curious about some of the more unusual people here. Was that a golem? To the lich's disappointment, it wasn't a blood golem but still looked serviceable nonetheless. "Go on, mingle with some of your peers for a bit. Can't hurt." As one of the servers walked by them Prof. Shaltaea holds up a finger real quick to get there attention."My usual for dinner, if you would." he says as he flagged them down. With a nod the server goes off to fetch it and deliver it to the faculty's table.
Efah frowned. At least now she knew that not just anyone could break the stone, but that didn't make it much better. As strong as the golem was, she hated the idea of having such a glaring weakness. Would it be worth having something like that, that could instantly destroy her if she messed up?

"...Alright, fine." She said. "It'd be a shame to let a gem like you slip past. I'll take your curse." As long as she never attacked him, she would be perfectly safe. Not that attacking him otherwise would do her any good anyway, so really she didn't have anything to lose. "I take it you already know the ritual?"

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