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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

He gently guided her through the teleporter followed by the boy and himself. Once they had arrived, Varien held out his hand, a black and purple orb swirling in it. "Haruki will take you to the infirm to rest until we can get your room." Said the Archemage, tossing the orb in an empty space and watching as a woman made from flames emerged from the ground and walked towards him. "She won't burn you, I promise." Said the Professor as the flame thrall named Haruki took the summoners arm gently.

@Kazehana @Ldybug123
Ame was upset that the prof threw around fire so lightly. "Watch it! Someone could get seriously hurt," she said, transparently referring to herself. She frowned and crossed her arms, looking over at Haruki. What makes her so special? I could have done that, too! she thought in a jealous fit.

@Cruor Flumine @Ldybug123
He sighed and shook his head at her. "Yes, but you don't know where the infirmiry is, do you? Besides, she wont burn anything unless I say. Also, we need to move along for dinner." Varien explained to her.

(Oh, i forgot about that.)

Varien smiled as she returned. "Thank you Haruki, that will be all." The flame woman nodded and bowed before backflipping and dissapearing in a cloud of embers. He sighed and turned to Ame. "What's wrong Ame?" He asked, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Itsuo was in the infirmary, being treated by the nurse. He sat there as she gave him many herbal remedies for him to drink.
He gave her a deadpan look. "I can tell when someone is lying. Please, if it's something I can do, then tell me." He said, trying to coax the problems out of her.

"Something you can do?" she asked in a hushed tone, looking slightly down so she was no longer looking at his face, but rather his chest I guess. She stood in silence, at a loss for words. When she looked back up at him, opening her mouth to say something, she noticed her friend had came back with a glance over her shoulder. "Hey! Are you all better?" she asked, immediately disregarding the mood of the atmosphere.

@Cruor Flumine @Ldybug123
"Let's go!" she announced as she proceeded to grab their arms and pull them along. "Fooooood!" she said as she went along, excited to do something she considered fun for a while. All this talking was making her restless.

@Cruor Flumine @Ldybug123
Ame stopped suddenly in the hall, looking around. She turned to prof Varien, a confused look about her. "Where are we going?" she asked, looking to him for guidance. Usually, she would probably just go around, looking for it herself. But considering this is such a large academy, and she had developed quite the trust with him, her initial reaction was not quite what she was used to.

@Cruor Flumine @Ldybug123
Varien sighed and played along, running alongside the girl. He gave the directions needed to reach the dining hall as they ran. Stopping before the doors, he straightened hus clothes out and removed the hood from his head. "Now, I'll be at the Head Table if you need me."

@Kazehana @Ldybug123

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