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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

Kazehana said:
Ame's face lit up as she received so many wonderful gifts. Holding them all, she beamed up at him. "Than you so much! You're my favorite!" she exclaimed, unable to hide how happy she was.
(Son, you just rewarded her for having chillrend lol she's probs gonna accidentally cut someone/herself and bad things will ensue. Can't wait xD )
(Inb4 she cuts the golem, or the golems master)
(Good thing we have a healing expert then.)

Varien nodded. "Thank you, Ame. Just promise me one thing, ok? Put that sword away somewhere safe, and do not play with it or try to use it. It's very dangerous and could hurt you very badly, worse than fire. If you like, I could hold onto it for safe keeping for you."

Ame looked at him with a bit of worry. "What if I need it? I don't know what I even had this for!" she countered, making sure the objects she had were taken care of to the best of her ability. She often collected things then forgot about them; her wings held proof of that. She wondered if she should have showed him the thing that looked like something else on his shelf, but realized it was too late now. She might have to deal with that later, but for now, all seemed pretty good on her end.
He waved the question off. "You wouldnt want if if you knew exactly whats its for. I promise that it will remain 100% safe with me."


(She did take one more...i swear, if i have to mix more potions... xD )
Alphus looked down at the man and responded "I am Alphus, my previous master has sent me here for reasons unknown to me. I have found you in hopes of guidance for this place as I seek my new master." He watched the man scan him after saying he hadn't seen one of him in awhile. "You have not seen one of me in awhile...impossible...I have not existed for awhile."
Cruor Flumine]He waved the question off. "You wouldnt want if if you knew exactly whats its for. I promise that it will remain 100% safe with me." [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/25194-kazehana/ said:

(She did take one more...i swear, if i have to mix more potions... xD )
Ame looked straight up at him, holding his gaze. "But I can get it back whenever I need it? I still want it," she countered, her gaze almost unreadable.

(Ps, she took more than that lol)
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Ame gave a shrill "Yeeeeee" then immediately hugged him tightly. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" she said, forgetting she wasn't the one who suggested that he kept it in the first place. She let go and pulled out the sword once more, this time with more confidence. "Make sure you keep it under your wing so everyone knows you're holding onto it," she instructed, not taking into account that most races were not winged at all. The ways of her species are the only ones she was familiar with, which is probably why she assumed everything just lying about wasn't anyone's in particular.

(Ame loves you very much lol but for now I have to go to sleep :/ I have my first classes in the morning)
He laughed lightly and nodded, taking the sword gingerly and returning the hug, albeit with much less force. "I will." He said, making a mental not to have a sheath made specifically for the blue blade as he broke from the hug and walked over to a large wooden chest, retrieving a sheath from one of the other magical artefacts that he owned. Carefully, he pushed the blade into the sheath and smile when it fit. "Now then, shall we go?" Varien asked, strapping the sword to his belt.


Seraph said:
Alphus looked down at the man and responded "I am Alphus, my previous master has sent me here for reasons unknown to me. I have found you in hopes of guidance for this place as I seek my new master." He watched the man scan him after saying he hadn't seen one of him in awhile. "You have not seen one of me in awhile...impossible...I have not existed for awhile."
"You are a golem, are you not? I've studied about golems and I've seen loads of them over my travels for the past 5, 000 years. Though for a couple centuries I haven't seen hardly any, nor did I have time to make one" explained Draconus while walking dow the hall, motioning for Alphus to follow along through the enormous academy.
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]"You are a golem, are you not? I've studied about golems and I've seen loads of them over my travels for the past 5, 000 years. Though for a couple centuries I haven't seen hardly any, nor did I have time to make one" explained Draconus while walking dow the hall, motioning for Alphus to follow along through the enormous academy.

"Yes, I am a golem...but the creation of us does not take away from individuality amongst us..." Alphus followed behind him with heavy steps and the whirring becoming louder during movement. "Despite such, I directive is to find a master...otherwise I have no other goal than to continue looking." Noticing that his steps were heavy upon the floor he began to shrink with the shrieking of metal until he was about the same size as Draconus.
Seraph said:
"Yes, I am a golem...but the creation of us does not take away from individuality amongst us..." Alphus followed behind him with heavy steps and the whirring becoming louder during movement. "Despite such, I directive is to find a master...otherwise I have no other goal than to continue looking." Noticing that his steps were heavy upon the floor he began to shrink with the shrieking of metal until he was about the same size as Draconus.
Draconus sighed too himself "I'd love to be your master but I can't, no offense but you'd slow me down and I'm not too sure your up for the task. I could help you find a student to serve if you like" said Draconus, feeling bad for the golem. But. In a way he sort of was his master, since he was the head of the academy and as long as they were here he was practically the highest authority.
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Draconus sighed too himself "I'd love to be your master but I can't, no offense but you'd slow me down and I'm not too sure your up for the task. I could help you find a student to serve if you like" said Draconus, feeling bad for the golem. But. In a way he sort of was his master, since he was the head of the academy and as long as they were here he was practically the highest authority.

"As you state...however I could become of lighter to increase my speed if required...or if necessary my form to better be suited for fast movement so I can...as you say not slow you down." Alphus said flatly and continued following the Headmaster. "I must then accept a student...but they must not break my creators policies or the bond will be broken and they will no longer be able to handle me...then the hassle would transfer to the nearest highest power to stop the retaliation process."
Seraph said:
"As you state...however I could become of lighter to increase my speed if required...or if necessary my form to better be suited for fast movement so I can...as you say not slow you down." Alphus said flatly and continued following the Headmaster. "I must then accept a student...but they must not break my creators policies or the bond will be broken and they will no longer be able to handle me...then the hassle would transfer to the nearest highest power to stop the retaliation process."
"Well I assure you that likely won't happen but things have happened" said Draconus, tossing back a small orb to the golem as he twirled his staff.
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]"Well I assure you that likely won't happen but things have happened" said Draconus, tossing back a small orb to the golem as he twirled his staff.

With a clank, Alphus caught the orb in his hand and looked at it for a moment. "I do not have knowledge of what this item does...will this help me find a master?" He question looking up from the orb looking back at the Headmaster.
Seraph said:
With a clank, Alphus caught the orb in his hand and looked at it for a moment. "I do not have knowledge of what this item does...will this help me find a master?" He question looking up from the orb looking back at the Headmaster.
"Possibly. It's an orb to help you get around the academy. Use it to almost instantly transport yourself to any part of the academy you desire" explained Draconus, impressed by his own modified work. It was strange why a golem would show up this sudden after so many years. He might come in handy.

Adlin was at the teachers lounge, drinking a glass of colovian brandy. Thank the gods this day was almost over. She though to herself. This day had gone by unimaginably slow but so much happened. Noticing Prof. Addor walk in she sat upright instead of slouched over with a mug of alcohol. "Addor? Done so soon?" she asked teasingly, like she did with everyone.
Varien gestured to the portal. "To the Academy for dinner. Besides, that damned rat wont prove to be much of a challenge to the newcomers, so I should probably be there to step in." He said with a small scowl.


(Oh boy, do I have a story for everyone)

(Oh boy, do I have a story for everyone)
Ame followed his gesture to an unsightly scene. She felt queasy knowing she had to use the circle thingy again, but she didn't say anything about it. "Okay... Wait," she said, snapping her gaze back to him. "You're gonna play the game? Can I play with you?" she asked. She wasn't really comfortable jumping in with new people. I wonder if he likes to play games. He definitely didn't want to play earlier, but now he's excited to. I'm kind of excited for dinner. I could use some food. Speaking of which, I wonder what they serve here. Is it like what I'm used to? Which reminds me of another thing; I wonder if she wants to eat sometime soon. I haven't seen her in a while, but I doubt I'll see her soon since I'm here and she's still among the winds. Maybe she would want to play...
He shook his head. "No, this wont be a game you would want to play. Regardless, we should arrive before dinner starts so that you may get a good seat at the table." He said, stepping towards the circle again with the summoner close behind.

@Kazehana @Ldybug123
"There is a table reserved for professors and esteemed guests. As for the 'game', it is no such thing. It will be a duel between the mouse and students. If the mouse looses, I will step forward." He let out a laugh. "Who knows, you might even het to see the headmaster in action."


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