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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

Ame held her gaze, but lowered her head a little. "I don't think I took it from here. I might have had it before," she said, confused by the objects' origins.

@Cruor Flumine
He held out his hand, getting slightly impatient. "May I see it? I can tell you what it is and does if you do." Varien offered, trying to coax the item out of the gentle girl.

Ame looked at him with slight apprehension. "I don't know. I would, but when I keep something, it's usually very important. I can't seem to remember why I have it though," her voice trailed off, eyes glazed as she looked as nothing in particular.

@Cruor Flumine
Ame hesitated, looking at him with uncertainty tainting her visage. "What is it?" she asked, curious. She really didn't want to give anything she kept in her wing to anyone else, but she just had to know.

@Cruor Flumine
He walked over to a shelf and pulled a small box off of it. From within the box, he pulled out a flower similar to that of a rose, but colored a brilliant violet color. "How about this?" He asked, knowing that if she ate it, nothing bad would happen.

Ame's face gave way to awe when she saw such a majestic flower. "It's so pretty!" she said, dazzled in the moment. She swallowed, and looked back up at his face. "But I don't know if I can give it up. I really want the pretty flower, but I know whatever I have is important," she said, holding her ground. She knew she wouldn't be strong enough to hold off many more of his advances, so she hoped she could simply outlast him in this little back and forth.
Ame fell to even more distress. "I can't betray my past self like that! Plus, what would I do with a soul gem?" she asked, trying to bide herself more time for a decision she wasn't ready to make.

@Cruor Flumine
He smirked, seeing her slowly break. "Its a very pretty thing to have. They even look like a universe in a stone on clear nights." He said, pushing just a bit more. "Besides, theyre worth much more than what you could have."

Âme stared back at him with a bit more confidence in her gaze. "I don't care for monetary worth. I mind the intrinsic value of all items and what they contribute to the individual," she stated with absolute certainty. She could not be bribed with abstract concepts as money. She understood what it was; she just didn't much care for it.
Alphus awoke himself from a "sleep" like state he put himself in on the trip to the academy. Once he arrived at the destination he automatically woke himself up and found himself to be sealed inside a large wooden crate. His body started to make a light whirring sound and he started moving his body in his limited space until he suddenly flexed both of his arms outward to break the box open. The top of the box was now broken open and Alphus moved forward knocking out the rest of the box in front of him. Once free he took a quick look around noticing the large building ahead and could already sense the magic auras from within. There were a couple auras in particular that stood out to him and he quickly decided to make his way towards the most powerful of them. Once he entered the school grounds Alphus took notice of the students who were scurrying about and the architecture of the building. He started climbing the stairs for quite awhile until he reached the floor he believed he was looking for and spoke "High magic aura near...please make yourself known..."
Kazehana said:
Âme stared back at him with a bit more confidence in her gaze. "I don't care for monetary worth. I mind the intrinsic value of all items and what they contribute to the individual," she stated with absolute certainty. She could not be bribed with abstract concepts as money. She understood what it was; she just didn't much care for it.
(In all the 9 hells! JUST SHOW HIM IT ALREADY dammit!!!! xD XD)
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz](In all the 9 hells! JUST SHOW HIM IT ALREADY dammit!!!! xD XD)

(Ame is difficult lol)
Seraph said:
Alphus awoke himself from a "sleep" like state he put himself in on the trip to the academy. Once he arrived at the destination he automatically woke himself up and found himself to be sealed inside a large wooden crate. His body started to make a light whirring sound and he started moving his body in his limited space until he suddenly flexed both of his arms outward to break the box open. The top of the box was now broken open and Alphus moved forward knocking out the rest of the box in front of him. Once free he took a quick look around noticing the large building ahead and could already sense the magic auras from within. There were a couple auras in particular that stood out to him and he quickly decided to make his way towards the most powerful of them. Once he entered the school grounds Alphus took notice of the students who were scurrying about and the architecture of the building. He started climbing the stairs for quite awhile until he reached the floor he believed he was looking for and spoke "High magic aura near...please make yourself known..."
Draconus appeared in front of him in a blink of an eye "May I help yo- A golem! I haven't seen one of you in a while" exclaimed Draconus, looking it up and down, inspecting the structure of it. This might actually prove useful, seeing as how it seemed so. . .different.

He huffed. "Would you not like to see the universe in the palm of your hands? It is much more stunning than walking outside on the clearest of nights, believe me. Is one potentially dangerous item worth more than the beauty of the stars to you?"

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Ame reluctantly looked into her wing, scanning it for what she was looking for. She peeked over the top of it to make sure she could keep an eye on him, not at all sure why she would even be suspicious. "Well, if I only have to show it to you..." She slowly drew up a pretty blueish glass shortsword that faintly glowed so that it showed just over her wing, then quickly drew it back for safekeeping. "It's really pretty, and I'm not sure why I have it. Maybe it cuts bread?" she wondered, then she folded her wing back to its casual position, looking at him. "Can I have the pretty stuff now?" she asked, hope in her eyes.
He sighed and nodded, handing her the flowers and showing her a crystal about the size of his wrist. "What you have is a sword, it looked enchanted to me, but I have no way of knowing for certain. But I can tell you that it is definitely not made for cutting bread, wood, or anything along the lines of that." He said, offering her the crystal.

@Kazehana (finally xD )
@Kazehana[/URL] (finally xD )
Ame's face lit up as she received so many wonderful gifts. Holding them all, she beamed up at him. "Than you so much! You're my favorite!" she exclaimed, unable to hide how happy she was.

(Son, you just rewarded her for having chillrend lol she's probs gonna accidentally cut someone/herself and bad things will ensue. Can't wait xD )

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