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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

Alphus looked at his new master and retracted his hand back to its normal for and then stood in place as he continued to grow back to his original for standing at about 9 foot tall. He spoke to her before leaving her standing there. "If you need me just call me and I will be on my way." He then walked towards the table where he saw the girl who had run into him and the a boy who had fallen. His body was whirring and his eye were now shifting from a yellow color as they flared in and out of his eyes. "My apologize for not responding to your running into my body...I was processing my situation."
Varien nodded. "Agreed. Tonight, I will command a few thralls to patrol the school grounds. Shaltaea, since you are much better at it than me, would it be possible to send out shades to watch the academy where my thralls cannot?"

@CoreyXIX @Veyd Sahvoz @Vaccum
He nodded. "And I as well. Also, keep your more...grotesque helpers put away. I'd rather not give any students nightmares." He said. "Regardless, let the students have their fun for the time being. If you wish, I heard that the mouse has been eager to test the students. I would by lying if I said I was not also thinking the same thing."

@Veyd Sahvoz @CoreyXIX @Vaccum
"Please, I only used the flying skulls one time on academy grounds!" the lich remarks with a sigh. Sure, when you use them to guard old places you're an innovator, but do it around the youth and it's a problem! Needless to say, Humbart would be disappointed by the news he wouldn't be taking to the skies again. But given him, that might be for the best. At least the students being tested could prove an interesting event. "I agree with you on testing our pupils. I may test a few of them out if we're allowed in on the fun." Prof. Shaltaea says in agree with the idea. The lich would likely be sticking around in a healing capacity for the most part in case of an accident.

@Cruor Flumine @Vaccum @Veyd Sahvoz
CoreyXIX said:
"For their sake, it better be just to get our attention." Prof. Shaltaea remarks, some tenseness in his voice as he leans forward and places his arms on the table. If this person were actually hostile, they would be dealt with as soon as possible. And if the professor had his way, in a fashion to make an example to the unknown person's allies. The lich had spent far too much time and resources safely transporting himself and all his things here for nothing, not to mention the fact that he actually enjoyed most aspects of his job! He had no qualms about guarding this place much like a stereotypical lich would guard a liar.
@Vaccum @Cruor Flumine @Veyd Sahvoz
CoreyXIX said:
"Of course. I'll be doing a few round about the grounds myself as well when I can." he replies to Varien's request. The professor also had a few more ideas for sentries as well, although he was unsure if he would use them or not.
"Not to mention protection of the academy grounds, such as the entrance, the duelling arena, the inter dimensional door dimension building used for training. I will do what I can to protect my academy but I will expect you to do your part as for me, I might have to look into it. For now, let us enjoy the festivities" he said returning a small smile and nicely asking a lady made of pure fire for a drink, also complimenting how fabulous she looked.

Prof. Vicar rolled his eyes at his compliments but nearly spat at the word 'festivities' "You can't be serious" he said as lightning struck outiside, able to be seen through the windows. The crack of thunder made some students jump and the lightning was almost black but at least it was natural lightning.

@CoreyXIX @Vaccum @Cruor Flumine
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@Ldybug123 @Kazehana @Seraph

Miziki Kurone

Miziki sighed when Ame was rather rude to Fuyuki, he clearly didn't cut himself on purpose. "Give me your hand." She told him, which really didn't need to be followed up by him moving seeing as she grabbed it herself soon after. Whispering a few words the cut was healed, though her hands were more or less stained with blood now..Oh well. Wiping them as best as possible on the nearest fabric in front of her she assumed was a napkin she spoke, "There. Please be more careful." She told him, smiling faintly at him.

Which was ironic considering she was the self proclaimed living embodiment of bad luck more or less. Soon after the..thing.. from earlier came up beside her and adressed her. She shook her head to herself, "
It's fine, really. It was my fault for not looking where I was going. And besides I was interrupting anyway." She replied. "What exactly are you. By the way?" She asked.
Ame didn't catch Mizuiki's challenging tone because she was already occupied. She didn't really mean to be rude; it was simply a side effect of her social exhaustion. Living on pure whim, she didn't get much communication with others, and what she did get was limited. It was natural for her to take some time to get used to a social based setting.

@Ldybug123 @Mitchs98
Alphus looked straight above her head basically standing at attention. "Please do not apologize to me...it is unnecessary...I do not feel emotion so I cannot be offended. As you question...I am a golem...a being made of material capable of life from an implanted soul stone." The thunder that had crashed caused him to shift his attention outside for a moment but only for a moment before looking back at the girl. @Mitchs98
Seraph said:
Alphus looked straight above her head basically standing at attention. "Please do not apologize to me...it is unnecessary...I do not feel emotion so I cannot be offended. As you question...I am a golem...a being made of material capable of life from an implanted soul stone." The thunder that had crashed caused him to shift his attention outside for a moment but only for a moment before looking back at the girl. @Mitchs98
@Kazehana @Ldybug123

Miziki Kurone

Miziki frowned, a being incapable of feeling emotion? That seemed like an awful exsistance to her, but at the same time she assumed it didn't mind since it technically couldn't. She'd heard of golems once or twice, but it was kinda cool to actually meet one. "Ooh. I see. That's pretty neat, the golem part." She told him excitedly. "I'm Miziki, do you have a name?" She asked.
Alphus watched as she frowned and didn't understand why but waited to question until after he answered hers. "Yes...my creator has given me a name...I am called Alphus...and no it is not neat...I am bound to a situation of servitude to people...that is my only purpose...to serve others...Now why have you frowned are you displeased or saddened...perhaps stomach problems from the food?" @Mitchs98
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Seraph said:
Alphus watched as she frowned and didn't understand why but waited to question until after he answered hers. "Yes...my creator has given me a name...I am called Alphus...and no it is not neat...I am bound to a situation of servitude to people...that is my only purpose...to serve others...Now why have you frowned are you displeased or saddened...perhaps stomach problems from the food?" @Mitchs98
Miziki Kurone

Alphus? Sounded cool. But jeez this guy was depressing..though she could see why she didn't exactly mean what he exsisted for was cool, she meant the fact that he well..exsisted. She shook her head, "No, no. I'm fine and the food was great. It's nothing, don't worry." She assured him, smiling happily. "I didn't exactly mean you being a glorifed servant was cool. I meant what you were as a whole, I've never se-..met one of you before. Do you know magic?" She asked.
Alphus spoke with the mechanical whirring of his body going on in the background, "I am afraid to inform you that I am capable sensing the change in heart beat and vocal tone to detect lies...If you simply do not wish to tell me how I can assist you or if you are displeased...please for future reference simply state you don't wish say..." Alphus was standing perfectly still and searched his memory banks for a moment "Neither have...any other constructs have not been found in my memory banks or they may have been forcibly deleted. I am capable of only the magic I was given by my creator...I am incapable of learning magic...or developing emotion or attachments with the exception of that with my master and creator." @Mitchs98
Vaccum said:
"I will patrol as well!" Mouse-O stated with conviction. "It may be good to have living set of eyes out there" This was Mouse-O's home as well, and he will not stand for this.
@Cruor Flumine @CoreyXIX @Veyd Sahvoz
"You're right but what if something happens to you? You may watch but report back to me and only me on what you see" explained Draconus, a notebook coming from his satchel and a quill as well. They floated in the air above him, quill beginning to write down Draconus's thoughts. What an excellent technique. Though writing and studying might have to be delayed due to this problem, but, mustn't dwell on it.

@CoreyXIX @Cruor Flumine @Vaccum
"Yes sir!" Mouse-O was still intent on dueling. Wouldn't want to make a change to such a drastic commitment. On the train of thought of keeping things normal Mouse-O said "I believe you were supposed to make some sort of speech sir?"

@Veyd Sahvoz @Cruor Flumine @CoreyXIX
Seraph said:
Alphus spoke with the mechanical whirring of his body going on in the background, "I am afraid to inform you that I am capable sensing the change in heart beat and vocal tone to detect lies...If you simply do not wish to tell me how I can assist you or if you are displeased...please for future reference simply state you don't wish say..." Alphus was standing perfectly still and searched his memory banks for a moment "Neither have...any other constructs have not been found in my memory banks or they may have been forcibly deleted. I am capable of only the magic I was given by my creator...I am incapable of learning magic...or developing emotion or attachments with the exception of that with my master and creator." @Mitchs98
Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded, "Sorry." She replied. She listened to his explanation. So he hadn't met any of his kind before? Alphus just got more and more depressing with each passing moment didn't he? "Oh. I see. But..what magic can you do? I use Spirit Magic." She replied. She would ask if he had a master, but it was obvious from what was being said earlier that he did.
"Please do not apologize to me...it is not required of you and fixes nothing as I am undamaged..." Alphus said and looked around the room for an example when he saw the pipe organ and started making his way towards it. "I am equipped with body modification and alteration abilities via a touch link...I am capable of change shape, material, and size of my body as I or my master see fit." He placed his hand on the organ as he was speaking and started to change the shape and material of his body. It became mostly polished wood with brass pipes coming out of his back and shoulders. Black and white keys were lined down one of his widened arms to fit two rows of keys and his feet were replaced by about three pedals each. Alphus's face had become like the knobs and switches of the organ. "In cases where I am not concentrating on a particular material I take the shape of he entire objects like such...also gaining its attributes." He rose his arm to a flat position so the keys were set in front of him and he stretched his hand to be able to touch all the keys and began to play flight of the valkeries on his body. @Mitchs98
Seraph said:
"Please do not apologize to me...it is not required of you and fixes nothing as I am undamaged..." Alphus said and looked around the room for an example when he saw the pipe organ and started making his way towards it. "I am equipped with body modification and alteration abilities via a touch link...I am capable of change shape, material, and size of my body as I or my master see fit." He placed his hand on the organ as he was speaking and started to change the shape and material of his body. It became mostly polished wood with brass pipes coming out of his back and shoulders. Black and white keys were lined down one of his widened arms to fit two rows of keys and his feet were replaced by about three pedals each. Alphus's face had become like the knobs and switches of the organ. "In cases where I am not concentrating on a particular material I take the shape of he entire objects like such...also gaining its attributes." He rose his arm to a flat position so the keys were set in front of him and he stretched his hand to be able to touch all the keys and began to play flight of the valkeries on his body. @Mitchs98
@Ldybug123 @Kazehana

(Sorry for forgetting to tag you two)

Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded, yet remained silent. She really didn't want to continue to annoy? the golem. She listened intently to his explanation of his magic, judging by the way he paused she was sure he was trying to give her a demonstration but of course such attempts were lost to her. But it was interesting nonetheless. She was confused when she heard music, but liked it nonethless. "That sounds neat and extremely useful for just about anything I'd imagine." She told him. "Makes me wish I could see it.." She thought out loud to herself. Of course, she wasn't entirely aware she'd said it, but say it she did.

What do you guys think?" She addressed her three new acquaintences.
Yukari skiped her way to the entrance of the school her katana at her side and claymore on her back the weapons clanging into each other with each skip. She stopped and took in a deep breath exhaling she did this again three times before looking around as she had wandered while doing so. "Yep I'm lost." She for some strange reason didn't sound worried more entertained if anything. She looked around anyone who could so her around.

@anyone help
With all this talk of preparations for lookout and everything Prof. Shaltaea thought it may be wise to begin preparations now. "On second thought, I may have to rescind my earlier remarks of being present for the 'tests.' If I'm to begin making sentries and the like I desire as much time as I can afford." he declares as he slowly sits up from his chair and grabbing his walking cane. "If I finish in time I'll return and have my fill of it all. Have a nice evening." Surely the students wouldn't cause too much havoc in the first place, right? The professor then walks around the table and departs for the entrance to the academy.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Vaccum @Cruor Flumine
(Lol neither of us were still up anyway)

Ame looked up briefly from her preoccupated position. "Hmmm? Oh yes very neat," she said with confidence. To be honest, she just repeated the last thing Mizuki said because she wasn't paying attention. When she did look up, she had no idea what was in front of them, so she decided to just go back to playing and stay in her lane. Whatever it was, it was none of her business.

@Ldybug123 @Mitchs98 @Seraph
(It's nice to have a working proxy at school so I won't miss anything anymore. Or at least until they disable it.)

As Varien waited for an answer, he took another look out among the students, happy to see Ame socializing with the others. However, it upset him slightly to still see conflict among some of the students. He would certainly have to address the issue of conflict outside the dueling halls later in time. He smiled as the same flame woman that served the headmaster came and refilled his glass and took away his dishes. He muttered his thanks and returned his attention to the hall of students.

(Also, congrats everyone on 600 posts!)

@Kazehana @Veyd Sahvoz @Vaccum
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