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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

A grin spread across his face as he unbuttoned his cloak and handed it to Ame. "Take care of it, would you?" He asked before turning and rolling up his sleeves. The lines on his face grew slightly longer as they began to blaze a bright red. As slowly, a blistering heat began to build up around him as flames gathered around him before coating his uncovered arms in violent flames. "Fire against fire...let's see whose candle burns out first, shall we?" He asked, spreading his arms out as he began to levitate, becoming cloaked by the wildfire surrounding him. However, the heat had no affect on anyone outside the circle meant for duels in the dining hall due to an extremely powerful enchantment.

@Seraph @Kazehana
Ame was startled at the sudden request, scrambling to get it off of her face. When she did, she looked at it before looking at him. "W-wait! If I have responsibilities, I can't play!" she called, knowing he was too busy to even pay attention to her. She pouted when she realized she had been foiled, at least for now. She would figure out another way to participate. In fact...

@Cruor Flumine
At the apex of his rise, angel wings made from flames erupted from his back. He looked down at the golem with fiery eyes. "Let us begin, yes?"

"I am sorry to say but my candle as you say is incapable of burning out...also I cannot attack you unless you attack first..." Alphus' body was bubbling from the heat and lava bubbles would pop spraying every once in awhile. He looked at the mage lighting himself on fire and beginning to float. The floating by this point seemed very stereotypical and he was unable to be intimidated by the mages flashy style. @Cruor Flumine
All at once, the flames shot towards the golem, blocking its sight long enough for Varien to cast a ward over himself and coat his fists in ice, which tapered out into razor sharp blades. He smirked as he charged forward through the flames, sending his arm straight towards the golem.

Alphus didn't respond to the fire sprayed in his face "I regret to inform you Archmage "Master of Flame" but I do not rely on my sight...I can still "see" your magic aura through the flame." Despite this he didn't move out of the way of the fist and accepted it coming towards his body. "In addition I'm sure you know but a materials energy can only move so slow or be so cold...however heat energy will can continue to rise and I'm sure I have enough high energy output to melt your ice." He watched the fist as it neared his body "Unless you wish to cool me down until I become solid...but when magma cools it has the potential to turn into one of the sharpest materials in the world." @Cruor Flumine
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Varien let out a laugh. "I know that, but obsidian, as sharp as it may be, is also brittle, and easy to break." He said as the Ice Blade impaled the golem. Shattering the ice around his wrist, Varien leapt back and let out a breath before once again bursting into flames and walking steadily towards the golem, steadily increasing the blaze around him. "Fighting fire with fire...people forget just how literal that term is."

Kazehana said:
Ame turned her head to Adlin before her eyes. "What? I have no idea what classes I'm in," she responded before sifting glances at the two preparing for the game. She wasn't sure if she wanted to participate directly since it seemed to involve a lot of fire. On the other hand, there was plenty she could do to still participate.
"Relax, you'll get your turn" said Adlin with a small smile. She wondered hiw long Sraconus was going to be, missing all the amusment. At the sight of Variens big fire show she couldn't help but laugh a bit at his attempt to melt a Golem.

Alphus looked down at the hunk of ice sticking out of his body and watched as magma almost grabbed taking it deeper into his body. He then stretched his arm ,so he didn't have to move, in the direction of the Archmage. A large hand of lava stretching towards the man and let his other arm hang at his side. "Indeed obsidian is brittle and can be broken quite easily but even if you were to shatter my body it would rebuild in the same position I stand now. Also if need be, due to the high amounts of silica in obsidian I could change my bodies material to that and if not the floor is always beneath my feet...but I don't expect you to be able to cool my magma anytime soon." @Cruor Flumine
Varien's grin grew wider as he Blinked upwards. "Iiz Slen Nus!" He shouted. Against any other opponant, this shout would effectively turn them into an ice sculpture. However, this was no ordinary opponant. He hoped that the shout would help him on his way to cool the thing down.

Alphus had a shell of ice around his body for a moment until it all melted from around him. He rose the same arm he had attacked with earlier and sprayed magma towards the mage from his hand and then stretched it out into the air slamming in downwards above the mage.

"I do believe I have already told you that you will not be able to cause me to solidify into my rock form. You are indeed the archmage are you not...I don't know why you haven't figured it out yet "flame master". If you give up I will show you." @Cruor Flumine
Varien let out a sigh and held his hand up, casting a shield and blocking the magma. "And if I have? It is a rather simple affair, but I must show the students the power that they could achieve. But, I suppose we should end this now, shouldn't we?" He reached forward, a ball of flames building in his palm. After a second, it shot towards the stone pillar, digging into the ground. Upon impact, the rock was engulfed in an explosion, shattering it into pieces.

Alphus didn't understand why the man had destroyed the pillar but he rose his arm he had been attacking with then expanding it to catch rubble that would have fallen onto him without moving from the spot he was standing and threw the rubble at the archmage. "If indeed you do not, I find your methods to be failing you." Alphus looked at the students watching the scene and readied himself to speak again. "I was created to surpass other golems even if their ages far surpassed mine and I am no student." @Cruor Flumine
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Yukari found herself a spot to sit down and drew her katana she mumbled under her breath mimicking Kazuichi's voice. "You always must keep your sword in prime condition." She took out a rag and a slab of rock sliding the rock across the blade then wiping it with the rag. She hummed to herself as she did this she never really took alot of care with her claymore but that was only because it didn't need much.
Varien nodded. "Then it would be a pain and a sad thing to destroy such a marvelous piece of technology." With a flick of the wrist, the rocks were tossed aside. From behind his back, Varien drew Chillrend and held it aloft. "So then tell me, just how would I defeat such a piece of technology that I have never seen? This is the question I find myself asking now. It is true that I am not aware of how to disable you, but never have I forfeited before, and I don't plan to start now." He raised the blade in a fencer's stance while his other hand began to glow white with frost magic. He smirked slightly as his tattoos began to glow a cold white.

"You are the fire master are you not...so why do you not use fire? I thought there was something about candles...I have yet to see a frozen candle." He started to spin his attacking arm in a circle as it would spit out lava haphazardly. "I will tell you that you will not defeat me with a blade...many a time have I been attacked by blades even those to cut through wards and seals but my soul stone is too powerful...If you make me actually use my other arm I will submit...but you wont do that with sword or ice." @Cruor Flumine
@ anyone @ScarlettRose16 (maybe, only if you want them to meet now? Idc)

Miziki Kurone

Miziki followed the fight between Gold and Mouse-O as best as possible, although it was cut rather short as she heard gun fire followed by blood splatter. Did...did he just shoot Mouse-O? What the hell! What idiot would actually fight full force against such a small creature? Miziki shook her head and sighed sadly. She listened as it seemed that they could save Mouse-O and that it's..actually happened before? Well then. She perked up happily at the thought of the little mouse being able to live again.

Soon after Varien himself asked for challengers, she would of volunteered but it seemed Fuyuki, Ame, and Alphus volunteered at roughly the same time with Varien accepting the challenge from Alphus. After that Miziki followed the fight as best she could, from what she could depict it was actually kinda cool. Both of them seemed immensely powerful, much stronger than her. She was now incredibly glad she hadn't volunteered.

She wasn't sure which side she wanted to win, while she knew Alphus briefly she'd never met Varien so it made it hard to decide. Regardless she found the fight exciting, as depicted by her tail swishing back and forth slightly. Though, if it didn't end soon she'd probably end up going to her room and going to sleep after a quick bath. She was sure if was nearing curfew for the younger students such as herself anyway.
He shrugged, sheathing the blade and letting the misty ice turn into a blazing heat. "And to think I was looking for an excuse to use other elements." He let out a sigh. "Oh well." He lifted his arm, engulfing it in flames. Soon, the construct's own magma began to flow from him to Varien, seemingly slipping into the Archemages body.

"Here and Now

I invoke the elemental force of Fire

I call to the hearth fire's warmth

and the sun's revealing light

to the lightning's strike

and the meteor's blazing arc.

You that catalyzes transformation,

you that teaches the clearest lessons,

you that melts stone,

I call you here to infuse my intention

with your flickering gifts.

I call you here to fill the spirit forge.

Temper my will in your flames

and anneal my purpose with your heat. Candle and Campfire

Courage and Coals

Fire, I call to thee."

Once the chant was finished, his body began to glow a bright orange like that of heated metal.

Âme was quite unsettled by the amount of fire that was so near to her. It reminded her of the one great forest fire on the mountains. It began at the bottom, probably from negligent human campers, before it seized its opportunity. It climbed the mountain with such speed and intensity that little in its wake survived, leaving nothing but charred, blackened ash behind it.

Âme, along with two of her sisters, entered the vicinity about the time it was to reach the other side of the mountain, which opened up into a wide and lush forest. It was considered a sacred grove for their fellow forest nymphs, and they knew they needed to work fast. Combining their willpower and abilities, they were able to extinguish the fire before it swttled in past the outskirts of the grove.

But the experience forever left them scarred by the horrendous nature of humans. It was only now, after a few hundred years, that Âme was reminded of the calamity brought about by humans utilizing fire.

Once her nightmarish flashback was complete, she was sent into a horrendous panic that struck her with no warning or reason. She immediately dispersed the oxygen in the vacinity of the two duelists, leaving none for the fire to use as fuel. As she did, she rose into the air with a start updraft, controlling her anguish until she could no longer handle it.

She let out an agonizing scream as she could no longer handle the trauma of the flashback, uncontrollably distributing elements and creating arbitrary drafts throughout the room. Some drafts were more violent that others, ranging from a breeze to speeds that could deeply harm even the most seasoned of warriors.

Immediately, Varien turned from the duel and set his concentration on her. He called upon the power of his Ice magic, sealing himself to the ground as he shot his Mana Grasp at her, pulling her down to him before wrapping the girl in a hug. "Shhh...Calm down now...Nothing bad is happening."


(I swear @Veyd Sahvoz, no)
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As the last of the summoned spirits went off into the night Prof. Shaltaea took a glance around. He couldn't hear nor see any of the results of his handiwork about. Perfect, that meant that most others would be blind to them as well. As he walked back into the academy building he intended to do a bit more tinkering with security and began his trek upstairs, but when he reached the second floor he felt the air around the area drastically changing. Had the duels taken a wrong turn? The lich peeks into the room, only to see Varien grab and pull what he assumed to be the source of the change into an embrace. Considering how she seemed wrapped around his finger earlier, a cooldown hug was probably the best idea. He refrained from heading into the room until the magic had calmed down enough.
Ame panicked even further when she was forced to be so near what frightened her the most. "No! Let go! Leave me alone!" she screeched as her eyes were shut tight and she struggled to be free of her captor. The intensity of the friction between then caused her to summon her last resort defense in attempts of self preservation. She removed all air molecules from the area, sending them outside the room to create a vacuum that was designed to incapacitate organic threats to the aurai. She herself was spared by a flow of oxygen into her lungs that was always kept as a reserve in case of emergencies. All the while, she constantly struggled to distance herself from the reckless fire mages she saw as only a threat. Her voice could no longer be heard due to the vacuum, causing whatever she said to amount to nothing in the ears of anyone around her, but she still screeched profusely.

@Cruor Flumine
Varien's eyes widened at this. His hand began to glow with an orange light before he threw it at the ground, causing a Magic Circle to surround the two and block any spell effects from leaving the circle. He let his magic go before grasping her face and looking her in the eyes. "Ame! Snap out of it, girl! You are safe, I promise you that!" He struggled to say even that as the last of his breath left his lungs. His grip began to loosen as his mind began to slip into unconsciousness from lack of air.

@Kazehana @ everyone else i guess

Miziki Kurone

Miziki was more or less just about to leave and try to navigate her way back to her room when Ame freaked out. She whined and covered her ears from the sudden shrill shriek, she wasn't sure what was wrong but she knew it had to be something awful. Did someone step on her tail or something? Did Ame have a tail? Regardless the next thing she knew she was knocked out of her chair by the wind and summarily cut multiple times by it. She whined from the pain and curled herself into a protective ball on the floor in fear. Shortly after that she was thrusted across the floor and into a chair from the vaccuum and struggled to breathe.

At this point Miziki was beginning to think maybe she should of just went somewhere else. All she knew was she was actively choking to death. Struggling to stand she held onto the table for support. Leaning against said table she stared at what she presumed to be the source of it all, Ame. With the last amount of conciousness she had in her body she muttered a few words and formed a bow of spiritual energy. Drawing it back she took aim at the active source of energy, which was Ame, and fired as she passed out altogether.

These arrows weren't normal wooden arrows, they were made out of pure spiritual energy. That said, they COULD kill or wound if Miziki wanted them to, but she didn't she was aiming to knock her out instead. Further said they weren't affected by wind like normal arrows.Unbeknownst to her Varien summoned a barrier right as she fired, so it would probably just glance off, provided she even fired accurately as she passed out during.

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