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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

Well, all's well that ends well. From Prof. Shaltaea's point of view his intervention wouldn't be necessary. Perfect, because he had some loose odds and ends he was hoping to get out of the way before the night was up. On the bright side, there were so many things he managed to learn watching what little he had seen. He silently takes leave from the dining room entrance and heads up the stairs towards his room. He would patrol in astral form as to not leave a trail outside.
ScarlettRose16 said:


She hasn't aged in a very long time she finally gave up on keeping track and just told people she was 17. She guesses she didn't hear her. "Yeah sure" now she knew she was blind but she didn't mention it. "Here just take a hold of my cloak" she says hand her part of her cloak to hold onto. Once she grips onto her cloak she started walking, not too fast like she usually would. "So...how are you?" She asks trying to make some conversation as they started going up the stairs.​
Miziki Kurone

Miziki smiled and took hold of her cloak gently, "
Thank you." She told her. They walked in silent momentarily before Kate finally spoke up. "I'm doing awesome now that I found you! I mean, I'm kinda tired and sore from running here and junk but..yeah. What about you? Are you okay from what happened with Ame earlier?" She asked her.
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone
Miziki smiled and took hold of her cloak gently, "
Thank you." She told her. They walked in silent momentarily before Kate finally spoke up. "I'm doing awesome now that I found you! I mean, I'm kinda tired and sore from running here and junk but..yeah. What about you? Are you okay from what happened with Ame earlier?" She asked her.


"No problem, I'm okay, this is such a big change so I'm just trying to get used to it." She says when they finally get to the 18th floor. "Man, there are a ton of stairs" she says with a smile. She walks until she finds room 32. "We're here" she says as she opens the door to the room and walks in.​
"Well, I saw you fly out of the window," said Gold. "I don't think anyone wants someone else to go missing. I got concerned."


(Damn site not giving me any notifications.)

(Damn site not giving me any notifications.)
"Oh," she said, feeling a bit guilty. She hadn't realized she had made such a big fuss for going outside. "I didn't mean for anyone to get concerned. I kind of just hoped nobody saw me have such an episode," she said, genuinely thinking that only a few people saw it. She shuffled nervously as it hit her that she had caused such pandemonium in the academy already.
ScarlettRose16 said:


"No problem, I'm okay, this is such a big change so I'm just trying to get used to it." She says when they finally get to the 18th floor. "Man, there are a ton of stairs" she says with a smile. She walks until she finds room 32. "We're here" she says as she opens the door to the room and walks in.​
Miziki Kurone

Miziki smiled, she was glad Kate was alright and that she wasn't the only one getting used to the place. "Yea. There are and the bad thing is Professor Shaltaea said they shifted sometimes.." She told her before quickly swapping back over to the fact they were at their room now. "Yay!" Miziki shouted, promptly running into the room and...directly into the bedframe. She hit the ground with a 'oomph' and rubbed her chest, wincing slightly. "Well..that was a bad idea. Ehehehe..." She told her, laughing nervously.
"Everyone's fine, though," he replied, trying to cheer her up. "Besides, that self-defense spell? One if the coolest spells I've ever seen! Removing all the air from the room is an odd move, but it's pretty badass, you gotta admit." He grins.

Ame blushed a little out of embarrassment. "O-oh, I did that? I'm not supposed to unless it's an emergency," she said, her voice trailing off. "Oh I've really done it now. Just wait until my sisters tear me a new one for using it out of turn. I had so many other options." Her voice trailed off again, staring into the forest with a large weight of worry on her shoulders. She raised a fist up to her chest, closing her eyes for a moment.
When the lich finally arrives at his room he sits down in his chair, reaches into a drawer and pulls out a familiar skull. As he is pulled out Humbart fakes coughing and gasping for air dramatically, as if he had been left to die. "My god, it's awful in there!" he remarks with his thick cockney accent. "Full of dust and whatever other weird things you keep around!" Prof. Shaltaea quietly chuckles as he puts the skull back into its rightful position on his desk. "Humbart, I'm relying on you to keep tabs in here while I'm out. Call for me if anybody and anything enters." he instructs the skull bound spirit. "Right, I'm on it!" Humbart confidently remarks back in affirmation. In reality, the professor only did this to let the skull feel important since he was likely safe. It wasn't like the old days where a second set of eyes could have meant all the difference! After that he lowered his head, taking a moment to concentrate. Next thing he knew he was looking at his own body. "Excellent." Prof. Shaltaea remarks to himself before floating up through the roof and out of the building.
Kazehana said:
Ame blushed a little out of embarrassment. "O-oh, I did that? I'm not supposed to unless it's an emergency," she said, her voice trailing off. "Oh I've really done it now. Just wait until my sisters tear me a new one for using it out of turn. I had so many other options." Her voice trailed off again, staring into the forest with a large weight of worry on her shoulders. She raised a fist up to her chest, closing her eyes for a moment.
"It was an honest mistake, Ame," said Gold. "You didn't know what was happening, and, besides, no one got hurt."
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki KuroneMiziki smiled, she was glad Kate was alright and that she wasn't the only one getting used to the place. "Yea. There are and the bad thing is Professor Shaltaea said they shifted sometimes.." She told her before quickly swapping back over to the fact they were at their room now. "Yay!" Miziki shouted, promptly running into the room and...directly into the bedframe. She hit the ground with a 'oomph' and rubbed her chest, wincing slightly. "Well..that was a bad idea. Ehehehe..." She told her, laughing nervously.


"Wait this place shifts?!" She says as Miziki runs unto the bed frame. She let out a small laugh because she was clumsy herself. She walks over to her putting a hand on her shoulder. "Are you okay?" She asks slightly concerned. She knew she was probably fine but she might as well ask. She still had a smile on her face.​
[QUOTE="Golden Glow]"It was an honest mistake, Ame," said Gold. "You didn't know what was happening, and, besides, no one got hurt."

"I just... I can't... You can't honestly expect me to believe no one got hurt. Air kills. And the combination of moves I used.... Well it frankly guarantees that people got hurt," she said, turning away from him. "I can't face what I've done. I just..." she never finished her sentence. Instead, she flew back to the safety of the roof, beginning to cry despite his efforts to make her feel any better. She didn't know how to forgive herself after such a catastrophe.
"Ah... Fuck, now we gotta... Wait a sec!" Gold casts Telekinesis on himself, and rose up to the roof. He flew out of the sight of Ame. He rose his hand to chest level, and focused on calming thoughts. His Magicka generated the thoughts into a spell, which he then casted. "Ame, Calm," he whispered, as the Calm spell flew to her, unheard.
ScarlettRose16 said:


"Wait this place shifts?!" She says as Miziki runs unto the bed frame. She let out a small laugh because she was clumsy herself. She walks over to her putting a hand on her shoulder. "Are you okay?" She asks slightly concerned. She knew she was probably fine but she might as well ask. She still had a smile on her face.​
Miziki Kurone

Miziki giggled and stood up, "
Yeah I'm fine, thanks for checking on me." She told her, this time she carefully walked over to her bed and sat down instead of running chest first into the bed frame. "Believe it or not I actually tripped and rolled down a hill earlier today..ooh speaking of that I should probably take a shower..but I kinda don't feel like it." She told her, sighing and flopping backwards on the bed.
[QUOTE="Golden Glow]"Ah... Fuck, now we gotta... Wait a sec!" Gold casts Telekinesis on himself, and rose up to the roof. He flew out of the sight of Ame. He rose his hand to chest level, and focused on calming thoughts. His Magicka generated the thoughts into a spell, which he then casted. "Ame, Calm," he whispered, as the Calm spell flew to her, unheard.

Ame was crouched, holding her legs to her chest. She had finally gotten over her crying, mostly sniffling at this point. She looked over what little she could see of the forest, letting the rain's gentle rhythm wash over her and remind her of her life wandering the winds. She closed her eyes and leaned back, letting the rain wash away her anguish and anxieties, trying to forget it all.
Gold jumped down, ran through the room to the opposite window, and levitated back up, making it look like he'd taken much longer to get there, but did, anyways. He walks to her, and asks, "Hey, Ame, you okay?"
[QUOTE="Golden Glow]Gold jumped down, ran through the room to the opposite window, and levitated back up, making it look like he'd taken much longer to get there, but did, anyways. He walks to her, and asks, "Hey, Ame, you okay?"

At that, she opened her eyes, but didn't move from her reclined position. "Depends on your definition of 'okay'. But for the most part, probably," she said with a very neutral expression. She wasn't sure what to believe or worry about any more. All she know was that she did a bad. She didn't know what she was going to do about it, nor did she have any suggestions.
(He'd gotten out of Form just after he landed next to you on the ground. Forgot to say that.)

Turning to her, Gold smirks a bit and says, "Hey, wanna see something cool?"

Without waiting for an answer, he pulled out the orb.
[QUOTE="Golden Glow](He'd gotten out of Form just after he landed next to you on the ground. Forgot to say that.)
Turning to her, Gold smirks a bit and says, "Hey, wanna see something cool?"

Without waiting for an answer, he pulled out the orb.

Ame looked at him, not particularly showing interest in doing literally anything. But she was a little curious as to what he could have. So she payed attention so as to not miss something potentially cool.
He turned the stone to a silver color, and crushed the stone. He glowed in a brilliant silver flash of light, and he started levitating. Both of his Keyblades appeared behind his back, hovering a few inches away. Under his feet was a white light with (So cliche) a silver lining. His clothes turned silver, and the change ended. He was still floating, and when he went over to the edge of the roof, he floated, somewhat like a ghost, his weapons spinning around behind his back as if they had a mind of their own. He jumped from his magic cloud, and, instead of gravity taking its toll on him, he glided like a bird. He did a few aerial maneuvers, and landed back on the roof, his feet hitting the ground for only a second before his cloud sent him back a foot into the air. "I love doing that," he sighed

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