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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)


"You can call me Kate" she says to Alexa and the other student that was there. She doesn't really try to make conversation. She nods at Alexa's question. She hears the teacher introduce herself. She just looked down at her feet while they walked.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Mitchs98 @Yellow Swan
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone Senki Tazuya

Senki nodded to the teacher as she spoke, in all honesty she hadn't noticed her approach at all, too focused on finding her way around. "Okay, thanks." She told her as she fell in line with the rest. "Hey, sorry for just running up and asking a question earlier without introducing myself. You can call me Alexa." She told Kate, moreso directing what she said to both of them. "It goes without saying but I take it you two will be staying here too?" She asked them.
Zadaine angerly blushed at his embarrassment form Ms. Yves's comment. He relaxed just a bit, responding to Alexa.

"Seems to be that way." He interlaced his fingers together as he stretch for the sky. His body was still a bit sore from the ride here, and now he was still climbing stairs. After Kate's introduction he made a nervous laugh,

"I guess you two can call me Zane. I mean since we're sharing names..."

@Veyd Sahvoz @Mitchs98 @ScarlettRose16
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Ame stopped crying, but still had a few sniffles due to the cascade. "I'm hurt. My feelings have been shot down. They're so sad..." her voice trailed off. She was feeling a little better from his efforts, but not back to her full self again, still retaining a shadow of depression. "Look, even he came back to play," she observed, not really understanding the real reason why he had returned.

@Cruor Flumine @Golden Glow
Kenji still don't know what is he doing an decide to just sleep on the stairs like a boss...even though his not a boss anyway. "It's been an hour and I still don't know what am I doing...Where is everyone?" He sighed before tried to stand up...but end up slipping and falling down the stairs....really hard. "A! E! I! O! U!" He screamed while falling down the stairs. "AND SOMETIMES YYYYYY!" He then fall down face first on the floor resulting a big crack on them.
CoreyXIX said:
Well, a student asking him about himself? Good to see one student willing to talk to him and not be afraid. "I came here about halfway into the first year of the academy." he says to her. "It was mostly pure chance I was able to find it. At the time I had needed a place to lie low, and found it here." he concludes, leaving his reasons for doing so conveniently out of it for now. That would be a story for another day. "While we're on the topic, what brought you to our academy?" he asks, returning the small talk with the student as the walked up the stairs.
(Inb4 only reason she isn't afraid is because she's blind)

Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded, so he'd been here quite a while. She wasn't exactly sure how long the academy had exsisted but figured it'd been a good amount of time. She laughed nervously when he asked her was she came here. "
Wellll. I may or may not of blown my house up by accident...and every house in the immediate area.."

She explained sheepishly, lowering her voice and practically mumbling the last bit, her face slightly pink from embarrasment as she recalled the ordeal. "Soo they decided I should go elsewhere while I learned how to control my magic. Don't worry, I shouldn't blow this place up. Probably.."She continued.

ScarlettRose16 said:


"You can call me Kate" she says to Alexa and the other student that was there. She doesn't really try to make conversation. She nods at Alexa's question. She hears the teacher introduce herself. She just looked down at her feet while they walked.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Mitchs98 @Yellow Swan
Senki Tazuya

"Nice to meet all of you." She replied. She wondered if either of these people would be her room mates, not sure if this school had co-ed dorms or not(if that's a thing in the setting?). "Did you guys get the names of your room mates yet? I'm not sure who mine is." She asked.
Oh. Well, it wouldn't be the first dangerous, near reckless mage they had among the student body. Prof. Shaltaea was sure many were like that, for better or worse. As long as it wasn't his classroom that got wrecked he didn't see this being too big of a problem. "Oh, I'm sure you'll be just fine. Most of the professors do well in a crisis if nothing else."he remarks, picking up his walking a bit after her mention of mass destruction. Soon they found themselves at the secretary's office on the fifth floor. "Well, it looks like we're here already." the lich noted, a little surprised at how quick the mention of a person of mass destruction can get his old bones moving. "Come on, let's step in and get your key."

"Well, guess it was a good exercise," thought Gold. "Let's not be so foolish getting back down."

He steps onto the teleporter, and when he gets down, he goes to the stairs leading down, and keeps going down until he reached the 1st floor, getting lost several times on the way. "Damn place could at least have a map," he thought, exausted.
CoreyXIX said:
Oh. Well, it wouldn't be the first dangerous, near reckless mage they had among the student body. Prof. Shaltaea was sure many were like that, for better or worse. As long as it wasn't his classroom that got wrecked he didn't see this being too big of a problem. "Oh, I'm sure you'll be just fine. Most of the professors do well in a crisis if nothing else."he remarks, picking up his walking a bit after her mention of mass destruction. Soon they found themselves at the secretary's office on the fifth floor. "Well, it looks like we're here already." the lich noted, a little surprised at how quick the mention of a person of mass destruction can get his old bones moving. "Come on, let's step in and get your key."
Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded, noticing his sudden change in pace. She frowned a little, she guessed he wanted to be away from her as soon as possible now that the knowledge of potential danger was made clear. "Okay.." She told him, a hint of sadness evident in her voice. She couldn't blame him, really. A blind girl with powerful magic she couldn't control well in an unfamiliar area was probably making him a bit un-easy. "I'm going to assume I'll have a room mate, right? I should of asked earlier but with the amount of students..I kinda guessed. But I want to make sure." She told him.
"I SAID, I WANT TO PROVE MY WIZARD POWERS THROUGH A DUEL! I WAS WONDERING IF YOU COULD SET THAT UP!" Starting to use the levitate spell of his own to follow the great wizard.
"I know little of the room accommodations, but students normally have roommates." the professor replies. He didn't do a lot lot when it came to managing the students' logistics, but he could help every now and then if he was needed. He almost felt a little bad that she seemed to notice when he picked up the pace to get them there. "Sorry, it's not exactly for my safety as to why I'm picking up the pace." he says as a partial lie. "Even if your magic did backfire, at most it can only temporarily disable me. I'm not a living flesh-and-blood person like most members of our academy."

CoreyXIX said:
"I know little of the room accommodations, but students normally have roommates." the professor replies. He didn't do a lot lot when it came to managing the students' logistics, but he could help every now and then if he was needed. He almost felt a little bad that she seemed to notice when he picked up the pace to get them there. "Sorry, it's not exactly for my safety as to why I'm picking up the pace." he says as a partial lie. "Even if your magic did backfire, at most it can only temporarily disable me. I'm not a living flesh-and-blood person like most members of our academy."
Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded, so she was right. She hoped whoever she was going to be living with for a while was someone she could get along with. She nodded slightly when he tried to comfort her, "It's fine. I would of understood if it was otheriwse, I wouldn't of held anything against you." She replied, smiling faintly and feeling slightly better. Un-aware he was lying to her. "If you don't mind can we get my dorm settled? And after if you could show me to it that'd be great too, if you don't mind." She asked, moving closer to the office door.
Vaccum said:
"I SAID, I WANT TO PROVE MY WIZARD POWERS THROUGH A DUEL! I WAS WONDERING IF YOU COULD SET THAT UP!" Starting to use the levitate spell of his own to follow the great wizard.
Draconus laughed harder at Mouse-O's many a time of demanding a duel "My friend, you know I could never harm you as my dear mouse friend....*sigh* but if you insist" he said while turning down another corridor and fading. When they reappeared they were on the 23rd floor, in the main hallway. It seemed quieter since there were no classes.

Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone
Miziki nodded, so she was right. She hoped whoever she was going to be living with for a while was someone she could get along with. She nodded slightly when he tried to comfort her, "It's fine. I would of understood if it was otheriwse, I wouldn't of held anything against you." She replied, smiling faintly and feeling slightly better. Un-aware he was lying to her. "If you don't mind can we get my dorm settled? And after if you could show me to it that'd be great too, if you don't mind." She asked, moving closer to the office door.
(Finally figured out how to quote pages! Not at all like how I'm used to it being.)

Well, it was some relief she bought his word at face value. He usually never needed to lie here in the academy, but one white lie would be fine. It wasn't like most of his pre-academy days where deception often proved necessary to survive. "Of course. Today I can provide as much help as needed, since my usual tasks are complete for the day." he responds as he walks into the secretary's office and retrieves the key for Miziki. "Room 32, eh?" he remarks, looking at the key. "That's up on the 18th floor. Shouldn't be too long to get there." Hopefully not. Given they had thirteen more floors to traverse it was a lot more than he was trying to make it sound like.
CoreyXIX said:
(Finally figured out how to quote pages! Not at all like how I'm used to it being.)
Well, it was some relief she bought his word at face value. He usually never needed to lie here in the academy, but one white lie would be fine. It wasn't like most of his pre-academy days where deception often proved necessary to survive. "Of course. Today I can provide as much help as needed, since my usual tasks are complete for the day." he responds as he walks into the secretary's office and retrieves the key for Miziki. "Room 32, eh?" he remarks, looking at the key. "That's up on the 18th floor. Shouldn't be too long to get there." Hopefully not. Given they had thirteen more floors to traverse it was a lot more than he was trying to make it sound like.
(Ye. It's much faster than mentions if you're in a fast paced RP)

Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded and smiled at him, "That's great then, I really appreciate it." She told him. 18th floor huh? Well, at-least the stairs seemed fairly straight forward. Then again, he was guiding her, so she had no clue how the stairs were laid out on her on. "I see, well, that doesn't sound so bad. At-least it's not on the top floor or something." She told him, laughing softly. "Did the secretary say who my room mate was by any chance?" She asked.
Mitchs98 said:
(Ye. It's much faster than mentions if you're in a fast paced RP)
Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded and smiled at him, "That's great then, I really appreciate it." She told him. 18th floor huh? Well, at-least the stairs seemed fairly straight forward. Then again, he was guiding her, so she had no clue how the stairs were laid out on her on. "I see, well, that doesn't sound so bad. At-least it's not on the top floor or something." She told him, laughing softly. "Did the secretary say who my room mate was by any chance?" She asked.
"I think they said it was someone named Kate, but I didn't fully catch it as I was on my way out. My apologies.." Prof. Shaltaea replies with a sheepish tone to his voice as he guides her back to the stairs. It felt like this wasn't the first time had had this issue, but couldn't quite place where it could have happened before. Oh well, if he couldn't recall it now he would later. "And yes, you're all very lucky your rooms are not up on the 31st floor. The head professors get that honor." he remarks in a deadpan tone. Sometimes this academy seemed to follow some sort of insane troll logic.
"I was thinking I could battle one of the students you know?" Mouse-O squeaked, realizing how Draconus took his words. "Show them what kind of get magic user they can aspire to be!"

@Veyd Sahvoz
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CoreyXIX said:
"I think they said it was someone named Kate, but I didn't fully catch it as I was on my way out. My apologies.." Prof. Shaltaea replies with a sheepish tone to his voice as he guides her back to the stairs. It felt like this wasn't the first time had had this issue, but couldn't quite place where it could have happened before. Oh well, if he couldn't recall it now he would later. "And yes, you're all very lucky your rooms are not up on the 31st floor. The head professors get that honor." he remarks in a deadpan tone. Sometimes this academy seemed to follow some sort of insane troll logic.
Miziki Kurone

Miziki shook her head, "Don't worry, it's fine. I wouldn't exactly be able to recognize her by name alone anyway." She replied as they began walking up the stairs. She felt odd having to rely on someone to guide her around, it reminded her of when she was little. Shrugging to herself she sighed lightly, as long as he didn't seem to mind she wouldn't say anything, at-least he was trying to be genuinely helpful instead of begrudgingly helping her. "Well, I didn't exactly mean it for that reason, I mostly meant because it'd be farther to walk." She told him chuckling lowly. "To be honest it would be kinda cool to have a room near them, they'd be close by if I needed help with something after all." She added.
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki KuroneMiziki shook her head, "Don't worry, it's fine. I wouldn't exactly be able to recognize her by name alone anyway." She replied as they began walking up the stairs. She felt odd having to rely on someone to guide her around, it reminded her of when she was little. Shrugging to herself she sighed lightly, as long as he didn't seem to mind she wouldn't say anything, at-least he was trying to be genuinely helpful instead of begrudgingly helping her. "Well, I didn't exactly mean it for that reason, I mostly meant because it'd be farther to walk." She told him chuckling lowly. "To be honest it would be kinda cool to have a room near them, they'd be close by if I needed help with something after all." She added.
"Well, there's usually some way or another to get a hold of a professor outside of the classroom. Some of us are out and about between classes." Prof. Shaltaea hopes that at least one's room mate would try to help before a professor would be needed, but sometimes things happen. But it was true, some of them could be easily found. He usually did nightly rounds of the academy when classes were done and most people were either preparing for sleep or unwinding. He considered himself lucky that sleep wasn't a concern for him. "I'll agree that it is generally nice to have one's room nearby others in case something goes wrong. It would definitely make asking questions to them after a class a lot simpler." he remarks with a light chuckle.
CoreyXIX said:
"Well, there's usually some way or another to get a hold of a professor outside of the classroom. Some of us are out and about between classes." Prof. Shaltaea hopes that at least one's room mate would try to help before a professor would be needed, but sometimes things happen. But it was true, some of them could be easily found. He usually did nightly rounds of the academy when classes were done and most people were either preparing for sleep or unwinding. He considered himself lucky that sleep wasn't a concern for him. "I'll agree that it is generally nice to have one's room nearby others in case something goes wrong. It would definitely make asking questions to them after a class a lot simpler." he remarks with a light chuckle.
Miziki Kurone

"Hopefully these ways don't always include busting through the front door." She joked, giggling slightly at her own joke. It was good to know the faculty were attentive, and if all of them were was kind as Professor Shaltaea then she figured she'd get along with the teachers well. She nodded at what he said next, "Yep. Speaking of class, what classes are held here? While I specialize in Spirit Magic it really encompasses a wide range of magic, plus I might be interested in other classes too." She stated.
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone
"Hopefully these ways don't always include busting through the front door." She joked, giggling slightly at her own joke. It was good to know the faculty were attentive, and if all of them were was kind as Professor Shaltaea then she figured she'd get along with the teachers well. She nodded at what he said next, "Yep. Speaking of class, what classes are held here? While I specialize in Spirit Magic it really encompasses a wide range of magic, plus I might be interested in other classes too." She stated.
"We host a wide variety of classes. I've seen nearly every kind of magic included, although our classifications for magic may be a bit different than what some or used to." the professor explains to her. "Elemental, destruction,enchanting, healing, alchemy,illusion. At this point it would be easier what we don't teach." he explains to Miziki. It was quite nice to have a student so willing to learn. The lich didn't helping such students out every now and then. He smiled a little to himself behind his mask. "Your class selections will likely vary depending on which aspects of your 'Spirit Magic' you plan on improving in."
"Well, maybe," she shuffled her feet, not sure how he could possibly know she liked to fly. "Where at the academy?" she asked, warily waiting for a specific answer. Ame wasn't a fool, and she wouldn't be tricked lightly.

@Cruor Flumine
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