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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

@Golden Glow @CoreyXIX

Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded slowly to Gold, "I bet it looks pretty cool." She told him, hinting at the fact she was blind but not exactly coming out and saying it. She then turned to Shaltaea, her tail swishing happily at the fact that she was in the right place. "Yeah..I uh..kinda got lost sorry that I'm late. My name is Miziki Kurone, I'm 15, I'm a Kitsune, and I use Spirit Magic." She replied, smiling happily. "Need me to show you an example, or?" She asked.


@kurol @Veyd Sahvoz

Senki Tazuya

Senki nodded and took the key from him, assuming Alexa was the temporary name he had made for her. Well, it wasn't something stupid like 'wing girl' or something, so she was fine with it. "Thanks." She told him. "Hey wait, before you go, are these shared dorms or singular?" She asked, raising her voice slightly so he coul hear her.
The professor nods as he listened to her. Well, her condition certainly explained her entrance. "Sure, everyone else did. You may as well too." he says in affirmation to her. He looked forward to the display.
@CoreyXIX @Golden Glow

Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded, "
Okay! Lemme think.." She replied excitedly, trailing off slightly in thought. There were a number of things she could do, but most of them would end in the destruction of the portion of the school she was currently in. After some thought she eventually figured out what to do. "I got it! Soul Possession: Angel Soul!" She shouted suddenly, she shone brightly momentarily before sprouting white angel wings from her back and levitating off the ground slightly. "I'd uh, show you something cooler but I can't exactly control my constructs good yet and I don't exactly know what weapon I would of been able to conjure either." She explained, forming a small ball of light in her hand as a further example before it dissipated along with her wings, almost causing her to lose her balance as she was abruptly tossed back to the ground. "That and I..can't really control how long that works either." She added, shrugging after she steadied herself.
During the demonstration Prof. Shaltaea watches in silence. Well, if she needed to learn how to better use what better place than here? He was just glad he didn't have eyeballs anymore, otherwise her bright flash of light from the angel soul would have been blinding with how close in proximity he was to her. "I see. Well, you're at the right place if you're hoping to see some improvement." the lich remarks to her. "I'm sure you'll have plenty of time to show off your 'cooler' capabilities.If you'll follow me we can get your key to your room. I'd send you yourself, but given your 'condition', I'm not sure how well you would do." he offers to the new student. After all, plenty of people with sight had difficulty quickly and accurately finding places around this large building.
Mitchs98 said:
@Golden Glow @CoreyXIX
Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded slowly to Gold, "I bet it looks pretty cool." She told him, hinting at the fact she was blind but not exactly coming out and saying it. She then turned to Shaltaea, her tail swishing happily at the fact that she was in the right place. "Yeah..I uh..kinda got lost sorry that I'm late. My name is Miziki Kurone, I'm 15, I'm a Kitsune, and I use Spirit Magic." She replied, smiling happily. "Need me to show you an example, or?" She asked.


@kurol @Veyd Sahvoz

Senki Tazuya

Senki nodded and took the key from him, assuming Alexa was the temporary name he had made for her. Well, it wasn't something stupid like 'wing girl' or something, so she was fine with it. "Thanks." She told him. "Hey wait, before you go, are these shared dorms or singular?" She asked, raising her voice slightly so he coul hear her.
"What do you think?!" he shouted back to her, with a small wink, and darted up the stairs. Right now he was in the mood for a drink, such a busy day and it was only 20 minutes past 7 'o' clock. I guess that's why they say time is precious. . .I don't know how Draconus does it.

@kurol @Mitchs98
@CoreyXIX @Golden Glow

Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded to him, well at-least he was smart enough to pick up on her subtle hint, it was always a bit awkward to have to tell someone she was blind directly after all. Although, normally she would of said she would be fine on her own, she wasn't exactly used to a place so big. "That'd be awesome! Thank you." She replied happily. She wondered if she'd have a room mate or if she would be by herself. She kinda hoped she'd have a room mate, and if she did one that wouldn't mind that she was entirely clumsy. She could probably trip standing still if she tried.


@ScarlettRose16 @kurol

Senki Tazuya

Senki sighed. "Oh well. I'll see you later Akane." She told her, waving as she walked off. Now to find her room. To do that she supposed she must find the 18th floor first, and to do that she had to learn the wonky stair pattern of this place. Well, no point in putting it off seeing as she'd be living here for the forseeable future. After some time she was, without a doubt, completely lost. That was until she saw someone else, maybe she would know where the right floor was? "Hey, do you know how to get to the 18th floor?" She asked her, hopeful.
With a satisfied nod Prof. Shaltaea turns in the direction of the stairs and was ready to begin the trek, but remembered her lack of sight. "Will you be able to follow me by sound, or will you need to hold onto me and/or something so we don't get separated?" he asks her. He wasn't sure if she had any other little tricks up her sleeve to compensate for her lack of sight or not. Just in case he holds one of his gloved hands out for her.

Ame struggled against his grip, but was no match for his strength. "I wanna meet a dragon! I'll play nice with it!" she insisted, not at all understanding why he was being so mean to her. "Let go!" she said, using her other arm in an attempt to pry him off of her wrist. She wasn't really angry, just sad that he wasn't letting her have any fun. She wished she could make him more fun.
ScarlettRose16 said:


She gets to the 5th floor eventually. She goes up to the secretary office to get her dorm room key. She gets it and it was for room 32 on the 18th floor. They told her she had a room mate and her name was Miziki. Huh. She was partly hoping she wouldn't have to have a room mate but now she might make a friend at this place. She would have to keep her cloak on 24/7 now, she didn't want to take any chances. She takes the keys and put them in her pocket and she walks out and decides to take a look around the place. She really didn't want to go back to the main hall.

(Indirectly @Mitchs98 ) @Veyd Sahvoz
"Oh hello there" said Ms. Yves, stopping to look at the young girl. Looks like she'd be having 2 students to show around today, might be fun. "Can I help you miss?" she asked the young girl.

@Yellow Swan @ScarlettRose16
CoreyXIX said:
With a satisfied nod Prof. Shaltaea turns in the direction of the stairs and was ready to begin the trek, but remembered her lack of sight. "Will you be able to follow me by sound, or will you need to hold onto me and/or something so we don't get separated?" he asks her. He wasn't sure if she had any other little tricks up her sleeve to compensate for her lack of sight or not. Just in case he holds one of his gloved hands out for her.
Miziki Kurone

Miziki paused and hummed in thought momentarily, gauging the amount of sound around her. Ultimately it came down to the fact that she didn't know the place well enough, or Shaltaea well enough, to comfortably follow him without walking off randomly. She wasn't at all used to being around so many people, much less so many people that weren't kistune's. Sighing she eventually took his hand, it was obviously a hard choice for her. "Normally I'd say I could get around just fine, but new place and all..well. I'd rather not run off somewhere I'm not supposed to be or something." She explained nervously. She didn't exactly trust her magic to work well enough due to her being nervous, so that was out of the picture as well. Though, she could still sense things well enough to know where people were standing and such so long as they didn't move much.
"With 31 floors to this place, I don't blame you in the slightest." the professor says in response to her decision. Most of the time he just projected himself to wherever he needed to be unless he good reason not to. For the first few years, he felt that having the school this large seemed to have little purpose to it, until they started getting as many students as they currently have. She seemed to have to think real hard in the decision, but she would learn the ins and outs soon enough. Well, hopefully so."All right, we're off then." he announces as he guides them both to the stairwell. It would only take a little while to get to where they were going if you were familiar with routes needed.

ScarlettRose16 said:


She was really hoping she wouldn't run into a teacher. "Um...no just taking a look around" she says staring down at her feet. She was hoping she wouldn't get herself in trouble for wondering around,but how would they get her in trouble for that? She waited for the teacher or who she assumed was the teacher to answer.​
Mitchs98 said:
@CoreyXIX @Golden Glow
Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded to him, well at-least he was smart enough to pick up on her subtle hint, it was always a bit awkward to have to tell someone she was blind directly after all. Although, normally she would of said she would be fine on her own, she wasn't exactly used to a place so big. "That'd be awesome! Thank you." She replied happily. She wondered if she'd have a room mate or if she would be by herself. She kinda hoped she'd have a room mate, and if she did one that wouldn't mind that she was entirely clumsy. She could probably trip standing still if she tried.


@ScarlettRose16 @kurol

Senki Tazuya

Senki sighed. "Oh well. I'll see you later Akane." She told her, waving as she walked off. Now to find her room. To do that she supposed she must find the 18th floor first, and to do that she had to learn the wonky stair pattern of this place. Well, no point in putting it off seeing as she'd be living here for the forseeable future. After some time she was, without a doubt, completely lost. That was until she saw someone else, maybe she would know where the right floor was? "Hey, do you know how to get to the 18th floor?" She asked her, hopeful.
"I could help you have a bit of an understanding about the academy. Just because I'm not a full teacher yet doesn't mean I don't know anything about this place" she stated, smirking as she placed her hands at her hips and leaned forward a bit. She began walking down the hall in a slow and average pace, unlike Draconus, motioning for the 3 students to follow her

@ScarlettRose16 @Yellow Swan @Mitchs98
The Archemage sighed. "There is no playing with a dragon. Damned thing too long enough to kill. Besides, it would take much longer for it to come back to life."

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Still struggling against his grip, she gasped. "You killed it? That was mean!" she pouted, rather upset that he would do something so cruel to an innocent creature. "I wouldn't be mean to it! I'd pet it and play with it and fly with it and explore with it and everything!" she insisted before transferring the hammer to her free hand and using it to strike the crystal.
Zadaine's question was interrupted by Ms.Yves's interest in two other student's. He shrugged flicking his red hair. Of course it would be two more girls. He had hoped for at least one friend, but he had always thought it would be a guy. He straightened his posture around the girls.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Mitchs98 @ScarlettRose16
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CoreyXIX said:
"With 31 floors to this place, I don't blame you in the slightest." the professor says in response to her decision. Most of the time he just projected himself to wherever he needed to be unless he good reason not to. For the first few years, he felt that having the school this large seemed to have little purpose to it, until they started getting as many students as they currently have. She seemed to have to think real hard in the decision, but she would learn the ins and outs soon enough. Well, hopefully so."All right, we're off then." he announces as he guides them both to the stairwell. It would only take a little while to get to where they were going if you were familiar with routes needed.
Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded as she was lead to the stairwell, taking in as much of the environment around her as she possibly could. Being blind had it's disadvantages, but at-least she'd learned magic to help her partially circumvent it, as well as honed her senses to where she could maneouver fine under normal circumstances. "How long have you been a teacher here?" She asked him, deciding to make conversation while she walked.


@ScarlettRose16[/URL] @Yellow Swan @Mitchs98

ScarlettRose16 said:


She nods and follows the teacher. She was easy to catch up to and actually keep up with, unlike the head master. She figures that she should know about this school.

Senki Tazuya

Senki nodded to the teacher as she spoke, in all honesty she hadn't noticed her approach at all, too focused on finding her way around. "Okay, thanks." She told her as she fell in line with the rest. "Hey, sorry for just running up and asking a question earlier without introducing myself. You can call me Alexa." She told Kate, moreso directing what she said to both of them. "It goes without saying but I take it you two will be staying here too?" She asked them.
He watched as the hammer struck the crystal, only managing to crack it. He let out a sigh as a deep frown came onto his face. "You're testing my patience. I killed it because it attacked us unprovoked." Varien said, snatching the crystal and hammer before replacing them on the shelf. "I would rather not have to deal with the death of more people on my hands. Now, you need to return to the academy if I need to watch you like a child."

Ame looked at him with a sadness only describable as the equivalent of that of a young child who has just been told they couldn't have something they wanted. "Why won't you let me have any fun? I'll let you join in too! We can have fun together!" she offered, her voice shaking. As she looked at him, she stifled a sniffle followed by wiping away a tear. She cries real fast.
"Oh relax, you don't need to have an upright posture just for the ladies" she laughed, looking over at Alexa and Kate Already making friends. . . She thought to herself before forgetting to tell the 3 of them her name "I'm Ms. Yves by the way"

@Yellow Swan @Mitchs98 @ScarlettRose16
Gold sensed something dangerous about to happen "Crap, I wish I could use my wings!" he exclaimed, running to the wall that led to the Archmage room. Looking around, he saw windowsills he could jump to. He jumped to one, and missed. He tried casting Telekinesis on himself, and he flew to the first sill. He repeated this, drinking Magicka potions when he ran low, and made it just before she struck. "I sensed danger up here. Is she about to break a Soul Gem?!"

@Kazehana @Cruor Flumine
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Well, a student asking him about himself? Good to see one student willing to talk to him and not be afraid. "I came here about halfway into the first year of the academy." he says to her. "It was mostly pure chance I was able to find it. At the time I had needed a place to lie low, and found it here." he concludes, leaving his reasons for doing so conveniently out of it for now. That would be a story for another day. "While we're on the topic, what brought you to our academy?" he asks, returning the small talk with the student as the walked up the stairs.

He turned to the new comer and nodded before turning back to the girls, all anger in his expression lost. He sighed as he placed a hand on her head. "Oh stop that. I'm just keeping us from getting hurt." He said, rubbing her head lightly.

@Kazehana @Golden Glow

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