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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)


After an amount of time(?), Âme woke up, but didn't move because she was still sleepy. She felt something uncomfortable in her wing, so she decided to sneak a quick peak. Whenever she picked up something, that is where she usually put it so she coukd keep if for later. Frowning, she wasn't sure where she obtained such an odd collection of items, or for what. She folded her wind back under the covers to resume her position. She thought about the strange objects, and what she could have collected them for, but she just couldn't remember.
Varien noticed her movements. "Finally awake?" He called, looking over at the feathered girl and straightening his back from leaning over the workstation so much.

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Ame drearily tried to get out of bed. She hovered over to where the others were, using the wind's immediate updraft to keep her afloat. "Oh hey look, everyone's awake! Now we can do something fun! Can we play hide and seek? I'm so good at that game!" she chirped, now fully awake and ready for some action. She gave a small "Oh!" as she realized she was using her old tricks again, releasing the updraft and landing back on her feet like most terrestrial races did.

@Cruor Flumine @Ldybug123 @Golden Glow
The archemage sighed, setting his tools aside before straightening his back with several loud pops and cracks. "No, this is not a place for games. You two return to the academy while I finish tending to our summoner." He said, pulling a red and green bottle from the shelf and walking over to the bed.

@Kazehana @Golden Glow @Ldybug123
"Okay," said Gold, jumping out of the window. He'd forgotten about the fact he didn't have wings, and got a Levitation spell ready. When he got too close to the ground, he casted the spell, and levitated a foot off the ground. He let the spell end, and hit the ground, taking no damage.
Varien lowered himself next to the boy before popping the corks from both the bottles. "Drink these. You passed out from Mana Exhaustion, so we need to make sure your body heals correctly too. Before you ask, we are in the Archemages Quarters of the Mages Tower."



She gets to the 5th floor eventually. She goes up to the secretary office to get her dorm room key. She gets it and it was for room 32 on the 18th floor. They told her she had a room mate and her name was Miziki. Huh. She was partly hoping she wouldn't have to have a room mate but now she might make a friend at this place. She would have to keep her cloak on 24/7 now, she didn't want to take any chances. She takes the keys and put them in her pocket and she walks out and decides to take a look around the place. She really didn't want to go back to the main hall.

(Indirectly @Mitchs98 ) @Veyd Sahvoz
"Wait, no!" she protested, looking worriedly from one person to another. "I don't wanna leave yet!" She pouted as she sat down, determined not to leave such a weird place yet. She looked around, trying to find something to do so she had an excuse to stay. She spotted something, the darted over to it. "Ooooo" she cooed while picking it up an examining it. It was a large purple crystal, something that reminded her of a large amathyst. She put it up to a light to look at it in different perspectives.

@Cruor Flumine @Ldybug123 @Golden Glow
Miziki Kurone

"I'm gunna be late. Great. First day and I'm going to be late!" Mizki whined as she ran madly through the forest to get to the school. Of course, she probably would of arrived sooner if not for the fact she'd gotten lost constantly and even fell down a small hill once. Her hair, clothes, and tail was a mess from the ordeal. Twigs, leaves, and dirt clung in every possible location. Despite everything she eventually managed to find the school in probably the hardest way possible, by quite literally almost breaking the door down and smacking into the wall on the other side after stumbling. Of course, this illicited laughter from several of the students in the room but she didn't exactly care about their opinions. She felt she was doing decently well for a blind girl, and it didn't exactly stop her from being excited either.

Shrugging off the minor amount of pain she once more donned a happy smile and scanned the room she was in, despite being blind her magic and senses helped her get a feel for the place even if she couldn't directly see. "Is there a teacher or the headmaster around? Or someone that could direct me to one?" She called out, not exactly focusing her gaze on anyone, but rather looking around the room.
"Whaa? How does that work? And what happens if it breaks?" she asked, looking at the crystal mystified. She set it down and swapped it for an even larger purple crystal. "What about this one? It's like the size of my head!" she exclaimed in awe, using her hand to compare its size with her head. "See? See?!"

@Cruor Flumine @Ldybug123 @Golden Glow
Gold lands, and sees a girl carsh into Excelius, much like he almost did. He walks up to her, to hear her say, "Is there a teacher or the headmaster around? Or someone that could direct me to one?"

"I can help with that," he replies.

He shakes his head. "The soul would be released and reincarnate into something possible more dangerous. And that crystal there contains the soul of a dragon. A rather troublesome one I might add."

@Kazehana @Ldybug123
As Prof. Shaltaea kept an eye on many of the students to ensure they wouldn't start trouble on the first day his vigil was briefly interrupted by the loud entrance of another person, complete with all the grace of a drunken hippogryph. As someone else approached the student he did as well to investigate. She seemed a bit worse for the wear. "I could help as well, but are you injured?" he asks the newcomer.

Ame gasped. "A dragon? I wonder what those are like," she wondered, looking around for something. After a moment, her face lit up as she set the crystal down and went to another table to grab a hammer. Then, she went back to the crystal bursting with excitement. She set the crystal in a good enough position and prepared herself to use the conveniently placed hammer.

@Cruor Flumine @Ldybug123
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@Golden Glow @CoreyXIX

Miziki Kurone

Miziki turned to Gold when he came up to her. "That'd be great! I have no clue where anything is, it was hard enough finding this place as it was." She replied. Soon after she heard Prof. Shaltaea come up to her. She shook her head, "Hmm..no. I don't think so, nothing worth mentioning anyway." She told him. "I am at Excelius, right?" She asked, making sure she was at the right place.
"31 stories of school tall," replied Gold. "Tallest building I've ever seen. Hard to mistake."

(Gold doesn't know she is blind.)
Well, at least she was only a bit disheveled from whatever trip she been on here. A bit late, but better late than never. "Yes, that's correct." the professor says in reply to her. "You just missed orientation though. We'll need your name, age, race and magical powers for future references." he explains to her.

Vaccum said:
"What? I've told you already, were you not listening?" Mouse-O squeaked out as he held on tight.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Draconus laughed a bit "How am I supposed to hear you when you won't speak up? What was it you wanted to tell me?" he asked once more, still trying not to laugh. While walking he dashed down the halls, turning down hallway after hallway. Oh how fun it was to wander around your own academy . ..



Mitchs98 said:
@Veyd Sahvoz @kurol
Senki Tazuya

Senki nodded. 31 floors? Explained how she survived crashing through the building, at-least. She'd probably not of survived any further distance than that coupled with her prior injuries. "If you don't mind Proffessor Addor can we keep going? I'd like to re-gain my memory as soon as possible..if that's possible..." She asked him, trailing off slightly and gesturing towards the stairs.


@ anyone

"Don't worry, we're already here" he stated, chuckling a tad. Walking in he waved at the secretary "Hello miss, do you know where Adlin is?" he asked nonchalantly, beginning to look for the keys to there dorms. "Haven't seen her" said the young woman. "Shame," he picked up two keys and jingled them while reading the labels. "Here you are," he said while passing them each a key "Akane, your dorm room is Room 20 on the 18th floor. Alexa your dorm room is on the 18th floor as well in room 16" said Prof. Addor, heading out the door while stuffing his hands in his pockets.

@kurol @Mitchs98
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