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Incoming post. I will quote everyone once I get event guidelines up after I post.
Yuuki of the Strata](so this means anyone traveling from THE BADLANDS would probably take up the entire three IC days) [/QUOTE] Those [URL="http://i.imgur.com/QXhsNQX.jpg said:
potholes[/URL] on the roads in the Badlands are something else, I tell you what.
Aight. -pops knuckles- Let's settle down and at least get one dude down today.



As Yuuki's messenger, I'm passing a message to you. Please delete your post from the IC and turn in your profile. All profiles must be turned to be approved for posting in the IC. The exception is Ryuu's dude to the fact that the post is an introduction to the thread along with the fact Ryuu's state is currently undergoing an erratic change. A present profile will be placed once all updates have been made to said character's status.

As Yuuki's messenger, I'm passing a message to you. Please delete your post from the IC and turn in your profile. All profiles must be turned to be approved for posting in the IC. The exception is Ryuu's dude to the fact that the post is an introduction to the thread along with the fact Ryuu's state is currently undergoing an erratic change. A present profile will be placed once all updates have been made to said character's status.
Ugh, forgot that I didn't do that since I went through all the details with her on Skype xD Message her about me, though.
lol xD

How she would become new Eresh, I dunno.

You have to defeat the previous Ereshkigal.

But that would be highly amusing, honestly. xD
Oh yes it would be~ xD

She'd likely defeat her on accident- Maybe swinging her guitar too hard and KO'ing the eff out off the Ereshkigal.

would be


Do want.

If I don't get an applicant for Ereshkigal, then Adrienne might be in the running for future plots.

*whispers* just sayin'...
Vik, she's also a 16 year old girl that knows how to party harder than Einstein.
If she can swing a guitar FLCL style she's okay in his book. Heck, who knows? If he does find her amusing, maybe the current Ereshkigal might suffer an unfortunate mishap or handicap if Adrienne does challenge her.
@Yuuki of the Strata Hmm yes, but then you have to deal with all her sass-frass that she will throw out if you do anything stupid and or mean,b/c she shall not hesitate to call you out for any of your booshet...There will be a slight possibility that she will try to plan an attack on Cosa Nostra but we need not to focus on THAT detail~

@The Fuzzy Pixel You're gonna regret that approval when she makes the entire Magic Ball Eight Gang do a annual "Pinkie Dinkie Day"~ >X3
I am amuse.

I am very amuse.

I am very excite for Adrienne's future.
MarenXDenominator12 said:
she will throw out if you do anything stupid and or mean,b/c she shall not hesitate to call you out for any of your booshet...
So that's maybe 75+% of the 8th Petal? Haha.

MarenXDenominator12 said:
"Pinkie Dinkie Day"
Viktor: I don't know what this.. 'Pinkie Dinkie Day' tradition is, but it sounds very, very disappointing.. -sneaks back out to play along the borders-
[QUOTE="Yuuki of the Strata]I am very excite for Adrienne's future.

It's gonna be hilarious if she actually DOES become the new Ereshkigal, because just the thought of a 16 year old girl loosely governing over an ENTIRE district is funny enough as it is. Make her a bossy sass girl with an IQ higher than Einstein's and you got yourself a younger, more human and slightly more sarcastic version of Leslie Winkle.



[QUOTE="The Fuzzy Pixel]I don't know what this.. 'Pinkie Dinkie Day' tradition is, but it sounds very, very disappointing..

Adrienne: Oh, You'll absolutely LOVE it~ *cue evil laughter buahaha*
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Umm is it still open is like to try this rp it sounds very cool and has a great story

It is indeed still open. Feel free to apply~<3
I would honestly prefer no more androids at the moment.

I would like humans, slightly altered or not, instead.
Oh ok I'll do my best then

I was wondering yuuki if I could create my character but have a side character kinda like a servant or pet that is highly cybernetic and advanced for my characters job if that's alright with you. The side character wouldn't be a full character at all if that means any thing just sorta like a follower
It depends on your character first. They would have to fit first of all. I already have a character that IS the cybernetic queen, and the majority of the high tech stuff that would be related to droids and AI programs would actually have to be ran through her. I'm somewhat weary about the idea of someone else being on par with her because I put tech levels in place for a reason along with who holds what. xD ;;
Well it wouldn't be like the cybernetic queen I was just wondering if I could have it like a side Andriod to help her in her work which I'll show when I've finished my cs. Oh and can my character be one of the technological scientists (AI, cybernetic, android work and development that kind of stuff.) of the 4th pedal I think it is. With a little side hobby.
Make your CS first and then we'll see what can be done with it?

I feel like I would need more context before I could make my decision xD
Ok sorry I'll get it out as soon as I can

OH MY GOD @Yuuki of the Strata please help me I don't know why it's not showing up on he cs and in freaking out over here!!!

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