• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom ⋮▊ ( DOMINATION ) ✦ ─ htrtw


Uhhh... nothing much o_o

Minus the fact that I'm a little over halfway through the Organizations. xD ;;


All of the Organizations are up and updated.

I'll be getting ready to go out here soon, but this thread shall be open for applications soon enough. I'll make an official announcement when the time comes.
Hello and thank you for showing your interest in DOMINATION. I am currently opening up the rp to applications. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me. Otherwise, please read everything and apply when you can. Once your character sheet is completed, post it in the character sign-up. Also, please notify me if there is any coding errors or if you are unfamiliar to BBCodes.

@infamous H4V0C @Aqua

Fffff... My profiles are gonna be slightly delayed.

I'm going on an adventure...

This adventure is called Clean Up & Fix Family's Windows Vista Desktop.

Okay, the plot is off the wall crazy. Not gonna lie. But man does it look fun! I'll write up a sheet tomorrow.

You. I'm going to be following you.

I like how you have Stone Cold yet your name is a Rock term.

Yes, I am a WWE fan.

Anyways. xD ;;

Off the wall crazy is... a bad thing? Dx
It can be a great thing given the right medium, and I think Domination just might be the place. You have something special here. That's for sure!

And haha right on brother! ;)

Well what you can do is send me all of the info from the profile in a conversation, and I will put it in the profile for you if it's accepted. And if it is accepted, I'll post it up with you tagged in it.


Awwww yeeeeeah.

Thanks a lot for the kind comments. ;D
Don't be afraid to make conversation~


My own profiles are taking forever. Dx
Characters Kelsey and Johnny will be put on the backburners for a little while until they can come into story later.

Ryuu's profile might actually come after my first In-Character post.

I would like to start posting IC after I get at least half the profiles in.
I wish more people were involved in OOC right now, because I would ask what people would want to see at some point in DOM. xD
I'll see about finishing Viktor before the weekend hits, Yuuki.

Or y'know. I'll just finish him now since inspiration hit. >>
I think we're so used to semi-active oocs.

Its kind of scary how no on is even like....socializing. xD ;;

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