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Fantasy Department of Defense Against the Supernatural

Liliana thanked Alexa, and browsed through the books over there.

Cornelius sensed the presence of something far older than he, but couldn't figure out where it came from, or what it was, so he shrugged it off, and headed to the counter where the girl had been working. "Excuse me miss...?" He asked, pausing long enough for her to answer, then he continued with, "Yes, my name is Cornelius Greyston, and I'm a detective with the Department of Defense Against Malicious Paranormal, Supernatural, and Extraterrestrial Action. I'm here to ask Mr. and Mrs. Heights some questions, do you know where I may find them?" He was so used to saying the department name that he just sped through it, making it all sound very much like one word. He pulled up his badge to show her briefly before putting it back away.
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Luke sighed. Great, more people. It was hard enough being at the station with all these cops. He sighed again "Whatever. On my way." He paused. The caller was clearly new, and was starting to panic. "You should calm down. If DDAMPSEA is ever called in, the case is sealed. We don't do this shit for fun."

Luke headed out the door, taking an energy drink and pulling up his hood to conceal his face. He shot a text to both Corin and Piper. "Bullshit's happening. DDAMPSEA has called us in from me directly. This is from the head. We must head to the main department. Finish up there though. We still need that info"
"I do, I think they're across the road, there's a café there, I don't remember them coming in though." She answered with her hands gripping her jacket sleeves. One of said hands reached up and scratched at the plaster on the side of her face. "I'm sorry if that isn't helpful enough...that's all I've got..."
"You'll see what it is when you get here." the man said before ending the conversation.

In the main room at the department, a large screen was pulled down with a projection on it. It looked like a weather map with something large happening down south, Starting from the coast and working it's way towards New Orleans

Corin nodded, and said, "Thank you for your help. Say, do you know their daughter very well? Arianna, the softball player?"
"Yes, I know Arianna, but we didn't get along well, she did not like my 'condition'." She ran her fingers through her and exhaled. "I am human if you're wondering."
Piper walked up next to Corin, passing the strange man along the way. She exchanged a look with him, but something seemed very strange to her and she hurried on toward her partner.

When she got the text from Cross she frowned, concerned at what it might be. She stood by to listen to the conversation. "Was there anything unusual about her at the end?"
"She seemed darker, scared almost. Kept telling me about a dog...something like that...she's dead isn't she..."

She asked with a very small voice, her body shrinking in on itself as she spoke. She sat in the chair, shaking slightly. "I knew she was going to die, it was a gut instinct...I wasn't crazy..."
Greyston checked his message as he waited for the reply, 'Any clue what's going on?' he sent back, before sliding his phone back into his pocket.

That response made Corin perk up, surely the dog and the tapestry were connected some how, but if what Tulula said about it being passed down was accurate, that meant there was a trigger- something that started the curse. "She is." Greyston told Alexa. "I'm sorry to bring sad news... How did you know?"
"I d-don't know...I get a gut instinct about things happening, sometimes when I touch people, skin to skin, I can see their past, experience it...I'm not crazy, you don't think I'm crazy, do you?"

She looked up at them, her eyes frantic and terrified. She couldn't bear to be thought of as mad.
"Trust me, there are crazier things in this world than seeing through time, particularly if they turn out to be accurate... huh, must have some kind of magic if you're human, though. Intriguing. Well, we should head over to find the family. Let us know if you think of anything helpful." Corin passed her a card with the department's number on it.
He looked at her, curious what she'd see in his long life, and if it would even be accurate. There was so much to see, from his childhood in the 1800s to his attempts to join the Golden Fang. Those hadn't been good times, they wanted him to do things to humans and others that he simply wouldn't do, that's why he joined the department in the first place.
Her eyes glowed a brilliant gold, and in front of them, images of his life flashed.

At the end of the slideshow, she seized up and spoke one word.


Before falling out of her chair, unconscious.
"Excuse me." Piper started, turning sharply to see the dark-haired man standing behind her. He looked very serious. "What did you say that girl's name was?"

"Heights," Piper responded, then immediately looked away with a frown, unsure why she responded so immediately.
He half jumped over the desk as hereached over the desk to try to stop her from falling, which was only mildly successful. "That didn't seem human, interesting." he muttered to himself. His attention was drawn away from the Alexa by Piper and the mysterious man.
Tulula was busy reading, so she didn't notice what just happened until she heard a sort of thump. She looked up from her book and jumped up to help after closing the book. "Oh my gosh! Is she ok?"
"She's fine" Corin called, wondering if it was okay for them to just leave her there or not. It seemed a bit rude, but this wasn't worth calling an ambulance over... probably.
Piper frowned after Corin's reassurance. "Why do you want to know about the girl?"

"I have an interest in that family name," the man replied. "I believe they're in possession of something of mine. It's important I get it back."
(You are not leaving me there!)

Her eyes moved rapidly under her lids, but not enough to signal consciousness. Her body started to glow a very dim golden colour, the porcelain flesh taking on that hue, with varying shades. Her hair did the same as the rest of her, lifting in a breeze only meant for her.
(No, but he was thinking about it!)

"Does that happen to be a sword or a gun?" Corin asked, jumping back over the counter after assuring that Alexa was fine.
Tulula frowned at the man. "What is this thing of yours exactly? A trinket? A key? A tapestry?" She asked raising an eyebrow.
When the glow began, Corin looked back towards the girl, 'We still haven't gotten around to interviewing the family' he thought, 'now this not human human, and this strange... creature. He must be the ancient thing...' Corin trusted Piper to speak with the man, and went back around the table, deciding not to jump this time, to see what was happening with the girl. Glowing things are always interesting.
The last word caused him to turn to her immediately. "That's it. The tapestry." He pointed at her for a moment before looking back at the agents. "I need to get it back immediately."

Piper said no more, looking at Corin. When he left her, she looked back at the man before her, still offput by him. "Why? What makes it so important?"

He looked over her shoulder a moment, thinking. "It needs to be kept somewhere very safe. Away from any human eye."

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