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Fandom Code Lyoko - Rise of Xana

"Yo smart person behind the computer. First off I'm sorry for not knowing your name and second what just happened? One second Kiara was there and the next she wasn't. Am I missing something?"

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When Kiara touched Sai, Kiara's leg wound began repairing itself data strand by strand. "Moun..zzzzz" Sai looked down at the ground. She looked back up with a tear going down her cheek as she touched her throat. More static noises came out.
"Yo, strong person inside the computer" Ebony said. "I can't keep track of everything, and that was just a jumble of data. Ok, so Jay was devirtualized and just came up with the elevator. I'm tracking Kiara right now, but whoever that was didn't get away with her, I'm sure. Ah, it looks like Sai found her and took her into a mountain about a mile south of your current position. So just to clarify, was that Fox?"
James stays silent for a bit. He starts to head towards the mountain that contains Kiara and Sai. "Yes that was him but it also wasn't him. Xana took his base code and twisted it beyond repair with something called the hand virus. You won't be able to get him back. But in safer news you have something he wants."

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Kiara felt her leg repairing itself when she touched Sai and she was able to stand normally. Hearing Sai try to speak and get upset about her voice, she quickly hugged the girl program, "Mountains. It's alright, don't worry. We'll find a way to fix your voice, I promise. We're in this together, after all."
"Would you please mind explaining how me having something he wants is "safer news"?" Ebony asked. "I mean, I don't plan on going in there any time soon. I can just scan myself and have immunity from memory loss, right?"


"I'm with Ebony" Jay said. "How is that safer?"
"If we keep what he wants out of Lyoko it should keep his appearances to just super important missions from Xana. However Xana my have changed it's game and I may be wrong but I'm usually not. Then again that was a year ago and a lot can happen in a year."

He arrives at the mountain but can't find a way inside. How do I get in there?

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"There should be an entrance near the top" Ebony said. "The mountain appears to be mostly hollow. So what does Fox want, exactly? hey Kiara, can you hear me?"
"It's simple really. Your friend Fox wants the Lovely Lady Kiara. When I was fighting the guards to the way that Kiara went I heard part of what they were talking about. The Shadow Fox wanted to see the lovely lady smile and when we entered he said something about getting to know her or something along those lines so using deduction that's what I think he wants." He mutters the next part but it is still heard. "It's just like last time my best friend also wanted a girl but instead of getting what he wanted he ended her, small snickering is heard, this group reminds me so much of my own. It's like history wants to get it right for once." He enters the mountain through the top.

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Ebony's voice echoed through the inside of the mountain and Kiara yelled into the sky to try and talk back to her. "Eb? Is that you? I'm here with Sai." She was still hanging onto Sai for some reason. Whether it was to feel safe or for comfort, she wasn't sure.
James taps Kiara on the shoulder hoping that he doesn't startle her. He looks over to the other person and thinks to himself. This must be the program these children have to help them combat Xana.

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Kiara turned to James, for some reason she knew it would be him or Jay since Ebony had just contacted her. "Hey James, thanks for intervening earlier, I was really stuck without you and Sai." She held up Sai's hand as she said her name. "That sword guy was so weird...I wonder what he wants. And where's Jay?"
He smiles. "No problem Kiara. Anyways Jay was sent back to the real world the hard way."

James turns towards Sai. "It's a pleasure to meet you." As he speaks he puts his right hand over his heart and bows slightly.

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"Ouch, sorry to hear that Jay." She said assuming he would hear her in the real world. She shuddered at the thought of being devirtualized by losing all your health. That must be a weird feeling. "So guys, what's the plan?"
"Well you can be taken back to the real world Kiara. I on the other hand have some business to take care of."

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She looked at him confused, "What do you mean? I just got here but I can help. I need to learn to fight anyway, right?" She honestly wasn't too sure herself if she wanted to stay or not, but she wanted to ask Ebony to look for a way to help Sai get her voice back. "Maybe I should go back... but I don't like the idea of you staying here alone, even if you are experienced."
Sai took two steps standing next to Kiara, she gave her a look that said it all. I will watch him. Sai knew that Kiara didn't fully trust him. Sai didn't either. The computer program wondered how James got inside the mountain because there are no entrances.
Kiara met Sai's eyes and understood instantly what she was saying. She nodded, "Alright. I'll be back again." She looked up, still not sure how communicating with the real world worked, "Ebony you can bring me back."
Ebony sat back in he chair. "I can, but won't. If I bring one back I bring both. It's simply too dangerous for anyone to be alone, even James. Fox was taken when he wasn't alone. You can't change my mind."
Alright then. I'll do what I need to another time I guess. After all I would like Jay to be here when I prove I'm right. Get us out if you would please.

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"Then put me in," Peter said, putting his hand on Ebony's shoulder. "Besides, someone needs to watch over the princess, right?" He knew what he was getting himself in to, knowing the consequences.
"Well, ok" Ebony said. "Go get in position. I'm pulling you out once Peter enters, ok Kiara?" She prepped the scanner. "So what happened to you Jay?"


"Well," Jay started. "Dark Fox realized I was aiming at the Bloks behind him and not actually him so he had another Blok freeze me in place and, well, you can imagine what happened from there."
Kiara vaguely heard Jay's voice through Ebony's headset. What does he mean. 'Dark Fox'? Is that the figure from earlier who almost got me?....That would explain a few things. She snapped out of it and looked at Sai. "If you need me back, let me know. You're in good hands and I'm going to get us started on helping you speak again. I'll do whatever it takes." Placing her hand on her hip and feeling comfortably safe, she waited for devirtualization. "Yeah Ebony, I'm ready. Someone needs to explain this 'Dark Fox' to me because... well I'm a bit lost."
James Stood waiting for something to happen. He didn't know if he was getting revitalized or if someone elts was coming in. One thing he did know was that Sai probably didn't trust him and maybe some of the others didn't as well. He just didn't know anymore.
Dahlia was sitting at a bench in the Academy's courtyard. There was still plenty of time left for their lunch break. Dahlia frown, 'I wonder where they went.' thought Dahlia. It was pretty suspicious that Kiara's group were gone. She told her friends and asked for their opinions but she was brushed aside. 'They're up to something and I'm going to find out.'

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