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Fantasy Clash of Kingdoms

"Of course, m'lord," she said softly as she glanced back to her home. "If you'd excuse me, I should be getting inside before I catch a cold," she said smiling at him as sweetly as she could while she shivered.
She shook her head politely. "That's very kind of you to offer, sir, but there is no use of both of us being soaked to the skin. It's a short walk to the castle, a little more rain won't hurt me," she said with a soft laugh.
(before the time skip)

After a bow, Bolton politely said to Azura "I will see you tomorrow then.

(after the time skip)

Bolton was awake all of the night and morning, reading about the laws that were in place. He had copied important information onto pieces of parchment to easily refer to. Relentlessly, he had went through every relevant book that he could find in the library. Exhausted from the extensive and fast paced reading, Bolton left his book covered desk and fell onto his bed. After a second of silence, he let his mind idle and his muscles rest.
"I'm quite alright," she said with a small laugh. "I'm not nearly as delicate as I look. I killed a bear with a crossbow just this week," she said, remembering the events of the hunting trip.
He put his hand to her fore head before she could protest "you have a fever, I shall accompany you back to the castle, and have it seen to that you are okay" said micheal
She rolled her eyes. "I do not have a fever," she said half glaring. "And you shouldn't touch a lady without her permission, it's how men like you end up in trouble," she said as she walked into the archway that led to the house. "If you'll excuse me, m'lord, I should get dry."
(She doesn't hate him, she's just distracted by her own porblems and it's making her a tad rude. She'll warm up to him when she realises she'd being rude)
(Okay, but now I want to put in a plot twist... And now I have nothing to do for a while. It would be funny if she comes down with a fever now)
After Bolton left for his rooms, Azura also decided that she may as well retire for the night. The next morning Azura awoke and noticed that it was raining. She had been planning to go outside for awhile, but since she didn't feel like catching a cold decided to wander the halls instead. As she passed a window overlooking the gardens she spotted a stranger standing outside. Unsure as to who it was, she stood close to the window, watching the person.
(I have returned home!). //before time skip// Kurt noticed Ema had fallen asleep, and he smiled softly. He put her to bed properly, before giving her a goodnight kiss and leaving her room. He returned to the Servant's quarters and fell asleep. /time skip// he woke up the next morning, with a yawn. He pulled on his servants clothes, hearing the others gossip about Karleen ending up in the brig. Few guessed that Kurt was somehow involved, as he usually was, and gave him a pat on the back. He got up, heading to breakfast. He snuck a piece of bacon from the kitchens and ate it, before looking Around for something to do.

(It would be a good post opitunity for me if your character got the sniffles)
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Neva hurried to her room where her a maid ran her a bath. She undressed herself and sank down into the warm water, enjoying soaking up the heat. She washed the rain from her hair and quickly dried herself off before sitting in front of the fire as the maid braided her hair. She dressed in a pale blue dress and watched the rain for a while, loving the feeling of her hair being brushed and braided. After she'd finished, Neva turned to the maid and thanked her kindly, exiting her room in search of something to do.
(It can if you're out in it long enough. If your bodies core temperature drops it can make you more susceptible to viruses.... :P I think....)
(Exactly ^^. But the reason cold and fly season is in winter is because people spend more time indoors around other people which makes it easier to transmit the germs needed to make you sick. Otherwise, only an extended period of time in the cold could lower your immune system enough to make you more susceptible to illness.)

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