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Cant Trust a Pirate! (Libra259andHoundsofWar)

Azuri sighs and heads back to Makasha's shop. Part two should start in a bit. She thought and walks into Makasha's shop. She explained where she went and then they began to chat again.
He goes into the tavern, worried and gaunt in appearance, starting to drink some of the ale they have for sale there. just sitting within the crowd of happy men and women that believe their town is perfectly fine, only having to deal with robberies instead of the threat of slavery.
This town is so boring... And dull.. I need something exciting and adventure... Not sitting and pretending.. Oh and Makasha can talk.. God does she ever run out of things to say?! She thought and began to stop listening.
The men around Keith started to ask what was wrong, he just kept drinking until they finally made him talk "the past... it's quite the ride whether or not we wanted to take it... I just started thinking on it again. thanks for caring guys, but I think it's something the tankard can help with."
Azuri takes a flask out from the pocket of her dress. Yes she drank. She drank a hell lot too though she holds alcohol real well. Makasha wasnt surprised considering this was normal. Azuri opened the flask and took a sip. She stopped trying to offer Makasha some since she never wanted it. "I dont see the problem.." She said to her friend as Makasha continued trying to get Azuri to understand her point.
after that the men pat Keith on his back, saying their sorrys for bothering him. he continues to drink, still in his state of worry and gaunt looking as he slowly gets up and starts heading to port, tankard still in hand... he'd been drinking for awhile at this point, while he could take his drink sometimes he drank too much and got drunk to the point of falling asleep and waking with a hangover the next day because of it.
Azuri closes the flask since she didnt want to smell like alcohol and puts it back into her pocket of her dress. The women yawns a bit while asking questions stilling trying to understand her friend. What are you trying to say?!? What do you mean?! NOOO for the tenth time I dont have a lover! Ugh your impossible you know that?!! Just impossible! Caudex! She thought annoyed as she answered politely on the outside. Though her patiences was running out.
Once he reaches the port he heads to the end of one of the piers, sitting on the edge of it over looking the sea he wished he could sail... but he had a job, protect the people he'd grown up with and cared for... but one day he would, he just knew he would. He might die at sea but he would like that better then dying in a city, or in slavery because of it. he nodded once to himself, he would one day ride the waves or die trying.
Ok im leaving. Azuri excuses herself and walks out of the shop. She decided to head down to the docks and then the pier after. Since she couldnt be on her ship just seaing the ocean should be ok for the moment. There was a light breeze that blew her hair away from her face and a small smile grazes her lips. Looking at the shimmering water brought back many memories good and bad.
Keith slowly put his tankard down, one of his hands starting to shake from a memory that left part of the town on fire, tears forming in his eyes as he remembers watching his parents burn under their house... since that day he couldn't live near the port, it was too risky... he hated fire, but he knew it was necessary for survival. whether he liked it or not, no matter what, fire would always be used for something. with that thought he tried to put his past behind him, wiping away the tears and starting to drink from his tankard again.
Azuri wasnt fazed by her memories anymore. They had already brought her great pain and happiness but she rarely feels any emotion anymore. It was quite sad. She just felt some guilt and sympathy but it was never for more than a minute or two. She walks along the docks sighing a bit.
with that memory he slowly stood up, still drinking but now in her view, letting out a mall sigh it was time to get back to his job then likely sleep through the nightmares that night... yeah, it was going to be just great for him that night, well if he drank more alcohol it probably would be but he wasn't going to. after all of that thinking he finally started moving towards his patrol route.
Azuri caught sight of the guardsman she talked to but didnt want to bother with anything at the moment. She headed towards a small beach while humming a haunting tune sailors say sirens sing.
The man sits down in one of the chairs that most of the guards use to rest... or sleep on the job. either way he was going to stay awake, just a slight bit groggy from the ale he drank and the pain sapping his energy from him. though he knew no matter what he had to stay awake, there was always a threat of attack during these times and it never ceased to exist for a moment.
Once Azuri reached the sand she would slip her shoes off and place them off the sand. She'd transfer to singing the haunting tune from humming it. Thinking she is far enough away so no one will hear her.
He started to hear some extremely good singing, even looking over to see it was the same woman from before then going back to sitting perfectly still in his seat, watching over the ocean for any incoming ships that might've been hostile.
Azuri now lifts the skirt of her dress to just above her knees and attaches it with the buttons on there. She had modified the dress so it could be different lengths. She then walks into the water but only till it slight covers her feet. As she ended the song she'd sing another tune with an enchanting rhythm. She liked songs of the sirens since they didnt work on her.
when the first had finished Keith didn't know what to expect but when he heard the second he drug himself deep within his head, listing through his memories, making sure he remembered everything good or bad... dragging himself through his own hell to keep his attention away from her singing now. taking another drink he starting watching the harbor again, keeping his eyes on the ocean.
Azuri smiled at the refreshing feeling of the water and light breeze that blew her long hair from her neck. Yeah she may be considered a bad person but she really wasnt. She had never killed anyone and yes she stole and lead raids but her raids never involved killing. The crew knew that if they killed someone who didn't absolutely deserve it would get a very severe punishment. One worse than death since again she doesnt kill. Obviously there were rumours she did but she didnt care she knew she didn't.

Azuri continues to sing. The breeze carries her voice farther into the town. She was always complimented on her voice and some even accused her of witchcraft because of how oddly similar her voice sounded to the sirens. How obscure. People could be so dense.
Despite being in the public view he knew the wound couldn't wait, if anyone saw it they'd just keep it to themselves anyways. it was well known the Keith held the most scars in the city. so he took off his jacket, then his shirt and starting getting to work on the wound to keep it closed, using the pain to block out the sings effect on his mind.
Azuri finishes her sound with a soft hum and sigh. She did like this town and it was a shame it was a target for most pirates. The more the town fought the more pirates and attacks there would be. Once a pirate puts their mind to something they almost always stick to it. Well at least the 'normal' ones do.
he started to stitch the inner parts of the wound, connecting the muscle with the string, but it'd have to heal on it's own time. after stitching the inner parts together he stitches the outside together, rewrapping the bandages around his chest. when he was finished he put on his shirt and jacket again. sitting back into his chair to watch the sky for a small bit.
Azuri continues to walk along the shore. How boring it was here though. She sighs once again watching a few seagulls fly over her. Why must it be so quiet?.. She thought. Couldnt there be something interesting that happens?..
Across the port she hears "Cross and bones!" a common calling for pirates in this part of the world, guards starting to get to their stations quickly, even Keith was getting ready within the ranks of the men to fight off the pirates.
Azuri heard a man shout cross and bones and slightly smirks. She runs back to the port to watch from afar since she couldnt join them. Maybe she knew these pirate and hopefully if so she hadnt pissed them off. They'd recognize her and that would not be good. So she stopped a bit away.

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