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Cant Trust a Pirate! (Libra259andHoundsofWar)

'Lyetta' runs to where the fight happened. "What the hell happened?!" She shouted in a completely different voice. She runs over straight to where the men were injured breathing slightly heavily. "I heard the battle cry tactic. Was it pirates?" She asks like she was use to this happening.
Keith looked over at her, "Yeah, it was pirates. we won but it cost us a complete men... not sure about the one with injuries yet, but none of them look too serious as of now, we'll just have to wait and see though." he was still helping the injured to the building they used as a hospital.
'Lyetta' also began to help. Making conversation with the men she helped. She was quite familar with thema all but oddly enough never learned their names. She also helped with wounds and such.
after making sure all of the guards that were alive were fine he finally let the healers get to work on him, cleaning out the wounds than bandaging them. he groaned when they cleaned the wounds, wincing when they used the alcohol to make sure infection wouldn't happen.
'Lyetta' lets out a sigh. "Ive never asked but are you guys the kings men? Or someone of the kings men's men?" She asks genuinely curious. She was affiliated with the king from constant help financial wise and plain helping wise.
Keith shook his head. "We had someone from the kings army show up awhile ago, helped up with the plans and trained the men in secret. they respected that we wanted to remain our own place and fight for our people so... well, here we are. now more defensible than we have been for years."
"Oh I see. That must be nice." 'Lyetta' says referring to staying their own place. She was rather shocked the king let them though. He could be quite the grouchy bitch at times.
"We're getting close to making agreements, but as of now I don't think that'd be advisable, the people like being themselves not slaves to the tax." he said, even himself letting disgust creep into his voice. "and having soldiers that'd harass the women, or everyone in general for cash. greedy fuckers want everything for free as well. which is why I like being free, not stuck under a banner of any kind."
"Dont we all." 'Lyetta' chuckled. "They are fuckers arent they. Though again women could actually learn a few moves. I might go around teaching some so that doesnt happen. Thats the one thing that annoys me more than taxes."
Keith shrugged "Never stopped them from hurting an guy in the first place, I've seen the biggest brute in his team go down with one square kick. dropped him like a sack of potatoes." he bends down to check his leg, looking at the bandaging "Well, there goes me being able to do guard duty for awhile..."
"I could always temporarily take your place. Ive done it many times with other guardsmen." 'Lyetta' says genuinely.
"I'm sure we'll be fine for awhile if a pirate ship doesn't return to their port island within a week... they might finally call off the attacks for awhile since they don't know what we have that made us able to defeat one of their entire crews." he starts to rub his leg, looking up to her "but if it comes to it, yeah, you can take my place. just prove yourself to the men and they'll follow you."
"That wont be to hard." 'Lyetta' chuckles as she stands up after finishing up tending to a more minor wound. God did she want a good battle. She was almost craving it. Fighting was now in her blood and sadly she loved it.
"It'd probably make it even easier if you stayed and met the men, helped tend to the wounded and such before that time. some of them may seem like total twats at first, but they grow on you." he slowly got up, using the base of his halberd as a support to keep himself up. "anyways, I'm off to my quarters to rest off these wounds."
"Ive been doing that for a long time but since I havent really spoken to anyone not many of them remember. But yeah I'll continue to do that and cya." 'Lyetta' replies with a wave.
He gave her a wave back as he left, he kept slowly going though. his wounds caused him pain but he knew he'd rather be at his house instead of with everyone else. that was usually how you died, someone got sick there, alot of people ended up sick because of that guy.
'Lyetta' stayed and chatted a bit with some of the men. Hm their defense of the town is very good but their defense of themselves is not good at all.. Their format doesn't allow much space for dodging.. So maybe I can help with that and possibly dodging sjnce I observed like none of that.
It appears most, if not all of the major damage was focused on their shield. only some minor wounds from the format if anything, they were using the phalanx to overlap and hold the shields close, using them as cover as they stabbed from above.
It was like the romans but the flaw with that is once its broken then where is the defense? There would be chaos and disorder. Standing together like that was a good idea however she bet she could take it down.. She also wondered if there was a plan that she couldnt get through or destroy. That would be interesting. After a bit 'Lyetta' bid them farewell and headed towards a random place.
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It may not have been perfect... but who was really focused on the men? they had mostly focused on the man swinging the halberd, crushing and snapping their weapons like nothing more than metal twigs. the defense wasn't the greatest, but their main power was sitting behind and taking stabs at the people while the man in front tried his best to kill, disarm, or maim them all.
'Lyetta' yawned and continued to think of what she saw. This town was definitely something and she liked it. But could it really benefit her like she wanted? That was something she was going to have to find out for herself and preferably fast too.
Once Keith got to the house he laid down in his bed, letting out a hybrid of a yawn, groan and sigh at the same time. he was tired, hurt like hell and nearly breathless from all that fighting. he needed to train his men more like the greeks, the romans had been worse and they used more from the spartans then most anyone ever did anymore. the ways of fighting were turning from purely team work to individual fighting through teams.
'Lyetta' strolled down the streets chatting with various people and entering different shops. She was just bored at the moment and wanted something to do.
He closed his eyes, but he couldn't sleep. he had denied the nurse that tried to give him some pain killing herbs, saying that other people needed it more. he was now regretting that decision because he couldn't sleep right away.
'Lyetta' decided to get a room in one of the taverns in the town and sleep. She had nothing better to do but she was tired and bored so it worked. She'd close the door and lock it then slip her shoes off. After she'd just faceplant on the bes and sigh.

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