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Cant Trust a Pirate! (Libra259andHoundsofWar)

Keith watches her as she leaves, turning back to leave the alley, halberd in hand as he heads to the port to see if it's still in good condition or if it's completely destroyed like the last attack... either way he wouldn't really be surprised, the attacks had gone on for years, he'd lost quite a few people to them but he had only just barely survived the last major attack. a large scar hidden from sight was his reminder of the dead for that one.
Azuri sighs and heads towards her friends shop. It was untouched and fine however her friend was quite shaken up from the screams, shouting, and gathering of so called soldiers. She greets her friend with a hug asking if she could stay with her. Her friend agreed since neither of them wanted to be alone. Even if Azuri wouldnt admit it.
Well, it wasn't exactly a scar yet, with all his movement to protect the city it was still a minor wound but even that could kill him with time... yet he continues to move, trying to make sure everyone is ok before he even thinks about attending to himself. by the time he gets home the bandaging is a dark crimson red, so much for caring for himself. even though the captain had told him to take a vacation from the job Keith still kept showing up every day.
Azuri and Makasha chatted for quite a while. It wasnt like Azuri got to do this often since her crew consisted of all males who, for the most part, feared her. It was nice for a change.
Keith spent the next hour cleaning, stitching then bandaging his large cut. every now and again letting out a groan of pain but keeping it low so that no-one could hear it. everyone had heard the story in town, but none could believe it, or the fact that he was alive. even the ones that saw it never had the chance to confirm it, they had all died before they could even make it back to town. the one thing that he hated just as much as murderers was pirates because of what they'd done to the town over the years.
Azuri sighed as she created a new plan. She wanted something exciting to happen. Though of course she didnt want to get caught.. Or maybe she just might.. That could be the best way to figure some more things out and still get that excitment. Though the challenge may be actually convicing people she was incharge of it.. She could be executed worst case scenario.. And its not like she could go and say she did it.. It would look odd coming from a young woman who was knowm for her generosity and kindness... Oh she could go as the pirate princess.. But thats asking to die and she would want to be able to escape after she got bored..
after dressing the wound and thinking over life Keith finally crawls into bed, staring at the ceiling with a burning pain in his chest for the longest time before he can get to rest. the entire time trying to figure out why the attacks would happen weekly now instead of just every other week... were the pirates getting that desperate for food and valuables? It just didn't make sense to him as he drifted into one of his nightmarish dreams, tossing and turning most of the night, waking up after that same scene had played out just before the sun came up... ever haunting him.
Azuri didnt sleep all night. She was thinking and it payed off. A devilish smile tugs its way onto her lips as she got the perfect idea. She knew why the attacks were happening and she could certainly give them information. But of course she had a way this could benefit her of her own. A couple hours after the sun came up she leaves the small shop leaving a note for Makasha. She heads back to where she saw the guardman that looked like he was incharge.
He isn't in the alley, but the next biggest possibility at this time of day is the tavern, likely to drink away the pain of living in such a small town that keeps getting attacked. she hears cheers coming from men in the tavern, all overly happy, likely at their recent 'win' against an unknown pirate gang that tried to rob them.
Azuri heads towards the tavern and shyly sticks her head in the door. And here goes the act again. She thought with a mental roll of her eyes. "E-Excuse me?.." She'd ask louder than usual because of the noise. She was now standing in the door.
As she peeks in all she sees is a crowd of men holding one up in the air, drinks to the sky as he calmly sits in their hands before finally raising his hands "quiet men, quiet! We don't even know the dangers and yet you all decide to celebrate, this is nothing more than what we've come to know. life has been hard since the wars started, but we must prevail through this hardship! Not drink our happiness into the ground and let them have an easier pick!" at that the men keep their grins but the noise dies down, the men going back to their duties or trying to talk with the man she saw yesterday.
Azuri repeats what she said again once the man from yesterday finished his speech, "E-Excuse me?" She says trying to get someone's attention. Just answer me before I lose my patients! She thought irritatedly.
After a short while of declining to talk the man walks over "Yes ma'am? is there something you needed?" despite his annoyed look from his other guardsmen bugging him half to death his voice remains level and polite to her
"I-I wasnt sure if I should get i-involved and would of told sooner.. B-But I know some things about why the t-town has been attacked.." Azuri spoke in her 'normal' soft voice. She broke the eye contact she made with the man to look at her feet. This is annoying.. But necessary.. Acting so shy and feeble.. And weak.. But I must be as different as I can from the pirate princess.. Though not polar opposites since that can cause suspicions.
The guard looks back into the room, a couple stares having been drawn when he moved across the room, and now they look at this apparently feeble woman. Keith turns back to her "come on, let's go somewhere more private for this. we don't need the towns people going crazy over the news." he said looking out of the tavern now, making sure the outside was clear
Azuri nodded, "o-ok." She said. Bingo. She thought while mentally smirking. This info would be real and this was almost her way of apologizing for the many attacks done to this town. She wasn't responsible for all of them but she was for quite a few of them.
Keeping a watchful eye over the alleys and side streets he brings her to his house instead of the prison/interrogation building, closing the door behind them "Sorry about the attack yesterday, probably ruined your time here..." he says with a sigh "they've just been getting more frequent with time though..." sitting down in a chair, a small smile on his face that trying to hide the pain of the position he's in "so, what did you want to talk about?"
"W-Well yesterdays attack was my fault.." Azuri says looking down at the ground. "The pirates who a-attacked this town were here to find more h-hostages for ransom, like m-me.. Though the difference is t-that I was taken young.. A-And when they found out w-who I was they made me help t-them get money and other things.. I finally got close e-enough to some guardsmen so w-when I screamed they couldnt get m-me... Oh and the other frequent a-attacks are to wind up the c-citizens striking fear into the t-town. To get their existence a-and strength out. Its also b-because this town is smaller.." The young woman explained looking up every once in a while. What she said was the truth but not the whole truth. She eventually overthrew the captain of the ship and replaced that said person as the captain. Still far more details are left out. How the truth can be used for something different than just for the sake of telling it.. What a great plan this is..
The guard turns his head and coughs lightly, holding over his chest as he does so before turning back to look at her, nodding "I figured some of them were to inflict fear... but I didn't know the major part as to why..." He seems concerned for the people around him, not even himself as he looks at the ground for a moment before looking back up at her "thank you for letting me know, but if you'll excuse me I have to tell the men... it'll give them a reason to fight, a reason to get back to their jobs once more like they used too." he says, standing up slowly
"Y-Your welcome.. Your o-obviously hurt.. I assume its bad considering y-your behavior.. Im quite skilled im the a-art of medicine.. Well for w-what is known.. Would you l-like me to h-help you at all?.." Azuri asks kindly and with concern. Well as much concern she could muster from putting this act on so long. Though wven so it was quite convincing.
He gives her a small smile "Price of protecting the city, we all die eventually even if we fight until our last dying breath." with that he shakes his head and stands straight, putting on his own act as he starts leaving the house "though, I would appreciate if you left the house first, just for safety measures."
Once she leaves he closes the door, locking it and putting the keys back on the necklace around his neck, heading towards the tavern again. "have a nice day ma'am." he says, walking away slowly
"Y-You too." Azuri says while walking back towards Makasha's shop. Part one complete. She thought with a mental smirk. This was to easy.
He sighed and put a hand to his head, there was no way he could actually break the news to them, so he wouldn't until he actually needed too. the town was doing fine despite the fact that they were being attacked so frequently, even for being such a small town they seemed to be one of the safest, which drew in more people than they'd ever had before the war.

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