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Realistic or Modern A Descent into Chaos

He frowned. “Oh…” His gaze peered up at the sky for a moment. Closing his eyes for a moment and taking a breath. “Do you have a map? I could make it work… there’s no reason for me to inconvenience either of you.” He finally decided as he took off the jacket and set it beside Wrath. Itching at his arms as he thought a little more.
Wrath took the jacket standing up and placing at the other side of the fire next to the violin case before crossing back.
"No, I don't have one with me right now that I can give away, but the town of Heldon isn't more then a days truck from here, we're headed in that direction anyway. You can travel with us for that long." She decided crossing back and taking a seat once more.
"We do know where Everfield Clinic is, so I suppose I can write down the address for you on the back. It's quite a ways away however." She cautioned.
Caleb faced her and smiled thankfully. “Yeah… yeah that’ll be fine. I can handle it.” He hummed giving a grin. “Plus I escaped them. I can keep on guard until I make it to this… clinic thingy.” He came and sat by Wrath again stretching out. His eyes shutting a moment enjoying the warmth of the fire on his face.
Wrath nodded
"Good, that's all we can do for you if your story is true. " she felt the can smiled seeing it was warmed enough and passed it over to him grabbing one for herself as well.
The sound of a gunshot fired in the distance causing her to immediately straighten turning towards him, any hint of friendliness in her eyes disappearing in an instance as her hand flew to her own gun holster as she jumped to her feet knocking over the can she had in her lap quickly switching the safety off.
He gulped and set the can aside getting up. Grabbing a stone and crouching down. His hazel eyes were narrowed. He refused to be taken back. He couldn’t be. His feet shuffled under him and he tended at the ready. He would fight through hell and die before he went back.
Wrath glanced back at him with a somewhat harsh glare.
"Sounds like you're lucky, Insomnia found you, unlucky for us though...you better hope this just comes down to luck." Using her free hand to fish out a walkie talkie from her pants pockets quickly bringing it up to her mouth.
"Insomnia, are you alright? Over?" Seconds passed before a static came out of the device.
"I have it handled. Three pigs, they're dead now. Get ready to head out though. On my way back." The voice on the other side sounded strained as if in pain.
He frowned listening close. Shuffling awkwardly knowing he was about to be punished for something that wasn't his fault. His breaths quickening as he tried to think of anything to do. “Damnit…” He muttered out gulping.
Wrath shoved the walkie talkie back into her pocket moving to swiftly kick snow into the fire causing it to go out with a puff of steam. She glanced back noticing his anxiety and softened her gaze ever so slightly and jabbed a finger at a nearby bag.
"Look, I'm prone to believe your story, but regardless it seems like you're coming with us until we can determine your truthfulness. So grab that fish out the pain killers and get ready." She instructed before moving the other side of the campfire quickly strapping the violin case go the bag that rest there and grabbed the jacket tossing it towards him.
He flinched catching the jacket and pulling it on. Scooping up the bag and opening it to dig through and find the pain killers. Finding them and holding them out to her. Trying his hardest to be helpful and prove that it wasn't his fault. That he wasn't trying to lie. He was scared of what might happen if they deem him to be a liar. What if his truth wasn't the one they found true? His grip on the painkillers and bag tightened and he sheepishly slipped to her side with a slightly pitiful whimper.

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