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Cant Trust a Pirate! (Libra259andHoundsofWar)

At some point during the night, his eyes had closed and he hadn't noticed until the rays of the sun pushed at him through closed eye lids. he groaned and turned onto his side away from the light, keeping his eyes closed as he tried to sleep more.
'Lyetta' had fallen asleep pretty fast. She remained asleep when the sun came up since she was generally a heavy sleeper. A bomb could go off in the closest town and she probably wouldnt wake up. It was bad but it wasnt like she could help it.
He drifted back into a short rest, but finally the sun won against him and he got up. after undressing he undresses the wounds to clean and restitch them if they weren't closing properly. after all of that he bandages the wounds again, dressing afterwards.
'Lyetta' was half on the bed and half off the bed. She moved a lot in her sleep and ended up in weird positions in the morning. Her pillow was also halfway across the floor and the covers to the bed were also half off the bed. (Lol me when I sleep xP)
Keith slowly stretched, taking care to not open any of the wounds as he did so, yawning as he reached towards the ceiling. of course this wasn't the best thing to do because a couple seconds later he opened his eyes after he had found himself sprawled on the floor, light headed and dizzy.
'Lyetta' ended up on the floor with a soft thud a few minutes later however she didnt wake up. Fortunately the cover from the bed was also half on the bed so she landed on them. The most she did was shift positions so she was sprawled out on the floor. She probably needed more sleep more often..
Keith slowly looked around, rubbing his head as he got up to his knees. giving himself some time before he stood on his feet, using his own bed as a support to keep himself up through all the light headedness.
'Lyetta' eventually woke up with a yawn. She was quite confused to find herself entangled in the covers and on the floor. Am I really that heavy of a sleeper?... And do I really move that much.. Ha I guess so. She chuckles before shoving the covers away and getting up. She'd take a step away from the covers while picking it up from the floor though unfortunately her foot got stuck as she did so and she tripped herself. The girl landed on her butt with a fairly loud thud and a groan. Im not awake yet. Screw it.. She thought while just laying down where she was and sighing. She'd try in five minutes, maybe the outcome would be better.
After awhile Keith no longer felt light headed... well, not as nearly light headed as he was three minutes ago and he finally starting to walk downstairs, he needed to make some coffee or else he was going to have to drown himself to wake up. and well... he wasn't feeling suicidal enough to try and wake up by nearly drowning himself, not to mention his hatred yet love for the sea. This totally doesn't make me feel good. all these wounds for next to nothing but not being enslaved... be a free man with scars covering his body or a slave that receives lashes for not working 'hard' enough despite his wounds... fuck it, I'll stay a free man, even if it means pure pain ahead of me.

'Lyetta' awoke ten minutes later. Yawning she sat up and began to chuckle as she remembered what had happened. She could be so clumsy sometimes. The young women carefully stood up after pulling the blanket from herself and throwing it onto the bed.

A few minutes later she straightens herself out. Running her fingers in her hair to undo the tangles. Then walking into the bathroom to wash up. 'Lyetta' took note that her hands were white from the white concoction she put in her hair to make it white.

After washing up she grabbed the bottle with the liquid inside of it and applied it to her air. She's let it dry then brush her hair out with her fingers. Since the mixture was newly applied and just dried it stayed in her hair when she touched it and such.

With all that done she made the bed, picked her bag up while putting the bottle back, and walking out of the room.

What new excitment might this day hold?
Keith finally made it down the stairs and well... it had hurt like hell, so he b-lined for the kitchen and got one of the pots ready. he didn't really give a damn when it came to how the coffee was made, only that it was sweet and caffeinated somehow. once he set up the pot he headed towards the outside to get water from the well, he rarely kept water in the house unless it was for drinking and even then that was uncommon.

'Lyetta' makes her way out of the tavern and into the streets. Various people greeted her recognizing this version of her better than who she really was. Well to be fair she really was all of the people she was. There was no document saying her birth name. She had already destroyed anything like that.

I wonder if this small town has a black market?..
Keith went over to the well and got a small bucket of water, some people giving him waves as he walks by. though most of them ignore him, either because they don't notice him or because they noticed he hadn't had his coffee yet. he's pretty much zombie like without it in the morning, and he takes his time getting back to his house.

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