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Cant Trust a Pirate! (Libra259andHoundsofWar)

Keith starting to give out a rallying war cry, the men around him repeating it with him, over and over. it was obviously an intimidation tactic but it seemed to decrease the pirates moral seeing how organized and willing to die for their home and people. despite being a small town it's guard was large, it knew its importance on the map and it wasn't willing to give up that place. even if it meant destruction of their home, which would take years to rebuild no matter how many people worked on rebuilding it.
Azuri saw the ship and instantly recognized it. Shit.. The Black Blade.. She had a recent falling out with the asses and they just wouldnt back down. The same hole on the top of the ships deck was very distinctive since she made it herself. Well maybe they'd back down... But she doubted it. The crew was one of the larger ones too. Though they certainly knew how to fight. She may have to intervene which means an appearance change..
Keith raised his Halberd to the sky, then pointed it at the ship, arrows flying towards it. some of them on fire, others not... then that's when the cannons started to go off from the towers and the walls to keep people from just docking next to the island and attacking from there. parts of the ship starting to catch fire, some holes being punched into the ships hull. "Reload the cannons! Archers, covering fire!" the men with melee crouched down with shields out, the archers firing interchanging volleys to keep the archers on the pirate ship stuck to cover while the cannons reload on the island.
Azuri watches in amusement. Flaming arrows. That will slow them down at most. These pirates know damn well how to put out the biggest fires.. Thanks to copying me. Damn thieves and bloody morons.. Azuri always kept buckets of water suspended on ropes on every side of the mast and on various beams supporting all the sails. A simple tug on the rope and the water falls. And unfortunately for them the deck was made slightly slanted down towards the water so the water would then flow off. They really were thieves... Of items and ideas.
After a short while they heard a shout of "Ready!" Keith pointed his Halberd again and shouted "Fire the cannons!" the cannon balls more aimed this time, more central on the ship near the water line, a large hole being shot into the hull. "Archers, covering fire!" they started the same interchanging volley pattern again, most of the melee fighters now actually heading towards a building somewhat close to the pier but not exactly there. in the past couple months they'd been training for the day they could try out these new improvements on the town. and to say the least it was fairly effective, surprising the enemy quite a bit.
Azuri was impressed very impressed. Though instead of a full interchanging volley aiming for the large hole inside the hull would be the best. Its much harder to put fire out when its in the inside of the ship. She knew that well. She was very interested to see how well they did with melee combat considering thats a pirates best fighting style.
The arrows were no longer covered in tar and lit ablaze, but instead regular broadheads with barbs to stick inside of their targets. they finally ran out of arrows though and Keith shouted the order "Fall back, replenish your supplies and wait for my mark!" he himself taking off towards the building that the melee troops had gone into.
Azuri followed getting closer but making sure she wasnt seen. She really was curious and underestimated this towns defense. She was certainly intrigued now. Maybe she will change her plan. Make a tweak that could benefit both her and the town.
Some of the troops come out in chain link armor, most of the others coming out in hardened and double layered leather, while the rest come out in hardened leather. Keith being the only one to have a mix between chain and leather. his Halberd being held in two hands while he carried no shield on his back.
Azuri watched still curiously. Was their melee as good as their long range fighting? She wondered while observing their armour. She hated armour it always got in her way and restricted the movement she needed. Plus it reduced her speed.
It seemed that the pirates were beginning to dock as the archers started to rush to the inclined wall to the actual town. when Keith sees them, he points at the men just getting onto the docks with his Halberd "Broadheads, 45 degrees up! Fire!" the arrows hit in a massive volley, cutting through the first ranks of the remaining pirates. "Hold fire!" the archers duck behind the wall as Keith points to the boarding plank "On my mark men!" as he says this he gets to the front of the men "charge!" they all take off at a mad dash for the ship atleast thirty men all in filed lines going after Keith.
Azuri nods a bit. Their form is good. However id say spread out a bit more but in groups of about ten.. Hm enough so they cant be over powered and they are able to split up and come from different directions. Causing a distraction to the pirates and just as a tactic. Though yet again an ambush is always good with pirates considering half the time they just dont expect it or plan for it.. Its quiet, non alarming, and efficent. She thought while further analysing their tactics and skills.
As Keith charges forward he points to the sky "15 degrees up! Fire!" at a 70 degree arc the arrows rain down in front of them on the ship, Keith charging up the plank, the two men next to him placing their own down so that three can charge up at a time now. Keiths' Halberd swings, the weight and momentum of it breaking a pirates sword and cutting a deep gash into his friends leg, to which Keith quickly kicks in an attempt to break or cause the pirate to fall.
Hm.. That one I talked to seems to be a formable opponent.. Azuri thought as she saw him break a pirates sword in half. He swung that quite quickly. That's impressive. She wondered how long it would take to actually defeat them and if they killed or just severely injured.
The other men form a semi-circle letting the others fill it up, trading out the weak for the strong, but Keith stays right in the middle of the fight, turning in a quick 360 to build up momentum before slamming it down and cutting a pirates arm off with his Halberd, jabbing at another to back him up so one of his men can focus on on enemy. but the crowd makes it difficult to see much past that as their bodies start to get closer in the battling.
Thats it my plan is changed. I like this town and especially its defense. That man intrigues me.. I know something was bothering him when we talked. He seemed off. Theres more to him than a guardmna doing his job. And i'll eventually find it out. I suppose Lyetta will be helping me. Lyetta was one of her aliases she used. She had snow white hair, brilliant purple eyes, and a pale complexion. She was more outspoken and a very fun and charming girl. Perfect for battle and a natural leader. She could easily get attention due to almost everyone knowing her.
His men started to falter but he held his ground, Keith finally raising his hand "10 degrees up! Fire!" right as he yells fire his men turn and make a slanted shield wall to block the arrows about to hit them, Keith backing into its safety before the arrows hit and tear through the remaining pirates on deck.
So they kill it looks like. Hmm interesting. Azuri continues to think and sighs a bit. As she watches what they did she immediately thought of the romans and their tactics. It was quite similar to what they werre doing. She assumed the ship would fall back soon but you never know that ship may have some more tricks but she doubted it.
Keith picked out a group of the strongest and kicked open the captains quarters door, being the first one inside while the other rush in behind him. the ones too weak to fight leaving the ship, carrying the wounded.
Azuri knew the ship was empty. The damn captain was sneaky and was low enough to sacrifice his whole crew to get whatever the hell he wanted. But where was he? She betted he was already on land and snooping around.
After a short couple minutes of shorts of pain. Keith, his men, and some of the pirates are dragged out of the cabin and back towards land from the pier. likely to be interrogated and later executed for piracy and the planned robbery of a city.
Azuri yawns a bit. Maybe she may get the fight she wanted. She didnt see the captain and that wasn't surprising to her. Not even slightly. So she set off to find him and repay him for what he stole.
Without a crew to man his ship the captain was stranded in this town, but Keith had begun to send out search parties for the captain himself. the only reason he knew the captain wasn't there was because his first mate had told him so in the hopes of a lesser sentence but at this point the only sentence way death, so Keith just went along with it and had him locked up with the last remaining bits of the crew.
Azuri smirks as she walks into Makasha's shops and heads into her room. "M-Makasha? Are you there?" She calls and raises an eyebrow. She walks into the room and finds a note. She scans it's over reading 'Azuri, Went to a friends house be back soon ~Makasha' she nods and just changes clothes. She'd apply something to her hair that made it pure white and from what she wore made her eyes purple. She'd walk out of the store with a confident smile on her face. What to do what to do?
despite his own injuries Keith is helping to carry the other injured soldiers, during the fight he'd gotten a long cut along his forearm and a stab wound through his calf. some of the men around him surprised he'd even push himself so far after everything he'd done.

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