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Fantasy Camp Mythik: Summer Sanctuary for Supernatural Creatures (Open and Accepting!)

"Come on Mika, it's always snuggle time. " He shook his head and walked away, only going a short distance into the woods before stopping in front of a huge, ancient tree. "I've been holding this one in for ages," he says loudly, trying to make Mika feel uncomfortable. He pauses for a moment before tearing his eye patch off. An intense beam of white energy shoots out, widening slightly as it gets further away from him. As it hits the tree, it quickly turns to stone where it hit, and rapidly, but slowing down, it spreads along the tree. "Ahhhhh. The release of pressure is always nice." The intensity of the bean diminishes, becoming just a regular beam of light, like a flashlight. The whole bottom part of tree was stone, and some of the ground around it. He replaced his eye patch, and walked over to where Mika was sitting. "We can go find them now. I'm all better." He grinned and reached down to help her up.

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After Keme allowed Catlin to decide where she was allowed to go, he had arrived just in time to watch Aki's interesting performance. It was quite the show, especially for the Sprites, and he watched from the background with his arms crossed and an eyebrow raised.

The thunderbird then waited until everyone had moved to their cabins, a few specific campers finished complaining, and walked over to Aki.

"Well that was something," He began, a smile on his face. "Should I be mad? Definitely not. Surprised? No. I swear, nothing around here surprises me anymore. Amused? That's probably the best word to use in this situation. Very amused. Maybe you should do those speeches more often; you sure know how to keep everyone's attention."


@Yaoke Saint

Mika could hear Arbor and just grumbled to herself a little. She leaned back and waited patiently for him, tapping her fingers on the ground and using her other hand to comb out her hair a little, ridding it of some of the tangles it had accumulated. It was long, but it was also fine and soft, so it didn't get messy too too easily, even with all of her hopping around. The first day was always so exciting. She would probably be much calmer the following day, that was usually how it went. She saw a rose bush growing a few feet away and extended her hand towards it, and one of the beautifully blooming flowers grew out towards her hand, sprouting in a long, spindly fashion, sporting many thorns along its elongated stem. The blossom came to rest in the palm of her outstretched hand, and she scooted closer to it, examining its pretty pink petals. She decided to pluck it and tuck it neatly into her hair, smiling. Then the vine that it had been attached to curled back into the bush. The pink flower complimented the springtime colours of her hair quite nicely, she thought.

Then, hearing footsteps, she looked up as Arbor returned. "Alright. Let's go~" She took his hand and got to her feet, brushing away the dust that was clinging to her skirt before walking off.
"CIT means Counsellor In Training my little Selkie, so don't be afraid to talk to her if I'm not around, go on in now, meet your sweet cabins mates and begin settling in, I'll come get you all for when we announce the teams," Asteria smiled as her white hair caught in the wind and she looked up at the sky before looknig back down and smiling at Marina.

"Tonight I shall explain the rules for the newcomers, but please don't wander off where a CIT or Counsellor can't see you," Asteria chuckled before the woman opened her palm and the door opened for Marina to enter. "It's alright, remember just call my name and I'll hear you," the graceful Fae chuckled as she wondered where her other few Sprites were. Eloisa? Asteria tilted her head as she looked towards the forest that was not to be entered without a CIT or Counsellor, unless you were a Wyvern.

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"That makes a lot sense I guess." She said idly, looking over at the CIT. The girl gazed at the cabin, wondering who else besides the boy would be there, her friend Eloisa supposably signed up for the camp, but she had been nowhere in sight ever since the camp had started. Marina nods before shuffling over to the cabin that she saw the other sprite go into. She looks back at the woman, noticing that when Asteria opened her palm the door opened, the little girl did a double take, completely dumbfounded by how the counselor could even do such a thing. Magic was rather rare in the suburban neighborhood by the sea that she lived in, and to other than her friend Eloisa and her family, the fact she was a selkie was hidden fairly well. The young girl walked into the cabin, staring back at Asteria and nodded as her way of saying she understood and would call her as needed. Marina walked idly through the cabin, she noticed that two other kids were in there as well, but didn't bother talking to them, she was far too shy to talk to any of them and still had hope that Eloisa would find her way to the cabin as well.


(I really should make Eloisa's character sheet soon, hopefully it'll be up by tomorrow night.)
He strolled lazily after her. "Nice hair accessory. It even has complimentary thorns to keep it from falling out." As he walked along the path, he felt more relaxed. Sometimes that eyepatch was just so annoying! He wondered how they would find their other cabin mates, considering they didn't know what one of them looked like, and had never heard of the other. "Hey Mika, do you have any idea what this Quinn girl looks like anyway? Because I don't really want to walk around everywhere yelling her name every few seconds." He watched, mesmerized, as her rainbow hair bounced from side to side as she walked. He smiled. "Although you might want to do that. Who knows what a person's intrests are if they like litle kids so much? I could hop around a bit as a basilisk. Stir up the camp. Then she might show up. I could pretend I was evil and trying to kidnap her! That wouldn't go so well with Keme though..." He shuddered, remembering the threat he had given Arbor about moving him near the Sprites.


@Yaoke Saint

Hearing the comment about her new hair ornament, Mika nodded in confirmation. "Exactly! I'm glad you like it!" she hummed, grinning. Then she frowned a little, pausing in her steps to look around. "Uhm, Quinn... I think someone mentioned her at one time..." Aptly meaning she hadn't the slightest clue what the girl looked like. The only reason she remembered her name was because Arbor kept saying it, and she knew that spoke levels about her memory, but she didn't care. "But you're right. My throat would get tired from all that yelling. I've already yelled too much today, hum." Then, when his other suggestion reach her ears, she gasped and started wildly shaking her head. "Don't do that! You might really scare her, that's mean! If anyone should switch forms to look for her it's me, Simurghs are much nicer and prettier than weird snaky dudes." She wasn't really joking, since she thought her words to be fact, but she spoke in a cheery teasing tone, and couldn't help but stick her tongue out in a display of disdain.
Arbor laughed. "I was only joking, don't worry." He narrowed his eyes slightly at her after her comment on basilisks. "Have you ever even seen a basilisk before? Well, if not, I'm not surprised. I rarely turn at camp and you were probably asleep or something when I did. They aren't weird snaky dudes." He looked up and grinned. "Although you may be right about the nicer part. I become more predatory in my basilisk state, though not enough to actually atack anyone. I don't know if you are imagining normal me but with scales and chicken wings, but thats not it. Imagine a gigantic dragon-like snake with a slight beak on it's mouth. And I don't look a disgusting brown color, if that's what you think." He sighed lightly. "I say 'we' lightly, since I've never met another basilisk before. I could show you, if you want?" He backs up, really wanting her to say yes. "Or should we get going on a search we will most likely not succeed in?"


@Yaoke Saint

Mika frowned a little, head tilting as though out of confusion. "I think that passes as a 'weird snaky dude', since you just described it as a dragon-snake, which is snaky, and with a beak, which is weird. And I think you're a dude, so that makes you a weird snaky dude." She chuckled, finding the whole thing a little funny, if she was being honest. "I heard that some of them look more like chickens than snakes though, hehe. But it's okay, I'm a weird birdy with a puppy head and even cute puppy feet!” She grinned, her wings flitting at the thought of her beautiful, though mildly convoluted and strange-looking, Simurgh form, outfitted with a wolf's head, a wingspan big enough to make even a Roc feel tiny, and two furry canine feet to cap it off, not to mention the myriad of exotic colours painting her feathers and pelt. Then, at the offer to see his Basilisk form, she let out an uncomfortable laugh and backed away a little. “U-um, no thank you. M-maybe another time.” She shuffled her feet, twirling some of her hair around her finger as a discreet way to hide a frown. She hoped Arbor wasn't offended, she didn't mean to seem mean. Snakes, especially big ones, made her uneasy.
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He shrugged. "Suit yourself, weird puppy-bird-lady." He gave her a random grin for no reason, and walked off. After walking a short while, he stopped. His jaw unhinged, and he let out a shrieking bellow, low and high at the same time. "QUINN NYLUND! PLEASE COME TO CABIN TWO IMMEDIATLY!" He turned back to Mika. The call had definitely reached all parts of the camp. "You think that worked?" he said with a slightly embarrassed smile.

@maeveeeed @Kachi

@Yaoke Saint @maeveeeed

Mikaline watched in awe as Arbor let loose a super loud shout, though she also released an involuntary squeal of fright, startled by the sudden noise. She had to block her ears, it hurt her head. Oh, but it was pretty cool! When he turned back to face her, she lowered her hands, puffing out a breath. "Whoa! Yes yes, I think that should work great!" she confirmed with an enthusiastic hop and a nod. "Now I guess we've just gotta wait." She sat down again, sitting straight and crossing her legs, beginning to hum a little tune. She removed the rose from her hair again and started studying it's petals, touching each one with utmost interest. They were so soft and pink and nice.

Quinn rushed towards the voice that called her name, and finally, she found her cabin. Goodness, she was scared by the loud, echoing voice, and that didn't make any of her nerves dim. Seeing two people, probably older than her, talking. Swayed by the Simurgh's appearance, she replied breezily, "Uh...I'm here."

She winced again as her horns seeming grew to a height of a Kelpling. She blushed, running her fingers over the smooth, ivory-colored horns.

@Yaoke Saint @Kachi

@maeveeeed @Yaoke Saint

Mika gasped when the girl came into view, hopping quickly to her feet. "Oh, wow!" She hopped over to the girl, standing in front of her. Short as Mika was, she had to look up at her, but she was used to that. "So you're Quinn? Nice to meet you, I'm Mikaline! Just call me Mika though, if you want. You're really pretty!" She admired the girl's shining blue eyes and the horns atop her head. Her wings fluttered in excitement. It was a wonder she wasn't constantly sending rainbow feathers in every direction with every step she took. "I love your antlers, too! They're very shiny. And they look like they'll grow right up to the sun!" She wanted to touch one of them and see if they were as smooth as they looked, but decided that would be rude. "You, me, and Arbor are all cabin mates!" She pointed in the Basilisk's direction, a smile never leaving her face and the sparkle never leaving her eyes, which were like two crystal blue ponds reflecting the pink hues of the early morning sky.
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Quinn blushed at the beautiful girl's appearance, and how she spoke of Quinn. "Yeah." She responded in a daze, feeling her face burn as Mika inched closer. She felt her heart swell as Mika complimented her antlers, feeling as if they really might grow to the sun.

She glanced at the red head, tilting her head, "Oh, did he call my name?" Quinn asked, taking a double take at Mika's sparkling blue eyes, and the wide smile that spread her lips. As Mika told her that they were going to be cabin mates, she grimaced as stress caused her horns to grow out even more. Practically everything was making her horns sprout out, for some reason.

@Kachi @Yaoke Saint
Arbor sprang to his feet, and gave a wide grin to the horned girl. "Hey, hows it going on your first day? And yeah, that was me who called you." He strolled over to her, straightening his coat. He stuck out his hand for her to shake. "I'm Arbor Stone, as Mika here already said. Nice to meet you!" His gaze was slowly lifted from her face to her growing horns. A slightly forked tongue slithered out of his mouth for a second, and he murmered something about venison. He blinked, returning to reality and grinned at Quinn again.

@Kachi @maeveeeed

@maeveeeed @Yaoke Saint

Mika saw Quinn's face turn pink and she laughed a little, finding the sight irresistibly cute. Then she turned to look at Arbor and nodded. "Yep. That was him. He's a bit of a meanie; don't mind him, alright?" A her smile softened as her excitement dulled down again, once again addressing Quinn. "If he scares you, I can defend you!" She glanced over at Arbor. "Okay? That means be nice!" She laughed to show she was only teasing. She doubted anyone would actually be hurting anyone in anyway, she'd been at the camp long enough to know that didn't happen often. She remembered the rose blossom she was holding and decided to tuck the pink flower back into her hair, humming as she arranged it to her liking.

Quinn spread her lips apart, a small smile tugging her lips as she shook Arbor's hand. She narrowed her eyes slightly as his forked tongue slipped out of his mouth, "A Basalik! Oh my goodness, I've never met one, you know why." She said, venom laced quietly on her words. She returned a charming grin, glancing at Mika as she babbled about Arbor and how he's 'a bit of a meanie'.

"Well, it's fine, Mika. I can handle him." Quinn smiled warmly at the smaller girl, who of course had to be tucking a flower into her hair. How is someone so...rejuvenating? She asked herself, staring at Mika.

@Kachi @Yaoke Saint
His mouth twitched into a smile at her words about basilisks. "Is there a single person at this camp who doesn't hate or have prejudece against Basilisks?! Maybe I should just go live in the woods, hunting deer and birds for food! It seems I'm not wanted here." He gave a pouting look, directed at the newcomer. When Quinn smiled and stared at Mika, he noticed and said: "It seems you two have taken to each other! Maybe I should leave you alone...?" He grinned evilly and began to back away. He unconciously began to whistle a quick tune, not unlike that of a snake charmer.

@Kachi @maeveeeed

@Yaoke Saint @maeveeeed

Mikaline nodded along with what Quinn said. She sensed that she had some kind of ill-will towards Arbor, not that it was all that well disguised. She frowned a little, but didn't comment. Maybe it would be Arbor she had to defend? Assuming he didn't deserve whatever was coming to him. Though it was quite likely he'd deserve every bit of it, in her opinion. She quickly felt bad for thinking that, though. She wasn't a mean soul, she just couldn't hate on anyone no matter what they were like, it wasn't in her blood. "Well, okay, if you say so, Quinn." She shifted her feet a little when she realized she was being stared at, feeling a little shy under the taller girl's gaze.

Then Arbor spoke again and Mikaline, ever oblivious Mikaline, jokingly stated, "Well, she's a lot nicer than you are, so I'd rather be alone with her than you!" She crossed her arms in a playfully sassy way, not catching on to the underlying connotations of what the male said. She was too innocent to pick up on things like that, despite her age.

Quinn scanned Mika's slightly guilty face, and gave her a reassuring smile. "It's okay, Mika, really. Arbor and I may not get along, but it happens when he's staring at me like a lamb chop." She joked, letting out a melodious chuckle.

Arbor mumbled something to himself, making Mika yell about she'd rather be alone with Quinn. Her face was now flushed, and a flattered smile tugged her lips, she quickly covered her mouth. "Thanks." She mumbled, grinning under her hand.

He shook his head. "I don't think lambs have antlers. I was imagining you as venison, and I'm sorry that Basilisks are born to love venison, but whatever. And you won't have to worry about me. Unless it turns out you are under the age of 11 or you have a pet weasel." He shuddered. "We are in a non-weasel cabin. Definately." He glared over at Mika. "Well since you know her SO well, and I'm such a meanie, I'll just be going." He winked at them before walking away into the woods. "And if you hear the ground shaking, don't worry. That's me just hopping around. Probably." He entered the woods and was fading out of sight.

@Kachi @maeveeeed

@Yaoke Saint @maeveeeed

Mika, suddenly worried she might have hurt Arbor's feelings, frowned a little and began awkwardly fiddling with her hair, shaking out her wings. She didn't like being glared at like that. "Well..." She looked back at Quinn, putting on a smile. "I guess you should go put your things into the cabin and pick a bed now. Come on, I'll take you there!" She took the younger girl by the hand and started skipping away, back towards their cabin, feeling herself brighten up again with each hop. As much as she could get worried about others far too easily, she also couldn't be sad for too long. She was just such a happy person by nature, she couldn't help it. "Our cabin will be the best one! There's still one person missing who's supposed to be with us, though. I hope they're okay!"

Quinn rolled her eyes at Arbor's comment on her wrong term about venison, before being whisked away by her shorter friend. She padded forward behind her, giggling as Mika brightened with each skip. Though she could feel worry quietly radiate off of the winged-girl, she knew she would be happier again in due time. She chuckled as Mika boasted about the cabin, and another person who hasn't came. "I guess it will be if you say it is!" She grinned at Mika, admiring her enthusiasm.

Arbor felt relieved as he walked into the woods. This was one of his favorite places. He sighed. It seems his status as a Basilisk wasn't really bringing up people's first impressions of him. Or second and third impressions. He steadied himself then transformed into his true form. His hands fused into his torso and his entire body grew, elongating into a 45 foot long snake, but it was closer to a dragon than a snake. It was on average about 4 feet thick. It had very long, sharp teeth and two rows of spikes that ran down his body. His scales shimmered an iridescently, but they were mostly green, like sunlight shining through a sping leaf. His red eyes were large and bright, on either side of his head. Six pairs of small, feathered wings dotted his back. His tail split into two small tails which in turn split into two smaller spikes. He scrunched himself up, and flapping his wings he jumped, hopping, gliding, and twirling his body before landing heavily on the ground. THUMP. He continues through the forest like this, careful not to crash into any trees or squash any animals. THUMP. He finally lands at his favorite spot in the camp, a waterfall near a small pool, with beautiful plants growing around it. THUMP. Mika would love this place. He slithered into the pool, careful not to crush any of the flowers. He rested his head near the side of the pool and began to fall asleep, remembering how fondly Quinn had been looking at Mika.....

@Kachi @maeveeeed (idk if i shud tag u, u arent there but whatever)
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Mikealis looked as the door opened by an unknown source and his eyes widened. Then a girl walked in and he relaxed. "Oh hey! Names Mikealis, welcome to your Cabin, we're all roomies, that's Alice," he pointed to the girl rubbing her bunny across the room whom he had scared.

"So what are you?" He asked with a big smile as he continued swinging his legs off the side of his bunk. Staring at a strange basin in the corner, it smelt of sea water.



Asteria chuckled watching the girl wpalk in before hearing a loud shout, hmm only for cabins. She thought before looking at the forest like she did beforehand, turning on her silent feet, she walked towards it a smile on her face.

The woman wandered deeper into its dense leaves and gorgeous vegetation, casually stroking petals and watching flowers naturally blossom in delight of the magical energies the Fae gave off. Then she almost fell over. Asteria paused before focusing on the sound and running, she was light on her feet, darting from tree branch to tree branch and delicately running over the forest floor. Silent even.

Arriving at a waterfall, Asteria sighed, it was Arbor in his Basilisk form, she took quite a liking to different creatures, unique and special, but all the years she had been alive, she hadn't seen many at all and she was over 1000s of years old not to mention.

"Arbor, dear please try not to go around jumping I almost fell over," Asteria chuckled, her falling over, it was quite odd and it made her laugh herself. "May I?" she walked over to his head and lifted her hand above the scales awaiting assurance she could touch them. He seemed...off.

@Yaoke Saint

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