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Fantasy Camp Mythik: Summer Sanctuary for Supernatural Creatures (Open and Accepting!)


As Seth was walking with Min towards the cabin area, they were passed by Aki holding a cute little horned camper by the hand, followed by several Kelpies who chatted excitedly among themselves. The Tanuki led them to a large opening just before the cabins themselves, where a small crowds of campers had already gathered. Keme was nowhere in sight... which meant it'd be her job to do the sorting. Oh, the cabin sorting. She loved that one, always had; and with what they had in store for them this year... Oh, this was going to be glorious.

Okay, kiddo, I'm going to tell everyone their cabin, right? So just wait here with the Kelpies for a little while, and then I'll make sure you know where you're going, okay?” With a reassuring smile and a pat on the back, the Tanuki left the horned camper among her peers, and walked to the centre of the clearing. There stood a couple of boulders – from a funny little tale, six years ago, with a freaking stone giant, but that was a story for another day – atop of which she hurried herself. Standing above the crowd, hands on her hips and a soft breeze playing in her hair, she couldn't help but smile. Keme was going to regret this, but it didn't matter.

It was her time to shine.

Ladies and gentlemen!”, she called, her strong voice drawing all attention to her, “Genderfluid and genderless folks of all descent! My dear campers, my brethren! Welcome, once again, to Camp Mythik!

She marked a pause, for effect, receiving applause for her troubles. She grinned. The show just got started.

“I am Aki, lead counsellor of the Kelpies and your new best friend, but today...

She reached out her hands, fingers pointing towards the sky, and her grin widens.

Today, my friends, I am life. I am death. I am your secret desires, your worst fears!” Her voice sunk in low drawls, menacing and dark. “I am the stuff of dreams, I am the birth of nightmares; I am the source of all your pain and joy...

With a whooshing sound, she clapped her hands in front of her face. A cloud of smoke surrounded her and scattered in an instant. Gasps and shouts were heard from the most impressionable campers: Aki's appearance at totally changed. Gone were her skirt and her blouse shirt, replaced by an ornamented kimono, the likes of which one would have expected on an emperor of old. Her hair was long now, flowing in the wind way below her shoulder.

... For today, I am going to give you your cabins.” Her grin and her voice now were nothing short of cruel, allowing the foreshadowing of many a frustrating night to come for the poor souls rooming with unsavoury folks.

She was now holding a large scroll in her right hand, closed with a red ribbon. She held out her other hand.

Ah, your cabins, my little friends, the bane or the redemption of your summer. What will it be?” Gold started to pour out from her free fingers, in a rain of coins that vanished as soon as they touched the ground, which didn't stop little Sprites to try and catch as many as they could.

Will it be friendship and mirth, will it be ease and comfort? Will it be love?

Her voice rose to dream-like heights, before falling again, as the river of gold from her fingers turned to a torrent of ash.

Or will it be hatred and disappointment, frustration and despair? Will it be loneliness?

She clasped her hands, and the ashes were gone. Slowly, she made a great show of opening her scroll, that rolled down to her feet.

As I call you, join your cabin and meet your new comrades. Now, listen up, my little ones! Hear, hear the law of the land! Little sprites, this one is for you.

She took at deep breath. They were all drinking her words now. Good, good. Ah! That reminded her of her youth, so powerful and respected. Those children's attention was nothing compared to the council of Emperors, but one took ego boosts when and where one could get them.

Young but powerful, nothing can stop the power of friendship! To the first cabin, I call forth Alice Heartsmith, Marina Kounami, Eloisa Boone and Mikealis Splendior!

She gave a moment for the aforementioned campers to react, and carried on. The Sprites were dealt with quickly, and soon enough, it was time to sort the Kelpies.

Never forget the truth from your heart! To the first cabin, I call forth Lilyana Culpo, Adeline Nortan and Achilles Black!

As she spoke, she'd roll her scroll slowly back up. She could have started to feel tired or thirsty, shouting and maintaining such a phantasmagorical illusion, but she was having way too much fun. The kids' reaction were everything.

Seize the day and never let go of your dreams! To the second cabin, I call forth Katsu Keisotsu and Francis Nortan!

The little sentences she shouted before the names had no relation whatsoever to the cabins themselves. She was making them up on the spot, just for fun.

Another few names, and the little show was nearing its end; soon it will be time for the grand finale. Soon, oh, so soon... But the Wyverns first.

Brace yourself, and step into the unknown! To the first cabin, I call forth Caitlin Maki, Min Aimei and Tora!

Oh, what wouldn't she do for them to keep on admiring her this way, their eyes shining in the morning light?

In the heat of summer, never loose sight of your goal! To the second cabin, I call forth Quinn Nylund, Margaret Rose, Mikaline Kuquas and Arbor Stone!

This, this was the life, and it didn't matter if some of the older Wyverns were pretending to find it campy and not awesome at all, or if Keme was probably eating his fist somewhere trying not to laugh.

Resist the call of darkness and triumph for the sake of the light! To the third cabin, I call forth Cierra Oupupni, Yuuki Kagami, Luna North and Nick Egotarum!

Ah, there they were.

Wyverns' cabin number four.

Aki might have been tired, she might have been thirsty, her voice might start to strain from shouting, but it was all worth it. It was all worth it.

The strongest blade is forged through fire and water! To the fourth cabin, I call forth... Raven Birne, Masaaki Asada, Cetus Delmar and Uriel Major!

And with those, the sorting was over, and so was the show.

"Here we are, folks. The dice is cast, the fortune told. Now go forth, and never look back! TO THE END OF SUMMER!"

The scroll transformed into a hundred butterflies, as a rainbow spread over the Tanuki's head. After enjoying her hard-earned applause, Akiko bowed deeply to her audience, ignoring the cries of protest from a certain Merman, who was stomping through the crowd towards her. With one last smile, she clasped her hands and regained her normal appearance. Her brow was shining with sweat and she was slightly out of breath; but that had been a good one, right?

Come on, Aki, no, you can't...

With a vague gesture, the Tanuki dismissed Seth.

Sorry, kids, you know the rules.” She replied softly, her voice now hoarse, paying little attention to Seth and scanning the remaining campers to see if her little horned friend had found her cabin. Vexed, the Merman stormed to his cabin, hands in his pockets and determinately ignoring everyone else. Aki might feel happy, basking in the afterglow of her little performance, but he was not in the mood to be polite or pleasant to anyone.

And that essentially summed up why Mikaline loved Aki. She left Asteria's side to bounce up to the front of the crowd. Front row seats were important to her. She clapped, bubbling with enthusiasm, the whole way through, watching the Tanuki's theatrics with admiration sparkling in her colourful eyes. Why didn't Keme let Aki do these things more often? It baffled her, since she was clearly much better at it than he was and ever would be. Mika scarcely remembered to listen for the names of her cabin mates, too entranced by the extravagant performance to pay attention. She caught a few fragments of their names though... One of them was called 'Kuqas', she thought. Then, after a moment's hesitation, she remembered that that was her own last name, and sighed in self-frustration. Well, she would have to figure it out on her own. It would look bad for a CIT to have misheard her own cabin, after all, and she didn't want to make a fool of herself. She turned around, looking at all the others her age and wondering who could possibly have been placed in a cabin with her...


Min was quickly overwhelmed by the counsellor and retreated to the edge of the crowd so that they weren't in the middle of all the excited buzz. From their new point away from the centre of the enthusiasm, they listened in peace, laughing every so often at Aki's silly speech. They heard the names of their cabin partners but couldn't immediately places those names to faces. They looked around the crowd, deciding they would wait a while until things cleared up and calmed down a bit before heading off to their cabin to meet their new room mates. They adjusted the golden band in their hair, pushing it back so it kept their red locks out of their face as it was supposed to.


Wow... Now that was pretty cool. Katsu watched from his spot, cheering and whooping with every new thing that occurred, blue eyes shining. He was a little disappointed he didn't get buddied up with Achilles, but it didn't bother him too bad. He was too fuelled up and raring to get a move on that he just didn't care at the time. He was happy that the counsellor for his group was someone so inexcusably cool. He'd almost be willing to say she was as cool as he was - almost. No one was quite that awesome, in his books.

Doing his best to keep his feet rooted to the ground, Katsu spun his head to and fro, looking around for the kid he was sharing a cabin with. He wondered what they were like. He hoped they weren't boring. Although, in all honesty, he didn't get bored easily.

Masa was happy when he saw Aki finally appear, holding the hand of a camper and leading a large group of Kelpies to the area everyone else was situated in. Without Keme around at the moment, it probably meant that the tanuki was going to have to do the announcements. That meant there was going to be some kind of preformance from the counselor, and it would definitely be interesting.

He watched as the Sprites and even the Kelpies ate every word that came out of her mouth, remembering a time where he was also that small and carefree. He first arrived at this camp with two tails, was it? He had the reddest hair of everyone and would always throw a temper when he couldn't use his fire right. Back then he would listen to every word that came out of Aki and Keme, along with the other counselors', mouths, thinking whatever they said had to be true. It sure was strange to see how aging, getting a few tails, losing some for reasons not to be mentioned, gaining responsibilities... how it all took the magic out of a place said to be full of it.

It was strange, very strange. He hoped he'd be able to one day experience everyday life as he did when he was younger, but it seemed that dream was getting harder to reach. He supposed being an over 900 year old kitsune would do that to you, but even then he had been stuck as a young kit for so long, not gaining a tail each hundred years like the rest did, so maybe finally growing up made him lose some of that kid-like spirit he had for so long, even if he could pretend to still be childish in some aspects...

Ah, I wasn't even paying attention, Masa snapped himself out of his thoughts as Aki finally arrived at the Wyverns' cabins. He hated whenever he got all sentimental and thinky, but he was glad he could just focus on what cabin he and the other Wyverns would be in and not have to worry about the little kids.

He listened, and after each cabin group was called, his eyes widened more. Okay, so no Catlin, Min, or Tora....

No Quinn, Margaret, Mikaline, or Arbor...

No Cierra, Yuuki, Luna, or Nick....



No no no, not again.

So it was set. Keme really did hate him. Masa's good, cheery mood was officially ruined. He was stuck with him again.

Once the cabin choosing was over, the annoyed kitsune hurried over to his temporary storage and grabbed his things before heading back over to Cabin #4, his new hell home. He opened the door and took in the all-too familiar surroundings. The same stupid bath-bed was set up for the stupid merman he was sharing a cabin with. Again. What did he do to deserve this?

"At least I have Uriel..." He muttered to himself as he pointedly glared at the back of his new—well, not so new—cabin buddy. He then put the most fake, obviously ticked off smile on his face as he put his bags down as far away from Seth's bags as possible.

"Well what do you know? Cabin buddies. Again. Lovely, right?" He greeted in mock happiness. Uriel and Raven weren't bad, but this cabin was going to be a disaster before next week.

Arbor stood as far in the back as possible and cringed his way through the speech, glaring in annoyance at the stupidity and excitement of the little Sprites. Upon hearing his name he looked around for the others he heard only recognizing two. Quinn must be a newbie. Yes! This is going to be so much fun! He looked around for Mikaline, and saw her, as he expected, looking confused. "Hey Mika! Did you even hear what your cabin was?" He pushed through the crowd and said: "We don't want a repeat of last year do we? You didn't hear what your cabin was and were too embarrassed to tell anyone, so you slept in the woods!" He began to laugh, remembering finding her lying down under some tree he was about to release his pent up stone magic on. He finally got to her through the throng and gave her his signature grin.


@Yaoke Saint

Mikaline heard someone calling her name and put on a grin, but her beaming smile faltered a little when she saw Arbor heading towards her. That guy made her feel a little iffy sometimes, he was slithery and scaly, but she didn't dislike him - she didn't dislike anybody, really. Still, she shifted on her toes when he approached. Hearing what he said, though, the Simurgh immediately grew flustered. Oh, she didn't think anybody still remembered that, so embarrassing! "Eehhh? Of course I heard my cabin! And I don't know what you mean, I just slept in the woods because I like it in the woods." She pouted a little, arms crossed, rainbow wings giving a few grumpy flutters. Only a partial lie there. She quite happily ignored his grin, continuing, "I'm a Simurgh, you know, I was born from a tree!" She refused to let loose the fact that she indeed hadn't the slightest clue who she was rooming with, instead doing her best to defend what little honour she had. "Meanie..."
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His grin grew wider as she spoke. "No worries, I like to sleep in these woods sometimes. That's why I brought this." He pulled a rough wool blanket from his small bag, then shoved it back in. He pushed his finger under his eye patch and began to scratch. Some white light escaped and began to turn the ground to stone. He quickly took his finger out, making it airright again. "Well I didn't exactly have the best parents either. A chicken and a snake. Not a lot of help with homework. But anyways, since you are so confident, what is your cabin and who are your cabin mates?" He expertly raised an eyebrow while lowering the other, making a quizzical face.


@Yaoke Saint

A chicken and a snake? Now that was a weird family. Simurghs as a species had a sort of enmity towards the slippery, legless reptiles, so it was quite natural for her to feel the same. Probably why Arbor made her uneasy, it was just instincts honed over millennia kicking in. But she did her best to give the scaly little fellows a chance.

Then came the question of her cabin and cabin mates, and the girl with the colourful hair tensed up. "U-um..." She tried using her head, which she didn't do often, and thought about how to reply. An idea crept into her head and she carefully answered, "I think you're one of the people in my cabin, right?" Part of her almost hoped he wasn't, but now for the sake of her pride she needed him to say he was. "And I'm in the..." Doing her best to recall now, she knit her brows, cheeks puffing a little. "The... Fourth cabin? No, the second one?" She released a breath of air from her mouth, drooping her head. "Oh, okay, fine, maybe I didn't hear..." she relented, her hair growing a shade or two duller in those brief moments as if mimicking her shameful emotions. Then it brightened again as she lifted her head, glaring at him pointedly. "But you better not tell anyone, okay?" she asked him seriously, as though her life was staked on it.
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He nodded slightly and rose both if his eyebrows. "Color me impressed. Those were some pretty good guesses. I am, in fact, one of your cabin mates. I can see you bursting with joy already. Also, you got the cabin on the second try! Congratulations! You get a, well, you get the silver medal. But you still did pretty good. Our other cabin mates are a new girl named Quinn, someone I don't know named Margaret Rose, and me. Not sure why I added me at the end there, but whatever." He put one hand behind his back and stuck out his other elbow towards Mika. "Shall we go to the cabin, or seek out our comrades first, my lady?" Awwwwww! She looks so cute with her cheeks puffed out like that.


@Yaoke Saint

Hearing that she at least got her guesses right, Mika beamed with new-found pride. "Oh, yay! See, I was paying attention!" she insisted with a nod, even though she just admitted moments ago that she had been ignoring the whole thing. She just made some good guesses was all. The names of their room mates weren't exactly familiar to her either. Maybe seeing them would spark a memory or two. "Besides, silver is a pretty colour~! Don't you think, Mr. Arbor?" Then she hummed a little when he offered her his arm, but turned the offer down in silence by cheerfully hopping away, though she didn't so swiftly reject his company. He let her forgetfulness off easy, so she decided she liked him, at least a little. "Let's go see what our cabin looks like! I hope the beds are big and fluffy!" Even though she had been in the camp for multiple years at that point, and knew what the cabins looked like, and that the beds probably wouldn't be very big or very fluffy. She was an optimist.
Arbor gracefully accepted her rejection. Following after her by taking long strides, he said: "One can always hope, but those hopes will inevitably be crushed as the weight of truth settles down upon the shoulders of the optimistic, even as the expectations of the pessimist are raised, the weight of them is lifted off their shoulders. So I'd advise to imagine your bed as filled with mouse droppings and as hard as if I turned it to rock. Then when you find it is a regular, slightly lumpy cot, you will be very pleased." He looked around nervously. "I wonder where they are. Hopefully that Quinn girl will find her way, she is only first year. But I have no idea about that Rose person. Hey, I just realized, I'm the only guy in this cabin."

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@Yaoke Saint

Mikaline looked back at Arbor as he said a whole bunch of silly stuff about optimism and pessimism. "Oh, whatever, I just like having a bed. I can snuggle all nice and warm under the blankets at night and, ah, it's just so lovely!" She did a little spin as she walked, her multi-coloured hair twirling around her before continuing to flow behind her as she continued on her path. Hearing the worried comment about their other two room mates, Mika frowned a little. "Yeah, I hope they'll be okay. Actually, I'm sure they'll be fine, we have so many lovely counsellors around to help them out if they get lost, after all!" She looked over her shoulder at Arbor, smiling to him. "But if you want, we can go look for 'em after I put my stuff in the cabin. I wanna meet them!"
He smiled at her glittering hair as it flew through the air. "Sure, sure. I wanna meet them too. And I don't really have a lot of stuff to unpack." He twirls his small pack around his finger for added effect. "But I will need a few minutes in the woods." Peering down the path, he saw that the cabin was now in view. "Can't wait to show a newbie around, it's always so much fun! Unless they are 12 years old of course. Then it's an absolute nightmare, so many questions, a happy chubby face with so much optimism looking up at me. It makes me sick to my stomach." He looked warily at Mika, knowing she didn't share his opinions about kids.


@Yaoke Saint

Mika pouted at him. "Aw, that's so mean. I love the kids. They're cute and adorable and funny!" She didn't seem too offended, she knew well that not everyone loved children like she did, and that was alright. She could understand how their attitudes might annoy some people. "Besides, not all of them are hyper and goofy. But anyway, I like to show the new campers around too. It's so fun, showing them everything and telling them all the stories and ah! I love camp so much," she concluded with a happy sigh, slowing her pace from bounds to smaller, elegant steps. She walked on very light feet, hardly making a sound as her weight settled on the path. She approached the cabin and peeped inside, but it looked like they were the first ones there. "Yay, we get first pick of the beds!"
As campers milled about Felix herded them along helping a few find their cabins,today seemed to be an easy day of the job.However he saw Uriel fly by towards a tree and he appeared to be alone,he couldn't help but smiled as he knew neither of them probably had anything to do at the moment.After a moments thought Felix comically slicked his hair back and walked towards the tree Uriel was in pretending he didn't notice the angel,he looked up at Uriel and smiled "Are you a camera?Because every time I look at you I smile." Felix said.

@H0lderOfH0pe (Pick up lines...lots and lots of them XP)
Uriel groaned "And it begins" He looked down at Felix "No, but your like the paparazzi because every time I see you I want to hide" He says to the wearbear intent on staying high in the tree until Felix left but knowing him Uriel was stuck here until either he went down there or Felix came up to him "Please let him stay down there" Uriel mumbled to himself looking up at the sky hoping someone would save him in his time of need

@ManyFaces (Lots of Rejection lines for those pick up line XP)
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Mikealis laughed at her reaction. "That was priceless, you jumped and like eeeek and everything," composing himself he smile and looked at her. "Names Mikealis, our Sprite Counsellor saw you come in here! I heard her speaking your name! " he laughed again as the Imp walked over to her, a kind look in his eyes.

"We're rooming together. along with some of other girls," Mikealis claimed the bunk o the otherside of the room he had been in for the past 2 years and found his belongings already there, not like he really had any.

"Where you from?" he asked politely as the boy dangled his feet off of the side.


Asteria looked down, a young girl had appeared by her side and the woman recognised her immediately. "Hello Marina, and yes we are dear, their right here," said Asteria kindly as she smiled and pointed. Mikealis had ran forward and entered and she chuckled. "You're special aren't you, your cabin needs salt water correct? Don't worry, Mr.Keme has thought of everything, " Asteria smiled again as her white hair flowed around her and her crystal eyes focused on all the other Sprites and Campers. "'Tis going to be marvellous this year, " she muttered to herself with a chuckle before turning to Mika.

"Marina, this is my CIT Mika,"
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Raven covered her face in sheer horror from Aki's speech. Aki did crazy things, but Raven just couldn't get used to them. She took a moment to recover from the traumatizing experience, but then she realized who she was in a cabin with. She was in a cabin with Uriel, Masa, and Seth. Raven gritted her teeth. Of course she had to get stuck with a stupid merman. Of all the campers, she was stuck with him. She growled and her colorless eyes turned a fiery red for a second, then went back to their steely gray. She went over to a Cabin Four and went in. Raven would say that it would be like Hell, but she had been to Hell and the being with Seth would be worse than it.

"Wait a second..." Raven thought. "Since I'm rooming with Masa... If me and Masa set the cabin on fire I might not have to room with Fish-Brain." Raven smirked and her eyes became red again. Raven decided to look around the cabin that would soon be ashes, just to see what the camp would be losing. There was a fish tank for Seaweed with his things right by it, and Masa was standing as far as he could away from it. Speaking of Kelp-Tail, there he was, right by his aquarium. Refusing to acknowledge his presence, Raven put her bags in the second farthest place away from him because Masa had put his in the farthest and she didn't really want to put her stuff near his.

"So... Stuck with you two again."

She went over to the papers of the camp groups. "Hmm......" She decided to not be shown as a scared little girl and just be herself. "Hmph..." She walked silently to the cabin. "..." She put the manga she had in her book bag and she arrived at the cabin. She threw her book bag onto a bed and layed down on the bed herself, falling asleep.

Seth closed his eyes, took a deep breath, ruffled a hand through his silver hair and opened them again. Stuck with them. Right. What to do now? His sister's voice surfaced to his memory - “cool down, little larva, this too shall pass!” - and he suddenly wished that she was there, by his side, to fend his bullies off and pound some sense into the counsellors' heads. What were they thinking? Was that their idea of a joke? Sure, Uriel was fine enough, they were buddies and all but – Masa? And Raven? Two of the most water-repelled creatures the camp ever hosted? If only they hadn't met before, sure, but they both hated him! And he hated them! Fire and water, guys, ever heard of the four elements? No, of course not.

Strengthening your character and all that jazz, that's what the General would say. Make an effort, Seth. Don't be such a pessimist, Seth. It's going to be a lot of fun!

Yeah, right. Aki and Keme were going to have a lot of fun bringing them to the nurse when shit was going to hit the fan. This was war; no doubt about it. Rooming with either would already have been difficult, but with the two of them? Did they expect, what, Uriel to step into the fray? The Fallen Angel sort of enjoyed to live, he knew what'd happen if he were to try and stop that fight.

Seth's hands were trembling, anxiety rising in his chest. He didn't have many friends at camp, this year even less than the previous ones, but he had all his enemies. Great. Breathing in and out slowly, the Merman resisted the urge to take his bags and dash for the sea. This was his last year as a camper. There was going to be a big party. He had to give this a try – he could always leave, he reminded himself. He wasn't stuck or a prisoner here or anything. He could always take his bags, leave a note to Keme and swim right back home.

The Merman was at that point in his reflection when he heard the cabin's door opening behind him. He didn't even bother to look up and started unpacking instead. One week. He was giving this one week.

Masa's voice was awful to his ears, a sound reminding him of chalk screeching against a blackboard. It was soon followed by Raven's, who spoke in a lower, even more despising tone.

Okay, maybe not one week. Maybe three days.

Yes,” Seth answered without looking up from his luggage, putting his belongings neatly folded in the little cupboards surrounding his bathbed, “I am so glad to have you both as my roommates. Again. Can we please pretend we don't exist and not talk to each other more than fully necessary?

@Du Pain @Riversparks
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"Yeah, I know how you feel, Raven," Masa grinned at her, still obviously pissed off, and grabbed the top bunk closest to him. He hated having the lower bunk, so he always chose the same one each year. In all honesty, he was a bit protective over it, since he'd been in this cabin for practically his whole time at this camp.

"Too bad Uriel's not here yet. The poor little angel couldn't handle Arbor's teasing and took off," He murmured, more to himself than any of the others. He had a feeling his friend was going to be the only reason this cabin didn't explode in a couple of days.

As he turned onto his side, facing the other two campers, he noticed something a bit odd. It seemed like he was trying to hide it, but Seth's hands were... trembling? At least that what it looked like. Did he push too far? It looked like it, so the kitsune let out a sigh and sat up, deciding that it would probably be best if he left for a little while. It wasn't like they'd be in their cabins for long.

Before he climbed down, Masa looked down at Seth, his annoyed expression having disappeared but instead was replaced with an emotion that was hard to detect.

"Yeah, sure, whatever you want merm-" He stopped himself, deciding he really didn't want to get in trouble with Keme in the first day for making the merman blow his top. "My mad. Whatever you say, Seth. Now, since none of us want to see each other, I'm going to remove myself for now. See you, cabin buddies."

He spoke with a voice smooth as silk, but lacked the flirtatious or playful tone that usually accompanied it. But the kitsune flashed the campers a smile before he stepped out of the door, most likely to go for a walk.

@callmenox @Riversparks
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He strolled through the door and saw a bed in the corner, isolated and with a window by it's head. He chucked his backpack at it and it hit the wall, landing on the bed. "That one's for me. I like corners. And windows. And that bed is just better than the other ones." He turned out the door as quickly as he had come in. "Well, that's enough housewarming for me. I'm off to the woods for a few minutes, unless you want to come?" He grinned at her. "But I'm guessing your gonna just snuggle up in your covers now, right? Maybe invite some Sprites over for story time?"

Uriel sighed knowing he'd be up in this tree for a while was glad he packed a few snacks to eat, as he went to open his bag the branch it was hanging on broke and it fell out of the tree hitting many branches on its way down to the ground next to Felix "Well shit" Uriel breaths not knowing what to do right now 'When in doubt fly out' He thought before cloaking himself and flying away from the wearbear "At least i know he'll give me my bag back" He mumbled knowing it'd come a a price only Felix could think of.

As Uriel was still cloaked when he landed at the stand where that tells you what cabin you're in. He looked at the list as the stand was unattended and let out an annoying sigh
"Keme really wants to test me to see if I'm meant to be a CIT or Counselor " He said as he uncloaked and went to his cabin seeing Masa at the door "I better get a top bunk" Uriel said using his CIT status saying he was prepared to take Masa's bed if there wasn't an open top bunk.

@ManyFaces @Du Pain
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@Yaoke Saint

Mika chuckled at him, shaking her head. "No, silly Arbor, story time comes right before sleep time. And it's too early to snuggle in just yet!" She clasped her hands on either side of her face, pressing softly on her cheeks, looking cheery. "Anyway, I'll just wait here, but if you see any pretty fruits on the trees you should get one for me, okay?" She smiled before skipping out of the cabin, humming a tune as she plopped down onto the ground outside to wait for Arbor to do whatever it was he needed to do. She looked around at all the new and old faces, wondering how well everyone else was getting settled in.


Min didn't have many possessions with them. Only a spare change of clothes if they so needed it. They didn't need much, after all. They strolled, steps slow and careful, into the cabin they were to be occupying. Seeing it was empty, they selected a bed for themselves and tucked the small bag they carried underneath it. Then they thought for a few moments before retreating out of the building, hopping away into the nearby trees. There they once again took residence in a branch, feeling safer with the slight detachment from all the hustling and bustling that was going on below. They pulled their legs up and crossed them, leaning back against the tree's trunk, emitting a gentle sigh.


Katsu dashed into his cabin. "Heyo! Katsu Keisotsu has arrived!" he declared, pumping out his fist and flashing a sheepish grin. Then, abruptly realizing that the cabin was empty as of yet, the boy drooped. "Aw, man." Then he brightened up again. He was the first one there, which meant first pick of the beds! Excited, he threw himself at one by a window, tossing his bag onto the bed and whooping. Then he, with much more pride than he deserved, marched back out of the small building and wondered what to do next.

Lilyana listened with a calm expression on her face, which was quite different from the campers around her. She had found the speech entertaining, but wasn't completely drawn in like the others were.

When she was allowed to, the Peryton weaved through the sea of campers until she got to her cabin. She opened the door as quietly as she could, and sighed in relief upon seeing she was the first to arrive in the cabin.

Putting her bags down near the foot of one of the bunks, Lilyana took out a green blanket she had brought with her and put it atop the bed she choose; the bottom left bunk. She liked the bottom bunk more because it was easier getting up in the morning. She liked to get up early as well, so it would be less noisy for her cabinmates.

As she organized her things, the girl hummed a tune she had forgotten the name of. She looked up when a small bird—A bluebird? Yes, definitely a bluebird—perched on the windowsill and tweeted, trying to sing with her. Lilyana giggled at the creature and opened the window for it, pausing her work so she could pet the little thing. The birds always loved her, so she didn't worry about it flying away.

"There there, little one," Lilyana cooed softly, a smile spreading across her face when the bird hoped onto her finger and chirped happily. She could understand what the bird was trying to tell her, and frowned slightly. "I'm sorry, I don't have any food right now. Maybe later I'll save some, okay?"

@ any of her cabinmates
"Really?!?!" The young girl quietly exclaimed as she watched another kid run into the cabin with awe. "....Special?" She mumbled, raising an eyebrow before realizing the lady was referring to the fact that Marina is a selkie. "Oh, sometimes I forget I'm a selkie. Sorry. I need salt water to put my necklace in or else I can't speak." Marina said, showing the woman the necklace on her that was secured around her neck. She couldn't help but to grin as well, maybe it was the way she walked or her calm deameanor, whatever it was, Marina felt comfortable enough to talk to her. "Hi Mika...." The girl said softly, staying by the counseler's side before looking up at her and asking. "What's a CIT? Does it stand for something?" The young girl pondered what in the world CIT meant but to no avail, her vocabulary was rather limited since she was only eight.


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