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Fantasy Camp Mythik: Summer Sanctuary for Supernatural Creatures (Open and Accepting!)

Cierra gripped her duffel against her back, glaring up at the cabins she had made her way to. Her shorts drooped one one side, exposing pink panties to a small extent, and also giving off a tomboyish, rucksack look in style. The weights she carried seemed to be plunging the girl into a more and more bent position by the minute, and by golly she wished to get the darn thing off her back. Cierra was not certain what to do at this point, and it killed her standing around. The girl had not seen many familiar faces either, but she 'had' spotten Mikealis, a male she had acquainted with a drew a mark of tender friendship with in the last year, the flirtatious kitsune Masaaki, and the usual counselors and the like.
Lugging a bag twice the size of her own body, a small child held a pamphlet that read "Camp Mythik, summer sanctuary for all supernatural beings" on it's cover. The young girl was named Alice Heartsmith. She was the daughter of an Eldritch Horror who was the son of an elder god. She often forgot the name of her grandfather. However, she could easily recognise him by his enormous wings and funny face that looked as if an octopus had jump on him. She giggled at the pamphlet she held, imagining all of the wonderful experiences she might have. She imagined all the animals. She imagined all of the friends she'll make. She also imagined what kind of food they'd have. The slimy feeling of drool on her chin pulled the daydreaming girl back to reality. The camp wasn't too far away. With merriment, she continued skipping toward her destination.

Upon arriving, her dreams did not match the reality. It was a camp; it had animals; it also had lots of people. However, she didn't anticipate that she would feel so awkward. Looking around, most of the campers had already formed groups. Being new to camp didn't help either, she knew no one. Feeling out of place, Alice fled to the shade of a nearby tree. She parked her bag against its large trunk and sat down beside it. pulling her hood over her head, the loose fabric that formed rabbit ears flopped in front of her face. Alice sat in silence playing with her ears for a while until she heard a microphone sound off. Confused she retrieved the pamphlet from her pocket, looking at the itinerary. 'Ah' she gasped, 'Introductions...' Alice stood up and grabbed her bag and followed the other campers to where the 'introductions' was being held.

Alice sat through Mr. Keme's speech. Looking around the area, she noticed that most of the campers looked far older than her. The slight feel on unease set in as she thought that none of the campers would want to be friends with a small child. After Mr. Keme's had finished speaking. Alice slowly trotted to where she was to spend the night, The Sprites Cabin. Making her way to the door, she took a deep breath before giving it a hard push.
CLACK!! The door denied her entry... dumbfound, Alice a tried once again. CLACK! CLACK!! Furrowing her brow, she rested her small hand on the handle. With a gentle pull, the door eased open effortlessly. The drooping ears upon her head reflected how silly Alice felt. Entering the cabin she sought after a bed that was near a window. She spotted one and claimed it. tossing her enormous luggage on it, she began unpacking. After a few minutes she had complete. The bed she had claimed is now covered with eerie objects, a pillow with various eyes that seem to watch everything and a small teddy bear with a pink bow. 'So cute!' Alice squeed rubbing her cheek on the soft blanket that held the design of something sinister.
Arbor sprinted through the camp, his heavy footfalls stirring up dirt. The small backpack on his back was the only thing he carried, and it swung and hit against him, getting shaken up considerably by his pace. I better not have missed the introduction ceremony on my year as a CIT. I swear, if I did, I WILL turn someone into stone. He skidded to a halt when he got to the main square and saw everyone already milling around and talking. He froze in panic. I really did miss it, huh. He shook himself and began to push his way through the crowd, sneering at the Sprites as he went. "Keme, where are you?" He spotted him and rushed over, slightly out of breath. He put a hand on Keme's shoulder and said: "Hey. Sorry I'm late. I can't think of a good excuse so that's all your gonna get. By the way, did you make my cabin the one furthest away from the Sprites? I hope you remember me asking about that from last year. "

@Du Pain

The Tanuki pursued her lips to the horned girl's reaction. Not good. She was trying to be friendly and all, but all she was doing was scaring her even more. That wasn't good at all!

I said, are you alright?

But before she could add anything, Keme started his little speech and Aki left the girl's side for an instant, stepping towards the crowd, grinning and waving as he introduced her to everyone. Soon enough, everyone was setting up and walking towards the cabins.

Alright,” Aki called out, “New Kelpie kids, if you don't know the way, just follow me!” Having not forgotten that particular anxious-looking camper, the counsellor turned towards her, reaching out her hand.

Okay, wanna come with me? Let's find out where your cabin is!



Seth was discussing with Min when Keme started his welcoming speech, and the Merman immediately fell in polite silence. Wincing at That One Memory That Should Not Be Mentioned Ever Again, he slumped in his chair a bit. They were never going to let them forget that one, were they? And he was the victim in all this, him and Raven, punished for nothing, on the top of it all. Last year had been such a disaster...

The General's speech carried on. Seth knew all of this by heart, now – who the counsellors were, how the points system worked, all that jazz he did only half cared about. He did notice that they'd had added a big party this year, which must have been related to the anniversary of the camp, but he guessed they'd have all the time in the world to know about that later on. What he wanted to know now was who he'd be rooming with, damnit. Min seemed quiet enough. Raven, if she didn't hate him too much after his – drastic, but successful – reaction during That One Incident. There were a couple of others he wouldn't mind. Oh, anyone would be fine, really, except that blasted Kitsune.

At last, the speech ended, the Merman applauding with everyone else, but not feeling extroverted enough to cheer along some of his most vocal comrades.

Getting up, he motioned to the Qilin to follow him.

Let's get to the cabins, then. I can't wait to know who I'm rooming with this year... Wait, did you mention you can actually walk on water? That's brilliant!



Min was also quiet once the ceremony began, sitting up straight and placing their hands gently in their lap. It wasn't their first year there, they already knew the gist of everything, but they listened with intent nonetheless. It seemed like it was going to be a fun year once again, they looked forward to all of it.

They clapped along with everyone else when it finished, though not very loudly, and then got to their feet. They looked over in Seth's direction, noting the beckon. They walked along next to their new acquaintance, looking a little uneasy to be in the midst of such a huge crowd, but they kept their face clear of a frown. "Yes, I'm eager to see who I'll be with as well." Silently, they hoped their room mates would be good people, so they could sleep in peace. For such a magnificent creature, they had a weak mind. It couldn't be helped. Then they heard Seth's remark and couldn't help but laugh. "I can indeed. I guess it is quite a feat, isn't it?" They twiddled their fingers in a distant manner for a few moments before tucking their hands into the pockets of their pants.



Mikaline nodded eagerly, stepping along on light feet after Asteria. "Hmm, I wonder who I'll get to share a cabin with~?" the Simurgh wondered aloud, her mind running through the names of all the possibilities. "Not that I really mind. It'll be a great chance to make some new friends if I'm with people I don't know, right?" A smile glowed on her face. She did a bounce when the cabins started coming into sight. "Oh wow, there they are! Ohh, I'm so excited!"

Masa raised his eyebrows at Uriel's statement, an amused expression on his face. While it was true that everyone believed Masa to be the one dragging Uriel into all of his messes, only a few knew that Uriel was the true mastermind behind their shenanigans half the time.

"Uh-huh, sure," Mass responded, crossing his arms. "You're the innocent angel who has to deal with your troubled friend all the time and totally doesn't egg him on to do things ever. Nope. I don't know why I would ever even think that. No idea."



Before Catlin could reply to him, he heard someone rushing over to him and as he turned his head, felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Well if it isn't Arbor!" He replied with a smile. He nodded as the taller CIT apologized for his tardiness and shrugged in response.

"Hey, nothing you can do about it now, right? Like I told another one who was a bit late, I'll give you a free pass this time around since you're only a CIT, but you can't be late anymore, okay?" He told the basilisk in a tone that showed he wasn't angry. "But I don't know, maybe I will have to move your cabin closer to the Sprites so you'll get up in time; the little buggers are always yelling by the crack of dawn."

After he cracked a smile, the Thunderbird's expression turned serious, as it had been before Arbor showed up, "Now, can you do me a favor and go in my place to show some of the Wyverns who don't know where the cabin area is? I have to talk to this camper, but I'll be there in a little bit. If I don't show up in time, just tell Aki or another counselor to tell the cabin rooming without me; they know what it is. Thanks."

@Yaoke Saint
He grinned slyly at the counselor, glad his tardiness was excused, but paled at the mention of getting moved near the Sprites. "Ha ha ha... I, I'll be going now." Grinning nervously at Keme's threat, he sauntered over to the crowd of campers, his small bag slung over one shoulder, and yelled at the top of his lungs: "HEY IF YOU ARE A WYVERN AND YOU DON'T KNOW WHERE TO GO, COME WITH ME!!" He waved his hands around, if they hadn't already noticed his obnoxious yelling.

@any wyverns who are first year or have bad memory

She walked around the camp, checking around. "Hmmm...." She read her manga. "Oh!" She jumped up and sat down in the air, falling onto the floor, and read the manga "So...interesting...." She read for around 10 minutes until she finally stood up. "Hmm..... I wonder who's going to be my partner...."
Catlin sighed and turned to the councler. She frowned a it and shifted ehr weight. "Its natrual for me to want, to keep my identity, Secret. All Dryads do. "She said trying to cover her uneasiness. She smiled, as she looked around. Once she saw nobady in sight, She allowed herself to slowly shift. Her new Natrual green hair flowed gracefully from her head just below her shoulders. A golden head pieace appered on her head. She smiled weakly. @Du Pain

Keme waited patiently as Catlin shifted into her natural form. It was amazing, considering he had never seen a Dryad, especially in their natural form before. "That's understandable, but I just don't want you to be uncomfortable at camp. If you feel more comfortable like this, then please stay that way."

He then checked his watch and saw that everyone should have been arriving at the cabin area by now. "If you're still feeling a bit uneasy, feel free to wait to go to the cabins and I'll tell you your cabin number once I get everyone else situated. You can come with me to the cabins though, if you would like."
Uriel nodded at Masa knowing that he was being sarcastic but pretended that it was all true "Why would you think that?" He asks faking a hurt look, well as much as he's willing to show "That's really rude of you to think that, and to just drag the poor angel along with you" He lies and a few people look over at them 'Glad I don't show emotion' He thinks as the campers glare at Masa

When he noticed some campers glare at him, Masa's mouth opened and he stared at Uriel with a shocked expression. "I can't even believe you right now!" The kitsune exclaimed, even though hints of a smile showed on his face. "Okay, from here on out I'm not gonna listen to you anymore, CIT or not. I'll be good this year—well, no promises I'll be the angel you claim to be—so everyone will know me getting in trouble wasn't even my idea to begin with. How about that, huh?" He decided, sticking his tongue out at his friend. The campers who were previously glaring realized it was only more of their light banter and, for the most part, looked away.

It seemed that most of the Wyverns had found their way, so he shrugged and walked over to the kitsune and his winged friend. "Come on Uriel, abusing your power as a CIT already? And on your best friend to, this is just unacceptable." he tries his best to keep his face straight, but a faint smile could be seen tugging at the corners of his mouth. When Masa stuck out his tongue, he staggered back in surprise. "Masa! That rude gesture will not go unnoticed by the authorities of this camp. Consider yourself warned."

@H0lderOfH0pe @Du Pain
Uriel looked at Masa with a very slight smirk "You do that" He said knowing that he'd have to be on his best behavior this year so he really shouldn't give Masa any ideas "And I'll show you that I am the sweet angel I clam to be" He said angel with a joking tone knowing that he is no angel "Why hasn't this line moved in a while?" He questioned out loud as they were stuck in the dead middle of the line to find out what cabin they're in

Uriel chose to Ignore the CIT that came up to them
'And he think's he is?' He thinks as he gives Masa a knowing look
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Quinn breathed out deeply as the woman left her side for a few seconds, and had a less dramatic reaction to the woman speaking again. Kelpies surrounded the older woman, she held out her hand, asking over the young children to find Quinn's cabin. Timidly, she took her hand, she blushed, feeling like a child who was lost. "Thank you." Quinn murmured, an embarrassed smile veiling her lips.


Masa looked over at Arbor before he replied to Uriel, deciding to be cheeky and sticking his tongue out at him as well before snickering. So much for staying good. In his mind, that didn't exactly count though; he was only joking around!

"Alright, I'd love to see you act like a sweet little angel," The kitsune told Uriel with a wide grin. This year was getting increasingly interesting, and it was only the first day. "And I'm not sure, Keme hasn't gotten here yet and neither has Aki, so I think we're waiting for them."

@Yaoke Saint @H0lderOfH0pe
Once she felt the impulses ease she chose to smile. "I will follow." She said looking up to him. She shifted the duffels wait to satisfy her new form. When I get there I go invisible. She thought to her self. As she walked closer to Keme. @Du Pain
H0lderOfH0pe said:
Uriel looked at Masa with a very slight smirk "You do that" He said knowing that he'd have to be on his best behavior this year so he really shouldn't give Masa any ideas "And I'll show you that I am the sweet angel I clam to be" He said angel with a joking tone knowing that he is no angel "Why hasn't this line moved in a while?" He questioned out loud as they were stuck in the dead middle of the line to find out what cabin they're in
Uriel chose to Ignore the CIT that came up to them
'And he think's he is?' He thinks as he gives Masa a knowing look
He looked at Uriel and said: "I hope I got your names right, I don't really remember you guys' names from previous years. I just saw that you are a CIT this year, and wanted to remind myself as to who you were. By the way, I'm Arbor, if you don't remember. The kid who accidentally turned the nurse to stone two years ago? And yeah, Keme told me to tell Aki to tell us where our cabins are without him, but since I don't see either of them, I'm not really sure what to do.

@H0lderOfH0pe @Du Pain

"Alright, feel free to go somewhere alone if you feel the need to," Keme let her know as he walked beside her. "Well, as long as you're in a safe area, of course. Don't want anyone getting hurt on their first day after all."

The two walked in a comfortable silence from the camp square to the cabin area. When they got to a point where they could see the campers, but too far away for them to notice him, the Thunderbird turned to Catlin and said, "I have to go announce the cabins to everyone now, feel free to stay if you're comfortable with that. And again, if any issues arise, let me know and it'll get fixed."



Masa cast a glance over at Uriel before looking back at Arbor. He wasn't sure what to do either, so the white haired kitsune decided to give his best advice.

"Well, I'm sure they'll be here soon," He told the CIT with a shrug, glancing around to see if any of them arrived yet. "Give it a few minutes, maybe? It won't be much longer before one of them gets here." He finished, flashing a smile at Arbor.

@H0lderOfH0pe @Yaoke Saint
Uriel not really liking Arbor jumped into the air and took to the sky With his bag following him, Uriel being the type to leave a situation before he said something he shouldn't felt bad about leaving Masa with arbor 'Where is my tree' He thought as he flew towards the lake.

"Right where I left it" He said to himself as he landed on one of the upper most branches and hanging his bag on the branch next to him, 'I really don't like that Snake" Uriel said in his head as he hopped that he wouldn't be stuck in a room with him
((I can just imagine Mikealis and Arbor, he's too smart for his own good, and they both hate stupidity, yet Arbor hates small kids, priceless!))

Asteria chuckled in agreement with her. "Oh yes of course dear it will be fun!" Asteria smiled as the woman walked with grace, Mikealis lingering by her side, to the cabin areas. The Counsellor watched a small girl enter a cabin and tilted her head with a small smile. "I see, little Alice if I remember correctly, new timer, along with the others which I wonder where are, after the cabin announcements, we'll go find the other Sprites," Asteria leant to her CIT before wondering back to Kenshin.

Where was he?


Mikealis was released from Asteria and he listened to what she said. Alice. Smiling, he ran forward out of the crowd of kids, grabbed the door handle and jumped inside the door, closing it behind him.

"Alice? Right? Why are you inside here?" He asked with a smile as he held his hand out. "My names Mikealis!"
Marina wandered around the outskirts of where the sprites crowd . She felt far too nervous to bother talking to any of her fellow sprites, instead focusing on trying to find a counciler to stay nearby so that she wouldn't get lost like she usually did. Her small feet dragged on the ground as she tried to find someone who looked old enough to be a counciler. When she finally found one, the little girl quickly walked to her side, borderline clinging onto the woman. The counseler had long and white hair and the way she walked and talked reminded Marina of the princesses that she had read about in fairytales. "M-miss? Are we going to the cabins now?" She asked softly, looking up at the counseler.

Arbor barked out a small laugh. "To be honest, I remember Uriel perfectly. Well, at least enough to remember that I couldn't stand him. " He looks over add l at Masa. "No offense to you, being his friend and all, but I just call over here to see if he was the same. And it only confirmed my suspicions. " he rubbed his hands together. "Well, it's certainly going to be interesting working with him. I wonder who my cabin mates will be. Hopefully I get at least one newbie, I love to show them around," he cocked his head to the side, "and prank them. But mostly show them around. "

@Du Pain

Welp, there he goes, Masa thought, expressionless as he watched his friend fly away. He then looked back at Arbor and smiled. Unlike Uriel, he didn't mind the guy, despite the basilisk and his friend not getting along. "Yeah, Uriel isn't one to do much changing." He replied with a shrug, and then took another glance around to see if anyone had arrived.

"Yeah, I'm wondering who I'm going to be with too," He replied, calm in the moment. It was amusing how he could go from being loud and rambunctious to being calm and collected in the matter of a few seconds. "I already have a good idea because Keme actually hates me and puts me with the same people every year, but you never know..."

@Yaoke Saint
Alice's smooth cheek continued caressing the bed sheet is a moment of bliss. The silky and soothing texture of the fabric made the young girl grin in ecstasy. 'Eh heheh... I could just go to sleep...' Alice giggle, slowly succumbing to her own words. Slowly, her head stopped moving, and her eyes began to feel heavy. She took a deep breath in and gave a small yawn. Alice, who had half of her body draped over her bed, could feel her conciseness slipping away. Each blink she took made the room seem darker. Each breath she made cause her next breath to be slower. Alice was almost ready to let her mind go...



Alice's whole body jumped as if a strike of lightning had struck her. Teary eyed, she turned towards the source of the noise. What stood before her was a young looking boy.
'Huh? Eh?! Wha?' Alice fumbled. Bewildered, she retreated into her hood to try and regain her thoughts. Okay... He must be one of the cabin members. But how does he know my name? I don't think I talked to anyone here, did I? Maybe I did talk to him and forgotten?! Uuuuuu, I'm a terriable abomination.... Raising her hood she looked at the young boy named Mikealis. 'I'm sorry, but... Do I know you... How do you know my name?' She asked timidly, absentmindly tugging at fabric ears of her hood.

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