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Fantasy Camp Mythik: Summer Sanctuary for Supernatural Creatures (Open and Accepting!)


Uriel flew the last half way to the camp instead of taking a stupid bus, yes it did take longer but it was a lot more peaceful and way more fun because he could feel the wind through his hair and just enjoy being in the air for he had to actually be busy being trained to be a Counselor so he could keep going to camp for pretty much as long as he wanted. Uriel spotted Camp Mythik and gave an extra speed boost so he's not any later than he already is 'I hope I didn't miss the introduction ceremony' He thinks nearing the camp and is able to spot the campers, he sees little kids running around close to the spot he wanted to land, He sucked up the dread and put on his stoic face and landed like the big CIT he is 'Now where is that Mr. Keme and my trainer Corbin' He thought looking around and spotting Mr. Keme and walked over to him "I'm not late am I?' He asked holding his duffle bag with both hands, it was starting to get heavy but he didn't want to put it down until it was in his cabin


The head counselor was instructing where people go, making sure there was enough seats for everyone, and still managing to greet some late campers who wanted to say hi to him again. It was pretty hectic, but he dealt with it easily.

It was a few minutes until he had to go up and give the big introduction speech everyone was waiting for, but Keme wasn't nervous. If anything, he was a tad impatient to start, but he knew there were a few more mythics he had to mentally check off on. All the counselors had to be here, as well as the CITs, and there was someone in particular who the Thunderbird was currently on the lookout for.

As if his wishes were granted, the voice of the CIT he was looking for sounded above the racket everyone else was causing. Keme turned around to see Uriel looking like he had been in a hurry to get here.

"Ah, there you are Uriel!" He greeted with a wide smile, glad to see the familiar face. "While I would have preferred you arrive earlier, you haven't missed anything important. I'll give you a free pass for your tardiness since its your first year as a CIT." He joked, laughing out loud.

"Corbin isn't here yet, as far as I know, but it's hard to miss him. He should be here soon," Keme added after a quick look-around the general area to make sure the said counselor hasn't arrived yet without him noticing. "For now feel free to talk with your fellow counselors and CITs; you'll know when we're starting."

Uriel looked relived for a split second then went back to his regular stoic expression "Thank you" He said before walking towards the Camp Square only really looking for Masa and Corbin. the first is he best friend at the camp they've been tight ever since they started going to camp seven years ago. Uriel has had a Crush on Corbin for about a year and when he found out that he was gonna be trained by said counselor he got pretty happy.

Uriel tired of how heavy his duffle bag is he used his magic to keep it in the air and follow him around
'Thank you light magic' He thought as he continued toward the square avoiding the sprites as they ran around and just enjoying being at the camp. Uriel spotted his friend Seth who doesnt like Masa, He walked over to the kutsin "You should have signed up to be a CIT with be dude" Uriel said with a slight joking tone that wouldn't have been noticed by anyone other than his friends
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Felix hurried after Keme not wanting to miss the greeting ceremony but he'd also have to talk to Yuuki later about helping out with music,Felix didn't want his party knowledge not to get passed down."Wooh quite the crowd right here" he said looking at all the campers that had shown up this year,he could see both old and new faces as his stood slightly behind Keme wanting to get a good look at everyone.He would be glad to get to know the campers and teach them the true definition of fun if they hadn't come to the camp before,Felix had a reputation to keep as one of the less strict councelours that made everything twice as fun.Of course there were some cases of campers not wanting to be happy but he'd give himself a pat on the back for trying atleast.

@anyone (XP)

Seth was starting to think that no-one from the usual squad had signed up this year when he saw Uriel walking towards him. Seth and Uriel were good pals, even if the Merman never truly understood how the Fallen Angel could consider that fox boy to be his best friend. And he was a CIT this year too, which meant that Seth was now technically supposed to obey him. Yeah. That was going to be as weird as it sounded.

Come on, man, can you imagine me as a CIT? Having to actually talk to people? No way.” Seth's answer was light and playful, but he couldn't help ending it on a serious note.

I wanted to enjoy my last year as a camper, you know? Maybe next year, but...” His voice trailed off. Next summer felt thousands of years away. By then he'd have come of age, probably started to study at university somewhere... It was a bit scary to think about all this, so he shook the thought off his head and brought his attention back to his friend.

Anyway, it's cool to see you, dude. Who are you going to be training with?

Catlin blended in easily with the growing crowd as she came to the introductions spot. She smiled and looked at everyone there, But was nervous. Eventually she knew if she didn't get to soon she would ive in and shift. She really felt out of place. Slipping under the cover of her human form she let her power pulse through the nature. Feeling its steady pulse was calming to her...


Uriel smiled slightly at Seth's response "You should though, wouldn't you like to be able to keep coming to camp for as long as you want?" He questioned his merman using his emotionless tone as a bit of pay back for making him sign up by himself "But what?" He asked not liking his friend traling off only to change the subject "And I'm training with Corbin" he answers "But enough about me Have you seen Corbin or Masa around?" He questioned knowing he should report in with his trainer and he should see Masa before camp gets started "I know you hate Him Seth but could you be nice since it is your last year?" he tells his friend with actually some emotions

Nick 'Ender' Egotarum


Location: Camp

Interaction: No one... yet



Fire Breath

Ice Breath

Poison Breath

Water Breathing

Nick hurried over to the sign-in desk once it was clear of all the people who were signing in before anyone else could show up. He put down his bag for moment while scribbled down his credentials. Once he was finished he picked up his bag and moved over to main area where everyone else was currently at. He found a nice tree with seemingly no one around it and sat down at the base of the tree, placing his bag besides him. He pulled out a comic book from his bag and began to read it.

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@The Endergod

Catlin Saw the strange boy before she felt his magic pulse. unfamiliar. Must be an air or water type. maybe dark or Light. But definitely doesn't have a nature feel. She thought and crossed her way over. She dissapered into a tree nearby. Watching everyone, And especially him. Smiling she hummed as she looked down the scenery. SHe was just behind the boy.

"Thank you!" She stopped bouncing and she thought -Wait.....How am I already ruining my 'calm' and 'mature' reputation already.... Stay calm and controlled Yuuki- She got into proper posture "Thank you.(>_>)" And she left, waiting for the ceremony to start.
Cierra herself got tired of waiting, shifting about in her chair and fidgetting. However, the sun was nothing to bear for her as an Angel and some others. She had paid heed to the kitsune and looked forward for things to come, but for now, she waited impatiently, watching as members came and twirling one side of her chainblade in a short radius around her finger; the razors kept under the metal slots. The brown haired female also noticed the vibrant girl talking to Keme and admired her shifty attitude for some reason, deeming it 'cute', after making the analysis of her holding in her true feelings and being.

Quinn stepped into the crowd cautiously, her lips parted as she took a moment to scan the diverse crowd. She fumbled with her bag, grabbing her phone and checking for any text messages. Disappointed at the sight of her pink background, she put it away. Despite it, excitement made her blood pump at the crowds of people.

Blue eyes flickered around the scenery, amazed at the beauty of the surrounding environment. A whimper left her lip as her horns petruded her head, growing out into long, swindling white spears. Quinn bit her lip at the pain, her eyes stinging with tears. She looked away from the forest, and started for the head counseler, Keme.
Mikealis Splendor. The Shadow of the camp, always there, always watching he knew the other campers, kept tabs on them and yet rarely anyone spoke to him.

Walking along the field, up to the entrance of camp, it would seem weird for a child to be wandering in the woods alone but, he was no tired. Smarter than most, Mikealis was a shadow imp, a raw being of Earth, not born, just existing. He had no family, no nothing, so this was his home, since he was 7 anyway.

Mikealis became bored of walking, he used the shadows around him and hovered, darting to camp. Landing, the small child looked at the CIT's with a frown before looking towards the councilors also. "Hmm, is there anyone my age here this year?" He whispered as the young boy gave off a rather scary and dark aura despite the fact he was actually quite a kind boy.
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When Uriel asked him to be nice with Masa, Seth had to make a tremendous effort in order not to roll his eyes and sigh. Instead, he had offered him a little smile, and said: “I'll try, Uriel. You know I always try.

They were going through this conversation every year, weren't they? Every single summer, for as long as they've been friends, Uriel would ask Masa and Seth to get along. And, to their credits, Masa and Seth would actually try. It usually lasted two days before all hell broke loose again... But the Merman didn't have many friends at camp, and he felt that Uriel was both talking to him as a friend and as a CIT who didn't want too much trouble on his plate.

This being said, he didn't want to spend his whole time looking at, thinking of or talking about Masaaki – he had much better use of his time, thank you very much, like teasing Uriel about his new job.

Masa is over there, once again trying to seduce some poor girl to come and break the no-touching rules with him.” He said, vaguely motioning towards the fox kid and his friend.

I haven't seen Corbin yet, but I guess he'll be there pretty soon. So you're gonna train with thim, uh? You guys are pretty close, riiight?

"Yes but It really doesn't last as long as it should before you guys are back at each other's throats" Uriel deadpanned knowing that it was true and knew this year wouldn't be any different, he looked over toward Masa trying to hit on some girl again 'He just can't keep it in his pants' Uriel thinks shooting a small glare at Masa for a moment before looking at Seth after that comment about Corbin "we're not super close Seth" Said the fallen angel "I'm closer to Aki than I am to him" He added that to prove his point that what most people thought of corbin and him being close was really nothing more than a one sided crush.

"Well I gotta make sure Masa doesn't get kicked out or get slapped" Uriel said to Seth "I'll see you around, maybe we'll be roomies" He added before leaving walking over towards Masa with his floating bag right behind him. "Masa what am I gonna do with you?" he says to his best friend while shaking his head
Asteria appeared on the forests edge, she was in her human form so she didn't attract too much attention from outsiders, stepping forwards with perfect posture she headed to the Opening ceremony area, waving and smiling at the children around her.

"Hello my little ones," she hugged the sprities and smiled to a few kelpies and wyverns, a small girl made her a little crown or flowers.

"Oh look at this, my dear 'tis wonderful, may I?" she lent down futher as the girl placed it on her head, the Sprite Counsilor chuckled before she twirled on the spot like a ballerina and headed towards the other CIt's and Counsilors, watching her children seat themselves on the chairs and or stand about with the elder kids.


Mikealis watched Asteria and smiled, his counsilor was finally here. Seeing as she had arrived, Mikealis then made his way to the Opening Ceremony in an attempt to find some of the older kids who were there last year and the year before that.

Oh goodness, she was running so super late! Mikaline sprinted along on light feet, carrying her slim frame through the campgrounds and to where Keme was likely to be waiting for all the arrivals. Can't be late, can't be late, not today! The girl thought to herself, multi-coloured hair streaming behind her like a rainbow river. She panted, breath coming out in strained huffs as she ran. She was very relieved when the familiar Thunderbird came into view. She hopped over to stand in front of him, hanging her head low in shame. "Ohh, I'm so sorry I'm late!" she apologized. Her hair was ruffled and sticking out from the run, and she just generally looked quite ragged. Her silly forgetfulness strikes again, and she didn't remember she had super important business to attend to that day until she had already slept in! "It won't happen again! I think..." She smiled at him, releasing an awkward giggle. It was hard to tell she was any older than twelve with her childish, playful demeanour and appearance. Then she took the time to gaze around at everyone else, face brightening with a grin as her eyes sought out plenty of new faces. She was so excited to meet everyone!


Min wasn't late. They had been hanging around for quite a while, quietly observing the events from afar. They saw many new kids and some old faces running about and chatting and having some fun, but of course, they didn't know any of them on a very personal level. It wasn't often they immersed their-self in the crowd, they preferred a solitary life. But they did enjoy watching everyone have a good time, and let out the occasional laugh when someone made a blunder or did something amusing. They lived in the background, always there yet always absent, but they liked it that way. They felt like everything would be better that way, that everyone would be safer, regardless of whether or not that was actually true. They thought that letting them-self socialize would be bad luck, besides a bit of an emotional hazard, even though it would probably prove quite the opposite. They were a lucky creature after all, a Qilin. And yet, they chose to remain hidden. That was just how they were. They sat down in a tree's branches, red hair falling to one side of their face as usual, watching the day proceed through similar red eyes, a faint smile ever present upon their face.


Enter Katsu.

The thirteen-year-old Raiju blundered into the camp in a rather disorderly fashion, then stood straight and puffed his chest out when he arrived as though he'd been there all along. "Aha, here I am, Katsu Keisotsu!" he declared with a tone full of unearned pride, a grin glowing on his face. He was certainly arrogant, it seemed. His hair buzzed with live electricity and he patted it away, forcing himself to calm down a little. Then he crossed his arms, looking around to see what other kinds of people were around. "Hey... Anybody wanna come talk to me?" He struck a pose, flashing a cheeky smile and letting an electric bolt course up his arm. "I'm a pretty cool guy. I bet you all wanna talk to me." But, alas, no one listened. He huffed grumpily when he realized this, crossing his arms and tapping his feet. "Alright then, fine." He pouted a little, giving off a little 'hmph' sound. Then he decided to just sit down and wait until he was told what he was supposed to be doing, leaning his head on his hand and just generally looking rather upset with the world like the moody kid he was.

Quinn stared at the CITs surrounding Keme, and turned around abruptly, her cheeks dusted with pink in embarrassment. She held her head up higher, trying not to bump into anyone with her horns. She weaved through the crowd, aching to get to the forest. Suddenly, she was blocked by yet another crowd. She turned on her heel and sighed, starting for the Opening Ceremony.

She shivered, her heart pounding with anxiety. "Shoot.." Quinn whispered sharply, her anxiety was only further roused at the sight of everyone talking. Quinn tucked a stray hair of platinum blonde behind her elf-like ear, and walked slowly towards the mass of people.
Asteria looked towards the forests, someone was running and in that moment she appeared. A camper? No of course not, it was Mikaline. "Hello my dear," she lowered her head at her CIT, happy to have someone under her this year, in case she had to leave.

Asteria looked towards the abundance of Mythical creatures this year. "Everyone! My little ones do come closer and seat yourselves down, smaller people to the front so they can all see," she shouted but gently with the tone of kindness, she then turned to the head. Thunderbird.

"'Tis a pleasure to be back yet again Sir, and to all of you others as well, " Asterisk bowed slightly as her white hair caught the sun's glow, as though it was shining.


Mikealis gathered to the front, he was only small so he guessed that was a good thing. Lowering himself to the ground, he then proceeded to seat himself among the other Sprites. The none year old looked up at the other girl standing in front of Keme. She looked young yet was up there with the others. Another CIT, for us perhaps considering we don't have one, he thought to himself, he'll have to look at his information.

"Oh god the worst part, CABIN ROOMS, " he said to loudly and some of the others nodded with him, kelpies and wyvern included.

Seth couldn't help but chuckle. Uriel running away from mentions of his relationship with Corbin, that was such a classic.

"Yeah, closer to Aki, I can see that!" He answered as the Fallen Angel was leaving, loud enough for Uriel to hear him.

Oh man, that was going to be another fun year, wasn't it? The Merman was feeling much better now, the bad aftertaste from his encounter with the Kitsune now forgotten. It was the beginning of camp and there were going to know their cabin roommates soon. That was exciting, even if for a calm-lover like him.

Looking around, Seth could see several newcomers on their own. The first year was always a bit difficult, he knew that. His eyes went from the neighboring seats to the branches of a nearby tree, from where he could see a dash of red hair peeking out.

Hey, he knew that kid, didn't he? He remembered talking to them last year, a very simple, soft name, right? Something like Nin or Lin or Min. Probably Min.

Feeling social enough, he smiled and waved in the other camper's direction.

"Hi... Min, right? What are you doing up there?"


Aki was helping around, cheerfully greeting her Kelpies, when she noticed one blond haired girl looking particularly distraught. With a few light steps, she hopped towards her.

"Hey there! Is everything OK?"


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"Uriel, hey!" Masa had heard his friend calling out to him through the crowd of campers. His ears had perked up and by the expression on his face and the way his tails swayed, he looked more like a dog in the moment. "'S been a while!"

He leaned his head back from where he sat so he could look up at his good friend. He remembered that he was going to be seeing less of him this year, as Uriel was a CIT now.

When Urie spoke to him, Masa tilted his head in confusion. What'd he mean, 'what am I gonna do with you?' the kitsune thought, but then it dawned on him.

"What, think I was flirting or something?" He asked, an eyebrow raised. "You know Cierra and I are purely platonic; that was established a while ago."




"Ah, Mikaline!" Keme smiled at the CIT, glad everyone was showing up, even if they were a tad late. There was no need to be getting mad at anyone, especially right now. "No worries, the ceremony hasn't started yet, so you're okay. We're about to begin, so just make sure you're over with the other counsellors and CITs when we, start, alright?" He told her, nodding over to where the group of counsellors and CITs were.

Once he was alone again, he took a look around and decided it was time to start the ceremony. He grabbed the microphone he was to use when he gave the speech and turned it on, holding it up so he could speak into it.

"Testing, testing," He spoke, glad to find that the microphone was working properly. Most people stopped talking when they heard Keme's voice, and some of the littler Sprites waved to him from the front, giggling when he enthusiastically waved back. "Alright everyone, we're about to start, so I'd ask you all to either take your seats or get where you're supposed to be. Thanks guys!"

((Completely ignored there...it's ok xD )

Asteria settled herself down besides the other Counsellors, she looks over the crowds of people and waved to a few of her darling Sprites. "Hush now," she whispered loud enough for the front row to hear.


Mikealis waved slightly before lowering his arm and giving his ear to Mr.Keme, the thunderbird. He was excited to hear what this first weeks activities would be. Focused on the magical part, physical part, emotional? Mental!? He was excited and the boy smiled up to the upper years.
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Uriel sat down next to Masa "I know, but you could have been flirting with anyone really" He said jabbing his friend with his elbow, Masa was really the only person that could get Uriel to show more than discrete hints of emotion "So, how was your year? Learn any knew tricks?" He asked knowing that Masa usually has pretty funny stories to tell him about his year away from camp.

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