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Fantasy Camp Mythik: Summer Sanctuary for Supernatural Creatures (Open and Accepting!)



Mikaline turned her head up to look at Asteria as the Counsellor greeted her. She felt an adoring smile spread on her face at the sight of the female, her hands clasping together as she gave a little hop. "Oh, oh! Hello, Ms. Asteria! Nice to see you~!" she hummed in a very cheery greeting, waving. Then she sharply turned her head back towards Keme when she was spoken to. "Oh, good good! I was so worried I would miss everything!" she exclaimed, then turned and bounded over to where she was supposed to be standing, hair flowing behind her as she moved with light, graceful steps, the small rainbow wings on her back fluttering uselessly, too tiny to actually get her anywhere. She made it over to the group and then waited patiently for the ceremony to start.



Min looked down when they were spoken too, surprised to hear a voice coming from so close. "Oh." They recognized this camper. A name, a name... Seth, they believed. They recalled speaking to him a few times the year prior. He wasn't half bad, Min didn't mind him. "Hello there. Yes, it's Min. And you would be Seth?" Their voice was very unique. It couldn't be told whether it was more masculine or feminine. But their tone was calm and level. They slipped down from the branches after gazing at the sky a few moments longer, landing very delicately upon the ground as though they feared they might harm it. They brushed a few stray red hairs from their face with a sweep of their fingers. "I'm just watching. I'm not very interested in getting too close to all the buzz. It seems rather hectic, doesn't it?" They folded their arms, taking a few moments to study the one they were speaking with.


Kats heard the call and looked around, wondering where he was supposed to go. He saw some other folks that looked to be around his age and sat with them, a puff of air leaving his mouth irritably.
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Achilles Black

Achilles arrived at camp through a vapor portal. He just hopped out and started to skateboard to the check in place, that he saw at a distance. As Achilles got closer to the camp, he started to see a lot more kids. He was excited, because this is the first time he has seen any other kid his age, or older/younger. When he got to the check in desk, he said " Um. I'm Achilles Black." The lady instantly told him to go to the Kelpies Group. Achilles looked around, and saw the brightly made sign. Achilles audible cursed, and skated over to the area.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.37174d8e330d6878a1b7bafc632ea94b.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112462" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.37174d8e330d6878a1b7bafc632ea94b.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Luna's paws pounded at the ground as she ran through the trees. Finally reaching the entrance to the camp she phased. Stepping into the camp was like stepping into a wave of energy, she could sense everyone around her. Luna started looking around for someone to help her sign in.



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Asteria smiled at her CIT. "My little one, do call me Asteria, or even Ria if you wish, 'tis a pleasure to have someone here beside me," the woman embraced the girl in a hug, her hands running along her rainbow coloured wings.

"You're old, but not as old as me, Simurgh, interesting, I'll show you my wings someday," Asteria smiled widly as she laughed and then quietened down, awaiting Mr.Keme to continue with the ceremony. Her eyes looked up again towards the forest where a girl shifted form. So many more campers this year, not to mention most were late too...

The lady chuckled to herself, stroking her white hair and adjusting her crown of flowers her little Sprites made for her.

(('Tis fine!))


Looking around, Katsu heard the sound of wheels spinning on the ground and lifted his attention to the boy that was approaching on a skateboard. That was pretty cool, he decided then and there he wanted to be this person's friend. "Hey!" he called over to the other kid, waving a hand. "You new here too?" he asked, a smirk making it's way onto his face. "'Cuz I'm new. Name's Katsu, I'm a Raiju. What's your name?" He didn't even consider the fact this person might not want to talk to him at all, or could be busy, be just wanted somebody to boast to. Everyone seemed to be ignoring him, it made him more than a little upset.



Mika gasped in excitement as she was hugged, her wings flapping. "Oh, okay, Ria!" Mikaline loved nicknames. "I bet you have really pretty wings!" She wondered how old the Fae was. Mika herself was quite an old creature, but she had a habit of losing her memories each time she was reborn, so she didn't remember exactly how old she was. She hardly felt older than 15, despite her body being more around 20 years old. "You have very nice hair, too!" She took the time to study the Counsellors flowing white hair, eyes aglow. Her own rainbow hair pooled around her feet, its many colours glittering in the sunlight. She certainly was a colourful being, both in appearance and personality.
Luna looked around nervously for help. She saw a woman and girl standing nearby and decided to approach @LaDyGrEy @Kachi

"E-excuse me, do you know where I can find my Counslers? I think one is named Felix...and a um another... Keme!!" Luna shifted nervously, she'd never really been around others with a magical energy so strong.
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Achilles heard a kid his age say his name was Katsu, and he was a Raiju. Achilles slowed to a stop and said, "Hi I'm Achilles and I am a PaunGod. 3/4 god, and I am a son of Neptune. Nice to meet you by the way." Achilles said this as he flashed a bright smile and put out his hand to shake. Achilles was so happy that the first person he met was really nice, and wanted to be his friend.

Asteria turned to the Wyvern with large smile. "Hello my little wolf, yes of course, you are a Wyvern, Felix and the leading Counselor is also part of the Wyvern group, Uriel is a CIT for the Wyverns also, but please do not hesitate in asking me or Mika here if you need any other help," the fae woman smiled as she looked at the girl.

"The opening ceremony is about to start my dear, please head to the seats," Asteria clasped her hands together as she beamed with happiness and power, she loved meeting new children, adults, heck everyone. The woman stood with perfect posture before returning her attention back to Mika.

"Thank you! "

@Jasil @Kachi


((May be wise to begin the Ceremony))
Luna thanked the woman and quickly walked to a large group of seats, she sat in the last row on the end. 'I hope this starts soon, who knows, maybe I'll find another like me.'

@Jasil @LaDyGrEy

Mikaline looked at the girl. "I'm sure you'll meet your Counsellor soon. There's a ceremony starting soon, though, so you should probably go find a seat!" She pointed to where the other Wyverns were sitting, nodding along with what Asteria said. Then she let her hands fall to her sides, and beamed at Ria. "You're welcome!" Then she went quiet, waiting for Keme to start the Ceremony.



A what-god? Kats had no idea what his new friend (whom he'd only known for approximately half a minute) had just said, but all that stuff sounded pretty cool. Almost as cool as he himself was. "Oh, really? That's pretty awesome. My ancestors worked with Raijin, he's the god of lightning." Then, after accepting the handshake, he patted the spot next to him and said, "Hey, you should sit with me. There's some kinda ceremony or something gonna start soon." He tipped his head to the side, grin going lopsided. "Maybe we'll get to room together or somethin', huh?"
Yeah that would be awesome. Just to let you know I don't intend to go to sleep early." Achilles said this as he sat down. He then made his skateboard turn back into water, and put it in his bottle he pulled from his backpack. "So are you excited for the sport activities?" Achilles asked as he pulled some candy bars out of his bag, and offered one to Katsu. "Want one?"

Katsu laughed. "Hey, neither do I." Looking around at everyone else, he said, "Yeah, I'm excited. Excited to beat everyone else and show them how cool I am." Striking a pose, he flexed one arm and stuck up his thumb, smile widening. Then he calmed again and took the candy bar he was offered. "Oh, yeah, thanks." He took a bite, looking content. He had a bit of a sweet tooth. It wasn't huge, but every once and a while, he'd indulge if he could. he preferred meat, like the carnivorous little scamp he was.

Min's voice was calm and soothing, if not a bit unexpected – perfectly neutral, neither happy nor sad, neither feminine nor masculine. Seth remembered always wondering about the other camper's gender (not that it mattered much, Merfolk having a very broad opinion on the concept), and he half-recalled hearing other people referring to Min as a “them”, which made sense when one considered one's inability to classify the red-head as a he or a she. Yet it was a nice voice – unlike that of the fox kid, which was irritating to the Merman's ears, or Uriel's, which was always pleasant and song-like – and Seth felt content just by hearing it. What a strange feeling.

Well, it is indeed a bit chaotic. Everyone's excited for camp to start, you know?

A moment of silent floated between them. They both observed the other – Seth couldn't tell for the life of him what Min actually was. Not they gender, but their very nature – the Merman was usually good at that, here's a Vampire, oh, watch your ears, that's a Banshee, etc. Maybe he was an air sprite? That'd explain why he was in a tree. Or a Dryad? That'd also explain the tree.

Seth's fascinating train of thought was interrupted by Keme's announcement on the speaker, bringing him back to reality.

Yes, I'm Seth. Pleased to meet you... again, I guess? You were there last year, I think?” The Merman glanced a worried look towards the stage. He didn't want to be the only one chatting while the counsellors were talking. That'd be properly rude.

The ceremony's about to start, don't you want to come down? They're going to tell us our cabins.” He added, feeling a bit out of things to say. Well, he didn't get called “the quiet one” for no reason at all, did he? Talking had never been his forte...

Achilles just laughed with Katsu. "I can wait for the water sports, I am going to dominate them. Plus I think the girls will look cute in their bathing suits." Achilles just sat back, and opened a water bottle and started to drink it. "So what sports are you good at?" Achilles asked as he took a sip from his water, and ate some chips.



Min nodded along with what Seth said. Yes... That did make sense. They could understand that a lot of people, especially the kids, were quite eager to take part in the camp. They didn't mind, though. It wasn't their scene, but they did enjoy seeing everyone running about, big grins on all their faces while they chatted and made new friends. Min just observed in the meantime. That was enough for them.

They noticed Seth observing them as they observed him. He seemed rather interested, or perhaps curious, about something; they just couldn't decide what, exactly. They were removed from their train of thought by hearing the other's voice again. "Yes, I was here last year," they confirmed with a slight nod. "We probably should go take a seat. I like it here, but I wouldn't want to seem rude by sitting out the ceremony." They beckoned with a hand, tilting their head. "Would you like to listen together? Perhaps we'll end up in the same cabin." They wouldn't mind that. They would enjoy having somebody to speak to, since they had trouble talking with most people. People just irked them a little, despite how much they loved them. They led a rather frustrating life, socially.



Katsu laughed when Achilles mentioned the girls, and nodded a little. Point made, point made. Then he was asked a question and shrugged. "I don't really know. Anything where I needa be quick. I'm super fast on my feet, you should see me." He smiled. "But anything where I can use electric powers, those are my real domain." He created a small string of electric energy and let it dance through his fingers to emphasize his case.
Luna looked around her, and each time a new face appeared their energy surrounded her. This made her feel like she was a part of them, yet she was so distant from everyone

With a little smile, the Merman patted the empty seat next to his.

Sure! You can come and sit with me if you'd like. I'd rather be with you than with the people I was with last year...

That was true but – ah, that blasted Kitsune was in his mind again. How could he spend so much of his precious, precious brain energy about someone he hated? That made no sense whatsoever. That was properly infuriating. Time to change the subject, think about something else... Well, he had a perfectly nice person willing to talk to him, and his mum always bothered him for being too silent; he was going to try to talk to Min, and he was definitely not going to think about Masa again.

I'm a Merman, by the way.” And... he sort of hoped that Min was going to tell him what they were in return. That'd be nice, because there was just no way Seth was going to find the courage to ask.
Achilles wasn't going to show his powers, he wasn't sure he could control them. "So are you sure you wanna stay here, and wait for the counselors to do their ceremony, or do you wanna go cause some mischief?" Achilles asked as he raised his eyebrow. He then proceeded to pull some silly string, and some stink bombs out of his backpack.



Min returned the smile and sat cross-legged next to Seth, their hands resting in their lap. "Is that so? As flattered as I am, you must have had poor luck making friends," they noted with a slight chuckle, hoping the jest wouldn't be taken in an ill-manner. They couldn't really talk anyway, considering they hadn't made a single friend, only a few mere acquaintances. They figured this year would be the same. But they were okay with that, that was what they wanted.

They could tell something was bothering their new acquaintance, but it wasn't really their business.

Then, they tilted their head. "Oh, a merman? I see. I'm a Qilin. Not exactly the most common beings ever, I suppose." They looked up at the sky, the blue depths reflecting in their red eyes, turning them a shade softer. They weren't very striking eyes, not memorable in any way, but they did reflect their owner's personality quite well. Deep, yet quiet, holding many mysteries.



Oh, what a tempting proposal. Katsu thought about it for a good few seconds, but in the end, shook his head. "Nah, not yet. We'll miss which cabins we're staying in." But the smirk on his face betrayed the fact that he wasn't going to completely turn down the idea. "Why don't we wait until after, and mess up the sleeping areas a bit? Or a lot. Y'know." Yes... The thought of all the other newbies being greeted by a cabin covered in silly string and smelling utterly atrocious was very entertaining to him.
Very well you have yourself a deal." Achilles then laughed a little, and ate some more chips. 'I wonder when they will start this ceremony.' Achilles then sighed out of a little boredom form sitting around so much.
Luna could hear some of the younger males talking about pranks and she rolled her eyes, well, guess she knew what to avoid after the ceremony
Hoping down from her perch she sighed. She didn't realize she hoped right into a group, Almost knocking one of them over. She sighed in relief as se was in her human form and not in her Dryad. She turned to the girl she almost knocked over. "Im sorry." She said. @Jasil
LilyannaGaming said:
Hoping down from her perch she sighed. She didn't realize she hoped right into a group, Almost knocking one of them over. She sighed in relief as se was in her human form and not in her Dryad. She turned to the girl she almost knocked over. "Im sorry." She said. @Jasil
"Woah!!" Luna looked at the girl in shock. "Um are y-you okay?"
((@Jasil Hey, so I saw you didn't really post much of a character sheet... So do you mind doing that before you post more? All I saw was a picture :(

Also, please try to refrain from very short posts; Try for at least a paragraph. Thanks!))
Du Pain](([URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/31433-jasil/ said:
@Jasil[/URL] Hey, so I saw you didn't really post much of a character sheet... So do you mind doing that before you post more? All I saw was a picture :(
Also, please try to refrain from very short posts; Try for at least a paragraph. Thanks!))
Sorry, I promise to make my posts longer, put I don't know what else to put in my character sheet. I filled out the information to the best of my ability.

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