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Fantasy Camp Mythik: Summer Sanctuary for Supernatural Creatures (Open and Accepting!)



"Yeah, I learned this super awesome one where I could actually
breathe fire," Masa began, his eyes brightening as he recalled the time. "I can't breathe a lot of it, but you should have seen the looks on the humans' faces when fire just randomly appeared at the park. Priceless, I tell you. Price. Less."

Before he could continue, though, Keme's voice sounded through the area from the microphone, telling everyone that the introductions were about to begin. The kitsune looked over at Uriel, knowing the CIA had to go over with the others now. "Well, I guess that means you gotta go, then."

((@everyone I'll start the introduction ceremony in a little bit when I get another break in class, so everyone should get their characters over to the camp square!))
Uriel smiled "I love messing with the humans" He said before frowning a bit "Yeah I'll see you later" Uriel said with a wave and he and his floating bag went to stand with the other CIT's and counselors "I Hope Felix doesn't stand next to me" He mumbles to himself not really wanting to see the were-bear yet, he's too energetic like the sprites.

Uriel made it over to where he had to be and sat down and his bag rested on his lap the spell he used had wore off just then
'This year is gonna be great I can tell' He thought as his stoic expression had returned after he left masa

A Qilin?” Seth considered the word in his brain for a second, trying to recall if he'd heard it before. Nope, no luck there – he had no idea what a Qilin was, what they did or what they looked like. They weren't a sea or even a water creature, now, he was sure of it. Probably air. Min had this impression about them, like someone very wise, old, and yet very light and young at heart.

So... what are you like? I mean, when you're not in your human form? Do you have like special powers or anything?



Min thought about that. What was a good way to describe their species? "Hum... We are a lot like unicorns as far as our appearances go. Colours vary, but we all have long legs, four hooves, and two horns on our heads. Perhaps I'll show you sometime." They stuck up their index fingers and positioned them on the sides of their head, pointing behind them, demonstrating what the horns looked like. "Apparently in ancient times my kind only showed themselves to humans when something important or fortunate was to occur, like the coming of a sage or an impending victory in battle. We can sense when bad or good things are going to happen to someone." They fiddled with a golden band around their wrist as they thought. "We were created to punish the wicked and the dishonest." Then they focused on Seth again, chuckling a little. A gentle sound, like bells chiming softly in the breeze. "Oh, it isn't healthy to talk so much about myself. Tell me some things about you and your kind."
Kenshin Arrived and stared at the camp he was out of the area he was colleceting some ingridents he needed to make sweets for the new campers coming this year. Kenshin then looked at the group of people gathering in the Main Square area he grabbed his sword and bag and headed towards the Councelors side were he reconised alot of faces and some new one's he was happy to see them all again these year. " ahhh the first day and everyone is almost here i can't belevie that this year is our tenth year open with so many happy children attending aswell right everyone " he said with a smiling face and gentle arua"

Unicorns? Wow, Qilins sounded really magical. Seth had never met a Unicorn before, although he had obviously heard about them. But Qilins sounded even more mystical, like good omens, divine warnings of things to come. He had to admit that it was pretty amazing: Merfolks weren't half as interesting.

“Well, I didn't know much about Qilins, so thank you for telling me. I hope I can see your true form one day! That's very interesting. So you know when someone's been dishonest and everything, then?

There were so many atrocious people in the world, so many liars and cheaters – surely that was enough to give Min a headache. That didn't sound fun at all.

About me, mmh...

Seth wasn't used to be asked about himself. People only stopped at “yuck, you have a fishtail!” or “wait, you can't even control water? That's lame!”. Actual, genuine questions were rare.

Well, my name is Seth, you already know that, I'm going to be 65 this year, which means that I'll be an adult soon. I'm a Merman – we live under the sea, in oceans and lakes, wherever the water is deep enough. We usually have a fish tail instead of legs, and fins instead of hands, but that varies a lot from individual to individual. Like I'm looking more human than most, even in my normal form, but if you look at my neighbour back home, you'd think she really is a shark. It can be pretty surprising when you're not used to it, I guess?

Considering what else there was to say, Seth playing around with a loose seam on his sweater.

We can go freely from the sea to the surface, but we have to sleep in seawater every day, or we dry up and, well, die a rather long and painful death.” He added soflty, his voice barely audible, not wanting to dwell on that part too much.



"I can indeed. It can be a burden as much as it is a gift," Min confirmed, voicing the Merman's thoughts with a little sigh. Then they fell quiet to listen to Seth tell them about himself.

They seemed quite intrigued and listened in silence, nodding along every once and a while and only occasionally letting their eyes flit off to some other place. Min had a natural love and curiosity for the species inhabiting the world they lived in, and loved hearing about things like this. They found the part about his age interesting, since they hadn't become an adult very long ago and were approaching 400 odd years of age. Min also wondered about what some of the more fish-like Mermen and Mermaids actually looked like when Seth began describing what the species looked like. Then their mouth curved into a bit of a frown at the last part, though it was understandable, they supposed. They didn't dwell on it either. "Wow. Mermen seem like very beautiful creatures," they commented in summary, thoughtful. "Qilins like to use water as a means of transport, especially in older times. Some of the species refused to walk through the woodlands because they didn't want to harm a single blade of grass, so they walked along the rivers. It's easier now, what with paved roads." They laughed at this. "I loved hearing the stories of people being marvelled at the sight of a 'majestic equine' walking on water." They sighed a little, leaning back on their hands. "The world is such a diverse place."
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((@Sebby823 Hi there! You're really not supposed to be rping on this thread until you've made a character sheet, and you need to properly use capitals, quotations, grammar, and whatnot in at least a full paragraph. So, if you'd like to join, pm me a character sheet that's properly filled out and you can start rping! But until then I'm going to have to delete your posts, sorry :( ))
Felix noticed Uriel but didn't approach him,he was quite comfortable where he was already standing but he did wink at the fallen angel.He also straightened his posture so that he stood taller and could give off an aura of power in case any of the kids thought he wouldn't put them in their place,he might have been mostly fun and games but he still had to show the children who was boss.In that case he inched ever so slightly closer to Uriel not going to invade his personal space or anything since he didn't seem to want to be bothered with him but he'd talk later perhaps.After his move he looked at Keme and bit his cheek before speaking "So when are we going to get this show on the road,I feel like everyone has been accounted for I mean hah at this rate we'll be here forever.We might have some people come in a bit later since y'know nocturnals but i'm sure they're fine" he said to Keme

@H0lderOfH0pe @Du Pain

"Right about now, actually," Keme replied, smiling at Felix. "Just wanted to give everyone some time to get a seat."

He then put the microphone in front on his mouth again and stepped forward s few steps.

"Alright, campers! Time to begin! Welcome to Camp Mythik, the summer sanctuary for supernatural creatures! Whether you're sweet, scary, or somewhere in between, we welcome you here! For all you first-timers out there, you probably know me as Mr. Keme. You may have also heard someone called 'The General' speaking. That's my camp name. But please, feel free to just call me Keme if you'd like. I'm not big on formalities."

Once Keme let a few moments go by to let everyone process the information, he continued. "Our main goal here at Camp Mythik is to help you grow, interact with other creatures you may not have the opportunity to elsewhere, hone your skills, and most importantly to enjoy yourselves. I'm not going to go over any rules, seeing as though you should all know them. So please, no more fires this year. You know who you are." He stopped to look at a few certain campers, hearing the laughter the others that knew the story gave.

"Each week we'll have a different theme, with special activities that correspond with it. By winning or participating in these activities, you can earn points. "Points for what?" you may ask. Well, in a little while, around the time we pick cabins for everyone, you'll be divided into two teams; Sun and Moon. The teams will be competing throughout the summer, with a big tournament-like event at the end, and prizes will be awarded to the winning team during the end-of-the-summer party. Don't fret if you're not on that team, though, because we like to recognize everyone, so special awards will be given to campers from both teams.

Each group—you know which one you're in—has different counselors, so I'll introduce them accordingly. First, for the Sprites, we have Asteria, our lovely Lady of Grace! She's the main counselor, you you little ones better treat her with respect! We also have Kenshin here as another counselor for you guys. Next, for the Kelpies, we have the prankster you all know and
hopefully love, Aki! She's the main counselor for them, but don't let her laid back attitude make you think you can get away with anything, alright? Then, we also have Corbin as another Kelpie counselor, so be kind to them, alright? Alright, good. Finally, we have our Wyverns. Wonderful. I'm the lead counselor for those pains, but I've also got Bearbones over here helping me out, so if Felix tells you guys to do something, you better comply!

We've also got some new CITs this year, as some of you already know, so please treat Uriel and Mikaline with the same respect you would give us, 'kay?"

Keme paused for a moment to catch his breath and remember the next part to his speech. "Anyway, it's great to see so many faces here for our tenth anniversary!" He had to pause because the cheering, mainly by the Wyverns and even some older Kelpies, almost drowned out his voice, but he continued once they calmed down.

"Yeah, that's how I feel too. But really, I appreciate everyone deciding year after year to come down for the summer, whether you're a Sprite, Kelpie, Wyvern, CIT, or counselor and staff. You guys are what makes this camp the way it is, not me. Ten years go by in the blink of an eye for us, but the memories never fade, right? So now's the time to show the first-timers why this camp is as good as it's said to be. Make friends, new ones, and maybe things will happen that you don't expect. You may go from being best friends to strangers, but that's okay, because there's always the next year to reconnect. And hey, maybe you never got along before, but maybe this year's the year you really get to know each other and you may become close. That's what's great about summer camp; each year is separate from the previous, and there's no ties to the future. We live in the present here, and the present times are calling for us to have the most fun we can."

The thunderbird stopped once more, scanning the crowd to see their reactions thus far, and decided now was the best time to get things rolling.

"So, with that said," He continued, a smile growing on his face. "Let's get this summer started!"

@everyone (Basically chat and whatnot, but make sure you get your character(s) over to the cabin area so they can hear which one they're in!)
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Catlin nodded. she flipped to the front and took a seat. She listened to Keme speak. Smiling she sighed. She would have to ask him so private questions later. She grabbed her two navy green duffels. She walked slowly up to the him. She didnt know where the cabins where, So she deciced she follow everyone else. She looked worried as her empulses to change got stronger. Her face became one of sadness. She wanted nothing more than to chande, but didnt want people to know what she was. Forcing a smile she turned to the counciler. @Du Pain
((Yes! I can have my character do something finally!))


"Alright, campers! Time to begin!" Raven glanced up, jolted out of her thoughts. She nodded along with his speech. It was fairly the same as most years and she began to zone out a little, but then something Keme said caught her off guard.

"So please, no more fires this year. You know who you are." Raven blushed at the mention of a very... Unfortunate accident. She shifted uncomfortably until the campers that had turned their attention to her focused back on Keme. Thankfully, the rest of Keme's speech passed without incident. She stood up and allowed herself to be pushed along with the crowd to the cabins to hear who was in each cabin.

Mika chuckled and gave a little curtsy as she was introduced, but otherwise was silent as she listened to Keme, eager to get going with everything. She was able to stay quiet but staying still was another matter entirely, and she bopped up and down, bouncing on her heels as her small wings continuously opened and closed, opened and closed. Teams, activities, new friends, it all sounded so super exciting! She was especially looking forward to meeting everyone and playing with all the kiddies, that was the best part. She didn't have a very competitive spirit, so the team activities and whatnot weren't her forte, but they were still fun, and she was pretty good as some of them.

She wasn't sure what she was to do next, so she stuck close to Asteria, deciding she would go wherever the Fae went unless she was given other orders. "Wow, I'm so excited!" she allowed herself to squeal once Keme was finished.



Katsu listened to the speech, smiling subtly. Sounded like the summer was gonna be a ton of fun. He couldn't wait to show everyone how cool he was, and maybe, just maybe, pick up a friend or two. But in the meantime, he was super curious to see who he'd be sharing a cabin with. Looking at Achilles, he commented, "Looks like it's gonna be a fun time. Wanna head down to the cabins now and so who we'll be rooming with?" The Raiju got to his feet, patting down some of his hair, which got rather wild and unkempt very easily throughout the day. Probably a result of him being unable to sit still for more than five minutes, along with the electric energy coursing through him. He also wondered which of the two teams he'd be on. He hoped his team mates didn't suck. He at least wanted a bit of competition for coolest guy ever.
Asteria bowed and waved at her little ones when the Head Counsillor said her name. The Fae woman then waited for Mr.Keme to finish up and nodded at the respectfu parts he spoke about to the new and old campers. When he was finish Asteria cheered with the others and looked at Mika.

"Oh so am I!!! It's going to be wonderful this year and the first week is going to be such a blast!" Asteria laughed as she walked gracefully from wher she was standing, in front of the crowd of kids and teens towards the Cabins areas.

"That went rather well, not 'tis time to sort out our darling little campers," she said to Mika as the woman held hands with Mikealis, a small Shadow Imp who came to great her.


Mikealis shouted with joy with the others and hollored. "WHOOOOOO, GO COUNSILLOR KEME!!!" a few other kids joine din with enthusiastic shouts and nods and he smiled, jumping from his seat, Mikealis ran to hold the hand of his Counsillor, Asteria.

"Where's Kenshin?" he asked as he waved at Mika, she had been at camp for 3 years, Mikealis had only been here for 2, Asteria for 4 yet Kenshin was there for 9, it made him wonder why Asteria was head and not the ManSlayer, as people called him.


"He'll be around soon, come along now Mikealis," the Fae smiled warmly at him as she saw the cabins appearing, they were big enough to ift everyone here in and they were gorgeous. The Fae however, preferred to be closer to the forest, to look out and be alert if anyone entered, she also just enjoyed the tranquilty of it, as well as being by the lake at night. For now the warrior fae focused on the kids first, then wondered where she'd be staying.

As all the campers made their way to the cabin area with some of the counselors, Keme stayed behind for a little bit to make sure everything was cleared away correctly. However, he noticed one camper, a first-timer, approaching him. At first, he turned with a smile on his face, but that happy expression turned to one of worry when he saw the sad look she had.

"What's wrong?" He asked with a calm voice, unlike the loud, excited voice he had previously had. "Did something happen?"

As he spoke, he started to vaguely remember her. From what he remembered, she had signed up under "Catlin," so he supposed that was her name. The last thing he wanted was for a first-timer to be feeling uncomfortable at camp.



When Keme was speaking, Masa grew more and more excited for the summer. A big end-of-the-year event? That's new!

However, when the counselor had mentioned the part about the fire... He would admit he became a bit embarrassed at some of the glances thrown his and Raven's way, despite none of them really knowing what went on, but he decided to go along with it and laugh along. After all, what happened last year was said and done, so it didn't matter anymore.

Once the speech was done, Masa was one of the first to get up. He went with the large crowd of Sprites, Kelpies, Wyverns, CITs, and counselors alike as they all headed towards the cabins and searched for one of his friends. Hopefully he'd have great 'roomates' this time around, and maybe be on the winning team too!



For the most part, Lilyana had gone through the first part of camp unnoticed. She was thankful for only having to say hi to a few counselors and campers, and since she had arrived early enough, had gotten to spend enough time around her favorite thing at camp; the nature. Since she couldn't go directly into the forest, she had sat on a wooden bench somewhere near—but not to close to—the camp square. A few bluebirds perched on her antlers and chatted with her, but they flew away as soon as the announcement to meet at town square was made.

So, the Peryton had complied and joined the rest of the campers at the other side of the camp square, finding a seat with the other Kelpies. Someone behind her complained about her antlers getting in the way, so she calmly asked the camper next to her to switch places so she could be in front of someone taller.

For the most part, she listened to Keme talk with a neutral expression on her face, clapping when everyone was cheering, and standing up once it was done. As she did, she straightened out her white summer dress and followed the crowd to the cabins. The only thing she was really looking for was whenever they'd get to do a nature walk of some sort; that'd be fun.

Uriel Was excited to find out who he'd be rooming with so he followed the big mass of campers towards the Cabins "Let's hope we room together" He said from behind Masa. Uriel being quiet was able to sneak up behind his best friend "Actually I'd just be happy to not room with Felix or any of the counselors" The fallen angel said with a very slight grimace knowing if he had to room with any counselors he'd have to take orders from them and he really, really didn't want that to happen

Surprised by his sudden appearance, Masa may or may have have jumped a bit. "Jeez, Uriel, don't scare me like that!" He exclaimed, slowing down so he could fall into step with his friend. The fallen angel did that all the time, and every time, without fail, Masa would get spooked.

"But anyway, yeah, I hope we room together too!" He agreed, already over being scared. "Maybe Keme will take pity on me this year and actually put me with some good roommates for once..." The kitsune added, trailing off with a sour expression on his face. He knew Uriel knew exactly what he was talking about, but he didn't say it aloud. They were almost to the cabins by now, so he was just looking forward to seeing who he'd be rooming with.

Uriel nodded knowing that Masa didn't want to room with seth "Don't worry it shouldn't be as bad as two years ago when we weren't roomed together and also you were roomed with Seth and I was in a cabin next to the sprites" Uriel said frowning trying to forget about that year, having been his worst year at the camp but that's not saying much Masa and Him did sneak off a lot and caused so much trouble

"Remember all the shit we started that year?" Uriel asked as they got closer to cabin area "I hope we can do that this year" He added with a small smirk
@Du Pain

She looked up covering her expression. Feigning a small smile she sighed. He already should know what she was. After all he was a counselor. She turned to him, "Yeah, Just afraid to change forms. Dont really want to hear any comments about What i am." She said looking around. Once she was sure no one could see she looked at him. She shifted on her feet to keep the weigh of her bags on her side. She allowed her power to connect with nature, but not change her form. "Its what im use to. It feels.....Diffrent to be in this form." She said looking to the forest.

As Carlin talked, Keme began to remember her more, or at her registration forms that were sent to him when she signed up. He would admit that he, too, was shocked to learn her kind actually existed, but he didn't think it was that big of a deal after he had known. In fact, he would imagine that the other campers would think it was pretty cool.

"Well," He began, beginning to walk and gesturing for her to follow. "You shouldn't feel uncomfortable with anything about you, so feel free to be in your true form if you'd rather do that. The campers shouldn't say anything about it, and if they do then let me know. I don't tolerate that kind of behavior towards others, especially those who are new here." He told her, a surprisingly serious expression on his face.



Masa made a face as Uriel mentioned that year. "Don't remind me of that; that was the worst! I remember you would always come to cleaning duty with bags under your eyes since they wouldn't shut up!" He replied loudly with a laugh, his tails and eare sticking up. While there were many things about that year that neither of them would prefer to ever think about again, there were fun times as well.

Speaking of those, Masa had to shake his head. "You know I'd be so down for that, I really would, but after the mixup fire thing that happened with me, Raven, and a few of the others, I have to do my best to play by the rules a little bit. And you're a CIT now, so you have to show us all how to act here, right~?" He spoke, a less serious tone in his voice at the end as he nudged Uriel a bit.

Uriel forgot about the whole fire mixup that he may have had a hand in "You and I both know that I got faulty information on that" He said narrowing his eyes slightly at the memory of that day "You should know I can be a good role model, Look how good I was before I met you" He joked as his face still held no expression. they both reached the cabins "Well now we get to know if were room mates" Uriel said as he got in line next to Masa hoping and praying that they would be room mates

"Woooooow, way to blame your corruption on me," Masa laughed, his exaggerated expressions making up Uriel's lack of emotion. He then placed his hands on his chest and batted his eyelashes dramatically, sighing loudly.

"You wound me, Uriel. How in the name of all that is good are we friends?" He spoke, getting some amused looks from other campers that were also already at the cabin area. His loud attitude tended to get others' attention, so it was something he was used to by now.

Uriel just rolled his eyes at his friends theatrics "Well you are the one who always starts it" Uriel said knowing that he himself comes up with the plans and is the one that tells Masa what to do. "I'm just this sweet angel that does no wrong" He said to Masa with a smirk and tone that only Masa could pick up on.


Quinn could have cried when someone started hopping towards her, her heart pounded in fear as the woman neared. She heard the woman tell her something, concern shrouding the woman's features. Of course, she was too frightened to listen. "Wait what?" She breathed, wincing as her horns inched further into the air.


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