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Fantasy Camp Mythik: Summer Sanctuary for Supernatural Creatures (Open and Accepting!)

'Mikealis...?' Alice repeated as she watch the young boy claim his own bed. Mikealis wore a smile that gave Alice a sense of ease. He seemed kind. Still backed into the corner like a small defenceless creature, Alice continued to tug of her ears. Soon after, the young boy asked boy asked Alice a simple question. Alice pause.

'Where... did i... come from....?' She repeated slowly, inclining her head as she briefly reflected upon his question.


A young man stood in fear as he discovered a tomb hidden on an uncharted island. But it wasn't the tomb that man the man's courage falter, but was inscribed on it. Upon its void black surface, many elaborate and outlandish symbols were scrawled on it. The man's eyes studies studied the etching, tracing the various lines and curves. However, a migraine slowly set in as corner of his vision slowly faded to black. There was a moment of silence. No wind. No waves. No breaths. Suddenly, his sight found him and sound of his environment returned; but something was out of place. The rocky surface beneath his feet was no more; what took its place was a dull red quagmire littered with small bones from various critters. The wall that the man had rested his hand upon was now something organic in nature. As he removed his hand, the wall undulated as if it were breathing. The man tried to assess what was happening, headache growing more painful. As the man faced the doors of the tomb, a fiendish grin fell upon his face. The man fled with all his might, feeling the last of his rational thoughts slipping away. He didn't know if what he had just witness was real... or just all in his mind


~Alice's version~​

'Honey can you get the door? i think someone is there.' Alice's mother called

'Okay mother!' Alice responded, imaging her way to the door.

She pulled the door open and she spots a small man. From the look of his atire he was an explorer. Alice smiled at the nice looking man. However, the man laughed at her and fled.

'Oh... Mother, he is leaving?' Alice called.


'I came from an island.' Alice replied to Mikealis. Soon after, a second question asked.

'Well...' Alice said, pondering, 'I don't really know... Mother always said that were like fish so... wait... Am I a fish?! but if that means I need water to breath... But i don't!' Alice began rambling about her own existence, causing her head to grow hot from over working. Giving up, she gave up.

'I'm a fish...' Alice shrugged exhaustedly.
The girl looked at the boy who was greeting her, then the girl with the bunny across the room. Her roomates were definitely an odd bunch, however it didn't really phase her too much. What did phase her was the volume of the young boys voice, it was definitely not extremely loud, but it was hearable and at the moment, Marina was practically terrified of anyone other than Asteria. When the young boy asked her a question, she immediately froze up, then pretended not to hear him to avoid talking more than she had too.

Arbor rose from the thin layer of dreams he had reached in the short times he had been asleep. His first layer of eyelids fluttered, then peeled back to expose his bright red eyes. He hummed deep in his throat. Looking at her hand in slight surprise, he said in a deep rumble, "Go ahead. And how else am I supposed to get around? My wings haven't fully developed yet, so I can't fly, and hopping is just too much fun and much faster than slithering everywhere." His body shifted under the water, sending ripples to the far banks. He ran his nostril over the bunches of flowers, lightly, as to not uproot then and snort flower.



Mikaline nodded to Quinn, smiling. "You bet!" She hopped up to the cabin door and opened it up, dashing inside for the second time with just as much vigour as the first. She flew at the bed she had chosen when she first came in with Arbor, landing softly on the mattress and turning to look at Quinn. "Okay, okay! You get third pick. This is my bed, and that one is Arbor's." She pointed, extending a finger in the direction of the Basilisk's chosen bed. "But the other ones are ripe and ready for picking, hehe!"

Aki took out a long breath, exhausted but relieved not to end up her life as a lightning-cooked piece of meat on a skewer. Keme's moods were, well, Keme's moods; and for one second there she had actually been worried that he was about to say that she had gone too far. Of course, that would have been ridiculous: one can never get too far when one is having fun! Ruffling through her hair with a weary hand, she answered him with a flashing smile.

What can I say? I'm wasted as a counsellor, but I'm told the Emperor doesn't take private entertainers anymore...

Her voice trailed off and morphed into a yawn. Time to take a break. She couldn't see her little horned friend anymore, so that camper was probably doing alright, too. Good.

Aw, man, I'm beaten,” she moaned, her voice hoarse and her throat dry. “I really need a drink. You do the team thing, okay? I'll get myself a cold one and be back on track real soon.”

Sake was the Tanuki's life drink. Not only could she drink anyone under the table, but she also used it as an energizer of sort, a pick-me-up when she had toyed with her powers a bit too much and needed to regain her strength.

@Du Pain
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Keme chuckled a bit at Aki's words, noticing just how tired the tanuki was. She normally wasn't this tired in the morning, but she didn't do those performances on the first day, either. He could definitely handle getting everyone fully situated himself, so he didn't mind if she took a break.

"Yeah, no worries. Take your time," He replied with a nod. "We'll need you later today, so feel free to go relax some now if you need. I'll be here." The thunderbird finished. He'd probably need to take a break sometime later himself, but he was feeling quite alright now.

After he let Aki go take her break, Keme turned around to head back to the camp square. The announcer was there so he could tell everyone about their teams for the summer once he got the OK from a few other counselors. They needed to put the signs up on the bulletins so everyone could see, so that should be done by the time he got back to the square.

((NOTE TO EVERYONE: If you haven't posted your character's cabin reaction, please do so now! Thanks :D ))
Asteria chuckled. "Fair enough, what brings you out here? You seem...distracted, " the Fae said as she felt the scales, they were cool to the touch and her hands light dusted over them her eyes staring into them also, analysing. Basilisk were feared, some were hunted, yet he was so young and had managed to survive. "Your wings, how long until they are fully grown?" She asked keeping small talk as Asteria jumped on to the waters surface, walking on the water as she reached his wings that were slightly submerged. She watched him smell the flowers and chuckled. "Gorgeous aren't they? Truly some to pick and win the heart with," the Fae touched the wings and smiled, her eyes roaming across the delicate petals and everything else also. Who knows? She may had just given him a bright idea? Or possibly not?

"Who are you training under Arbor?" Asteria asked politely.


Raven acknowledged Masa leaving with a nod, then immediately glowered at Seth. A large variety of thoughts were going through her head, most of which was her expressing extreme hatred of Mer-Brain.

"I'm perfectly fine with never talking to you again." Raven sneered. She contemplated setting him on fire, but she really didn't want to get expelled from camp on the first day, so she decided to let him live. There was no promises for the second day however, and she made sure that Kelpy knew that by making sure he saw a few small flames flicker around her fingers. The fact that she couldn't actually make large blazes in her human form was entirely irrelevant and unnecessary for Seaweed-Brain to know. Raven decided that she should probably make sure that Uriel didn't take the remaining top bunk, so she placed her stuff on it. The main reason that she wanted the top bunk was because Jellyfish couldn't splash up there as easily. It was also because she had a penchant towards heights.

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Quinn stepped inside the cabin, quaint and homely. Beds were actually in the cabin, actual beds, not cots and old, uncomfortable blankets like most people said about camp cabins. "Oh wow." She whispered to herself, relieved as her horns shrank back. She walked towards the bed that was next to Mika and Arbor's, running her finger over the smooth bed. "Guess I'll pick this one." Quinn said with a gentle smile, moving onto the bed, sitting at the edge.

Uriel got a threat out of Masa for his remark of stealing his bed if a top bunk wasn't free. With that Uriel walked into the cabin seeing Seth and Raven "I'm gonna throw my CIT status around and clam a top bunk" He said flying to the other top bunk knocking the stuff that was already there off. "Oh and Raven be nice to Seth, I've already told Masa and Seth to get along. if I'm gonna have to live with all of you I don't want any fights" Uriel said in an authoritative voice not wanting to put up with the fights that would ensue.

@callmenox @Riversparks
Arbor growled slightly, peeling his lips back over his teeth. "I, I'm fine. Just wanted to come back to this place. It's been a while. And I don't know if this is true, but from most of the sources that I've asked, they say Basilisks... evolve at around the age of twenty-four." His lifted his head until his glowing red eye came to rest level with the Fae's head. "As you might know, I'm twenty-three. I debated even coming to camp this year. I'm worried that it might happen around now and I'll, well, lose contol. Keme eventually talked me into coming. I guess he trusts me, even if I don't trust myself. I'm just worried I'll let him down." He growled when she mentioned the flowers, and spat some acid onto them, burning a small patch into dust. "I'm not training under anyone at the moment." he rumbled before dissapearing into the pool. His head hit the bottom and bubbles slowly came up. He poked his nostrils out of the water and closed his eyes, a deep grumbling in his throat.

Asteria listened intently, the poor thing. "I'm sure you'll be quite alright, you're not hard to beat in a fight if it comes down to that, " she smiled like a child. Others were suprised when she'd speak like this, her? Taking on a basilisk? No way others would say but there was more to her than others knew.

The Fae watched the basilisk shift underwater to which she was standing on looking through the bubbles, she twitched at the flowers, before sighing and holding her arm up, watching roses grow back in place of the dust that used to be beauty. "Do be careful dear, and when you feel like you will lose control, think of all the people you love most and what we want, Mr.Keme, the CIT's and other counsellors, you're not alone Arbor, one must simply open their eyes to realise that," Asteria walked back along the waters surface to the outside, her silent feet touching the soil, the Fae smiled.

"Don't be late for the team organisations!" Asteria laughed before her body took off, running into the forest, as though she was never there before. Leaving the basilisk to think, under the ripples of the beautiful water. Asteria smiled.

@Yaoke Saint
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Yelling after her in his gravelly and screechy voice, he burst his head out of the water, the clear, cool liquid running in rivulets down his scales and splashing the shore. "What's that supposed to mean! You trying to start something? I could beat you in my human form even!" Growling, he slithered out of the water, shaking his wings at get the water off, and literally snaked his way through the forest. Why does she have to be so smart? And so stupid at the same time? He hopped his way back, gliding and jumping like before. Thump. Thump. Thump. Before he got to the edge of the forest, he transformed smoothly into his regular form, brushing off the dirt and twigs. Well thanks for the motivational speech, but opening my eyes all the way would only turn my friends to stone. He walked back to the cabin, his shoes landing softly on the dirt path, and stepped up to the door. "Can I come in? Are you two decent in there?" He grinned, almost back to his usual self. "I sure hope you didn't give her my bed, I had that one my first year here."

@maeveeeed @Kachi @LaDyGrEy

Seth caught Masa's words of Uriel being teased by Arbor and rolled his eyes to himself. Seth wasn't the only one with enemies at camp, that was sure. Poor dude, Arbor was a jerk. In one weird, twisted way, it made him sort of feel better to know that he wasn't the one struggling; but Uriel was a CIT now, he had to learn to fight his own battles. The Merman would support his friend if he could, but he had to learn to do without the Fallen Angel's help. He still couldn't look his cabin mates in the eyes, and so he busied himself with unpacking and tyding the place, decorating his bathbed with a few cute rocks he had brought from home with me.

Ignoring Raven and Masa worked pretty well so far. Masa almost called him mermaid again, but didn't, which was unexpected, but good. Although he wasn't too sure what held the fox kid's off, Seth was glad - otherwise he'd probably have thrown one of his favourite pebble at the floppy-eared Kitsune. Raven was her usual snarky self, and he could hear the sound of fire playing around her fingers. He cast a cautious look and yup, already playing with flames in the cabin. They had talked about that already. With words. Very loud words.

Okay, he reminded himself, that's day one. We're ignoring each other. Let's only start the shouting matches on day three.

The presence of fire in his immediate vicinity didn't help with the suffocating anxiety pounding in his chest. Just when he thought that things couldn't actually get worse, Uriel showed up and send Raven's belongings flying from her bed. Great, Seth thought, that's a very effective way to show dominance and do the exact opposite of the peace you want to achieve.

Tension in the cabin was already at its maximum; the Merman decided that once didn't make an habit and that it might be wise to follow Masa's example and get the hell out of there.

With one last shirt neatly folded away, Seth emptied his bags and put them in a corner. He was suffocating in here anyway. He needed a bowl of fresh water, but wouldn't make it to the sea in time to get back to whatever activities the counsellors had planned next. A walk among the surrounding trees would have to do.

Don't worry, Uriel, we've already agreed on ignoring each other for the duration of the camp. See? We can work together when we put our minds to it.” He said, cheerfulness so fake it was sarcastic. “I'm even going to throw some compromise on my side and pledge to spend as little time inside as I can manage. You won't even know I'm here! See, I'm already on my way out. See you later, dude, Raven.

Walking a bit too fast not to be running away, the Merman made his way out of the cabin and towards the trees that surrounded the living area. Ignoring the general commotion, he found himself a somewhat isolated spot. There, he took a deep breath, leaning his hand against a trunk and closing his eyes for a second.

Man,” he thought out loud, “I'm never going to survive this summer...

@H0lderOfH0pe ; @Riversparks
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Felix grabbed the bag that Uriel dropped,he wasn't going to look in it despite the temptation but he did wonder what Uriel would do for the bag.Felix dismissed the thought and got up brushing his self off,Uriel was the guy of a thousand no's but he was used to the rejection so he wasn't too hurt.Felix knew Uriel probably went back with his friends so he would keep Uriels bag for a while.He looked around and slung the bag over his shoulder and went to his part werebear form,luckily he always wore loose clothing so nothing ripped,he sniffed the air trying to catch Keme's scent and caught something and began making his way towards Keme to discuss where counselours were going to stay.He saw Keme and bounced over to him eagerly "Hey so chief where are counselors going to stay this year,I may have forgotten a few rules heh" he said to Keme.

@Du Pain
Kane was carrying a large suitcase, walking over silently to a board that he figured was the place to sign in. He looked at it, reading over some of the stuff just to get an idea of what this place was like. "......" He wasn't too familiar with the processes, so he just signed where it was obvious and looked around. He waited to see if a counselor or someone would be willing to show him to his cabin.

"I hope I am not too late." He scratched his head as he took the scenery in. So far the place looked nice enough. Although something gave him the feeling that being here would really bring him out of his comfort zone. Normally that'd be fine, except there were a list of rules he might have a hard time following. Especially since he had a rather unruly nature at times as a reaction to others.

@Any counselors or CIT

Raven stared at her bags now lying on the floor and begun to tremble with rage. How dare Uriel, throw her bags on the floor? He may be a CIT, but that didn't give him the right to do that! She started to yell at him and maybe even change into her demon form, but stopped and took a deep breath. It wouldn't be good to get expelled from camp the first day, she reminded herself. Taking another deep breath, she forced herself to handle the situation civilly.

Uriel, may I please have the top bunk? It's kind of a safety thing for me; I'm less likely to get splashed by Seth if I'm on the top bunk." Raven asked as sweetly as she could.

"Oh sorry Raven I did't know it was your bunk" Uriel said rubbing the back of his head really not wanting to be on the bottom bunk and confined between the two beds "Can we switch on and off? I really hate being on the bottom bunk" He asked hoping she'd say yes because it was best for both of them "I'm pretty sure Seth wouldn't splash you for no reason and I really don't think the top bunk would save you from him" Uriel said as he jumped off the bed. 'I really don't want to piss her off' He thought knowing that Raven was worse than he is when angered.

  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/AnimeGirlX.jpg.1d7dadccc7b246e654a6da004cf991f1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113943" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/AnimeGirlX.jpg.1d7dadccc7b246e654a6da004cf991f1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Cierra was more concerned with the weight of her bag than the speech,but bore through to hear her destined cabin. The names were called soon, but she seemed rather indifferent when it came to the members. Most of those she had known hadn't came this year, but she 'was' looking forward to meeting new ones. Perhaps being the first in her cabin, she glanced across the room, examining the area. It was so tender for some reason, and as she took off her sneakers to embrace the concrete ground, it compelled her to doze off in a bunk. Oh well then, she couldn't at the moment. It wasn't that late and it would've been obvious there was more to get around to for today. The girl, for now, decided to drop her bags against her lazily claimed bottom bunk, and lay down; one leg over the other, scrolling along her phone until new adventures would arrive.



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As he headed over to announce the teams over the intercom, Keme was stopped by his fellow counselor. He looked over to see Felix approaching him, and stopped walking so the other could catch up.

"Well, we've actually changed it some," Keme replied and pointed over in a direction near the camper cabins, but slightly more west. "We've bought a little more land, so each counselor actually gets their own cabin. It's a bit of a difference from last year, but we all know how well last year went.... If you go straight down there where I'm pointing, you can find yours. But uh, would you mind checking the front for anyone who's late? There's always one or two late campers every year and I would normally go, but I have to announce the teams being put up on the bulletin right now so we can stay on schedule." He explained to the werebear.


Quinn rolled over, facing Arbor who was standing the doorway, his words dripping with tease. "We are decent, Arbor, thank you." She groaned, picking herself up from the bed.

"And no, I wouldn't destroy your precious memories from your first year." She crooned, glaring at the Basalik.

"Though I am curious, probably because of the shenanigans you've probably done in the past, I'll respect your memories." She said, dusting off her legs.

@Yaoke Saint @Kachi

Once Keme had said his goodbyes to Felix, the Thunerbird made his way over to the intercom in the camp square, turning it on so he could make his announcement.

"Hey campers, this is The General speaking. Hope you've all gotten yourselves settled in, or are heading to do so. If any of you are late arrivals and have lost your way, you can head a bit east of the camp square to find the cabins. If you're already there, feel free to check out the Bulletins now; I'm sure you'd all like to find out what teams you'll be on for the summer. You can also see what themes are to come for the next week, so look forward to those. Alright, see you guys over at the cafeteria in about twenty minutes for our first weekly camp chore scheduling. Thanks guys!" The intercom sounded throughout much of the camp to alert the campers of what was to come, and many rushed towards the Bulletins to see which team they'd be on; Sun or Moon.

@Renjin @Yaoke Saint @Ballerina @Tetro

((You can see the Bulletin in the Overview tab, in case you didn't know.))


Masa had been enjoying getting fresh air while he was in his mythical form. It was easier to sense things in this form, and he relaxed somewhere near the forest. The kitsune stared at his six tails and felt a pain of regret. His family had been so disappointed after he lost tail after tail for not adhering to the kitsune code, especially after he waited a whole nine hundred years to get all of them.

He wasn't too annoyed about it in the moment, though, for he was just enjoying the summer breeze blowing in his fur, slightly ruffling it. The warmth from the sun and the breeze felt so nice that, after he rolled on his side, he could almost just fall asleep...

Suddenly, Masa was jolted out of his sleep by the blaring of the intercom. He was in a defensive stance, ready to fight if need be, but relaxed a little after realizing it was only Keme telling everyone to check out the Bulletins. With a sigh, he turned back into his regular form, smoothening out his clothes. Before he left to go back to the cabin area, however, he grabbed his Kitsune Ball—it was in a necklace form—and put it back around his neck.

Once he got back to camp, the kitsune slightly pushed through some other campers to see which team he was on and grinned a bit. He was on Keme's team last year, so being on Aki's team this year would be quite interesting. He liked the moon more than the sun, anyway.

@any one
Achilles skated over to cabin one for the kelpies, and sent his stuff on the inside. He chose a higher, bunk just in case someone else wanted the lower bunk. Achilles then skated over to the bulletin board to see what his weekly chore would be.

@Du Pain

She jumped from her bed in the cabin and went outside for a walk. "Hmm....." She wanted to try to make friends but tried searching still

At- Anybody who notices Yuuki.
Killian had heard the announcement, quickly reading the board and seeing which cabin was his. He rushed to cabin one and walked in slowly, only to find no one there, just their stuff. He put his pack down on a spot near the beds, taking out all of the contents. Killian set up a sleeping bag on the floor for himself, preferring it over a bed. He made sure it wasn't obstructing any access ways to anything important in the cabin. He left the cabin after setting out a small room's worth of items and luxuries on the other side of the cabin away from the occupied part.

Killian left the cabin after changing completely into fresh clothes. He left the cabin and wandered around for a bit, not really looking for anyone or anything in particular. After a moment though he caught sight of a girl, deciding he might as well try meeting new people. Killian walked over to her, looking down at her and simply saying, "I'm Killian, what's your name?"

@Yuuki Kagami

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