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Fantasy Camp Mythik: Summer Sanctuary for Supernatural Creatures (Open and Accepting!)

He walked all the way into the cabin and crossed his arms. "Oh, you know me so well already! You wouldn't believe the number of times in that bed that I--" he was cut short by the intercom coming on. He paused and listened to the General talking about teams. "I bet I'll be on team Moon again. I have been for the last two years. But that story will have to wait, even though you are just on the edge of your seat in anticipation!" He sprinted off, not waiting for a response. When he reached the board, he saw some kid stomping on the ground. Looks like someone didn't like what they saw. He looked for his name on the board, and started when he saw he was on team Sun. Pleased he was with Keme, he looked at the other names on the board. He grinned when he saw Mika's name,but his smile faded when he passed over Uriel. And there's that Margaret girl. Is she even here yet? I wonder what she is like... He noticed someone going into the woods, she looked rather unusual. He called out quietly, not wanting to alarm her since she was probably a newbie. "Hey, no entering the woods alone. It's dangerous." He winced at his words, remembering going against that rule only a matter of minutes ago.

@maeveeeed @LilyannaGaming
The young boy aproached her, which started to rather scare her, but she tried her hardest to put on a brave face and nods. When he mentioned Asteria, she calmed down a little, knowing that someone she knew and could talk to would be with her. As the boy clarified who's bunk was belonged to who, Marina stared at the empty bunk, aware that it was Eloisa's. "She should be here by now....." Marina mumbles, her eyes beginning to water. Eloisa was the only familiar face that she knew was going to camp, not having her only friend around was tough, since she was naturally somewhat timid.

It struck her that now would be the best time to introduce herself to her cabin mates. "My name's Ma-" She said, being interrupted by the intercom, in a voice that she thought was rather loud, in reality it was fairly soft but more audible than what the girl was previously mumbling about. Marina paused in her speech, carefully listening to what the camp director had to say. The man mentioned something about chore scheduling, themes, along with several other things, but what struck out to her was the fact that the camp would be separated into teams. The girl's eyes lit up, idea of being grouped into teams excited her. Little was it known that the selkie had a competitive streak deep inside of her, with the exeption of a few family members after playing a game of marco-polo in the ocean.

"Hey? Maybe... um... we will be able see the bulletin on the way to the cafeteria and know what teams we're going to be on..." The girl said timidly.

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"Oh jeez....It's time for lunch...." She sighed as she closed her books and hid it in her jacket. She walked to the cafeteria, keeping no eye-contact with the big boy she had met earlier and got Some Tea and An Apple. She sat down away from him and Started drinking her tea Peacefully


Following behind Arbor, she excitedly approached the bulletin. She sighed, "Of course I'm on the Moon team." Not disappointed of course, unlike the person stomping in front of the bulletin. "Wait, isn't Margaret in our cabin?" She asked Arbor, scanning over Team Sun's list and not noticing him talking to some figure in the woods.

@Yaoke Saint
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Uriel chuckled a bit at Masa's response "Well Felix can take over for what I can't do on the ground and in the water but I've got everyone beat in the flying department" He says knowing that he is the fastest flyer at the camp "Yes the Best team will win and that is team Moon! Foxy!" Uriel said using the nickname he gave Masa their first year of camp "I hope you can stand losing" The fallen angel said giving his friend a playful shove before running off "By the way Tag your it!" He shouted as he got some distance between them.

@Du Pain

  • Cierra

    After a bit of traversal outside, the female glanced at the bulletin board, recording her team. Sun. She despised the heat of the real thing even though she was an angel of sorts, and her mood was rather dark and, hmm, 'moony'. Nevertheless, this concerned her in the least. She was more focused on winning the games, no matter her teammates and perhaps gaining some friends along the way. After this, she found herself heading to the cafeteria, where she did not eat, but drank a cup of coffee to...compensate. She was never much of an eater, and found it rather time consuming for some odd reason. Though, she would never pass up meats, of course.

    After her drink, the girl could have been found sitting on the roof, out of view to many, except..who was that one tall being? She squinted her eyes at the creature in the distance then gave off a soft chuckle, not out of any disrespect; she never thought bad of anyone but the apathetic, but out of surprise and amazement. The girl finally settled now, swinging one leg off the roof edge slowly and lazily, with her other leg arched; sneaker on the zinc and her arm on it, covering her mouth in an eccentric fashion, watching the children move about the camp; her ethereal and non-feathered wings slightly sprouted, causing neon ribbons of white to wander through the skies, dissipating.



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Asteria ran through the forest back to the edge which overlooked part of the camp. She laughed as she angered the Basilisk, so angry! Stepping lightly, Asteria dodged the stampeding crowds which were heading to the bulletin boards. "'Tis time to get my little ones," Asteria waited a little longer just to make sure it wouldn't be so busy with the elder kids before knocking on the Sprite door. "Hello Marina, Mikealis, Alice? Are you all in there my dears?" The Fae spoke gently and kindly through the door. "It's time to go to the Board and find out your teams," she then waited outside for the Sprites.


Just as Mikealis was about to say something he heard a knock, followed by another voice, Asteria's voice. "Just in time right?" The Imp smiled at the girls before walking to the door instead of Marina, he grabbed the handle and opened the door to reveal Asteria and her warm smile as well.

"Hey who's the other one?" He questioned Marina, she seemed down whenever the 'other' camp mate was stated. Mikealis was eger to find out who was on his team, last year was fun, and the year before that, he also hoped he had some Sprites with him this year, even if it was a bunny or fish girl. He chuckled at his own thoughts before stepping out of the cabin and waiting for the others. The board was pretty much empty now so they wouldn't be trampled.

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The Merman was very busy brooding and feeling sorry for himself when Keme's voice echoed through the camp. So the teams were up, uh? He'd better go and check them out. He had almost forgotten about them, enough distressed by his cabin situation not to really care about the competition any more. He had never been one to enjoy this sort of activities, which really begged a question along the lines of “What the hell are you doing at camp, then?”, to which he wouldn't have any answer. He liked meeting other races, his parents liked to pretend they were helping him get out of his little bubble, everyone was sort of finding their groove. He couldn't tell them that his cabin mates had been bullies for that many years in a row, since that would force him to mention that one time he “accidentally” spilled his bathbed water on Raven's pillow or that one when seaweeds appeared miraculously between Masa's bedsheets... No point in worrying them with details, right? He could always get home and tell them he had change his mind. His sister would give him hell with that, but then, she always did, and that couldn't be worse than whatever Team Hellfire had in store for him.

With a sigh and a heavy mind, the Merman sprung himself upright and walked towards the Bulletins. A little crowd was there, people meeting their teammates, all excited and happy. Yeah, everyone was going to have a great summer, except for him, obviously. It was even more depressing to be the only sad one among so many smiles and laughter, but that sort of was his life now, so he'd better get use to it. Scanning the crowd, Seth recognize the usual faces – Uriel talking with Six-tails, they were probably all going to end up on the same t... They weren't?!

Seth read the Bulletins twice.

He was in Aki's team? He had never been in Aki's team before! Without Uriel, but with Furry-ears, too! What sort of bad joke was that? Keme must have been fed up with having to break up their fights all the time, and refraining Foxy from making out with everyone who had a mouth. The Merman cursed under his breath in the ancient tongue of the sea. That couldn't be... Even if he had to reluctantly admit that Red-eyes wasn't half bad for most stuff the camp had planned, he didn't look forward to all his team mates hating him once Mr Charistmatic Bastard would tell them what an awful, awkward, nerdy, stupid, creepy person he was.

Oh, wait, he was with Min, too. Min wouldn't believe Masa. Min was a Qilin, he could tell when people lied. He'd surely take his side. He seemed to be the quiet, smart type. He'd be his ally!

And an ally Seth would need, especially when one glanced at the list of weekly themes. Power contests? Yeah, he could talk with fishes, he was sure people were going to be impressed. And tests of courage? Seriously, what were they, thirty? Yeah, okay, maybe for the Kelpies, but... maybe he could play sick for the whole week? No trial was ever going to be “swim in that very dark underwater cave”, right? Just his damn luck. The next three weeks were going to be hell. But there always was a water-themed week of sort; he just needed to look forward to that one. Yeah, he'd hold onto that thought.

Not feeling in a talkative mood and not seeing Min among the campers, the Merman made his way to the cafeteria.

"Sure, I'd be fine with that." Raven told Uriel, then followed him out of the cabin at hearing Keme's announcement. She pushed her way through the crowd of people so that she could see what team she was on.

"Please team sun... Please team sun..." Raven skimmed over the list, just looking for the "R" of her name. Lilyana... Mikaline... Uriel... There it was! Raven! She smiled with relief, showing her pointed teeth.

@H0lderOfH0pe @Anyone who wants to talk to a mostly content fire demon
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Once they got to the cafeteria, Lilyana released Achilles's hand and went straight for the free snacks that were set up for those who were hungry. Her favorites were apples and this strange hazelnut chocolate spread that the humans created, but she never knew the name of. Whatever it was, it was simply delicious!

After grabbing a cup of the spread and some apple slices, the Peryton made her way back over to Achilles.

"Let's go sit by the door so we can get more fresh air," She suggested, nodding over to the empty table. "It'll get a bit warm with everyone in here, so it makes more sense that way."

As she walked over to the cafeteria, the girl noticed quite the gloomy figure entering the cafeteria. She hadn't talked to him much, considering he was a Wyvern, but she had spoken to him last year and considered him an acquaintance. Honestly, she felt kind of bad for him. The way a few of the other Wyverns treated him was not fair, and though some of the things he did in retaliation weren't the best, she still felt bad.

"Hi, Seth," She greeted, waving at him with the hand that had the cup in it. "You look a bit down... Are you okay? Would you like some snacks?" She asked the merman.

@AnarchyReins @callmenox


Keme was returning from making his announcement when Yuuki came up to him. He had hoped she settled in fine, and since she didn't look particularly upset with anything he figured she was doing just fine.

"The theme? Well, this week doesn't have a theme, so the activities will just be regular ones. Next week is when the themes start," He answered as they walked back toward the cabins. "We have some of the chefs explaining the cleaning duties you all will have, so you should go to the cafeteria now, and then you can check the bulletin for the rest of the day, alright?"

@Yuuki Kagami


"I can stand losing," Masa replied, a devilish smirk on his face as he stared at Uriel. "I just won't have to. I really should be telling you to prepare to lose." He then went to go playfully shove him back, only to realize the fallen angel had begun a game of tag.

"Oh, it's on now!" He exclaimed and dashed after Uriel, the two of them making their way down towards the cafeteria. While Uriel may be the fastest flyer, Masa was quicker than him on the ground, so he was able to tag him even with his friend's head start.

"Okay, okay, we shouldn't wear ourselves out," Masa told Uriel after a little bit, noticing they had made it to the cafeteria. "Let's go get some food before we get our chore duties."


Seth had entered the cafeteria sighing and frowning, not really caring about others' opinions any more. By then, they knew that he was the shy, unpopular Wyvern nobody liked, and how could he blame them? Right now, he didn't even like himself. He felt like an idiot for not being strong enough to deter Masa's unwanted attention, and he felt even more stupid for letting himself feeling so depressed on the beginning of camp.

He was trying to cheer himself up – there were nice people in his team! He just hadn't met them yet! - when a little voice called his name. He looked up to see Lilyana, a Kelpie he had met the year before, accompanied by a dark-haired boy he didn't know. Ah, yes, he remembered her – Lilyana was sweet, wasn't she? And he was a pathetic little fish larva who was getting pity and attention from a Kelpie. How low he had fallen!

Hey, Lilyana,” he said softly, forcing himself to smile, “yeah, sorry, I didn't get too much luck with my cabin and team mates this year. Snacks sound great. Can I sit with you guys? I need to get myself a glass of water.

Perhaps drinking would help him feel better; he always tended to forget to stay hydrated when he hadn't been on the surface for a while.

@Du Pain ; @AnarchyReins
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Uriel tried his hardest not to get tagged but knew it was gonna happen because Masa was one of the fastest runners "That wouldn't have happened if I chose to fly" The angel said trying to save his ego "But yeah let's get some food" He said as they walked into the cafeteria.

"Hot dogs my favorite" Uriel said grabbing two of them along with some BBQ chips and a bottle of water "Where should we sit?" He asked seeing people sitting with their team members already, seeing Seth "I know you don't like Seth but Should we invite him to sit with us?" Uriel asked looking over at his nervous friend

@Du Pain
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"Please, feel free to,"
Lilyana replied, noticing that Seth's smile didn't quite reach his eyes. He probably felt annoyed for having to sit with the Kelpies, but personally she didn't feel that age reflected personality.

For example, she could say that she was more mature than more than a few of the Wyverns, yet she was treated like she was more childish for being a Kelpie. It was a shame, really.

"This is Achilles by the way. He's new here," She introduced her new friend before Seth went to go get his water. Then, the Peryton remembered her apple slices and dipped one into the spread, eating the slice in one bite.

@AnarchyReins @callmenox


"Eh, they're alright," Masa replied with a shrug, grabbing some crackers. He wasn't terribly hungry, considering he had breakfast a few hours ago, so that and a water bottle would suffice for now.

The kitsune then looked around the large cafeteria when Uriel asked him where they should sit, his eyes narrowing when his friend mentioned asking Seth. "I mean, if you really want to ask..." He trailed off, looking over at where fish boy was. He was surprised to see him actually interacting with other campers in a pleasant way for one, even if they only were Kelpies. However, when one of the said Kelpies—a green haired girl with antlers—gave him a pointed look, Masa took back his previous statement.

"You know, I think we should let him try to make some friends," He suggested, glancing at Uriel. "Maybe it'll make him less grumpy when we have to go in our cabins again."

Yeah its nice to meet you. Yeah Lilyana we can sit by the door." Achilles didn't grab a snack, as he already had some in his backpack, that never ran out. When Achilles sat down, he pulled a gatorade, and a granola bar."

The Merman hadn't made a step in direction of the fridge that Masa and Uriel were entering the cafeteria. Great, what now? They probably didn't mean to follow him around, not with Uriel to keep Masa on check. Seth wouldn't be surprised if the Fox was trying to harass him from day one but he trusted his Fallen Angel friend to look out for everybody's peace of mind.

Doing his best to ignore SloppySlop and his snarky remarks – he was pretty sure to have heard his name from their part of the room, but fortunately they'd probably sit as far away from him – Seth opened the fridge, got two one-litre bottles of water out, all fresh and wet with condensation and walked back to the Kelpies' table by the door, grabbing a couple of apples in passing.

He sat in front on Lilyana and her new friend.

Thanks for that. I didn't think you were coming back, Lilyana, but it's good to see you. How have you been? And, oh, hi, Achilles, right? Welcome to Camp Mythik. I'm Seth, I'm a Merman, and I've been coming here for seven years now, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask. You're a Kelpie to, I believe? You're going to have fun with Aki as your main counsellor.

As he talked, he put his snack on the table and opened the first bottle, drinking with large gulps every few words. He was already feeling better, and surely the informal conversation with the Kelpies would help him take his mind off things...

@Du Pain ; @AnarchyReins
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Catlin headed towards the Cafeteria. She kept her head down and took a seat near a window facing the forest. She looked out of it and kind of spaced out. Sighing she pulled out a sketch pad and sketched the woodline. She smiled as she worked, humming to herself. @ANYBODYIN CAFETERIA
Killian caught sight of the dryad from earlier. He stood and walked over before taking a seat beside her. "Hey, I never got to apologize for acting out the way I did. I hope I didn't upset you too much?" He asked her. Killian made sure to speak softly so he others couldn't eavesdrop.

She looked up and smiled. "It's fine. Im Catlin." She said placing her sketch down. She looked at the boy and remembered him completely from earlier. She shook her head gently. @Tetro
"I'm Killian. I think you look really pretty as a dryad. I didn't mean to look, but you were just... wow..." He spoke with a bit of a sigh of awe when he said 'wow'. "Not many dryads look like that unless it's spring." He smiled at her.


Mr. Parr, as he was sometimes called, adjusted his rather casual suit. He was only just getting to camp, despite being a counselor. Thorton rather disliked being in rather large groups of people, especially if they were new to him and loud, so he came late every year, as to avoid the risk of new and unfamiliar campers. As he walked into camp, he sped up, and he would seem only a blur to any who even noticed. While he did this, he did not go in a running motion, he was walking, so it would seem rather odd to anyone who could discern his shape at speeds like this. He did this to avoid being seen, and so he could quickly find his trusted friend, Keme. He quickly stopped in the cafeteria and grabbed a Gatorade. He rushed to his cabin and dropped off the canisters of sweet Himilayan air. He then rushed around, and spotted Keme. All of this took a minute at the most. He stopped instantaneously in front of him. He pulled out a notepad and wrote a message, showing it to Keme. How did it go? Did I miss anything good?

@Du Pain
She nodded. "Thanks." She said blushing a bit. "Well, Its not always spring, We just usally alter appearance to match the season, I just prefer one." She said. She moved her sketch book to clear the table a bit. She gazed into the forest with a smile, Before turning to him again. @Tetro
"Dryads look their best in the spring. I have a few friends back at home who are dryads. You look like that normally though, that's what really impresses me." He gave the forest a glance before looking back at Catlin.

She smiled and nodded as she listened to him. Sighing she looked at him, "You didn't have to yell at the girl you know." She said quietly. Then turned her gaze down. "It was fine." She mumbled. @Tetro

Keme had just shown Yuuki where to go when a blur appeared in front of him, surprising the head counselor. The shock lasted for only a moment, though, because he recognized the figure as being Thorton, one of his fellow counselors and good friends. He allowed him to arrive late to the camp, taking his comforts into consideration, so he was happy to see him back.

"No, nothing much has happened yet," The Thunderbird shook his head after reading the message. "We've gotten introductions, cabins, and teams out of the way, but we just need to get their chore duties all set up before the real camp activities start." He explained.

@Yaoke Saint

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