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Fantasy Camp Mythik: Summer Sanctuary for Supernatural Creatures (Open and Accepting!)

"Ahh. You like more productive things." She said. She looked up at him and smiled. She was hugry as well, because she hadn't eat on the run here. Since they don't travel in vehicles or human transport due to the metal. So she had Run from her home here. The two realms meet not to far from here. She smiled. "I'm vegetarian." se said softly. @Tetro
"Me too." Killian smiled brightly at her. "Also yes I like productive things. I know how to make some great wraps... What can you grow with your magic? The dryads back at home can channel their magic and create seeds of any kind." He was starting to actually like Catlin very much. Normally he would see her as his brother-in-arms or friend, but he started feeling a little more than just that. His face got mildly red as the thought lingered in the back of his head.


Lilyana had a pleased smile on her face from seeing Seth's change in mood. Min seemed very lovely, so she was glad the two were friends. Maybe this year wouldn't be so bad for any of them after all...

She was going to say something, but paused when she realized that they were right and she and Achilles were on a different team than them. "Oh yeah, that completely slipped my mind," The Peryton murmured, leaning her head on her right hand. "Different teams... I guess it's not the biggest deal. A little friendly competition never hurt anyone, right?"

Personally, she wasn't the best at a lot of the competition. While she knew how to hit hard and quick in a fight, ripping out the hearts of her fellow campers wasn't exactly permitted. Not that she wanted to, of course.

@Kachi @callmenox @AnarchyReins


"Alright, great," Keme nodded his head after reading Thorton's words, glad that he was fine with how everything worked out. Honestly, today had been more frantic than usual, so he appreciated how his friend just went along with everything without complaints.

"If you've already gotten something then feel free to just relax a bit, because it's only going to get more busy from here," The Thunderbird explained with a chuckle. It was just around noon on the first day and he was already tired; that was a first. Well, maybe not exactly a first, but it didn't happen often. "I just have to go introduce the kitchen staff and then supervise, so it's not all that exciting."

@Yaoke Saint

Raven walked into the cafeteria and got a bottle of milk from the fridge. After seeing no one she particularly wanted to sit with, Raven walked over to an empty table and sat down. Sighing, Raven took a sip of the milk. The summer definitely hadn't gotten off to a good start, but maybe it could get better. She snorted at her blind optimism. Who was she kidding? She was in a cabin with Sea-Cucumber for goodness sake. Nothing good could come out of this summer. Well... One good thing could come out of it but... Keme wouldn't like it and she would likely never be able to come to camp again. And for all the camp's faults and for all she insulted the camp, she really liked it and it was one of the few things she looked forward to. Everyone knew her as a pyromaniac, and most avoided her because of it, but she couldn't really help that she was a pyromaniac; she was a fire demon. Raven sighed and shook her head, sadness overcoming her. Sometimes, Raven really wished she wasn't such an idiot.
She smiled and nodded. "I can grow anything, but it has to be the right season for the plant, unless its a plant from my home." She said. She bit her lip softly and tapped her finger on the table. Glancing around, she let a light blue flower from her home grow. It was a pastel blue, and seemed to be glowing. She smiled up at him. "This is one of my favorites." She said. @Tetro

While he and Uriel looked for a table, Masa noticed one of his lovely cabinmates sitting at a table by herself. He thought back to all the bitterness and tension that filled Wyvern Cabin #4 and felt a bit bad now. While he, for once, didn't exactly fight with anyone, he left the situation up to everyone else. The kitsune imagined that there was more arguing between the three that were in there after he left, which wouldn't have left anyone in a good mood.

"So, Uriel, are we gonna sit with Seth or-" He stopped mid sentence as he noticed the table Seth was at. Looks like he actually is making some friends, huh? Masa thought, a bit surprised. Not because fish face would have usually gotten in his way by now or said something to him, even if it was a nasty nickname, but because he was smiling? And having a good time? He had no idea the mermaid even knew how to smile and laugh. It's weird seeing him happy...

"Um, I think I'll go sit with a Raven, actually,"
Masa said suddenly, tearing his eyes away from the happy table. "She looks lonely, and I feel bad for ditching her with ocean boy back when we were in the cabins. Come with me if you want, or you can go with them over there. I don't really care." He told Uriel as he turned to go to the other table.

He approached Raven with a neutral expression, but once he stood on the opposite side of the table, facing her, he gave the fire demon a little smile. "Hey, mind if I sit with you?" He asked, his voice surprisingly soft, which was quite unlike him. It didn't fit his loud self at all.

@H0lderOfH0pe @Riversparks
"Can you grow a Habenero pepper for me?" He asked with a bit of excitement. "Summer is the best season for them." He added, waiting patiently. Killian loved spicy foods more than any other kind of food. Now add into the equation the fact that it's homegrown and he can't resist wanting to eat it.

She nodded and smiled. "Its better if I do it outside." She said. She gently picked up her flower and placed it on her wrist. Allowing the stem to coil around it. She smiled and looked at him. @Tetro
"Dryads are the coolest." He commented, sitting and waiting. Killian looked at the flower she had grown, "It's beautiful." He stared at it, taking in the blue beauty. "What's it called? Also where's it from?" He asked her, reaching over to gently touch it. @LilyannaGaming
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She beamed at his comment. "Im not sure. Its one af the rare ones grown from my home. I found it one day when I was exploring." She said looking down at it. She moved it closer so he could reach it and smiled. Looking out the window, She tapped her free hand on the glass. A sprought started, She smiled and lifted her finger up. The sprought did the same. Blooming, it was his requested plant. @Tetro

A smile tugged at he corners of his mouth, but his brow schrunched slightly at the prospect of being with all those, well, people. He didn't know them, and therefore they could be enemies. But he pushed himself past that and wrote on his notepad: No such thing as relaxing here. Kitchen staff very exciting. Food good. He reached forward and patted Keme on the shoulder. He held up a note to him with even more of a smile now. I like busy. He tugged on Keme's shirt a little, pulling him towards the cafeteria, then began to walk over there himself. Cautiously, though, as to not attract attention. Thorton adjusted his glasses. He only needed them in human form, and wearing them after so long in his other body was irritating. His head shook, wonderig if he would make it through the summer.

@Du Pain
Killian's eyes widened as he looked out the window and saw the plant she grew. He ran outside quickly, pushing past anyone in his way. Killian began to pluck every pepper he could, stuffing them in his pockets. He pressed his face against the window, "Can I have some figs?!" He asked with the biggest brightest grin. There was an excitement in his eyes as he looked at Catlin. @LilyannaGaming
Catlin laughed and walked gracefully outside. She made sure her hood was drawn, as she passed people. She stepped beside him with a bright smile. "Of course." She let the pepper plant fall and sink into the ground. Shaking her head she looked to the right of them, just in view from the windows. She lifted her hand and moved it in a circular pattern. Another sprought grew. Focusing she moved her hand in smaller complex motions. The plant grew a little more slowly than the last. Frowning, She poured more of her power into it. Once it was fulling grown she beamed. moving over to the Fig tree. She leapt into its branches and laughed. @Tetro

Raven looked up at Masa, surprised that he wanted to sit with her. Normally the kitsune sat with Uriel, so naturally she wondered what was going on.

"No, I don't mind." Raven replied, and gave a small, shy smile back.

@Du Pain
Uriel looked over towards Seth and the younger kids he was sitting with 'How about no' He said in his head as the thought of sitting with those children made him want to vomit, seeing as Masa left him to join Raven he actually reconsidered sitting with Seth and his new friends but the thought of sitting with children was too much so he followed Masa towards Raven's table 'Now would be a good time to hash out the bed deal' Uriel thought. "Mind if I join you guys?" He asked Raven more than Masa knowing she could still be pissed at him "I think this would be a good time to figure out the bed situation" He added hopping the fact that witnesses being around would keep her calm

@Riversparks @Du Pain
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"Thanks," Masa murmured in reply, sitting down across from her. He was silent for a minute, as he opened his bag, but then looked back up at Raven. His mouth opened, like he was going to say something, but didn't actually speak for a few moments.

"Sorry about just ditching back at the cabins," He apologized, another rare thing. Usually the kitsune never gave sincere apologizes, but he felt like he was part of the reason the entire cabin was feeling gloomy. Masa wasn't heartless, he did feel bad every now and then. "The only one most of us get along with in that cabin is Uriel, and I know neither of us are big fans of being with fi- with Seth again. I probably could have maybe done something to stop an argument? I don't know, I was the first one who walked in there so I started it all, and then I left because I didn't know what to do. So I guess all I'm trying to say is, well... maybe we should have a fresh start? Last year was crazy, so let's maybe make this a better one. Yeah, that sounds right."

Once he had finished, Masa saw Uriel finally follow behind him and ask to sit. He felt a bit better now that he said something—even though he didn't even know why everything was bothering him all of a sudden—and smiled at his friend. "Bed situation? Did you guys argue over that?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

@Riversparks @H0lderOfH0pe


"Alright, sounds good then,"
Keme nodded his head and started to walk with Thorton after the other counselor grabbed his shirt. They made it to the cafeteria in no time, seeing it was practically filled with chattering campers, CITs, and counselors alike. There was a special intercom that the cafeteria had just for itself, so he went over to it and turned it on.

"Hey, guys, in about a minute or two I'm going to have the kitchen staff introduce themselves and explain the chore duties, and then we'll have lunch, okay?" He announced, not having to say his usual "The General, here," since everyone could see him now. He got some thumbs up from the tables furthest away, so he knew everyone heard him.

Raven scowled at the fact that both Masa and Uriel asked to sit down.

"Do I look like a control freak? Sit down if you want. You're my friends, so I'm not going to freak out on you if you decide to sit with me. It's your decision and I won't get mad at you for such a trivial thing like you sitting with me. Now if you had asked if Seth could also sit with us, then that'd be a different story." Raven blinked, startled at what had come out of her mouth. Had she really said such something that long? Wow, that was practically a speech for her. "Anyway, on the subject of cabin matters... Masa, you didn't start it by yourself, it's also my fault for being so aggressive towards Clownfish- I mean Seth!" Raven quickly corrected. "Turning over a new leaf sounds nice... I'd like for people not to think of me like a person who explodes at the slightest provocation." Raven continued, a wistful note coming into her voice. She turned towards Uriel.

"I thought I already told you what I thought. You must have not have heard me. I'm perfectly fine with switching between the top bunk and the bottom bunk. And if being on the top bunk really matters to you so much, then I'm fine with taking the bottom bunk." Raven finished, sighing. She didn't think she had ever said so much in such a short time before. She took a sip of milk and waited for their response.
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Uriel smiled as he sat down next to Masa "I'm so glad you're actually using his name" Uriel said with a very small smile "I hope that we don't have any drama in our cabin" He adds really hopping he didn't just jinx it. "Switching is fine with me" Uriel said "I call top bunk tonight" He said before starting to chow down on his hot dogs "Well Raven since we're on the same team we need to get along so we can smoke Foxy over here" He said jabbing his thumb toward Masa knowing that he'd get a good reaction out of the fox boy.

@Riversparks @Du Pain

She hoped to make friends at the summer camp, but so far everything was a failure. "Why didn't I just stay back home...." She said. She got off her bed and started reading her book.
Killian had picked and eaten almost all the figs within a moment, he heard rather clearly the announcement. "Hey, Catlin, we should head inside so we don't miss out on what's going on." He told her, holding a bunch of figs. Killian continued stuffing his face with figs and peppers, enjoying himself greatly. He walked back in the cafeteria with Catlin, staying close by her.

Laughing at Kilian, she nodded. She followed him keeping her hood drawn and face hidden. Once they got back to their previous seat, she looked at the Fig tree and aimed her hand at it. Lowering it, the tree did the same. It looked as it was never there. She smiled. "Did you enjoy my gift?" She asked happily. @Tetro
Killian simply looked at Catlin, making some muffled sounds. His mouth was full, and his cheeks were puffed out from the food he hadn't finished swallowing. "....." He blinked, looking at her then to the side. He was kind of a goober sometimes, but he tried not to be. Killian slowly stuffed another fig in his mouth, despite the lack of space. "....."

Catlin laughed. Smiling she looked at Kilian. "I will take that as a yes. I hope." She said. She looked outside. Smiling she glanced around to make sure no one was looking. She glanced back outside. Raising her hand with the flower on it she imaged the full flower. A vine sprouted from the ground, the flower sprouted at the top. She smiled. "That's my favorite." She said softly. @Tetro

Yes, we're on the same team! And so we're against you guys. I'm sure that's going to be a lot of fun, you know, all those sport-related activities I'm so good at!” The Merman exclaimed in fake, sarcastic cheerfulness. He wasn't looking forwards to those one, but he was feeling much better now that he was among friendly, familiar faces. His brooding mood had left him, and his frown was lifted from his face, replace by a smile – and a genuine one, this time.

He drank another gulp of water, finishing his first bottle and getting ready to start the next one. During the hottest time of the day, he spent most of his time drinking or jumping in pools; he couldn't stand the drought. But none of those surface-life hassles mattered much to him now. He was at last starting to feel like camp was going to be fun, finding his excitement from the early morning again. He wasn't even thinking about Masa any more, completely ignoring his cabin-mates seating not so far from him. His attention was entirely on Lilyana and Min, especially since he knew that they were a bit shy, and enjoying quiet places; so he made sure that the discussion wasn't going too loud or to fast for them.

Have you guys ever been on Aki's time yet? I'm not sure how you're going to fare there, Min,” Seth explained, punctuating his words with munches from his apple, ”as you've seen from her little show, she's rather, you know, energetic. Chaotic might be a better world, but she's also very friendly? She always takes my defence when, you know...” His voice trailed off and he motioned towards the other table. Ah, so much for not thinking about them. About him.

But let's not dwell on the past, I'm sure – I mean, I hope this year will be different.

And with a smile and another apple bite, he started talking about the other counsellors and their various little quirks.

@Du Pain ; @Kachi ; @AnarchyReins

Before anyone could reply, there was another announcement over the intercom.

"Alright guys, please cease your chatter for a little bit," Keme spoke, gaining the attention of everyone in the cafeteria. "As you know, before we have lunch we're going to have our kitchen staff explain to you what your chore duties are going to be. They're making you food, so it's only fair that you do something to give back, right? Right. Okay good, now please keep your attention on the heads of the kitchen and cleaning."

After he finished, Keme was glad to find the cafeteria practically silent. The first one who stepped out to speak was Mr. Pachis, the Cyclops, in his complete mythic form. He flicked his thin braid behind his shoulder and stared at the crowd, his large eye scanning the room. He seemed quite intimidating at first, but everyone who had been there before would know that he'd break his scary façade in only a moment or so.

Then, as if on cue, the Cyclops smiled, teeth and all, and clapped his hands together. "Hello, friends," He greeted, his deep voice sounding surprisingly friendly. "I'm Mr. Pachis, the head chef. I make the good food you all will eat, and you let me know if there is anything you can't eat. I make desserts after dinner every Friday, so let me know which ones are your favorite. I also help out with some special activities you guys do, so you will see me in other places than in the caf. Please be kind to me!"

Once he was done, a much smaller man, a gnome, stepped out. He was also in mythical form, and seemed like he had a permanent sad face. "Um, uh, hello. I am Mr. Nelle. I'm the head janitor here. Please don't think you can take advantage of me because I'm small. I expect all of you to be ready for your cleaning duties when the time comes. Um, I have the schedule right here, actually. Starting tomorrow, each cabin will be assigned a day to clean, and it'll rotate daily. Sprites aren't expected to have cleaning duties, so it's only the Kelpies, Wyverns, and CITs. So tomorrow will be Kelpie Cabin #1, then the next day will be Kelpie Cabin #2, then the day after that will be Wyvern Cabin #1, and so forth. Once all the cabins have gone, the rotation repeats."

Mr. Nelle paused for a moment to catch his breath, looking up from his papers at everyone staring at him, and then continued. "Um, what I expect from you all is to be here at the time stated on the Bulletin, and you will help with the setting up of the tables, getting all the foods made in order, and any other odd jobs I will have for you. After dinner—or dessert—you will stay after to help clear the tables, wash them, and wash the floors. I will do anything left over, which means cleaning anything that isn't in the cafeteria. Trust me, there's a lot... Um, that's all from me for now, so I expect to see those of you in the first cabin bright and early tomorrow."

Keme gave everyone time to let the information sink in before he went back over to the intercom. "Alright guys, thanks for listening! I also expect you to respect your staff and do as they say. But for now, time for lunch!"


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