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Fantasy Camp Mythik: Summer Sanctuary for Supernatural Creatures (Open and Accepting!)

"She doesn't think about anyone but herself. That kind of stuff brings out the worst in me." Killian shrugged. "Respect is a big deal for me. Always has been."

She looked down at her sketch book and pulled out the paper Keme had slipped her. She thought Killian's name was familiar and comfired it with the sheet. "I knew your name was familiar." She said pointing at their cabin peers. She smiled at him a little before listening. "I guess" She said, not really dwelling on the thought. @Tetro

He nodded, flipping the page back and writing another note. He smiled very slightly. He showed the note to Keme. Can't wait for the start! Glad I missed intro... Btw, what team am I on? He loved writing, especially with his special pen. It just felt so good to write the simplest words with it! It was the perfect writing utensil. He shifted around nervously, seeing the groups of kids he didn't know or trust in the area. He was paranoid that one of them would come up to him and attack him, how harass him, or just be horrible. But he knew that this wouldn't happen. It was just that these ideals had been impressed upon him from a young age, and he had only relatively recently figured out the truth for himself. He turned back to Keme, hoping for team Moon.

@Du Pain
"Familiar? Oh we're cabin mates... Cool!" He smiled. "I've never shared a room with a girl before." He thought to himself as to what it might be like. "Well I hope you don't mind but I like to do warm ups early in the morning without a shirt."

She shook her head with dismissal. "No worries, Im usally gone before Sunrise." She said smiling. Placing the paper away. "I jog or run." She explained. Which wasn't a total lie. She just never slept to begin with. It wasn't normal for a dryad, But it was her. She usally spent her nights in the forest, Maybe if she could she could get by with being in the forest late. @Tetro

@maeveeeed @Yaoke Saint

Mikaline hopped over to the bulletin, excited to see who she would be teaming with. She landed from her final bounce with the lightest taps of her feet and leaned in close, gentle pinkish-blue eyes studying the names. "Hum hum, I hope I'm on Team Sun!" she said to no one in particular. The sun was so much nicer than the moon, it was warm and gentle and very comforting, where the moon was chilled and ominous, especially on a foggy night. The thought gave her a shiver of excitement despite herself. Then, as she had hoped, she located her name among the members of Team Sun. "Ooh, yay!" she cheered, giving a hop and fluttering her wings, which were far too small to actually propel her any distance, even with her slight frame. Then she stood up straight, trying to see where everyone else was headed. It looked like most folks were off to the cafeteria, so she started strolling off in that direction, a renewed bounce in her step at the thought of food.

Entering the room, she gazed around, curious to see where her friends were sitting. It was no fun eating alone!


@callmenox @Du Pain @AnarchyReins

All the noise, all the chatter, all the hustle, it was taking its toll on the Qilin with the fragile mind. But it was the same last year, and would be the same the next, so Min managed to steel theirself against all the uneasy emotions they could sense in the air. They had removed one of the golden bangles from their wrists and were clutching it in their hand to help ease away the notion of a looming headache. Watching everyone crowd around the bulletins from a distance, they waited for things to quiet down before viewing the team list.

Eventually most people had left, and they felt their burden ease as the area was left in a much more peaceful state. On light feet they approached, eyeing the lists curiously. Team Sun, Team Moon... It appeared as though they would be on the Moon team, along with Seth. That was a relief. It would be nice to work with someone they knew.

With that out of the way, they turned and headed with hesitance to the cafeteria. Pushing in through the doors and nearly bumping into a girl with rainbow coloured hair, they let their eyes trail along everyone that was present. Gentle red eyes landed upon a familiar merman and after collecting their food, they approached the table, looking at everyone else at the table with an expression that was a little shy and uncertain.

"E-excuse me," came their voice, still carrying the lovely harmony between masculinity and femininity that led to a very unique, ambiguous sound. "May I join you all?"


Everything seemed to be going just as planned.

Eyeing the bulletins in excitement, Kats was pleased to see that he'd been placed on Team Moon. The moon was sooo much cooler than the sun, after all, who'd wanna be on a sun team? It was so boring. Looked like Achilles was stuck with those losers. That kinda sucked, he looked forward to working with the whatever-god. Nonetheless, he had mostly gotten what he wanted and was quite pleased, so with a grin he strutted his way to the cafeteria. He wasn't really sure where he wanted to sit, though. Everyone seemed to have paired up and were chatting gleefully without him. He felt left out all of a sudden and released his pent-up energy with a huff. Then he just got his food and strolled around the room, looking for someone to sit with.
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"I do warm ups before sunrise, then I go to the forest for an hour. Maybe we can be running buddies or something." He joked, laughing lightly. "So what do you do for fun?"


Keme was silent for a few moments, trying to remember what team Thorton was on. "... Did I forget to put your name?" He asked after thinking, looking at his friend in slight confusion.

"If I did, that's completely my bad. Sorry 'bout that, but we have one short on Team Moon. Would you mind being one that team? I'll add your name to the list when I get the chance." He asked and glanced at his watch. "By the way, are you heading over to the cafeteria? I have to go because of the chore duty thing I mentioned earlier, but you don't have to go."

@Yaoke Saint


"Yeah, I wasn't expecting to come back either..." Lilyana trailed off in reply to Seth as she dipped another apple slice and ate it. "I dunno, though. Something told me to come back, so I decided to give it another shot." She explained, and then turned to ask Achilles a question.

However, before she could, another voice interrupted her. The girl looked up to see someone standing by their table. They looked a bit nervous as they asked to sit with the group. Lilyana smiled at them, a friendly vibe about her. She liked their voice; whoever they were, they seemed more calm and peaceful like herself.

"Hi there!" Lilyana greeted, waving at them slightly. "You don't look like a Kelpie to me... Are you a friend of Seth's? I'm Lilyana, it's a pleasure to meet you. Feel free to sit with us!" She greeted, her voice mature for her age.

@AnarchyReins @callmenox @Kachi
"Drawing, Gardening obviously, Umm, I guess, Dancing and...Singing count.." She trailed off with the last two. a little nervous. She looked down at her sketch pad . "How about you..?" She asked @Tetro
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"Gardening, dancing, partying, working out, sparring, swimming, and crafting things." He listed things off slowly, having to think about each one. "Also walking through forests. That's always fun." He nodded, smiling.


The conversation was starting to flow nicely at their table, when Seth caught a glimpse of Min's androgynous voice passing through his ears. Ah, great! Always nice to see the Qilin's friendly face. Seth's own face lit up, and he pushed the chair next to his away, motioning to Min to come and sit next to him.

Hey, Min, sure! Come sit with us! Do you want any snacks?

Without waiting for the Qilin's reply, he put on of his apples in front of them.

Guys, this is Min. They were there last year, they're a Qilin and a Wyvern, and a pal of mine. Min, this Lilyana, who was there last year as well, and Achilles, who's a newcomer. They're both Kelpies, and I think they're both in Keme's team this year?

Min's arrival and fresh water in his throat really changed Seth's mood, making him feel more at ease and giving him an immediately more positive outlook on this whole situation. It was so good to have a friend!

@Du Pain ; @Kachi ; @AnarchyReins
She listened and smiled. "Jumping trees is fun to," She said with a small laugh. She felt her impulses to change again and shook visably. She frowned a bit, But smiled at the same time. @Tetro

@Du Pain @callmenox @AnarchyReins

Min managed a soft smile, sliding their bracelet back onto their wrist as the tension in their body ebbed, reassured by the gentle aura over the group's table. After pushing the golden band in their hair back a little, displeased with how it was allowing the red strands to obscure their face, they nodded a thanks to Lilyana, seating themself down at the table with the three. "Thank you." The younger girl seemed very kind, and Min was happy to hear such a nice voice respond to their request. Tilting their head a little, they hummed, thoughftul. "Yes, I guess I could consider myself a friend of Seth's," they confirmed, glancing at the merman in question as he began to introduce everyone.

Achilles and Lilyana. Very nice names, seemingly suitable for their owners. "It's lovely meeting you." Then they gazed at the apple that Seth set in front of them and lifted it up, taking a bite after mumbling a few words of gratitude. "You seem like kind people." A wider smile brightened their face, slight still but noticeable enough.

Gazing over at Seth again, they commented, "I suppose we're on the same team this year, hm?"
"I love jumping from tree to tree. The smell and feel of the forest is amazing. I've always liked napping in trees. The bark and everything is the best." He added, noticing her shaking. Killian stared at the forest, imagining spending time there. @LilyannaGaming
Her body stopped and she sighed. Looking to the forest. "I Agree." She said politely. She quieted as she fought against her self. "Do you mind of I step outside for a moment..?" She asked warily. She still wasn't sure of the idea of people seeing her, but she would rather be outside than in. She smiled. @Tetro
Killian looked at Catlin, "Of course. I'll be here." He let her know. Killian could tell that all the talk of nature and the forest was getting to her. He got the same way when people talked about fights or any sort of activity that required a lot of physical movement. He of course didn't transform, but it was sort of similar as to what Catlin might be feeling.

She nodded and slid out of the seat with graceful ease. Stepping silently putside. She shuddered. And looked behind her as she sligned her back towards the wall, away from most windows. And changed. Pulling out a cloak, Light blue with pastel green, She put it on and walked inside. She made sure her face was covered unti she got to the table. Smiling she turned to him. "thank you." SHe said. Gently. @Tetro
Killian blinked, "...Don't mention it." he said softly. He looked away a little after a few seconds of staring. "So... Um... I like the cloak." He commented, his eyes seeming rather fixated on her dryad features. Killian may have been a serious person, but he was still a nephilim. A toddler nephilim more specifically in comparison to adults. He couldn't help but stare at her, a look of awe in his eyes while he kept his normal expression. @LilyannaGaming
She notice his look, and shied out of her hood a little. Gaining confidence as they talked. She nodded gently. Then looked up. "it was a gift." She said softly. She looked at the forest and smiled. The gold headband she had bee wearing shinned a little. Even though she hated metel, She had o soft spot for the color of gold. It remaned her of a sunset. @Tetro

He shook his head when Keme said he was sorry. He heard him say team Moon, and he brightened. He took out his pad and wrote his words down. When he showed it to Keme, it said: Great! Love team Moon. Alrdy got my drink, but I'll go if u are.

He reached into his jacket pocket, pulling out a hand-held oxygen tank. He placed his finger on the fingerprint reader, then took a long breah on it. He but it back into is pocket, feeling more relaxed. Almost as an after thought, he added onto the end of his note. Don't worry bout list, I wasn't here, not expexted to remember latecomers. He really had to squeeze this in at the bottom of the small notepad.

@Du Pain


The basalisk noticed Mika bouncing, as usual, into the cafeteria. He jogged over, after seeing her look around. "Hey, you trying to find a table? And I saw you're on team Sun with me! Although Quinn is on Moon, that's too bad." He held up his hand to give her a high five. "Sun for the win!" He was actually extremely hungry, and wanted to eat all the food as fast as he could, but he couldn't resist saying something to Mika. He called out behind him to Quinn. "Hey, lets have some food!"

@maeveeeed @Kachi

@Yaoke Saint @maeveeeed

Hearing Arbor and seeing that he was in quite a bright mood, Mikaline smiled. The smile widened at his mention of the teams though. "Ooh, I know, I'm so excited! You and I and the rest of our team are gonna do great! Okay?" She flapped her wings, looking at him expectantly as she returned the high five. "It's sad that Quinn can't be with us, though. I guess that just means we'll get to show off our teamwork skills to her!" She clapped, not seeming too upset about the arrangements. It was all fun and games, after all, she was just happy to be there with everyone. "I hope no one gets too upset when they lose, though. It's not fun anymore than. But anyway, I'm super, super hungry, so let's go eat~!"

Quinn followed closely behind the two, scanning over the cafeteria. "God, I hope they have sweet potato." She murmured to herself, her stomach grumbling loudly. She waved her hand to Mika, "It's fine, Mika, I just hope I can deal with the team." She joked, her head throbbing as her horns continued to grow, probably from the anxiety of meeting more people.

@Yaoke Saint @Kachi
Killian continued staring at Catlin, "I wonder what kind of things we'll be doing this week. I hope they're fun." He started making small talk, not being able to come up with anything else. His mind was getting a little fogged up as time passed, almost to the point where he had forgotten he was at camp. "What kind of stuff would you enjoy doing?" He asked her.

"yeah, Maybe we can actually do things instead of hang around." She said jokingly. She smiled and oved her finger in circles an the table. She looked up at the boy. "Nature hikes, Anything with nature, Running, Or something new. Really." She said the looked up again. "How about you?" She asked. @Tetro
"I like fighting, drinking games, arm wrestling, and racing in the forest." He looked down at her, his fingers tapping. Killian felt like it was going to be forever before anything was actually done. He contemplated getting something to eat, but hadn't really done enough physical activity to justify eating. "What kind of foods do you like?" He asked.


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