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Fantasy Camp Mythik: Summer Sanctuary for Supernatural Creatures (Open and Accepting!)


@Du Pain @callmenox

Listening to Seth talk, they laughed a little. "Oh, I'm no good at sports either... But, what I am is a creature of luck, so who knows, we might get a miracle." Their red eyes glinted in amusement and they took another bite of the apple.

Then, hearing him mention Aki, Min's gaze feigned graveness. "I don't know how much I'm looking forward to this," they admitted in a soft tone before picking their voice up again and chuckling. "I'm only kidding. While she does intimidate me a little - I've never been good with people like her - I doubt it will be a bad experience. I can believe you when you say she's friendly." The happiness faded from their expression a little when they sensed Seth's thoughts drifting into a place the merman didn't want them, and as they glanced over at the table he gestured to, they wondered what was causing these ill emotions. Of course, it wasn't really within their right to ask, so they set the matter aside.

Then Keme entered the room and the Qilin set their thoughts aside, looking up to listen as some of the staff introduced themselves and explained the chore system. It all seemed simple enough, although they realized then that they hadn't met any of their cabin-mates yet. Well, they were certain they would soon enough. And if not, well, camp was bound to be...interesting.
Killian was about to respond to Catlin when Keme began to speak. He listened patiently and raised an eyebrow when the gnome spoke about cleaning after they all ate. He wondered if the kids here were that messy, that they had to implement such rules. When it was over he turned his attention to Catlin. "I don't think I'll ever need to eat lunch or dinner here as long as I've got you." He nudged her gently, laughing softly.

She listened to the staff, once they where finished she made a mental note to talk to The Cyclopes about her food choices. She raised her head as Killian spoke. She laughed, melodically. Smiling, "that's not true" she said gently nudging him back. "There are things I can't grow, like drinks, bread, etc." she said laughing a little. @Tetro
"I like to squeeze fruits and drink that mostly. We'll have to talk to the cyclops though about our eating habits." He looked over to where the cyclops was when he spoke to them. Killian turned to look at Catlin, "Should we go do that now? I don't think it'd be best if we waited until AFTER he made our food. That might be a little rude." He ate the rest of his figs and peppers without realizing it. When Killian reached into his pockets he blinked and looked down realizing he was out of food. "...." He turned and looked away, sniffling lightly.

"That's cool." She said smiling. Then looked back up to him. "yeah, we probably should before we have to ask to change it, or not eat it." She said softly. She noticed how he reacted when he was out of peppers and figs. "I can make you some later." She said suggestively. Sighing she looked out the window at the plant she had grown. She moved her hand around, and the plant followed its movement. @Tetro
[ "Hello Marina, Mikealis, Alice? Are you all in there my dears?" The Fae spoke gently and kindly through the door. "It's time to go to the Board and find out your teams," she then waited outside for the Sprites.


Just as Mikealis was about to say something he heard a knock, followed by another voice, Asteria's voice. "Just in time right?" The Imp smiled at the girls before walking to the door instead of Marina, he grabbed the handle and opened the door to reveal Asteria and her warm smile as well.

"Hey who's the other one?" He questioned Marina, she seemed down whenever the 'other' camp mate was stated. Mikealis was eger to find out who was on his team, last year was fun, and the year before that, he also hoped he had some Sprites with him this year, even if it was a bunny or fish girl. He chuckled at his own thoughts before stepping out of the cabin and waiting for the others. The board was pretty much empty now so they wouldn't be trampled.


Marina looked over at the door that was knocked, her eyes filled with hope, could this be Eloisa? It was just Asteria, Marina was still excited to see the case counseler though. The young girl trailed behind Mikealis to the door. "The other one's name is Eloisa, she's a griffin and we go to the same school." She told him, her eyes looking down with a sad expression. "She was supposed to be here, she promised." Marina shakily muttered, her eyes tearing up as she spoke.

(On mobile, sorry if there's any bad grammar)
At anybody who cares:


"Hmmm..." She walked to the cafeteria,And opened a tea packet to pour into some water.She started. drinking tea cherry blossom tea "Why do I even bother...." She finished her tea and grabbed her back pack. "Well atleast I made one smart move..." She got a fairly sized device, kind of like a tablet, And searched through a library of anime's she could watch "Ohh! Mirai Nikki!" She started watching the 2nd episode.
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((@Yuuki Kagami I think it'd probably be best for your character to have been in the cafeteria, since that's where everyone else is! We're probably going to skip to dinner, so she can probably meet people there! :D

And don't forget, try to get at least four sentences each post. Thanks!))
Asteria nodded. "Come along then, we'll go see the teams now that it is clear, you won't et trampled, also you lovelies do not have any chores at all whilst you're here unless you do wish to help," the woman said as she turned on her heel and walked gracefully towards the board, a sheet announcing the teams. It was empty now, luckily they didn't leave the cabin when the elephants were all running to find the teams out. "Don't be disheartened if your not on the same team as others, we're all friends,' Asteria smiled wondering about Eloisa.


"A Griffin! That's so cool!!!" Mikealis said as he followed Asteria with Marina. "She can fly right? I've never met one before!" Mikealis bounced over to the board and smiled at it. "Haha! Team Moon with Asteria! " he smiled and laughed before looking at the other names. "Hey you're team Sun, Alice is moon and Eloisa is Moon!" Mikealis smiled pointing to the names quickly.


After splashing some water on her face and drinking some sake, the Tanuki was feeling much better. She was still a bit tired, but now perfectly functional. She walked up to the cafeteria, slipping discreetly while Mr Nelle was finishing his speech. She waved at Pachis, who winked at her with his only big eye, and refrained herself from sticking her tongue out. It wouldn't be very nice for the Gnome to start a face war with the Cyclops while the former's chores speech was still going on.

Without a word, the Tanuki steered herself towards the counsellors' table and helped herself to a big serving of salads. Kids could suffer through chores all she cared – lunch was all that mattered to her!

@ anyone who'd like to interact with her.


The Kelpies And Wyverns United Against Loneliness' group discussion was interrupted by the General's announcement and the introduction of the various – well, two of them, at least – staff members. None of this was new to Seth, of course. He made a quick mental note to keep in mind the days his cabin was on duty. He was fully aware that he was probably going to be the only one doing the hard-work, possibly with a bit of Uriel's help.

Raven's cleaning method consisted of “setting everything ablaze and waiting for the wind to blow the ashes out”, and don't even let him get started on Masa's. Didn't these kids have parents at home to teach them those things? The Merman didn't know, he never asked. That was certainly best for everyone involved.

Hopefully, he still had a few days before thinking about cabin duties, and now was time for more pressing matters – lunch!

Alright,” he said, “I'll go and raid the salad bar. Do you guys want anything?

@Renjin - Kazuki is waiting for you at the cafeteria, feel free to come and sit with him, the poor little thing .ç.
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A young child aimlessly wandered the camp grounds since she had missed the cabin anouncement. Eloisa hoped Marina wasn't too worried about her, but knowing Marina, that probably wouldn't be the case. She was beginning to feel rather hungry and decided to head to the cafeteria that she had seen on the tour. When the young girl walked through the cafeteria doors, astonished to see everyone so happy. Even though she was rather brave, seeing all these people and no sprites in sight was a bit nerve wracking. Her eyes scan the cafeteria, or at least a table with an empty spot. It appeared she had hit the jackpot, the girl had found a table that was rather empty with only another sprite and what was supposedly his pet sitting there. The girl walked over to the table, plopping herself onto a chair that was next to his. "Hi! Name's Eloisa!" She said to the boy with a giddy grin on her face.


"Oh, I'm always up for salad,"
Lilyana replied, standing up next to Seth. "I'm not in the mood for meat today, but I hope they have potatoes or something... Maybe banana peppers!" The Peryton didn't dislike meat, but it seemed that she was never in the mood for it. The only "meat" she was in the mood for was heart, and there wasn't a lot of that around. Salad was good, though. Fruits and vegetables were her favorites, and granola was another favorite.

"I'll come up with you," She decided. Her salads tended to have a lot of toppings and dressings, so whenever someone asked her if she wanted them to get it, she learned that it was easier to just say no and get it herself.

@callmenox @Kachi @AnarchyReins


"Well, I don't know about you guys, but I'm gonna go grab some food now,"
Masa told his tablemates as he stood up from the table. "They have sandwiches that I'm gonna get—not exactly in the mood for anything else."

The kitsune was about to just grab his own food once he got to the sandwich bar, but he paused and faced the others. "Want me to grab you guys anything?" He called out to his table. Hey, he was feeling like being considerate, so what?

@H0lderOfH0pe @Riversparks

((Sorry for shorter answers; I had a small break in class and wanted to get something out!))

@Du Pain @callmenox @AnarchyReins

Min looked up at Lilyana and Seth. "I don't eat any meat," they cautioned. "But I'll take just about anything else." They decided they'd wait at the table where they felt a bit more comfortable, as opposed to joining the steadily growing mob of campers making their way to fill their plates and then their stomachs. Min was a rather patient creature. They would also eat just about anything they were given, so long as it was fitting for their herbivorous diet, so if someone offered to get them food they tended to accept with gratitude. They took to fiddling with a coin in the meantime, tossing it into the air and examining its finely crafted edges and depictions and watching it glint when they directed it towards the light.

~Evan Zhujiao~

Location: Lake Mage}

Time: ???}

Feeling: Like he has to swim}

"Wowzers." Evan said as he neared the camp. "It's completely what I thought it looked like!" He actually sorta knew what it look like, he's been to more than one camp before, discipline camps. He is the type of kid that gets in trouble... A lot. Once he used Pancake Batter and smelly fish water on a C.I.T, he set it up so that it would dump on the C.I.T when he opened the door. It was pretty funny since he had sleep in a garage because he smelled like poop. Too good. "What a nice moment." Evan said, soon remembering that thought and than placing it into his 'brain storage' or what he called it.

As he made it to the camp entrance, he was amazed when he found that it looked like every other camp! Except the cabins were not shady tents. And there weren't any white vans. "Okay, time to get in trouble and than get expelled from camp." As soon as Evan said that, he felt the sudden urge to go swimming, so he did.

Evan walked to Lake Mage, comepletely ignoring the signs or anything else that seems danger worthy.
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Achilles just wanted fruit and juice. "So guys what do you plan on doing later?" Achilles asked as he loaded his plate with different kinds of fruit. Achilles just smiled at the group of friends he was making. 'I hope dad will be proud of me when I get home.' Achilles though to himself as he ate a piece of pineapple.

@Du Pain

  • Cierra

    The girl glared at the boy in the water, stooping there with her neon white wings flowing and dissipating behind her as the tips trailed into eternity. Perhaps no one had seen her take off from the roof of the cafeteria, and it didn't take quite long for her to fly across to the lake. She had just been there for some fresh air. After all, Cierra did not have much to look forward to. She was a loner that no one spoke to but few; a distraught seraph.

    "What are you doing here so early?" she spoke, ignoring the fact that he had broken the rules, as it did not strike her as dangerous. If the boy did happen to sink, or be bitten by a monster, she could always come to his rescue, if he couldn't help himself, that was. The girl now sat back and arched one leg to the side slightly, the other, arched in an upturned V with her arm over it, staring down the male with cloudy eyes.

    Information Interaction: @BlankName



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~Evan Zhujiao~

Location: Lake Mage, now Cabins}

Time: Early?}

Feeling: Tired, like always}

Evan looked over at the girl, from how she said, "what are you doing here', he could tell he was doing something wrong. "I'm swimming, this is a camp." From every camp or detention center Evan has been to, there was either a pool or lake. He always started to swim after he passed the entrance. Than he noticed something. "Early? It's like... Hm." Evan than checked his watch, seeing it broken. "Hm.. My watch broke, it did go in water so.. Okay." Soon enough, he got out of the water, grabbing his bag and walking to the Cabins.

@Cierra Oupupni
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"Yeah, we're definitely going to win!" Raven declared, holding her hand out for a fist bump. She grinned. This year was definitely going to rock. "A bowl of Carolina Reaper peppers if they have them please." Raven called over to where Masa was standing. Normally she would get them herself, but since he had offered... Might as well.
"Yes we will Raven" Uriel said not sharing her same enthusiasm although he did have some hidden in his tone. "I'll Take some Mint Ice-cream" Uriel called over to his best friend, He was about to go get it himself but Masa asked if they wanted anything and Uriel wasn't about to let this pass him by "And I'll also take an apple" He says to Masa
"That'd be awesome." He replied. Killian looked at the plant, "That's the coolest." He smiled at her. He stood up and stretched, "You know if you get better at that, eventually we won't have to ever really eat in the cafeteria." He was actually considering something along the lines of that later on in the summer. "But that's only if you want. I've never really been sure if it drains dryads or not." He scratched the back of his head.


The Merman got up from his chair and walked with Lilyana and Achilles to the food tables, picking up two trails – one for him and one for Min. It was all nice and well to offer to bring his new friend some food, but he literally had no idea what to take for him. Except... Well, the Qilin had mentioned being vegetarian, hadn't he? Seth didn't know much about the vegetables of the surface, used to seaweed and the likes at home, so he just put a little bit of everything that didn't seem meat-y in both plates.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw the white and red flash of that one Kitsune moving towards him. Damn. Never alone from him, was he? Yet he refused to let himself think of him too much: that would be a waste of brainpower. Resolving to ignore Masa to the end, he turned towards the Kelpies.

Hey, Lilyana, what do you think I should get Min apart from that? D'you think they'd like some sauce or toppings?” Then, to answer Achilles' question, "I don't know yet, I guess I'll go for a swim. What about you?"

@Du Pain ; @AnarchyReins ; (@Kachi - mentioned)


The cafeteria was full of pleasure and life. Kazuki was starting to be a bit hungry, due to all those emotions running from him. He was feeling much better now that he was surrounded by happy people, but he was beginning to feel a bit worried as well: no adults were coming up to tell him what to do, and he wasn't used to that. He liked the adults, they were usually more controlled than the children and they always treated him well.

He was about to just go and ask someone for help when a young, blond girl showed up next to him, sitting on the chair like she had always meant to be there. A wave of joy came through Kazuki, probably from the girl's own happiness.

Hello, Eloisa,” he answered with a little smile, “I am Kazuki, and this is Shiro”, he added while pointing to his little friend. “It's nice to meet you.

Hesitantly, he held out his hand for the girl to shake.

I guess I will go for a swim too. That or work on my powers." Achilles said as he got some snacks on his plate, and ranch dressing.

Lilyana glanced over at Seth as she grabbed her own bowl and added vegetables for a salad. She poured various dressings on top while she listened to his question, and then nodded. "If you're not sure, I'd say just take one or two of the little plastic cups and put dressing or sauce," She replied and put her bowl down.

"I'm going to grab some granola and a water, can you watch my salad until I get back, Achilles?" She asked her new friend. Without waiting for an answer, she smiled and walked away from the group, tucking a few loose strands from her hair as she moved towards the area with the water bottles.

@callmenox @AnarchyReins


"Coming riiiight up!"
Masa told his friends as he turned back around and grabbed a bowl. First stop: salad bar. Carolina Reaper peppers were definitely not something he had tried before, but he knew what they looked like at least. In fact, he could see exactly where they were. There was just one thing... Fishy was in the way, along with his new Kelpie friends.

The kitsune's eyes narrowed as he tried to find a way to get to the peppers without having to say anything to the trio, but they were literally right in front of what he needed to get, even after the green haired girl went to get a water or something. Speaking to them was sadly inevitable. So, letting out a sigh, he tapped the merman's shoulder. "Hey, uh, you're right in front of the peppers I need to get. D'ya mind just-" he stopped, grabbing the scooper and reaching in front of Seth so he could put the vegetables in the bowl for Raven. He was well aware that he was far too close to the other Wyvern than he would of liked, but he wouldn't deny he was doing it just a bit out of spite. He wasn't angry at him, per say, Masa was just annoyed a bit. For what reason? He wasn't quite sure, but frankly he didn't care. He was conscious of his tails though, making sure the fluffy things weren't in anyone's way. Not only would he not want to annoy anyone—anyone but Mermaid over there—but they were actually pretty sensitive. Someone pulling or even touching them (along his ears) without his permission was, well, not something he wanted.

Once he finished scooping up the peppers, Masa stood up straight and looked up at Seth with his eyes still slightly narrowed and a sly smile, teeth showing. "Sorry 'bout that, Seth~" he "apologized" in s tone that was half playful, half a tone that wasn't really easily detectable. He usually wouldn't have even come up to him in this situation, so Masa honestly wasn't prepared with comebacks or anything.

@Riversparks and @H0lderOfH0pe (kinda? he wasn't really talking to them besides the beginning but idk :P ) @callmenox
Alice watched as the other sprites entered the cabin, keeping quiet under her rabbit shaped hood. She saw a few new members that she hasn't seen during the introduction. Perhaps they were late or out of sight. Alice stayed silence as she sheepishly followed her fellow sprites to the bulletin board where the camp team were displayed. The board towered over the small girl(?). Alice's eyes looked down the list of names and found herself on 'team moon'. She turned to gander at Mikealis, who was also on the same team. A faint smile made its way on her face knowing that the first person in camp that spoke to her was on the same team.

((Please assume Alice is ghosting the group, you have permission to control some of her actions if you choose.))
Marina followed the counseler over to the board, relieved to see not too many other campers there other than the Sprites. " Don't be disheartened if you're not on the same team as the others..." The truth was, Marina would indeed be disheartened if her friend that persuaded her to go to this camp in the first place wasn't on the same team as her. She turned towards Mikealis and nods. "Yeah, she flies..." She mumbled, looking down at the ground. Even though she wasn't really showing it, the young child was infuriated that her friend wasn't here yet. The young girl reluctantly inched up to the board to see what team she would be on, along with whatever team Eloisa was on because she can't read small-ish text. Marina: Team Sun...... Eloisa: Team Moon. She squinted to make sure that she was reading this correctly, but to her dismay, what she read on that board was correct. What made this even worse in Marina's eyes was that not even on the same team as the sprites that she had met so far or Asteria, at least there was one sprite on the same team as her named Kabuki. Her eyes began to tear up and a look of sadness unintentionally swept her face.

@Renjin @LaDyGrEy

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