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Fantasy Camp Mythik: Summer Sanctuary for Supernatural Creatures (Open and Accepting!)

Killian smiled, "So, are you new here too?" He asked her. He shifted a little, blinking at just how small this girl was compared to him. Not to mention that Killian wasn't even done growing, not even close. His final height would be somewhere around 25 feet by the time he was thirty. Killian simply waited for the girl to answer, figuring that not everyone in the world was naturally tall.

@Yuuki Kagami
Uriel heard the intercom message from Keme "Rave let's settle this after we check out what team were on" Uriel said with a smile as he walked pasted the girl and out of the cabin happy to get out of that tense room 'I'm gonna hope she won't set me on fire this summer' Thought the angel as he pushed through the sea of people trying to get to the Bulletin board.

After nearly throwing some campers Uriel made it to the board and found out that he's on team sun with Keme and that Masa and Seth were on Aki's team
"I hope this is a mistake" He mumbled looking over the teams list "I'm with the Snake, The roommate I've already pissed off, and The bear" Uriel slams his palm on his face and drags it down it slowly "I'm screwed" He mouths and turns around and bumps into Masa "I guess Last year was the last time we'll be on the same team" Uriel said to his best friend

@Du Pain
Shifting back to human form she smiled. She walked to her cabin and saw someone leave it. after they left she rushed in and threw her duffels down on the bed right under a window. She griined and dashed out again. This time she ran past the same person she saw leave her Cabin and another girl. She flashed a smiled as she walked by slowly to the forest. She thought about the bulletin. Team moon. How are the odds? She thought to herself. Moon was her favorite thing. It gave her strength pass what she normally had @Yuuki Kagami @Tetro
@Tetro @LilyannaGaming


"Oh! I have to check the teams!" She ran to the bulletin board and saw that she was in team moon "Ah the moon.....Such a calming thing...." She looked at the girl beside her "Hey. You're in Team Moon Too?"
Killian blinked and followed after to see which team he was on. He frowned when he saw he was on team moon, "Dammit!" He stomped his foot. The ground around the board shook almost like an earthquake hitting for a brief moment. He wanted to be on team Sun more than anything, but he guessed moon would have to suffice, since he doubted they would be willing to switch the team he was on. Killian sighed, "Well I hope I'm trained enough, I'd hate to hold the team back. Maybe if I train for two hours instead of one...?" He mumbled to himself. Killian forgot about the two girls beside him for a minute.

@LilyannaGaming @Yuuki Kagami
"Yes," She said turning around. the forest could wait a few moments....She thought as she smiled. When the feling of an earthquake passed, She made rotts entangle her to keep her still. Onece it stop, the roots well away, (She had to shift to use this,) forgetting her powers cost her to change, she stood before them in dryad form. @Tetro @Yuuki Kagami
((@Yuuki Kagami hey, just so you remember... Try to post at least a paragraph's response in each post, okay? Thanks :D ))


She had left her cabin a while before, having spent her time enjoying the sunshine and the nature. However, once she saw one of her cabinmates go inside to put their stuff away, she perked up a bit. The boy wasn't familiar, so the Peryton figured she'd say hello.

"Um, hi there! I'm Lilyana, are you new here? I'm pretty sure we're cabinmates, so I wanted to say hi!" Lilyana greeted the boy after fixing her greenish hair, which had blown behind her shoulders from the breeze. At first she was a little intimidated by his height compared to hers—she only stood at a measly 4'11—but after speaking she felt a bit better. He seemed nice enough, so hopefully they'd be able to get along.

As she spoke, the bluebird from earlier decided to fly by and perch on her antlers, chirping a bit. She understood that it said it felt lonely, so it didn't mind being near other "twolegs," which was something she found cute.



"Oh, don't worry about it, you'll be fine," Masa replied to Uriel after bumping into him. He had recovered from his unusual mood change, now grinning at the fallen angel, and scanned his team. His wasn't too bad, save a few particular campers, but it'd be okay for him. "You'll get a chance to make new friends. I'm sure anyone would love to be friends with the sweet, innocent angel that you are, right~?" The kitsune teased, tails wagging some as they moved out of the way so the others could look.

"And anyway, now we get to be competitive against each other," Masa added in an afterthought. Uriel knew his competitive streak, so these next weeks should be fun for the two of them... "Don't think I'll go easy on you because you're my friend. May the best team win, angel~"

Killian looked at the girl, seeing how she had changed. "You look lovely for a dryad." He complimented, smiling at her. He had seen dryads before, having a few dryad friends back home. Killian looked away knowing that most dryads liked their privacy, he also held his hand over to cover Yuuki's eyes. "Tell us when it's okay to look." He spoke, waiting for the girl's response. Killian felt a bit at home when he looked at her but didn't want to seem like he didn't care about how others felt.

@Yuuki Kagami @LilyannaGaming
Achilles blushed when he saw Lilyana. "Yeah its nice to meet you. I'm Achilles." He said this a little bashfully. He rubbed his neck and smiled at Lilyana as he blushed. 'Come on Achilles your being such a doofus, or as he brother would call him, and shy butthead.' Achilles messed with the hem of his shirt a little not sure what to do.
@Tetro @LilyannaGaming


"Woah. Woah. Hey. I want to see too..." Her sharingan activated and easily saw through his hand. "Woah. So that's how dryads look like. I've never seen one before...." "Meh." She moved his hand away from her face. "._." "What was the theme of this week? Or have they not announced it... I was asleep for quite a while."
Catlin smiled gratefully and nods. "Thank you." She said as she began the slow transform back. She shook off the last odd feeling of change and smiled. "You may look now." She said politely. Glad nobody said anything about rare. It really bugs me our kind is so withdrawn. She thought as she smiled and shifted on her feet uncomfortably. @Tetro @Yuuki Kagami
Uriel shook his head "Your never gonna let me live that down are you?" He asked knowing that Masa wouldn't let him "Also I have plenty of friends, they're just on Team moon" Said the fallen angel sticking his nose up and turning his head away for Masa "You're gonna lose every time we're put up against one another" Uriel said opening his eyes slightly to see how his Foxy friend would react to that slightly hoping that it'd rile him up so they could argue.

"You better not go easy on me because I want to win on even terms"
Uriel said with a fighters edge to his voice that only Masa could pick out. "Just remember I play to win" Uriel said planing on doing whatever it took to win and using everything he had to his advantage "My team also has the Were-bear Felix so.." He trailed off hoping the fact that Felix was on his team would intimidate his friend.

@Du Pain
Killian glared at Yuuki, "How dare you! Apologize to her now!" He snapped at the girl for using her Sharingan. Killian seemed to have grown a bit bigger now that he was angry. A very powerful energy emanated from him as his gaze was focused on the small girl. "Don't you have any respect for other people's privacy?!" He scolded her more. "If we are going to be on the same team then get it through your head that I don't let things like that slide and I don't tolerate it!" He slammed his foot down, cracking the ground and causing it to shake again.

@Yuuki Kagami @LilyannaGaming


"Woah!" She quickly jumped onto the bulletin board. "What's wrong!?" She seemed very confused why he was furious. "Did my sharingan burn you or something?"
She didn't have time to react as the ground shook. She fell to the ground neatly. Having trained to fall from trees at young age. she did a backflip to stand up. Rubbing her arm she looked at him dazed. She backed up slowly. Not wanting to draw attention to herself as she tried to slip off into the woods. @Tetro @Yuuki Kagami

The bluebird atop Lilyana's head chirped a bit, and she pointedly ignored its remarks as she watched Achilles. She giggled a bit at his response and glanced at the bulletin. "So, looks like we're both on Team Sun, huh? Good thing; it probably would have been a bit awkward if we shared a cabin and were on opposite teams..." She replied, trailing off a bit.

After a moment, though, she remembered what she had planned on doing before deciding to say hi to Achilles. "Oh, right! Since we have to head over to the cafeteria, I was going to go now so I could grab a snack. Would you like to come with? We could sit together when we get our chore duties given to us," She suggested with a shrug. "I mean, if you'd like to, of course."



"You know I'm never gonna let that slide now, angel," Masa replied with a toothy grin, using the nickname again. He laughed a bit at Uriel's reaction to his comment, and then raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, sure," He answered with a roll of the eyes, crossing his arms. "If there's anything I'm not gonna do, it's lose to you. And yeah, so what if you guys have Felix? We've got me, so watch out. I can do pretty much anything that's not flying or swimming, considering the fact that I don't have wings and I can't swim. So watch out, because you guys are doing down!"


"Yeah I would love to get a snack with you. I am glad we are on the same team too. I just hope we perform well in the team competition." Achilles said as he blushed a little. Achilles held out his hand to Lilyana. "we could walk together to the cafeteria if you want." Achilles said as he blushed some more.
"Are you stupid? I said HER not ME! You looked at her despite my covering your eyes for THAT specific reason!" He looked at her with anger and a bit of disbelief, almost like she was dumb for even asking if her sharingan burned him. "Until you get your act together, you are the last person I would ever want as a friend." He waved his hand, disregarding her now as he walked off. 'To think I am in the same team as her...' He thought as he made his way to the cafeteria.

@Yuuki Kagami
"....." "Well Good Riddance is all I can say then...." She turned her back away from him and walked off into her cabin. -Well. Time to see what he's so mad about....- She took a Journal with a Cat paw with the number 8 and opened it. ".......Dryads......" She started reading about them for around 30 minutes.

Lilyana's polite smile turned into something similar to a happy grin when he agreed to come with her. If she was honest with herself, she was starving, so she wanted to get to the cafeteria as soon as possible.

"Well, let's go then!" She told him and took his hand, not thinking much of it. "People are starting to go down, so we have to beat them there!" After she spoke, she tugged on his hand and began to run down the path that led to the cafeteria, hoping he'd follow along. She was glad she met a friend—she didn't have many—so she was a bit eager to get to know him. While she found animals more interesting and exciting, it wouldn't hurt to make friends with some other campers.

Achilles couldn't help but laugh at Lilyana's childish antics. He ran with her hoping they would get some good snacks. He was so glad he was able to meet another kid his age. I hope dad doesn't get mad at me. Achilles just kept laughing as they raced to go get a snack. 'I wonder if I should of told her I had snacks.' This thought caused Achilles to laugh more.
Kenshin was coming out of the kitchen with a bag of cookies for everyone in his team " ahhhh were is everyone i wounder those little sprites i bet their running around again lol " said Kenshin then he saw a group of people and walked over to them while he was about to trip but he step in a bit before he fell " hahahaha that was a close one " said kenshin while bumbing into lilyan" oh sorry miss Lilyan and sir achilli's hahahah


@Du Pain
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Killian was now in the cafeteria, standing out, literally due to his height, and simply took a seat somewhere. He yawned, waiting for the counselor who made the announcement to arrive so chores could start being assigned or whatever. He was bored of simply waiting around and wanted something to do. Killian thought of what he could possibly do with his free time here at the camp.

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