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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

Light said:
Blue rolled his eyes and scoffed. He turned his head to take a nap again but noticed the book last minute. He instantly took out his bow and fired a quad shot. They hit the ground around her in a square formation and a box much like a mime's appeared around her. Entirely made of light. He jumped off the tree and stood infront of the box. "Where did you get that book from?"
Lilac rolls her eyes and looks beyond annoyed. "When I was in the mortal world. I became friends with a demigod named Jezabell and went to her school, I found the book in the library then went and got it with her at the bookstore.. Do you have a problem with it?" She said looking annoyedly at him as she put her free hand on her hip.
StarrySkyofLostSouls said:
Lilac rolls her eyes and looks beyond annoyed. "When I was in the mortal world. I became friends with a demigod named Jezabell and went to her school, I found the book in the library then went and got it with her at the bookstore.. Do you have a problem with it?" She said looking annoyedly at him as she put her free hand on her hip.
Blue sighs. He sits on a log and completely forgets he still has her trapped. "It was her favorite book. Before she died. It wad entirely my fault."
Light said:
Blue sighs. He sits on a log and completely forgets he still has her trapped. "It was her favorite book. Before she died. It wad entirely my fault."
Lilac looks at the book then him. "...you can have it if you want. If it makes you feel better. Also can you let me out...?" She muttered before grumbling under her breath, "always getting skewered or abused by demigods..." She gtumbles while waiting.
StarrySkyofLostSouls said:
Lilac looks at the book then him. "...you can have it if you want. If it makes you feel better. Also can you let me out...?" She muttered before grumbling under her breath, "always getting skewered or abused by demigods..." She gtumbles while waiting.
Blue is too busy rolling around the grass. Groaning while thinking about how he's failed Bianca. He then props himself up on the log as if it were a couch. A seat of light appears under Lilac and as a clipboard. "Mind listening to my story first? Please?"
Lilac grumbles and sits down on the chair and takes the clipboard. "...fine. But after you have to let me out Lighter boy..." She muttered while focusing on the clipboard them him. "So what's your problem...?"

Soleil ran over to Anthony and helped him up, "You're not strong enough to start walking on your own, at least let me help, It's kinda why I'm around you twenty-four seven." Soleil led Anthony along her staff thudding against the ground in rhythm with their steps she sighed but still smiled at Anthony. "I've got my work cut out for me don't I."


Valencia spun when she felt something's mouth and her shoulder and yelped Immediately spinning around and smashing her violin against the girl's head, despite the force of the blow the violin sustained no damage a little enchantment from Hecate that Valencia received a while back. When Valencia saw that it was another camper she gasped, "Oh my gods I am so sorry!! You scared the crap outta me!"


Antonius shrugged, "Fine fine, I'll go if you really want me to, just wanted to check in on you see how you're doing." He stood up dusting off his butt out of habit before turning to leave. "Glad your feeling better Tania."
StarrySkyofLostSouls said:
Lilac grumbles and sits down on the chair and takes the clipboard. "...fine. But after you have to let me out Lighter boy..." She muttered while focusing on the clipboard them him. "So what's your problem...?"
Blue started to think for a minute. What was his problem? He seemed to have a lot lately. "Well.... it all started when I was 7." He started from then on all the way to Bianca's death and now. It took a while. "That's that. Did you get all that down?"
"I'd love to work with her." Carly watched Vanessa for a while. "I think you should go get some rest, Vanessa. You don't look so good." She gave Vanessa her belt back. Vanessa tied it around her waist and became human once more. "Fine. What ever. Thanks, Alexandra, Katherine." She shook her head and stumbled worse than usual back to the Big House. Carly stayed with the girls. "She'll be okay. A little ambrosia and some sleep will work. So, when can your friend help me?"

Light said:
Blue started to think for a minute. What was his problem? He seemed to have a lot lately. "Well.... it all started when I was 7." He started from then on all the way to Bianca's death and now. It took a while. "That's that. Did you get all that down?"
Lilac writing. "I believe so..." She said while showing him the clipboard, looking at him as she did so.
"Ah. U-umm. Y-Yeah . . . I'm Ayslinn McRemitz . . ." She stumbled over herself until she finally got the small introduction out, which, really, wasn completely unneeded at this point. Sure, she knew Chiron was a centaur. However, knowing he was one and actually seeing one were two completely different things. Had she had her wits about her during her encounter with the harpy, she possibly would have reacted in a similar manner rather than the fight or flight responses she did. It was considered odd for a horse to grow an extra leg, but Chiron was much more than that and seemed no worse for wear for it. The real question though, was: Is he a horse with a man growing out of him or a man with a horse growing out of him.

Clearing her throat after she realized Olivia has already done a perfectly fine job of introducing her and some of the initial shock of seeing an actual centaur had worn off, she spoke again. "It's nice to meet you, Chiron. I'm just trying to figure everything out. Olivia has been a great help to me so far, but I figured it best to at least make you aware of my presence here." She figured the older centaur would fill her in on any pertinent for her stay in Camp Half Blood. She automatically assumed there would be a fair number of rules considering the variety of demigod children here.

((@StarrySkyofLostSouls @Holo

I wasn't ignoring you Starry, I was waiting for Chiron's post. And you should be happy, not pissy. Maybe a little tipsy even. ))
StarrySkyofLostSouls said:
Lilac writing. "I believe so..." She said while showing him the clipboard, looking at him as she did so.
Blue let her out the box and sighed. "What do you think I should do?" He himself got up from the chair and carried his bow. He walked over to the arrows and picked them up. They flowed back into his skin.
Synaria said:
"Ah. U-umm. Y-Yeah . . . I'm Ayslinn McRemitz . . ." She stumbled over herself until she finally got the small introduction out, which, really, wasn completely unneeded at this point. Sure, she knew Chiron was a centaur. However, knowing he was one and actually seeing one were two completely different things. Had she had her wits about her during her encounter with the harpy, she possibly would have reacted in a similar manner rather than the fight or flight responses she did. It was considered odd for a horse to grow an extra leg, but Chiron was much more than that and seemed no worse for wear for it. The real question though, was: Is he a horse with a man growing out of him or a man with a horse growing out of him.
Clearing her throat after she realized Olivia has already done a perfectly fine job of introducing her and some of the initial shock of seeing an actual centaur had worn off, she spoke again. "It's nice to meet you, Chiron. I'm just trying to figure everything out. Olivia has been a great help to me so far, but I figured it best to at least make you aware of my presence here." She figured the older centaur would fill her in on any pertinent for her stay in Camp Half Blood. She automatically assumed there would be a fair number of rules considering the variety of demigod children here.

((@StarrySkyofLostSouls @Holo

I wasn't ignoring you Starry, I was waiting for Chiron's post. And you should be happy, not pissy. Maybe a little tipsy even. ))
(Im not pissy at you hun. Just in general I am cuz I was getting frustrated at my work..)

Light said:
Blue let her out the box and sighed. "What do you think I should do?" He himself got up from the chair and carried his bow. He walked over to the arrows and picked them up. They flowed back into his skin.
Lilac steps out of the box. "Well... There are the 3 R's... If you don't know what they are, here they are. Remembering, Recovering, Reintergrating. Plus... She'll probably visit you in your dreams..."
StarrySkyofLostSouls said:
(Im not pissy at you hun. Just in general I am cuz I was getting frustrated at my work..)
Lilac steps out of the box. "Well... There are the 3 R's... If you don't know what they are, here they are. Remembering, Recovering, Reintergrating. Plus... She'll probably visit you in your dreams..."
"How can I move on? We had do much together. I mean who's gonna help me take care of our child?" Blue was talking about Theta, the task force demigod the others know and love and call their own child. Lilac obviously doesn't know that so his words would be easily mistaken as saying he and Bianca have had their own biological child.
Carly shook her head. "Me. No, and if I never come in contact with Erebus again, it will be too soon. I hate his guts for what he's doing to me and my mom." She folded her arms over her chest. "In fact, I won't even say his name. He can take his dagger back. I can fight all by myself. I want nothing to do with him." She started back toward her cabin. "Maybe I can bunk with Hermes."
Light said:
"How can I move on? We had do much together. I mean who's gonna help me take care of our child?" Blue was talking about Theta, the task force demigod the others know and love and call their own child. Lilac obviously doesn't know that so his words would be easily mistaken as saying he and Bianca have had their own biological child.
Lilac raises a brow while watching him. "Then don't move on... Just remember, recover... And cherish what you had..."
Alexandra nods. "Okay. I'll come find you later if anything." Alexandra walked away from the training area. She looked around for campers she could help.

Beta frowned. "I don't know if I can." He just started to fire random arrows into the sky. "You sure if you want to give me the book?"

( @StarrySkyofLostSouls @Yuuki Kuran )
Light said:
Alexandra nods. "Okay. I'll come find you later if anything." Alexandra walked away from the training area. She looked around for campers she could help.
Beta frowned. "I don't know if I can." He just started to fire random arrows into the sky. "You sure if you want to give me the book?"

( @StarrySkyofLostSouls @Yuuki Kuran )
Lilac hands him the book. "I'm sure. And she by what you told me, she will still push into your dreams whether you want her to or not..."
TheWeirdPhilosopher said:

Opal walked through the camp uneasily, not enjoying all the eyes looking her way. It wasn't that she hated attention, that was the last thing on her mind, she just hated eyes. She hated eyes almost as much as she hated the saying "The eyes are the windows to the soul" because her eyes literally were the windows to the soul. Your soul. Learning dark secrets about people just by looking in the eyes is terrible, are horrific gift, that she wish she had never been born with. Opal looked up from the hard ground and glanced around looking at people when she spotted a guy that sparked her interest. Not in a "I want to look into your eyes and learn all about you" kind of way, but in a simple "I'd like to get to know them better" kind of way. She walked over slowly and tapped him lightly on the shoulder. "Hi, I'm Opal." She greeted sticking out her hand. Opal looked at his face, but only looked above or below his eyes, never directly at them

(@Tercesasti )
John jumped when he felt a light tapping on his shoulder. He unsheathed his sword and almost cut off Opal's hand before he noticed she was just a girl. He quickly sheathed his sword and stared at Opal in the eyes, noticing her not staring into hers. He thought that she was blind for a second but then how could she know where he was? He shook her hand with a strong grip and said, "I am John. Nice to meet you."
Opal smiled softly forcing herself to not meet his gaze. "Nice to meet you too John. You shouldn't be so guarded here, even though I've only actually been inside the camp for a few hours a so, no one's going to chop your hands off," She looked pointedly at his sword in amusement. "like you were apparently about to do to me." She let go of his hand and looked around at the active camp. "So how long have you been here?" Opal asked curiously.

(@Tercesasti )
John let go of her hand and said, "This is a camp? Well even so, I just wandered in here wondering what all of this ruckus that was disturbing the peace of the forest and I saw this." He paused before continuing, "You said you were here for just a few hours? What is this camp? Did it just start or something?" He felt like he was asking a lot of questions so he stopped and let her answer.
Anthony smiled. "Maybe but that just makes it more interesting doesn't it?" Anthony asked with a smile and a laugh before wincing and opening the door to his cabin.

Tania sighed and laughed. "You can stay if you want just don't blame me if you get sick ok?" Tania said sitting up and keeping the blanket at her shoulders. "Did uh Jason come by? Or anybody else. Like Thomas?" She asked.

"I'm not done ye... ouch! Your reaction is classic but kinda harsh." Jasmine said rubbing her head through her hood.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Courtney was already rubbing Jasmine's head with her. She somewhat felt like she was to blame. She could've done something about it.

( @Holo )
Zoul (For the Record: Zoul is Allies guardian wolf that she always carries in her jacket. He can talk (when he talks he has a deep voice and tends to speak with old fashion words) and alter his size. His main ability is his ultimate adorableness... Thank you)

After Allie went to sleep Zoul had jumped out of her jacket to explore the ship. He got a few steps out the door when he picked up on the scent he had been following before being picked up. "Found you." He said as he hurried off towards the smell. He rounded a corner and jumped into Jason's room landing on the bed and grabbing the towel out of Jason's hand and started shaking it viciously. He paused as he realized what he thought was a dead animal was actually a towel and, more importantly, there were people watching him. He let the towel fall out of his mouth and sat down like a well mannered dog. He raises a paw to his mouth and coughed. "Ahem... Uh my apologies. I do hope thou shalt forgive my actions fair people." He said as he looked back between the two demigods. He was unsure if they were surprised by him talking or... "Oh! Dear gods I forgot. This is the 21st century." He said "I hope you two... Playas will forgive me for causing a mess..." He waited "Umm... Hello?"

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira



Erik smiled as McKenzie finished her conversation. His smile widened when she turned to leave. He watched as she strutted away "Damn!" He said as he watched her strut out of sight. "Oh I hate to see her go... But I love to watch her leave." He sang as he started out of the arena himself. He started off into camp singing along to Bedrock.




"Yeah..." Owen said as he looked at the Boreas cabin "that one... You kept talking about a fire..." Owen paused. He remembered how much she'd been freaking out and he hesitated. "Listen... You don't have to tell me if you don't want to..." Owen said "but talking usually helps."




"Work together." Kit said quickly "I don't think I'd be able to do most of this stuff by myself anyways." Kit swallowed. He'd run out of Nausea pills and his sea/airsickness was slowly getting worse. "I'm not a big boat or plane fan... So." He paused as the ship hit a small patch of turbulence. "Just tell me what you need me to do and I'll do my best." Kit smiled as he looked at the mast and the rigging. "We'll need to get the mast fixed first... So let's start there."


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BishopOfKings said:
Erik smiled as McKenzie finished her conversation. His smile widened when she turned to leave. He watched as she strutted away "Damn!" He said as he watched her strut out of sight. "Oh I hate to se her go... But I love to watch he leave." He sang as he started out of the arena himself. He started off into camp singing along to Bedrock.


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