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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

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TechEwok said:
Vahlen didn't notice her withdrawal, his mind preoccupied with the giant quake. They continued walking when a rush of sand strode beside them. Erebus drama. Just stay away. Vahlen shook his head and looked over to Isobel. "Aren't ya glad we didn't go looking for food in that direction? Hah." he grinned. He ran a finger across his tattoo again when he rubbed his chin to think of what he would want to eat.
"Ya think we could run in and grab the food and bolt? I feel it's a bit early for me to insert myself to the camp. What do ya say?" Vahlen looked down at his quiet companion. He began to stare and narrowed his eyes at her, intentionally trying to cause her to feel uneasy.
Isobel looking towards where the the cause of the quake came and felt the air seem to shift in that direction before shaking her head at his first statement that sounded like a question. "Yes. I am glad, but that isn't towards camp... it's towards Zeus' Fist... where the entrance of the Great Labyrinth is..." she muttered and frowned a bit before glancing at him to notice him looking at her, she blinked in surprise and took a step back. "I suppose... if you really wish to get food that badly. I can stay on the outskirts of the forest.. so we won't draw to much attention..." she said while reaching up to play with some of her hair that had fallen over her shoulder and reached up unconsciously to her nose ring before dropping her hand.

"Thanks." Jasmine said picking up the cards before a child of Athena walked up. "Jasmine that whole fortune telling stuff is a load of centaur waste. Tell me about my love life then." The girl said after having sufficiently irritated Jasmine by doubting the legitimacy of her craft. "Embankment and pumpkin. You're a bloated and generally unappealing girl who's full of herself." Janine said holding up two cards she'd just finished. The girl gave a surprised hay at the fortune. "Pig. Go home!" Jasmine said pulling out two cards to emphasize her point. The daughter of Athena grabbed Jasmine be the collar but Jasmine shoved the girl sending the camper sliding a few feet. "Monster! Evil spirit be banished!" Jasmine yelled holding up two cards one at a time.

"I hope not," Addison replied pulling out her tools and sitting them down so she could begin working. "because if it comes to that I'll be tempted to kill someone." Felix snorted puffing out a cloud of smoke in amusement and she glared at him. "Oh please, you can't say anything mister, you barely have a neck, and don't even get me started on your body situation." Addie detached Felix from the front of the ship and sat him down next to the tools, planning to use him as a temporary blowtorch until her powers started working again. "Where's the main damage on the ship at? Because if we fix that stuff first, I think we can survive with the minor casualties until we reach land." Addison asked Kit turning around to look at him.

(@BishopOfKings )
Yuuki Kuran] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
Vanessa hadn't really counted on that maneuver working. "You know, and I can say this, but you should never get behind a horse, Pegasus, centaur, none of those." She lifted her left rear leg and kicked backward into Katie's stomach. Carly was literally jumping out of her skin. "Oh, Gods. Please don't hurt each other."
When Vanessa kicks her in the stomach she conducts half of herself into the sword and the other half of herself inside Vanessa. Electrocuting her slightly since only half entered her body. Katie exits the sword and uses some of the electricity stored in it to complete herself again. She raises her sword making clouds in the sky go dark and the winds go crazy. So if Vanessa were to fire an arrow it wouldn't be easy. Moving through these harsh winds wouldn't be easy either unless you can use them like Katie. Lightning bolts dropped from the sky and hit her sword and body. Charging her.
StarrySkyofLostSouls said:
Olivia blinks for a moment as she takes in that question. "You mean a prophecy? No, that's a completely different stone. Prophecies are much more complicated and difficult... And we don't dream of them... We see into their dreams... We can slip into anyone's dream unless they are protected by a dream stone made by one of us. Dream stones are quite useful... Help keep pesky intruders if you ask me..." She said before realizing she gave one to someone who was away now and flushed a bit before pulling up her hood to hide her slightly reddened cheeks, hopping she wouldn't notice.
She does have a speed other than 'slowly', Ayslinn thought, the corners of her mouth curving up in an amused grin. Judging by Olivia's reaction, the mention of the dream stone brought up a memory or thought the girl found embarrassing. Most likely the gifting of one to a crush, Ayslinn assumed. She was hardly an expert on people, but it could be said she knew people better than she knew herself. The Hypnos girl looked quite teasable at the moment, but she didn't think it was a great idea to tease the only person to talk with her without nearly bowling her over first. Giving the other girla moment to recover and for her face to return to its normal shade, she walked along silently beside her. Curiosity eventually got the better of her, and she asked another question. "So you see into dreams, right? How'd you see into mine? Was it just luck, or chance, rather. Whatever you want to call it." She figured Olivia would be thankful for the slight shift in subject anyways.

((@StarrySkyofLostSouls ))
At first, Vanessa tried to dodge the attack, but she then felt a surge of electricity go through her that hurt enough to make her lose her balance and fall to the ground. It was practically the equivalent of getting tazed. It knocked her to the ground and caused her to go into convulsions. Carly screamed, not having seen this much power in anyone. "NO! PLEASE STOP IT!" She gripped her hair, crying. Vanessa struggled to get back up, not willing to give up. As soon as she was on her feet, Vanessa struggled with her weapon in the high winds. Carly could see a complete contrast to her friend's cockiness from earlier. "Vanessa! Are you okay?!" Vanessa nodded. "I'm alright. She didn't hurt me."
[QUOTE="Yuuki Kuran]At first, Vanessa tried to dodge the attack, but she then felt a surge of electricity go through her that hurt enough to make her lose her balance and fall to the ground. It was practically the equivalent of getting tazed. It knocked her to the ground and caused her to go into convulsions. Carly screamed, not having seen this much power in anyone. "NO! PLEASE STOP IT!" She gripped her hair, crying. Vanessa struggled to get back up, not willing to give up. As soon as she was on her feet, Vanessa struggled with her weapon in the high winds. Carly could see a complete contrast to her friend's cockiness from earlier. "Vanessa! Are you okay?!" Vanessa nodded. "I'm alright. She didn't hurt me."

"Pretty tough.. I like that. I barely got outta there in time. I almost took the full blow of that attack." Katie rubs her stomach. She did get hit but just as she said, she got away in time. Katie raised he sword once more and had lightning bolts hit it. When they faded her sword was gone. "You do know. This wind is strong enough to blow up heavy things." Lightning bolts hit the ground this time and where they hit shredded material from her sword lay in piles. The wind started to move in a large vortex movement around them. Kicking up the sword fragments and having it fly all around the place. Katie ran straight into it and conducted herself into the fragments. Each and every one of them like lightning connect the dots. They continued to move through the vortex making it look like a beautiful mini tornado make of electricity and sharp sword fragments. It started to slowly grow smaller around Vanessa.
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Synaria said:
She does have a speed other than 'slowly', Ayslinn thought, the corners of her mouth curving up in an amused grin. Judging by Olivia's reaction, the mention of the dream stone brought up a memory or thought the girl found embarrassing. Most likely the gifting of one to a crush, Ayslinn assumed. She was hardly an expert on people, but it could be said she knew people better than she knew herself. The Hypnos girl looked quite teasable at the moment, but she didn't think it was a great idea to tease the only person to talk with her without nearly bowling her over first. Giving the other girla moment to recover and for her face to return to its normal shade, she walked along silently beside her. Curiosity eventually got the better of her, and she asked another question. "So you see into dreams, right? How'd you see into mine? Was it just luck, or chance, rather. Whatever you want to call it." She figured Olivia would be thankful for the slight shift in subject anyways.
((@StarrySkyofLostSouls ))
Olivia eventually is no longer red in her cheeks as she looks at Asylinn. "I think my dad linked my dreams to yours... Which is why I knew you were coming..." She said as she shrugged while walking with her.

Jasmine smiled as the other girl walked away and decided to go for some exercise. She ran in very short bursts and seemed to vanish when she moved. Pretty soon she found herself in the arena starting at all of the surroundings. "I wonder." She muttered before a blade of silver light formed on her hand. She dashed at a target made of straw and burlap. She gave a swipe as she passed and sliced the target in half. "Seems I've still got it. Too bad I'm sick in the worst of both worlds. Too vampiric for my fellow campers and too human for my fellow vampires." Jasmine said with a sigh.

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"Well, you can give your dad my thanks then." She gave a friendly smile. "You're help in getting a grasp on all this really appreciated." Despite still not knowing exactly what she was doing here and literally having only spoken to two people during her time here, she felt significantly more comfortable than when she'd first arrived and it was thanks to Olivia. "Are then any rules I've gotta watch for? I'd hate to get into trouble without at least knowing about it first." Her tone was playful, hinting at possible mischief down the roadshould she become too bored.

((@StarrySkyofLostSouls ))
Vanessa was too weak to fight anymore. That surge of electricity coursing through her body had done some damage. "I've had enough. If you want me to be honest, that power could have been enough to kill me or anyone else." She was holding her heart. "You have to be careful with something like that."
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Synaria said:
"Well, you can give your dad my thanks then." She gave a friendly smile. "You're help in getting a grasp on all this really appreciated." Despite still not knowing exactly what she was doing here and literally having only spoken to two people during her time here, she felt significantly more comfortable than when she'd first arrived and it was thanks to Olivia. "Are then any rules I've gotta watch for? I'd hate to get into trouble without at least knowing about it first." Her tone was playful, hinting at possible mischief down the roadshould she become too bored.
((@StarrySkyofLostSouls ))
Olivia smiles a bit. "I think that's for Chiron to explain.." She said as she headed towards the big house to find the centaur man. She led Asylinn towards the large house and stopped before a mighty horse man. "Chiron!"
[QUOTE="Yuuki Kuran]Vanessa was too weak to fight anymore. That surge of electricity coursing through her body had done some damage. "I've had enough. If you want me to be honest, that power could have been enough to kill me or anyone else." She was holding her heart. "You have to be carefuk with something like that."

The winds started to die down as Katie flew out the tornado. The clouds started to fade away. Her sword started to piece itself back together. "Yeah, I gotta admit. That kick of yours can split somebodies head open." She walked over to Vanessa and touched her. Taking electricity still inside of her back. "Yeah I apologize about going too far. We were trained to kill not hold back. I am the fifth best out of 24 killing machines after all. You did pretty good. Only person who's lasted so long against me were my higher ups." Katie makes sure not to mention exactly who trained them to Vanessa though.

Alexandra looks over to Carly. "Now, do you think you'll be able to harness your power like that one day?"
TechEwok said:
"Bah, I could never navigate this blasted place. Here, hold on to this and I'll be able to find ya." Vahlen said, stepping forward to Isobel. His palm hovered over her wrist, obsidian glass leaving his skin like as if water. The fragments climbed over another and wrapped around her wrist in a jet black bracelet in an infinity design. Vahlen clenched his hand and winced. He gave the girl a part of himself, losing some strength in his left hand.
"Now, please don't lose that. Or give that to some crazy person you find in the woods. I'd hate having tah chase that thing around." he says, pointing at the glittering bracelet. Vahlen bowed and smiled, "I'll be back shortly." Instant he said that, he shattered into billions of fragments and they burrowed into the ground.

He resurfaced past the pavilion and nearby where the folks were grabbing there food. He materialized back into his form and when he did, a few kids gasped. Vahlen gasped louder in response and flicked sand at them after sticking his tongue out at them. They scattered and Vahlen walked around to find a plate. He dished a few children running around and grabbed a plate from a random table. He saw a guy that was going to grab a pie and slapped him on the head with the plate before gliding away with it on sand as fast as he could to avoid the fist coming after him. He plucked some fruit and succulent meats from some boys plate and then a pastry from another plate. He surfed on the small amount of sand as he rummaged food from others plates and getting jeered at. A few insults came his way but Vahlen had a full plate and a jar of whatever juice a group of kids were getting silly over.

He sealed the contents in a box of glass and thickened the glass before holding it behind him and burrowing out at the pavilion. A hole was left in his wake, that was slowly being filled by different types of silicates. Vahlen couldn't absorb the food so, he had to do it the hard way. He spent some time burrowing and refilling the hole as he went.
Isobel's eyes widened in surprise and held the pieces close to her, cradling it like it was some precious artifact. She wouldn't let him down because... Well she considered him a friend and friends didn't let each other down. She stayed where she was and formed a dome around herself to hide herself in case someone tried to find her that wasn't Vahlen.

"Thank you. My attitude could get me killed one day. I know that and Chiron told me to stop and think about it before speaking." She smiled and shook Katie's hand. "I look forward to your progress." She sighed. "Yes, I refer to my father by his name at times. Honestly, who doesn't around here?" She smirks.

Carly, who was still crying, hugged Alexandra. "I'm not sure. That was probably the scariest thing I've ever seen." She ran at Vanessa, wrapping her arms around the other's torso. "That scared me! Are you hurt?"

"I'll live." Vanessa slowly pried Carly from her body.
[QUOTE="Yuuki Kuran]"Thank you. My attitude could get me killed one day. I know that and Chiron told me to stop and think about it before speaking." She smiled and shook Katie's hand. "I look forward to your progress." She sighed. "Yes, I refer to my father by his name at times. Honestly, who doesn't around here?" She smirks.
Carly, who was still crying, hugged Alexandra. "I'm not sure. That was probably the scariest thing I've ever seen." She ran at Vanessa, wrapping her arms around the other's torso. "That scared me! Are you hurt?"

"I'll live." Vanessa slowly pried Carly from her body.

Alexandra caught up to Carly. "Yeah, a lot of things are scary." She put a hand on Carly's shoulder. Katie started to think for a minute. "Hey Alpha if she's so afraid why don't we have Courtney teach her? She's the most gentle out of us all. She's probably tending to her monsters and birds right now."

Sebastian was intrigued by Lia's response but nodded, "Not many people care what type of weird people are, hey only look and care for the normal." Sebastian wove shadows between his fingers and they began to swirl in his hands forming a pitch black orb as he spoke.


Jason didn't even look back as he spoke, "Not angry, the anger left a long time ago." Jason went into the bathroom and grabbed his towel. And spun around going right back out of the bathroom and to his room he knelt next to Helena and gently wiped her face. "Stay still, I don't want to hurt you anymore than I have."


Antonius sighed he wondered how this girl could be so pretty even in her sleep, he flopped down onto the floor and sat cross-legged a small smile spreading across his face, "I won't leave you, I'll be right here when you wake up." Antonius heard Jason and Allie talking in the hall and was again worried about Jason but decided against going after him due to the way he's been feeling. He returned his attention to Tania and gently placed a soft hand on her forehead.


Soleil turned a little red when he snatched her hand back up and deepened in color again when he called her gorgeous her temperature rising and a massive pillar of flame shooting up from the previously unlit campfire. Needles to say it burned well now. She tightened her grip on his hand in a weak attempt to be menacing, "Don't say things you don't mean it only gets people hurt." Soleil looked away a saddened expression taking the place of the flustered look she had had.


Donovan hovered throughout camp on a small gust of wind exploring his new surroundings, he had already encountered some of his "Sisters" with mixed responses, some gave him hugs and a warm welcome, others.....not so much. He had to fly away from a hunter who had apparently joined after his leave and tried to kill him for hugging her sister. He he landed in the woods and was now looping back around drifting by the amphitheater looking at the structures design and modest decoration and found himself liking it, he was always one for the simple enjoyable things in life.

@TechEwok (Dunno where Karan is now so I did my best if anything he'll drift in her direction eventually.)


Titania was in the thickest section of the woods cleaning her arm off after bisecting that annoying hellhound, she was only slightly amused but still turned for that addicting buzz she got after a good fight and vicious kill. Needless to say she appreciated the fact that these woods were stocked with monsters and although it wasn't as challenging as Tartarus she had managed to calm her bloodlust enough that she wouldn't go on a rampage. She turned licked the last of the blood off her arm and decided to equip a weapon not wanting to have to clean herself off again. Flicking her left forearm she focused on recreating he preferred cleaver her biomass ejecting the necessary components and forming the blade quickly she soon held the gator skin handle in her left hand wiping away the blood trickling down her arm.

@anyone brave enough (sword:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.40bfd553f2d52e3828414e188bd62dc0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41591" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.40bfd553f2d52e3828414e188bd62dc0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>)


Valencia sat quietly by the lake concentrating on the task of tuning her violin paying close attention to the sound and tension of the strings she played intermittently as she tuned making sure everything was up to her standards she began to play the notes carrying over the water and into camp she saw the water nymphs gather at the bank in front of her bench and listen with an enchanted look on their faces she continued, making the melody sweet and slow.



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@TechEwok[/URL] (Dunno where Karan is now so I did my best if anything he'll drift in her direction eventually.)


Titania was in the thickest section of the woods cleaning her arm off after bisecting that annoying hellhound, she was only slightly amused but still turned for that addicting buzz she got after a good fight and vicious kill. Needless to say she appreciated the fact that these woods were stocked with monsters and although it wasn't as challenging as Tartarus she had managed to calm her bloodlust enough that she wouldn't go on a rampage. She turned licked the last of the blood off her arm and decided to equip a weapon not wanting to have to clean herself off again. Flicking her left forearm she focused on recreating he preferred cleaver her biomass ejecting the necessary components and forming the blade quickly she soon held the gator skin handle in her left hand wiping away the blood trickling down her arm.

@anyone brave enough (sword:View attachment 100173)


Valencia sat quietly by the lake concentrating on the task of tuning her violin paying close attention to the sound and tension of the strings she played intermittently as she tuned making sure everything was up to her standards she began to play the notes carrying over the water and into camp she saw the water nymphs gather at the bank in front of her bench and listen with an enchanted look on their faces she continued, making the melody sweet and slow.
Courtney was sitting behind Valencia. Listening to her sweet melody. The birds perched on her shoulders and head. She subconsciously started to hum to it.
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Sebastian
Sebastian was intrigued by Lia's response but nodded, "Not many people care what type of weird people are, hey only look and care for the normal." Sebastian wove shadows between his fingers and they began to swirl in his hands forming a pitch black orb as he spoke.


Donovan hovered throughout camp on a small gust of wind exploring his new surroundings, he had already encountered some of his "Sisters" with mixed responses, some gave him hugs and a warm welcome, others.....not so much. He had to fly away from a hunter who had apparently joined after his leave and tried to kill him for hugging her sister. He he landed in the woods and was now looping back around drifting by the amphitheater looking at the structures design and modest decoration and found himself liking it, he was always one for the simple enjoyable things in life.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira)


Evelyn currently reading in the forest, is in the most northern part of the forest, away from Isobel, currently on her own, sitting up in the highest sittable branch there is.

TechEwok said:
After a long a tedious adventure, Vahlen burst an opening where he felt the presence of his essence. The hole showered out with dirt and sand, followed by a tall, slender Vahlen shaking his head to clear the mess from his hair. He still held the glass box with the meal for both Isobel and himself. He made a table out of the glass box, the outer walls melting down the sides and extending to create a base. Vahlen closed the tunnel exit and looked around, confused. He felt his essence right here, surely she was here.... unless she gave it to a...
"OY! Person whose gone bonkers! I know ya gots my bracelet! Give it her' or I'll wreck ya with me axes! Don't ya makes me search for ya. It's not nice stealing shiny things from pretty lasses!" he shouted, the adamantine shards growing from his palms forming into his axes. "COME OUT YA BASTARD!"

Vahlen cursed up a storm and began chucking his axes at the direction where he felt his essence. A rush of sand poured from the ground and two streams grabbed the axes at their hilts. The streams slammed the axes into the ground, shattering Vahlen's adamantine axes into shards. Vahlen jumped up and pointed, "AHA! I FOUND YA! YA THOUGHT YA HAD---", a large voluminous mound of sand smashed against Vahlen's torso with extreme force. The blow obliterated any defenses he had, severing his upper body from his lower body. He hit a nearby tree and sank into the tree's trunk, his lower body breaking into obsidian shards. Vahlen began to bleed out his mouth and his left side was shattered, leaving him with a right arm to wipe off his blood. He grunted and tried to adjust himself. The sand rushed to him in a wave, taking all the fragments and pieces of him with it. A message formed in the tidal wave of sand. HOW DARE YOU TRY TO INJURE THAT POOR GIRL!! FOOL!

Vahlen was confused and disoriented. The sand enveloped him and settled around him, his head poking out of the mound. He grunted and sighed painfully as he felt the pieces reattaching themselves inside the sand. He couldn't think of why she would have hit him that hard. No one was even here. He only saw the table and the food, grassy meadow, and trees surrounding it. Then he thought of it all. He never asked her about her powers... what if she was invisible or something and he could've killed her with the axes. His face went dark and stared at the sand in front of him. He let out a sigh and looked out, straining his eyes to locate where his essence called to him.

Isobel gasps as she drops her shield which had been hit by The fragments of one of the shattered axes. She looked up in surprise at the axe as her shield vanished. "W...hat?" she said in confused while looking startled, she was currently kneeling down against a tree, where he had left her to go get them some food, the tree wasn't as tall as the others by had large always interlacing branches while the bark appeared to shimmer like silver, she was holding the bracelet carefully.

"Vahlen... Just what happened?" she said while tilting her head a bit, a bit worried about what had just happened since she was able to see outside of her shield but no one could see in unless she dropped the shields, there was also the minor fact that she hadn't been 100% there at the moment since her mind was always wandering to different new things and ideas when she was alone. She had finally returned to 100% when she had seen Vahlen's body go flying and crash into one of the many trees in the clearing they were in. She looked a bit worried when she noticed that Vahlen wasn't getting and got up carefully before slowly making her way over to see why he wasn't getting up only to find out he passed out. She sighed softly and shook her head as she yawned, waving her hand to make a barrier around them and then settled down against a tree closer to Vahlen so the barrier wasn't too large that it would drain too much of her energy as she slept.

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"Charming kid." Erik said as he walked up next to McKenzie "so he's technically like my distant cousin, right?" He shook off the question "never mind. Anyways... You used you luck to make it a draw? Why not make it a win?" He asked as he stepped In front of her "Or was my little bit of luck to much for you to tip the scales that much."

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira




"Just get in the stupid bed..." Max said sleepily "it's fine... Just *yawn* don't get to snuggly." He said as he was carted off to sleep.

Max opened his eyes and shivered. He looked around and noticed he was standing on a Mountain summit with a cave at his back. The place brought back painful memories of a first date... A first kiss... And a three week cold. He shook off the thought and turned around and looked at the cave behind him. He heard voices coming from deep within the cave and he felt drawn to them, and before he knew it he was walking towards the cave. When he reached the area the voices were coming from Mac gasped. The cave opened up into s grand cavern that must have been magically created due to them being so high up. Then he focused on the voices. "It seems the wind God has put the demigods back on our tail." The giant looking dude said as he turned toward the cave entrance. He was quite large and had bearish features. "Easy there Agrius, let's not get worked up." Spoke a female voice from across the cavern "I know you miss your brother but the Titans needed his help elsewhere." Max's heart stopped as she came into view. The long flowing blonde hair, the ice blue eyes, the calming and beautiful voice. Max wanted to scream. She couldn't be alive... He'd watched her get turned to dust... Unless. "But right now I need you here to help me guard this fruit." She held up the pomegranate "The Titans would like to see if they could use it for there... Whatever they call it." She said acting like a stereotypical blonde "But they brought us out of Tartarus for a reason, so we better not waist our time." She set the pomegranate down on a pedestal and sat down in an ice thrown surrounded by gems, gold, and weapons. God she looked like a queen. Max's eyes widened at the thought. The Half-siren still had some affect on him... This was bad. He looked back at the girl as she pulled a goblet out from the treasure pile. "Until then we wait... Is that understood?" The giant, Agrius, knelt down. "Understood... Mistress Samantha." Then the floor cracked open and Max fell into darkness.

Max sat up, but not in bed. He awoke in his usual dream, A large field filled with various exotic flowers. Max gave a sigh of relief as he fell backwards into the flower patch. He usually went to this space after his nightmare so he could think about the dream... But this time he understood the dream. A siren named Sam had taken the pomegranate... And she just happened to be his ex-girlfriend.


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BishopOfKings said:
"Charming kid." Erik said as he walked up next to McKenzie "so he's technically like my distant cousin, right?" He shook off the question "never mind. Anyways... You used you luck to make it a draw? Why not make it a win?" He asked as he stepped In front of her "Or was my little bit of luck to much for you to tip the scales that much."

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira


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