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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

[QUOTE="Yuuki Kuran]Carly was in a sweaty, mortified heap as these threatening messages kept coming to her. "Carly!" Vanessa got down next to her friend. "Carly, what are you doing out here?" She cradled the demigod's head in her hand. Carly smiled weakly at Vanessa. "Sorry, Vannie. I just got scared. Y-You can't go on this quest." She begged quietly. "It wasn't just me that did this. It was Erebus. I know it. He is...he said he's going to kill you and Robin if you try and kill the Nemean lion." Vanessa narrowed her eyes.

Katie looks at Alexandra whom just got up. They might come in handy if they do need to kill that Nemean lion and not risk any personal casualties. It was their job anyways.

Alexandra stepped forward. "Excuse me. How did you get this message?"
Carly gaped at Alexandra, mortified. She jumped to her feet, completely energized. "M-My father doesn't t-tell me things like that, Alexandra." She knew that Erebus had something to do with this uprising. "He's also angry at Zeus. You know that."
Isobel blinked as she felt the crater and nearly stumbled over a root as her focus had been diverted. She would have fallen had Vahlen being the gentlemen he was, caught her and steadied her before quickly withdrawing from her. Isobel said nothing at the way he was acting but did nod her head. "Thank you... I have no idea why someone would feel the need to make a crater in the middle of a forest... I'd rather not find out since it would probably draw some attention..." She said while continuing to walk with him towards the main camp area.

StarrySkyofLostSouls said:
Olivia looking at her. "I know... I saw you." she said while walking with her, stopping in front of the Big House. "This is the Big House, this is were Chiron and... Mr. D stay... The infirmary is here too in case people are sick or hurt." she mumbled while walking with her and moving away from the big house and heading away towards the many cabins that were in a large circle.
"You saw me? Oh, well, I guess that actually makes sense. If I see people, obviously you could as well." She said matter-of-factly. Gods of sleep and dream would obviously gift their children with such things, or have the possibility anyways. She gave a nod as Olivia pointed to the largest building in the camp. She'd seen it during her wanderings of the camp and the boy from before had indicated that was where Chiron was. While she didn't find it overly impressive, it was a sort of landmark to her in the camp. It helped her place where the rest of things were, even if only vaguely. "So these cabins, they're divided among the children of gods, right?" She took a guess based on her dreams, combined with the conversation so far. "Which ones Hypnos?" She asked, taking a look at each cabin as they neared.

((@StarrySkyofLostSouls ))
[QUOTE="Yuuki Kuran]Carly gaped at Alexandra, mortified. She jumped to her feet, completely energized. "M-My father doesn't t-tell me things like that, Alexandra." She knew that Erebus had something to do with this uprising. "He's also angry at Zeus. You know that."

"Yes.. I do know this." Alexandra looks at Katie. "Get Beta and Gamma. Now!" Alexandra turns back to Carly. "Do you mind if we went after the lion in your friends place?"

"A draw. Ha! Good one." He said with a grin "but I've got an ace up my sleeve" he snapped with him other hand hoping for the card he was gold would explode, but it only fizzled "Gods Damn you and your luck." He said smiling as he dropped the smoking card. "Very well... It's a draw." He laughed a little again at the probably unintentional pun. "So... Was the fight worth your interest?"he asked putting a hand on his hip.




"I meant on my own accord..." Auron said as he sighed "and you don't need to leave, cause I need to go talk to someone anyways." He pulled the pixie off his shoulder and placed it in Bridget's hand before turning to leave. He looked over his shoulder. "It's... Bridget right?... Maybe tomorrow we could talk again." He said as he thought about the prophecy Octavian had given him. He turned and started off towards the Hephaestus cabin. Maybe few seconds a later he opened the door and scared a few 8 years old kids playing with screws in the corner. Auron made his way over towards the staircase which led down to the forge. He took a deep breath and walked down the stairs. After walking through the forge getting about a million hate filled stares, Auron finally found Jonathan. "Hey." Auron said as he approach his friend. "Listen... Is it still possible for me to go with to get rid of this Lion still." Auron pulled a ball of molten metal out of the forge and started messing with it. "I don't want this trip to be pointless.





"Got it" he said as he followed after Addison." He looked around at the ship. "We're gonna be up all night fixing this aren't we." He said already regretting his decision to help.




"I'll be sure to let them know." He said chuckling a bit. "Hey... I should probably get you to your cabin," he smiled a bit as he shifted to his knees. "It's probably well cooked in there... Can you stand?"


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Carly wanted to say yes. She wanted to let Robin, Vanessa and the others go and see the world, but the other part of her was being selfish and wanted her love and her best friend to be safe. "I can't answer that. I want my friends to go on this quest, because that's their assignment, but I also don't want them hurt."
Helena was about to protest when suddenly Jason snapped her nose back into place. Pain shot up to her forehead and it took effort to not cry out from the pain. "OW MY FACE! A little warning next time-" she shouted as he left with his ex in tow. She sat on his floor, her hand over her nose, then she sighed and stood up, sitting on Jason's bed and pinching the bridge of her nose. "... I hope Jason hurries up with those tissues or whatever...."

Alec looked at Max and began to fiddle with couch, pulling out all the cushions, but alas, no couch bed to be found. So he looked up at Max, then back at the floor, then back at Max, "you're um... You're sure You're okay with me sleeping in the same bed as you, cause I mean I don't want you to be uncomfortable or anything," Alec stammered as he sat on the bed opposite Max, uneasily running his hands over the sheets.

@BishopOfKings @Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Synaria said:
"You saw me? Oh, well, I guess that actually makes sense. If I see people, obviously you could as well." She said matter-of-factly. Gods of sleep and dream would obviously gift their children with such things, or have the possibility anyways. She gave a nod as Olivia pointed to the largest building in the camp. She'd seen it during her wanderings of the camp and the boy from before had indicated that was where Chiron was. While she didn't find it overly impressive, it was a sort of landmark to her in the camp. It helped her place where the rest of things were, even if only vaguely. "So these cabins, they're divided among the children of gods, right?" She took a guess based on her dreams, combined with the conversation so far. "Which ones Hypnos?" She asked, taking a look at each cabin as they neared.

Jonathan blocked off what he was currently cooling and looked at Auron. "Nope you're going to build a team and take care of a drakon in Pennsylvania." He said with a smile. He took his work out and slipped it over his neck and tucked it into his shirt. "You'll be fine bro. You've got this. The Greeks are like us just not organized."
[QUOTE="Yuuki Kuran]Carly wanted to say yes. She wanted to let Robin, Vanessa and the others go and see the world, but the other part of her was being selfish and wanted her love and her best friend to be safe. "I can't answer that. I want my friends to go on this quest, because that's their assignment, but I also don't want them hurt."

"Alright. Whatever decision you make sure to let me know." Alexandra nods. "Do you need assistance with anything right now? Do you still need training practice?" Alexandra looks at Vanessa and smirks. Shes going to hold that over her head.
"Well, that's just it." Carly spoke up. "It's not my decision. I can't hold Robin or Vanessa back. They're both physically stronger than me and I can't completely control my power." She shrugged. Vanessa narrowed her eyes at Alexandra. "You're really going to try and face off with me? I've been at camp too long not to put up a good fight."
[QUOTE="Yuuki Kuran]"Well, that's just it." Carly spoke up. "It's not my decision. I can't hold Robin or Vanessa back. They're both physically stronger than me and I can't completely control my power." She shrugged. Vanessa narrowed her eyes at Alexandra. "You're really going to try and face off with me? I've been at camp too long not to put up a good fight."

"Well I would like to see all the skills of the people going on this quest. I do believe you're a fighter. I just want solid proof. " Alexandra folded her arms over her chest.

Katie came back over to them. "I couldn't find them. What's the situation here?" Katie looked slightly confused. She looked inbetween Carly and Alexandra.

"I can help you with the control of your powers Carly. So as far as the fighting goes Katie over here can handle it." Alexandra pointed back at Katie.
"You'd do that for a girl you just met?" Carly launched herself at Katie and Alexandra in turn. "Thank you so much! Maybe my head will stop hurting as soon as we start!" Carly couldn't believe her luck. Within that week, she had conquered the lake, and now she would be a better fighter! Vanessa chuckled softly. "Right. Well, we have a few more hours of daylight." She teased. "Let's get started."

(Not gonna lie, the Mulan song is in my head as I write this)
[QUOTE="Yuuki Kuran]"You'd do that for a girl you just met?" Carly launched herself at Katie and Alexandra in turn. "Thank you so much! Maybe my head will stop hurting as soon as we start!" Carly couldn't believe her luck. Within that week, she had conquered the lake, and now she would be a better fighter! Vanessa chuckled softly. "Right. Well, we have a few more hours of daylight." She teased. "Let's get started."
(Not gonna lie, the Mulan song is in my head as I write this)

Alexandra and Katie started walking towards the training area. "Yo, Vanessa wanna demonstrate a good fight for Carly?" She looked over he shoulder and smiled, thus putting a hand on her sword.

Alexandra rolled her eyes and looked back at Carly. "It is a good idea."
StarrySkyofLostSouls said:
Olivia starts walking with her and naming off all the gods and goddesses' cabins as they walked passed them, eventually stopping in front of a dark looking cabin that had a moon and a few stars on the sides. "This is the Hypnos Cabin... I quite like it... Simple yet calming... Not like some of the other cabins that are crazy and hectic... Like Hermes, Aphrodite and Hephaestus.." She said while yawning.
Ayslinn nodded in agreement to Olivia's words. She had to agree. While some of the cabins were impressive, others seemed to try too hard to impress and simply looked gaudy, if anything. The Hypnos cabin on the other hand, had a simple beauty about it, though she had to wonder if it was designed that way on purpose, or if the builders had simply fallen asleep while making it and decided it was good enough. She grinned at the thought, amused at her own musings. She also noted the discrepancies between the number of occupants of each cabin. The Hypnos cabin didn't seem particularly full and thus offered a quieter atmosphere than the loud, and at times, down right obnoxious, Hermes cabin. "So, what's next?" She queried, resuming her walk with Olivia to the other prominent areas of the camp. "You said you've only been here a few weeks yourself, right? What's it been like? Other than sleeping, do you do much around here?" She was curious what a typical day at camp entailed. Though Olivia might not be the best one to ask, currently, she was the only one to ask.

((@StarrySkyofLostSouls ))
Carly nodded. "I'll be waiting on the sidelines." She ran over to the edge, awaiting her turn. Vanessa tapped her chin. "Do you want me to do this on two legs or four?" If they said 'two', Vanessa would remain limping, but on four legs, she's at her top strength.
[QUOTE="Yuuki Kuran]Carly nodded. "I'll be waiting on the sidelines." She ran over to the edge, awaiting her turn. Vanessa tapped her chin. "Do you want me to do this on two legs or four?" If they said 'two', Vanessa would remain limping, but on four legs, she's at her top strength.

Katie thought for a minute. "Lets do four." She put her hand on her hip and cracked her favorite grin. Alexandra sighed and face palmed. "Carly, never make reckless decisions like Katie over there."
Synaria said:
Ayslinn nodded in agreement to Olivia's words. She had to agree. While some of the cabins were impressive, others seemed to try too hard to impress and simply looked gaudy, if anything. The Hypnos cabin on the other hand, had a simple beauty about it, though she had to wonder if it was designed that way on purpose, or if the builders had simply fallen asleep while making it and decided it was good enough. She grinned at the thought, amused at her own musings. She also noted the discrepancies between the number of occupants of each cabin. The Hypnos cabin didn't seem particularly full and thus offered a quieter atmosphere than the loud, and at times, down right obnoxious, Hermes cabin. "So, what's next?" She queried, resuming her walk with Olivia to the other prominent areas of the camp. "You said you've only been here a few weeks yourself, right? What's it been like? Other than sleeping, do you do much around here?" She was curious what a typical day at camp entailed. Though Olivia might not be the best one to ask, currently, she was the only one to ask.
((@StarrySkyofLostSouls ))
Olivia yawned. "Well.. A daily routine is be up before 9am for breakfast... Training after that... Lunch at 12... On special occasions we hold tournaments or events for each cabin to participate in... Like chariot racing, capture the flag and the race to the top of the obstacle tower... Then dinner and campfires at 8... Or whener the sun starts to set..." She said as she yawned again and started walking with her once more.

(@Synaria, night!)
Vanessa smirked. "Feeling bold, aren't we, my dear girl?" She bowed, teasing Katie. "Indeed, Charlotte, what Katherine is doing is probably the worst decision of her life. Let's hope it isn't a fatal one." Vanessa took the belt off of her waist and appeared before them in her centaur form. She took her charm bracelet off and handed that and the belt to Carly. Her hooves stirred up the dirt as she took a staff from the armory. "Or, perhaps I should just use my bare hands. You seem to be at a disadvantage, Daughter of Zeus."
[QUOTE="Yuuki Kuran]Vanessa smirked. "Feeling bold, aren't we, my dear girl?" She bowed, teasing Katie. "Indeed, Charlotte, what Katherine is doing is probably the worst decision of her life. Let's hope it isn't a fatal one." Vanessa took the belt off of her waist and appeared before them in her centaur form. She took her charm bracelet off and handed that and the belt to Carly. Her hooves stirred up the dirt as she took a staff from the armory. "Or, perhaps I should just use my bare hands. You seem to be at a disadvantage, Daughter of Zeus."

"Nah, keep your bow. I don't want you complaining about how you didn't have a fair chance after the fights over." Katie gets in running position, getting ready for Vanessa to take out her bow. "Whenever you're ready."
Vanessa takes the bow back and readies an arrow. "Are you wanting me to shoot you? Well, at least you have armor on, right? Or did you not learn that your armor is your best defense?" Pulling her string back to her temple, Vanessa sneered at the demigod before her.
[QUOTE="Yuuki Kuran]Vanessa takes the bow back and readies an arrow. "Are you wanting me to shoot you? Well, at least you have armor on, right? Or did you not learn that your armor is your best defense?" Pulling her string back to her temple, Vanessa sneered at the demigod before her.

Katie rushed at her with the winds blessing her. She threw her sword past Vanessa and reached out for it again. Her entire body flowed to the sword in the form of a lightning bolt and traveled just as fast as one would. She took her human form holding the sword in the air. Ready to strike at Vanessa's back. In about five seconds she managed to get behind Vanessa.
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