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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

StarrySkyofLostSouls said:
Olivia yawned. "Well.. A daily routine is be up before 9am for breakfast... Training after that... Lunch at 12... On special occasions we hold tournaments or events for each cabin to participate in... Like chariot racing, capture the flag and the race to the top of the obstacle tower... Then dinner and campfires at 8... Or whener the sun starts to set..." She said as she yawned again and started walking with her once more.
(@Synaria, night!)
Matching the pace of Olivia, Ayslinn considered the over all schedule of the place. Nine o' clock was several hours later than she typically got up so she'd need to find a solo activity for herself to do at least until the rest of the camp rose. She figured reading would take up the majority of her time, given how interesting the dusty old tome Olivia was previously reading looked. The camp seemed to be quite relaxed overall with plenty of freedom, which, while not exactly what she'd originally figured, she was thankful for. Given the camp's inhabitants, she could only imagine the chaotic nature that these activities must involve. Ayslinn remained relatively silent. She could have asked what it was all like, but there was no substitute for actual experience. with a guide giving hee a tour, the locations stuck in her mind much easier. Having something to relate to different areas always helped her visualize the layout of a place, and unless she had either a map our a strong visualization, she was mute than likely to wander list no matter where she was trying to go. Her sense of direction was terrible. "After the brief silence she decided to ask another question of the child of Hypnos. Hopefully she wasn't being too agitating. "Do you have dreams of all the kids who come into camp? Like a property or something?"

((@StarrySkyofLostSouls ))
Synaria said:
Matching the pace of Olivia, Ayslinn considered the over all schedule of the place. Nine o' clock was several hours later than she typically got up so she'd need to find a solo activity for herself to do at least until the rest of the camp rose. She figured reading would take up the majority of her time, given how interesting the dusty old tome Olivia was previously reading looked. The camp seemed to be quite relaxed overall with plenty of freedom, which, while not exactly what she'd originally figured, she was thankful for. Given the camp's inhabitants, she could only imagine the chaotic nature that these activities must involve. Ayslinn remained relatively silent. She could have asked what it was all like, but there was no substitute for actual experience. with a guide giving hee a tour, the locations stuck in her mind much easier. Having something to relate to different areas always helped her visualize the layout of a place, and unless she had either a map our a strong visualization, she was mute than likely to wander list no matter where she was trying to go. Her sense of direction was terrible. "After the brief silence she decided to ask another question of the child of Hypnos. Hopefully she wasn't being too agitating. "Do you have dreams of all the kids who come into camp? Like a property or something?"
((@StarrySkyofLostSouls ))
Olivia blinks for a moment as she takes in that question. "You mean a prophecy? No, that's a completely different stone. Prophecies are much more complicated and difficult... And we don't dream of them... We see into their dreams... We can slip into anyone's dream unless they are protected by a dream stone made by one of us. Dream stones are quite useful... Help keep pesky intruders if you ask me..." She said before realizing she gave one to someone who was away now and flushed a bit before pulling up her hood to hide her slightly reddened cheeks, hopping she wouldn't notice.

Malaki looked at her and took in a deep breathe. "I'm Malaki. You're a lucky kid too aren't you?" He asked with a curious look before dropping a cornucopia of food onto the ground in front of McKenzie.

McKenzie blinks and smiles a bit. "I am... Why do you think I ended the match in a draw?" She said while looking back towards Erik then at Malaki. "He is a bit lucky himself but distantly." She said while grinning.


Vanessa hadn't really counted on that maneuver working. "You know, and I can say this, but you should never get behind a horse, Pegasus, centaur, none of those." She lifted her left rear leg and kicked backward into Katie's stomach. Carly was literally jumping out of her skin. "Oh, Gods. Please don't hurt each other."
"That's not what I meant." Malaki said as the symbol of Tyche appeared above his head he didn't notice it but if he had it would've scared the hell out of him.
McKenzie watching him. "Then what did you mean if you don't mind me asking?" She said while still crouching in front of him. Lilac standing off to the side before turning to head to the Big House to talk to Chiron. (@Holo)
"You can change luck like I can. You're lucky. Can you fly?" Malaki asked before spreading his wings and giving one flap that sent a gust of air towards McKenzie. He smiled shyly and noticed lilac leaving and his smile turned into a big frown.

Chiron frowned at the news and sighed. "Tell them we found Thomas and that he's safe but they should proceed with caution." Chiron thought trying to convey the emotion of worry as much as he could. He stood on the porch to the big house and looked over the rest of the camp.
Holo said:
"You can change luck like I can. You're lucky. Can you fly?" Malaki asked before spreading his wings and giving one flap that sent a gust of air towards McKenzie. He smiled shyly and noticed lilac leaving and his smile turned into a big frown.
Chiron frowned at the news and sighed. "Tell them we found Thomas and that he's safe but they should proceed with caution." Chiron thought trying to convey the emotion of worry as much as he could. He stood on the porch to the big house and looked over the rest of the camp.
McKenzie raises a brow. "No I cant, that's pretty cool Malaki." She said and smiled as she noticed him look towards Lilac. "Go catch up with her, we can talk later." She said while grinning.

Lilac making her way to the Big House, walking with a slightly limp but pretends to not be bothered by it.
Malaki takes off using his wings and hooks his arms under lilac's and starts carrying her towards the big house. "You're leg must be pretty annoying for you to limp like that." Malaki explained knowing his wings seemed way too big for him but it was also positive that it made them stronger. He gently set lilac down in front of the building before crashing onto the porch. "Still don't got that down yet." He mumbled dusting himself off.

Chiron stared at Malaki in amazement them looked at lilac for a explanation. "Well?"
Holo said:
Malaki takes off using his wings and hooks his arms under lilac's and starts carrying her towards the big house. "You're leg must be pretty annoying for you to limp like that." Malaki explained knowing his wings seemed way too big for him but it was also positive that it made them stronger. He gently set lilac down in front of the building before crashing onto the porch. "Still don't got that down yet." He mumbled dusting himself off.
Chiron stared at Malaki in amazement them looked at lilac for a explanation. "Well?"
Lilac gives a bleah in surprise. "W-whoa!" She said as she stumbled and holds onto her staff so she doesn't fall. "It's fine Kid... And don't do that again. I don't like being off the ground... Not natural.." She said as she helped him up before freezing and looking at Chiron. "Uhm well... He apparently followed me and Jeza while we were on our way here... He's the son of Tyche." She said while looking at Chiron.
Chiron smiled and Malaki noticed the house body and his behind lilac. "Calm down I'm not gonna hurt you. In in charge of the camp." Chiron said to Malaki but the kids was stuck fast to lilac's leg not moving an inch and shaking his head.
Lilac sighs and puts a hand on Malaki's head. "Kid... You can trust him... I trust him, he is a very nice man plus do you see how many kids he has to take care of here? He knows what's he is doing and just wants to help everyone anyway he can..." She said while looking down at him then at Chiron as if to say sorry.
"O-Ok." He said as a small girl came out of the big house and bowed to Chiron before turning to Malaki. "Shall I read your fortune?" She asked and Malaki came out and nodded she pulled out a cats that said "1+1=3" She showed him the picture of the numbers and grinned. She then pulled out more cards rapidly reading the names from then. "The fool, pig pen, horse manure, coward, yellow body." Chiron put a hand over her mouth as Malaki started to slump clearly depressed but he heard the girl yelp once some sunlight hit her hand. It wouldn't kill the girl but damn did it hurt. She put her cards away and pulled her hood over her face more and started heading towards the campfire.

Holo said:
"O-Ok." He said as a small girl came out of the big house and bowed to Chiron before turning to Malaki. "Shall I read your fortune?" She asked and Malaki came out and nodded she pulled out a cats that said "1+1=3" She showed him the picture of the numbers and grinned. She then pulled out more cards rapidly reading the names from then. "The fool, pig pen, horse manure, coward, yellow body." Chiron put a hand over her mouth as Malaki started to slump clearly depressed but he heard the girl yelp once some sunlight hit her hand. It wouldn't kill the girl but damn did it hurt. She put her cards away and pulled her hood over her face more and started heading towards the campfire.
Lilac rolls her eyes at the weird child. "Ignore her, she's always like this. Her fortunes arent worth your time Kid. She's not an oracle so they aren't always true." She said while resting her hand on his head while holding her staff.
Malaki nodded and sighed. "Whys she so mean? And why did she act like the sun hitter her somehow?" Malaki asked lilac as Jasmine sat in front of an aphrodite girl and pulled out a card that she'd made herself. "The flat. You'll be unimpressive as long as you don't wise up and mature." She then dropped the card down the girl's shirt causing the girl to blush and puff up. "Leave!" Jasmine said holding up a card with a house on it.
Lilac sighs and shakes head. "Everyone at this camp is special... More so her because too be honest I don't know how she became what she is when vampires don't exist." She said before looking at Chiron. "So what should I do?"
Chiron turned to lilac and scowled making a gesture to ward away evil. "Her mother is Selene the mother of all vampires and incarnation of the moon itself. Vampires are very real lilac and they are very dangerous. Jasmine was born in this camp and hasn't left it from fear of her own kind since she's only half vampire." Chiron explained.
Holo said:
Chiron turned to lilac and scowled making a gesture to ward away evil. "Her mother is Selene the mother of all vampires and incarnation of the moon itself. Vampires are very real lilac and they are very dangerous. Jasmine was born in this camp and hasn't left it from fear of her own kind since she's only half vampire." Chiron explained.
Lilac rolls her eyes. "If vampires existed how come I haven't seen nor heard about them except by my pap who used them to try and scare me."

She said while crossing her arms, standing in front of Malaki.
Chiron smiled and sighed. "They're tricky creatures and they don't care much for satyr blood the feast on people and monsters. Jasmine is on a all monster diet and her last meal consisted of a hellhound." Jasmine sighed and scowled at a girl showing off her fangs before sitting by the campfire.
Evelyn sitting by the fire, reading, sitting on the same long as Jasmine, completely immersed in her book so paying her no attention.


Lilac rolls her eyes. "Then why didn't Jeza getting attacked?" She said while putting a hand on her hip.
"I said they were tricky. Most are aware of their condition and find monsters to feast on instead. They don't typically attack people often. Anthony knows quite a few of them." Malaki listened looking back and forth.

Jasmine dropped a card onto Evelyn's book. "The tower. Beware of tragedy in the night. The elder. You are wise and will make the right choices." She said dropping another onto the book and smiling.
Holo said:
"I said they were tricky. Most are aware of their condition and find monsters to feast on instead. They don't typically attack people often. Anthony knows quite a few of them." Malaki listened looking back and forth.
Jasmine dropped a card onto Evelyn's book. "The tower. Beware of tragedy in the night. The elder. You are wise and will make the right choices." She said dropping another onto the book and smiling.
Evelyn looks up from her book briefly. "...thanks Jazzy." She said before looking at her book once more, continuing her reading as she changes the colours of the Flames, thinking about what she said.

Lilac sighs and shakes her head. "Alright then.. Also im going to take the Kid and show him around... Since he can't seem to leave my side."
Jasmine smiled and bowed making sure her gloves were on. She then started to pull markers and small cards of paper from her pocket and started making more tarot cards.

"Sounds like a good idea. Have fun and be safe little one." Chiron said waving to Malaki who waved back and walked with lilac.
Holo said:
Jasmine smiled and bowed making sure her gloves were on. She then started to pull markers and small cards of paper from her pocket and started making more tarot cards.
"Sounds like a good idea. Have fun and be safe little one." Chiron said waving to Malaki who waved back and walked with lilac.
Evelyn goes back to reading as she puts Jasmine's cards down beside her since she had given her two cards in her reading that she had done for her. "Here.." she said while pushing them towards her carefully while reading her novel, not looking up from it.

Lilac nods as she starts walking with Malaki. "Come on Kid, let's go. we have lots of ground to cover." she said as she started towards the mess hall first.


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