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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans


Addie fiddled with her hands thoughtfully before speaking, "The mast and rigging are our main objective right now." Because if they didn't get fixed navigating the Argo 3 would be a nearly impossible challenge paired with all the other damage done to the ship. Addison did a little snap with her fingers, like what she had watched the Human Torch do in all those Fantastic Four movies she'd binge watched in her cabin on night, hoping that she could at least muster a small flame. But it didn't work, and all she found herself being rewarded with was her whole arm feeling like it was burning from the inside. Addie shook it off and began picking up tools. "The hole shouldn't be too much of an issue now that we're out of the water, but it still needs to be fixed soon. The air running through it is making us lag. And I still have extra oars from our last repair trip, so that's not an issue; I can do that on my own time." She ran a hand through her hair looking at the two parts of the ship. "You pick one to tackle, and I'll handle the other," "Unless you want to work together on this." Addison added on awkwardly, just now realizing how foreign it was for her to work with others on something that wasn't a competition -and even then she was typically off in her own world.

(@BishopOfKings )


Opal walked through the camp uneasily, not enjoying all the eyes looking her way. It wasn't that she hated attention, that was the last thing on her mind, she just hated eyes. She hated eyes almost as much as she hated the saying "The eyes are the windows to the soul" because her eyes literally were the windows to the soul. Your soul. Learning dark secrets about people just by looking in the eyes is terrible, are horrific gift, that she wish she had never been born with. Opal looked up from the hard ground and glanced around looking at people when she spotted a guy that sparked her interest. Not in a "I want to look into your eyes and learn all about you" kind of way, but in a simple "I'd like to get to know them better" kind of way. She walked over slowly and tapped him lightly on the shoulder. "Hi, I'm Opal." She greeted sticking out her hand. Opal looked at his face, but only looked above or below his eyes, never directly at them

(@Tercesasti )
Helena sighed when Jason walked back in and began to wipe her face, protesting ever so slightly. "Jason, I'm fine- Jason- Jason stop wiping my face- what am I a baby- Stop iiiiiiit!" She stopped him, grabbing his wrist and pulling it away from her face. "Jesus Jason, calm down I am FINE." She said firmly, then her nose started bleeding again, and she sighed, then took the towel from him and pressed it against her nose. "Besides that's not how you deal with a nosebleed."

Alec looked as Max fell asleep and marveled at how cute he looked while he was sleeping. It made him blush just looking at it. ".... Aww... It's so cute I just wanna hug him- no! This is not snuggle time, it's just- ... Sleeping." He climbed into the bed next to max, at first facing away from him, then towards him, then away again, then towards him again. He stared for a while longer, then as gently as he possibly could so as to not wake the totally-not-having-a-nightmare Max, he gently kissed his nose and whispered,

"Good night sweet prince."

@BishopOfKings @Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Carly turned her watery eyes toward Alex. "C-Courtney?" She didn't know about training with anyone else other than Robin, and he was leaving on a quest for a damn Nemean lion soon. "Who's that? Is that a sister of yours or what?" She tilted her head and took out her griffon claw dagger from the sheath and examined it. "If she can help me control myself to where I don't create another crater, that's fine. I'd like to meet her." Vanessa, still twitching and stumbling around like a drunk Party Pony, held the wall to regain her footing. "Yeah. I think that's going to be good for her, and I probably would be careful what you do with those weapons, guys."

Anthony smiled at her comment and decided to go for the kill. "I mean it but the only question I have is well you give me a chance?" He asked with a smile that seemed forced and a little nervous.

Tania felt a hand on her forehead and sighed waking up and seeing Antonius she was a little surprised. "Oh h-hi there." She said pulling her blanket up to her nose.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

The twins were both in wolf form napping on the deck in the sun. They enjoyed the warmth and greatness it provided them and it made them feel at home.

"No you get to fight a drakon. Find the bright side." Jonathan said before peeking at the necklace he'd made himself. He then started sharpening the silver Halbert he'd made.


Robin sat in front of the Ares cabin carving away at a piece of wood while Jasmine paced in front of him fuming at the fact that nobody talks to her unless it's too doubt her.

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Valencia blinked at the sound of humming behind her but continued to play seeing as more sea nymphs were gathering, she hoped nothing from the woods was behind her and that if it was her playing would buy some time. She went into a different song that surpassed the other in the sweetness of the sound she had always found it heartbreakingly beautiful.


Jason sighed and looked up at Helena before looking down and using the opposite end of the towel to mop up the blood. When he finished he sat beside Helena looking down at his hands he did his best to try and ignore that horrid feeling that had begun welling up in his gut refusing to let the tears form he clenched his jaw balling up his fists.


Soleil blinked totally unprepared for what Anthony had just said her mind fumbled for and answer and she struggled to speak, "I-I uh, I barely know you I mean...I guess with some time I'll give you a chance but uh, wow......you know what I'll give you a chance but let's just....take it slow, I have a bad habit of well, let's just say I'm not very good with relationships...I don't wanna hurt you."


Antonius brought his hand back as Tania began to wake up smiling when she brought her covers up to her nose. "Hello there sleeping beauty, feeling any better?" Antonius sat back to give her some space trying not to be too invasive.
(Oh gawd, I'm sorry. it's been a long day. I'm feeling much worse than meh butIm trying to be optimistic.)


Sebastian watched as the odd glow of Lia's power permeated his shadows at first he wanted to reject it his shadows actively repelling the foreign energy but slowly he accepted it letting his walls down just enough to allow it. With acceptance came cooperation from Sebastian the little sphere beginning to change shape into an odd rose that shined luminously Sebastian pushed it towards Lia the shadows leaving a trail as they parted with his hand.
StarrySkyofLostSouls said:
(...I love being ignored~! It's great~!)
(Jasmine: hey me too!

Holo: ugh my hungry stomach. My father wasted all his money before I could get any for lunch.)

Tania smiled s little then sneezed. "Oh gods I think I've got a cold now. Don't just sit there get out so you don't get sick." Tania said blushing under her blanket since he'd called her sleeping beauty.

"I'm ok with slow." Anthony said with a smile before wincing and swaying a little. He stood wobbling a lot and his grip on Soleil's hand tightened a little. "I beget go lay down. Gravity is starting to take its toll on my back." He explained before letting go to try and walk towards his cabin. He fell over a log and groaned painfully.

Jasmine had left Robin alone and made her way into the woods hearing a violin. She followed it and saw a girl playing with extreme skill. Jasmine crept closer and then gently hugged the girl and started gumming the girl's shoulder waiting for a scream.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

"Yes Olivia?" Chiron asked as Malaki started running around with his silver Lance. "Hey kid cut that out! No don't the tree you dope!" Jonathan yelled running after the boy with Robin by his side.

Olivia turns to Asylinn. "This is Asylinn... She's new... She came in when you were having your name so she was told to go to the pavilion to get some lunch.." She said as she yawned, rubbing her eye a bit while looking at him.

(@Holo, @Synaria)


Lilac sighs in annoyance, currently reading a scroll under the tree. "What is going on now..." She said as she looked up and saw Malaki running around with a silver lance. "Kid! Put that down now!" She snapped as she used her staff to help her up and made her way towards them angrily, growling a bit under her breath about boys being immature and stupid and not listening when she said it wasn't a good idea to give a young boy a weapon without training him how to use it first.

Malaki stopped and immediately dropped the Lance which Jonathan picked up. "I wasn't even done Forging this thing yet!" He complained with a frown. Malaki giggled before sweeping the lame again and twirling it effortlessly like he'd been born with it.

Chiron smiled. "Hello Asylinn I'm Chiron the camp councilor."

Holo said:
Malaki stopped and immediately dropped the Lance which Jonathan picked up. "I wasn't even done Forging this thing yet!" He complained with a frown. Malaki giggled before sweeping the lame again and twirling it effortlessly like he'd been born with it.
Chiron smiled. "Hello Asylinn I'm Chiron the camp councilor."

Lilac looks angry and annoyed. "Malaki... Put it down." She said while holding onto her staff, carrying her book under arm, had been hoping to get some peace and quite for a few moments before something else crazy happened. But alas, Lilac was never that lucky with the things she wanted, especially when she had Malaki to deal with since he seemed to stick to her like glue for some reason yet was shy of everyone but McKenzie since she was his sister.

"Aaaaaaawwww but I know how to use it and I found it." Malaki said handing the Halbert back to Jonathan who now had five small cuts on him. Jonathan turned the Lance into a button and shoved it in his pocket. "I was making some tamales when he came in. He's pretty slick for a little guy."

Lilac rolls her eyes. "I don't know why I even bother. No one listens to the silly satyr girl." She snapped as she stalked off, using her staff to help her walk as she headed to the forest to be alone.
Courtney just stared at the girl gumming on Valencia's cheek. "Um... are you sure that's okay?" Courtney walked up to her. "I don't know if she'll like that. If you really must do that please don't take it out on her but me instead."

( I think Chiron was talking to someone else. My characters are Alexandra Blue Courtney Gavon and Katie. )
"Oh in just trying to scare her. And you already know I'm here so it's not as fun." Jasmine said before sitting down and setting her tarot cards in front of her. "Shall I read your fortune."

StarrySkyofLostSouls said:
(No he's talking to the right person Light.)
(Whats the post #?)

Courtney tilted her head and sat down with her. "Yes go ahead." Courtney looked eager to find out what her future is. She was so excited she was subconsciously making the skies a sunny day.

( @Holo )
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StarrySkyofLostSouls said:
(Me and Synaria have been waiting for Holo to post as Chiron because Olivia is introducing Asylinn to him. Because she hasn't met him yet.)
( So what does Chiron's conversation have to do with my characters? He said Chiron was talking to one of them. )
"If it gets any sunnier I'll have to hide inside again." Jasmine grumbled before lifting up a few cards and grumbled more putting them away. She set two down that had a board and a trunk. "Flat chest. You're going to struggle with some form of maturity at some point but you'll come out on top." She said noticing both cards had been picked up upside down.

Lilac making her way deeper into the forest, grumbling about boys again and how annoying and stupid and bothersome they are. Sometimes wishes she could join the huntresses but knows she can't because she's a satyr. She growls and kicks a tree and hisses in pain as she realizes it was her bad leg and crimpled to the floor.
Holo said:
"If it gets any sunnier I'll have to hide inside again." Jasmine grumbled before lifting up a few cards and grumbled more putting them away. She set two down that had a board and a trunk. "Flat chest. You're going to struggle with some form of maturity at some point but you'll come out on top." She said noticing both cards had been picked up upside down.
Courtney stares and blinks a couple times. "That's my future? Nothing else?" Courtney frowns and then smiles a bit. "Well thank you for that."

( On the out of rp chat Holo told me Chiron was talking to my character and I said I don't thinks hes talking to any of my characters and then you jumped in and said I think he's talking to the right person so I assumed you knew which one of my characters Chiron was talking to and where the post is. @StarrySkyofLostSouls )


StarrySkyofLostSouls said:
Lilac making her way deeper into the forest, grumbling about boys again and how annoying and stupid and bothersome they are. Sometimes wishes she could join the huntresses but knows she can't because she's a satyr. She growls and kicks a tree and hisses in pain as she realizes it was her bad leg and crimpled to the floor.
Blue sits on a tree branch and looks down at the Satyr. "You need help?" Blue simply just throws that comment out. He only glances at the girl.
(Well sorryyyy I didn't know because I don't have any messages from the ooc right now, and im really pissy at the moment so im just going to drop the subject.)


Light said:
Courtney stares and blinks a couple times. "That's my future? Nothing else?" Courtney frowns and then smiles a bit. "Well thank you for that."
( On the out of rp chat Holo told me Chiron was talking to my character and I said I don't thinks hes talking to any of my characters and then you jumped in and said I think he's talking to the right person so I assumed you knew which one of my characters Chiron was talking to and where the post is. @StarrySkyofLostSouls )


Blue sits on a tree branch and looks down at the Satyr. "You need help?" Blue simply just throws that comment out. He only glances at the girl.
Lilac waves her hand as she summons some vines to her help as they help her up along with her staff which she is using to support herself. "I'm fine." She muttered and picked up her book which was/had been Bianca's favourite book.
StarrySkyofLostSouls said:
(Well sorryyyy I didn't know because I don't have any messages from the ooc right now, and im really pissy at the moment so im just going to drop the subject.)

Lilac waves her hand as she summons some vines to her help as they help her up along with her staff which she is using to support herself. "I'm fine." She muttered and picked up her book which was/had been Bianca's favourite book.
Blue rolled his eyes and scoffed. He turned his head to take a nap again but noticed the book last minute. He instantly took out his bow and fired a quad shot. They hit the ground around her in a square formation and a box much like a mime's appeared around her. Entirely made of light. He jumped off the tree and stood infront of the box. "Where did you get that book from?"

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