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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

Vanessa stumbled into her room, clutching her chest and trying to stop her body from twitching. How long would these after effects last? She took a whole bunch of ambrosia, hoping that would help. Locking her door, she fell unconscious.

Carly appeared in the middle of the cabin area, wondering what her friends would be going through during their quest.
There was a young boy, he couldn't have looked older then 11, but there he was currently slashing and dodging, and moving as graceful as a dancer as he fought of full grown men from him as if they were monsters but actually causing them harm because they were people not monsters... Right? Sometimes he wondered how much of that was true... Since some people could be pretty horrible and monster like.

By the end, the young boy was panting while all the men laid unconscious or laid on the ground. A tall man walked in the room and put a hand on the boy's shoulder to which he whirled around and stopped when he realized who it was and smiled brightly. "Hi sir!" He said and sheathed his daggers and wrapped his arms around the man's lower torso. The man blinked and looked down at him before smiling . "Well done Theta.. You've improved so much.. I think..." He started when he immediately noticed something was off since the sirens started going off before shutting off immediately after. "...we need to leave." He said as he quickly started walking out of the training room, 'Theta' also known as Ethan followed him hot on his heels. "Why sir? What's happening?" He said while looking nervous but kept a hand on the hilts of his daggers as they moved down the halls, a crash was heard not far behind them as the man quickly turned into Theta's room and gave him his bag, packed with his board and some food and clothes. "You have to shadow travel to your siblings. Hurry!" He said as he closed Theta's bedroom door so that the room was envolpped in shadows. Ethan bit his lip as he heard fighting and had to try to stop crying as the shadows wrapped him up to comfort him before they transported him away from the only home he had know.

Ethan held back his tears as he landed in a forest. He had no idea where he was and was a bit nervous since he hadn't had much experience with the outside world. He froze when he heard a roar behind him and got out his board and started boarding as fast as he could. (Close to camp.)
Blue sighs. "You know you're too kind. Thanks for this. I needed it." Blue holds his hand out to shake Lilac's.

Alexandra was walking around camp when she sensed something. "Oh my gosh! Is that Theta?! Mommies coming!!" She starts to sprint in his direction.

Katie flies through the sky very high but still notices Alexandra running. "Huh?" She closes her eyes and sniffs at the air. "Ooooohhh I smell ya sweetie. Your real mommas coming!" Katie makes a complete dive in Theta's direction.

They both make it to Theta at the same time. Tackling him in a hug. Knocking him off his board.

( @StarrySkyofLostSouls )
Light said:
Blue sighs. "You know you're too kind. Thanks for this. I needed it." Blue holds his hand out to shake Lilac's.
Alexandra was walking around camp when she sensed something. "Oh my gosh! Is that Theta?! Mommies coming!!" She starts to sprint in his direction.

Katie flies through the sky very high but still notices Alexandra running. "Huh?" She closes her eyes and sniffs at the air. "Ooooohhh I smell ya sweetie. Your real mommas coming!" Katie makes a complete dive in Theta's direction.

They both make it to Theta at the same time. Tackling him in a hug. Knocking him off his board.

( @StarrySkyofLostSouls )
Lilac takes his hand and shakes it. "Your welcome... Next time don't lock me in a fucking box yeah?" She said while giving him a glare.

Ethan makes a noise of surprise as he gets tackled before slipping out of their grasps by shadow travel and stands in front of them. "Bigger trouble!" He said while pointing to the Minotaur that had been after him which roared loudly, enough to cause the barrier to shake
StarrySkyofLostSouls said:
Lilac takes his hand and shakes it. "Your welcome... Next time don't lock me in a fucking box yeah?" She said while giving him a glare.
Ethan makes a noise of surprise as he gets tackled before slipping out of their grasps by shadow travel and stands in front of them. "Bigger trouble!" He said while pointing to the Minotaur that had been after him which roared loudly, enough to cause the barrier to shake
Alexandra walked up to the minotaur. When it swung at her she kicks at the air and a dagger flies out the pant leg. The dagger hits the minotaurs hand and it bellows in pain. She runs up and pulls the dagger out and spins using same dagger to cut the entire hand off. "Kneel before me." She says normally while inspecting her dagger. The minotaur immediately drops and kneels before her. "You will recognize me as you leader and your killer. Look at me." The minotaur looks at her but still gives of small signs of defiance. "Maybe this will ring a bell if you don't recognize me." She starts to whisper things to him and suddenly she looks like his old enemy whom cut off his horn before. The minotaur shakes in fear and anger. "Now you're going to do exactly as told. Lay face down on the ground." When the minotaur does so she props one foot up on its head. "You're going to kill as many monsters as you can. You're also going to tell them exactly whom came back from the dead to put you up to this. To inspire fear into these monsters. Make them feel like they're fated to lose. After you kill as many monsters as possible. She takes the dagger and instead of cutting the horn of the usual way. She stabs her blade into his skull and carves it out. The minotaur roars even louder than before in pain. She drops something in there. "I'll be taking this before you go. Also you better hurry and do your job. You have a ticking time bomb in your head." She looks the minotaur in the eye. "And whem you die. I want you to think of me, and never return from tartarus. Now get out of my sight." Alpha walks away and the minotaur scrambles off. After all of that she puts on a nice smile. "Oh he just wanted to talk."

Blue takes the book. "Alright I wont trap you anymore."
Lilac nods. "Good." She said as she takes her hand back. "...Lilac by the way." She said while watching him.


Ethan shaking still, looks upset about something but shakes his head. "R-right.. Anyways... Sister..." He said and dropped into the shadows before making his way to Valencia in the forest, going to pass out soon and wants to meet her before he does. He soon appears by Valencia before looking at her weakly. "...s-sis..." He mumbled before collapsing.

(@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira)
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StarrySkyofLostSouls said:
Lilac nods. "Good." She said as she takes her hand back. "...Lilac by the way." She said while watching him.

Ethan shaking still, looks upset about something but shakes his head. "R-right.. Anyways... Sister..." He said and dropped into the shadows before making his way to Valencia in the forest, going to pass out soon and wants to meet her before he does.
( ..... Wow. He knows Valencia? Gtg for a couple hours. )

Soleil smiled before ushering him through the doors of his cabin letting him flop on the first bed available, "now stay still or I'll strap you in fool." Soleil pulled up a chair and sat down beside him her staff laying against the corner of her neck she smiled before shivering a little an abnormally cold wind sweeping through camp and finding it's way not all the cabins it swirled becoming more intense before dissipating. Soleil warmed herself up spreading the warmth through the cabin.


Sebastian blinked when he saw the finished project, "I've made a lot of roses and none have looked at all like that....was that your doing?" Sebastian looked up at Lia locking his golden gaze on her clockwork eyes.


Jason recoiled when a small furry thing leapt up onto his bed and almost attend it away when it began talking, "You know that's not how people talk right? You can drop the outdated slang."


Antonius smiled, "It takes a lot to get me sick so I'm not particularly worried about catching a cold, I'll be fine besides I heal from being in water a warm shower would fix me up." He sat on the bed being careful not to sit on Tania. "Would you like me to get you anything though?"


Valencia Sat next to the hooded girl and shook her head at the girl that was humming, "No my violin can't break, I'm more worried about her head, did you seriously do that just for kicks?" She went to remove the girls hood when a little boy appeared out of nowhere and called her sis before passing out. She reached her hands down into her shadow and caught him by the shoulders pulling him through the darkness and up into her arms. "Who's this little one?"


Gavriil walked into camp his frost aura spreading throughout the grounds seeking out other children of the cold, his first goal was to see just how strong the others were and to prove he could live up to his last name. The cold swirled around him leaving a clear trail for any who would follow he walked straight into the arena using information on the layout from his seeking aura he stood in the middle, arms crossed, and an ice cold expression

@any Khione or ice kids
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Soleil
Soleil smiled before ushering him through the doors of his cabin letting him flop on the first bed available, "now stay still or I'll strap you in fool." Soleil pulled up a chair and sat down beside him her staff laying against the corner of her neck she smiled before shivering a little an abnormally cold wind sweeping through camp and finding it's way not all the cabins it swirled becoming more intense before dissipating. Soleil warmed herself up spreading the warmth through the cabin.


Sebastian blinked when he saw the finished project, "I've made a lot of roses and none have looked at all like that....was that your doing?" Sebastian looked up at Lia locking his golden gaze on her clockwork eyes.


Jason recoiled when a small furry thing leapt up onto his bed and almost attend it away when it began talking, "You know that's not how people talk right? You can drop the outdated slang."


Antonius smiled, "It takes a lot to get me sick so I'm not particularly worried about catching a cold, I'll be fine besides I heal from being in water a warm shower would fix me up." He sat on the bed being careful not to sit on Tania. "Would you like me to get you anything though?"


Valencia Sat next to the hooded girl and shook her head at the girl that was humming, "No my violin can't break, I'm more worried about her head, did you seriously do that just for kicks?" She went to remove the girls hood when a little boy appeared out of nowhere and called her sis before passing out. She reached her hands down into her shadow and caught him by the shoulders pulling him through the darkness and up into her arms. "Who's this little one?"


Gavriil walked into camp his frost aura spreading throughout the grounds seeking out other children of the cold, his first goal was to see just how strong the others were and to prove he could live up to his last name. The cold swirled around him leaving a clear trail for any who would follow he walked straight into the arena using information on the layout from his seeking aura he stood in the middle, arms crossed, and an ice cold expression

@any Khione or ice kids

Lia shakes her head. "I... I've never really made anything since it's kinda hard to make something out of time..." She said while studying the Rose in her hands as it glowed faintly, pulsing off shadows faintly.


Ethan weakly opens his eyes briefly, his eyes lock on hers for a moment and smiles weakly before fainting again from using so much energy in the past hour.


Elizabeth currently heading to the Boreas cabin with Owen's help, currently letting off cold waves as she walks, slowly recovering as she leaves a frost trail from the lake.


Jezabell sitting by the lake, looking out over the water, trying to wash the make up off her face that her half sisters put on her when she had a nap, annoyed.
Jasmine hissed at Valencia when the girl reached for her hood and she backed away terrified at the thought of somebody being so cruel. "I'm sorry jeez don't try to torture me for it." She said holding her hood fast in place.

Anthony shivered at the wind then smiled when everything warmed up. He knew it was coming from her and smiled. "You make it any hotter in here and I'll get a fever." Anthony said joking.

"You can get me some soup. If you do I'll loves you forever." Tania said grinning and using a baby voice for the last part.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Carly saw Robin in front of his cabin and bit her lip, wondering if he felt the explosion that she caused in the forest. "Mr. Reigns..." She smiled warmly at him. "How are you doing, Superman?" She leaned against the outer wall of the Ares cabin. "Beat up any defenseless cousins lately?" Carly loved teasing him.

Robin picked her up and moved her a full three feet to the right. "The Ares cabin put in more mines since Hermes cabin threw a fake grenade in earlier that said "to the strongest."" Robin explained.
Carly held his hand. "Robin, come on, the Hermes kids are harmless. Their dad isn't exactly known to be a fighter. Why would they hurt you?" Holding his face between her hands, she tried not to get mushy. I'm sure you could take them, Muscle Boy. After all, he was easily among the strongest people here. "Ask them to steal something, sure. They'd have it done. But, they aren't entirely fighters." His hands on her waist always made her head swim. "I'm in training already. A few girls and I are working together, and get this: Vanessa is out of it right now. She's in the Big House, recovering."

"It caused all the Ares campers fighting each other for the grenade. Not that they weren't doing that anyways but whatever." Robin explained before smiling and nodding at her statement. "Good I'm eager to have you get stronger. It'll be great."
"It caused that?" Carly felt guilty now. "I uh...that's not good." Was now the right time to tell Robin? "Hey, Mr. Reigns? That explosion was a total accident. The person that caused it lost their control and let it loose on the forest. Now the nymphs are probably upset with her...or him, but that's okay, because she...or he will never go near the woods alone again." Carly already knew she was roasted worse than beef. "Anyway, you need to be careful. I can't express that enough. We may be demigods and it may be an occupational hazard to get into trouble, but...pick another occupation." She kissed his cheek. "I'm sure anyone else would agree."

Robin smiled and hugged her. "You think that's bad? One year the Hermes cabin painted a mango gold and wrote to the most beautiful on it and tossed it into the Aphrodite cabin. Now that was a brawl and stop calling me mister. I thought that explosion was a failed firework." Robin said with a smile.
Carly laughed at that. "They all think they're beautiful, which is true, but I'm also not going to deny that they get out of hand." After she heard 'firework', Carly bit her lip. "Yeah, there was definitely fireworks involved, maybe not literal ones though." She sighed. "You don't want me to call you Mister? Okay, fine. Miss Reigns." Carly doubled over, laughing herself crazy.
Anthony sat with Jasmine and was talking about her fortune telling. His attention however was on the Helios cabin door. He knew he should've waited for Soleil before he got up but it hadn't speed him. "Are you listening!" Jasmine asked with a very pouty look on her face and a card in her hand. "Fine I'll tell you again. You'll fall in love with the sun sounds stupid I know but bear with me. She'll need the help of a powerful magician, you clearly. And then I got lazy."

Tania was still sick but much better and was hugging Antonius trying to distract him enough that she could slip past him to get outside. She hated her room the roof leaked and the wind seeped in through every possible crack and tried to freeze her. There was a literal pile of snow forming in a corner of her room but as the ship moved further the wind started to warm up. She wanted warmth and fresh air since she'd been in the room for two whole days.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

Malaki woke up next to lilac and yawned rolling onto his side. He liked his sister but the others in the cabin creeped him out.

Jonathan knocked on the door to the hypnos cabin with a smile. "Rise and shine glow stick." He said with a smile and a quick peak at the dreamstone he'd put into silver to make a amulet.


Robin had gotten Vanessa and was knocking on the door to Carly's cabin. "Hey sleeping beauty wake up!"

@Yuuki Kuran
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Kat opened the door and blinked at the harsh sunlight and fixed her shades. "Hm? What's up Jona, or is today the big day?" she said while looking at him through her shades, Olivia could be heard snoring faintly in the background, only a mop of black hair could be seen from where the snoring was coming from and she had gold dream sand dancing around her.



Pepper grits her teeth as she manages to block a blow from the Kelpie’s tentacle, it had managed to drag her down when she wasn’t expecting it and had just made sure that it was no longer going to go after Karan. She had been running from it for a long time now… she had lost count of how many months it had been since she had set out on this stupid quest and had to watch her best friend mourn over the lost of her mother and herself even though she, herself hadn’t actually died but she should have. She could only hope Karen could ever forgive her for what she did. She never wanted to hurt her friend, especially her best friend. She had been the first person she had ever befriended aside from her half brother, Jason. She felt horrible for ever letting Karan’s mother, her loving mother, Beth Elizan get involved in this. That woman reminded her so much of her own mother, her own mother who she hadn’t seen since coming to the camp in fear of endangering her mother’s life if she visited.

The girl was shook out of her thoughts as she felt a tentacle slice up her side, causing her to hiss and curse herself for losing concentration in a very important battle that she needed to win. If she didn’t win, then her fake death would have been for nothing to make sure that Karan survived and was okay. Her friend’s face flashed in her mind, tears on her cheeks as she held the hand of her water clone that laid dying in her arms. She then remember when she visited Karan in her dreams, smiling a bit before narrowing her eyes as she focused on her task once again as she summoned more water to her aid and focused on hardening it to make ice as she slashed through the tentacle that had managed to slice her before lunging towards the Kelpie, her eyes glowing white-blue as everything froze around her and a screech was heard before everything turned white….

Pepper winces as she held her dislocated shoulder and limped towards the camp barrier, stopping for a moment to look at it like an old friend. Her clothes were slashed and her body bloodied and littered with multiple wounds, she looked like she had just fought a war and then some, but then again being a daughter of a Big Three, monsters in hordes were bound to try and kill her. She made her way through the barrier, limping towards the Big House, getting some looks from the other campers, some didn’t recognize her, others did and started to whisper in shock, surprised to see her since may had heard or claimed she had died since she hadn’t returned and most demigods who go on quests that don’t return are considered dead. She made her way towards the Big House and stops as she looks over the Big House and smiles a bit, remembering every inch of it as she made her way towards it.



Lilac currently fast asleep, laying on a bed made of hay inside a small hut, currently laying on her side, facing away from Malaki, has no idea he is in there since he came to her cabin when she was asleep.


Max had been around the world, seen many things, and experienced many horrible things in his life, but nothing could compare to the absolute horror that was Maine. After horrible snow storms stopped the group from traveling to the mountain by air, they were forced to walk 30 miles to the Sugarloaf Mountain ski resort. Along the way Max had to deal with killer grocery store clerks, exploding microwaves, frost giants, and a really really REALLY B*tchy Aphrodite boy. By the time they reached Main street, Yeah Main street… IN MAINE!, the trip had taken them two whole days and the group was now resting in the ski resort hotel. They'd found Violet some cloths that Aphrodite had deemed "fashionable" on her, but her hair was still really freaking long. Max laid face down on the bed as Alec and Violet did whatever. He'd been getting more and more stressed as they got closer to the peak of the mountain. They'd have to sneak up the mountain and avoid the ski patrol and the people of Maine, who are really really mean! He'd been thinking about how he'd fight Sam, and Alec's bickering made it worse. The boy had not stopped asking about what his mother, Aphrodite, had told him in the hotel two days ago, and Max was getting tired of it. He supposed that he'd eventually tell him, but at this point it would be useless to tell him. He could sense the Siren watching over him and he figured that Sam was expecting him. He sighed and rolled over and looked at the other two demigods. "So… our goal is the top of the mountain… When should we head out?" He asked tiredly "Cause I'm good with resting a bit if you want."

(I dont hate Maine. I swear… at least i think i don't…)

@Silent Justice



Kit sat up in bed, just coming from a dream chat with Olivia. He had been talking to her for the last two days, and he was beginning to warm up to her. She was the only one, beside Owen, to know about his nightmares. He stretched and immediately regretted doing so. He had been working with Addison to fix the ship and he had had a few things happened to him and his body was not happy with him helping. He sat up and looked at the twin blades that sat next to his bed. Ever since he'd received the blade he'd been trying to use his powers throughout the blade. He'd been able to activate his abilities throughout the blade, but it gave him a terrible headache each time. He stood up and strapped the two blades to his waist and walked into the hallway. They were about maybe an hour away from Delos and He was getting excited. Sooner or later their quest would kick into high gear and Kit couldn't wait. He started off toward the deck to get a good look at their destination.




Owen sat at on the beach as his mind wandered. Over the last two days he'd not been able to get Elizabeth to open up about her past. He wanted to help her, but she wouldn't talk. He sat staring at the lake where campers were already out on the water. He sighed and leaned back on the sandy beach and looked up at the sky, hoping for todays attempt would go better.




When Allie woke up, she found herself being snuggled against her will. As much as she liked the wolf girls, they were rather… clingy. She exhaled and slipped into the shadows appearing next to her bed. Over the past few days she'd been trying to get Jason to talk to her. She'd learned that Max and Erik were alive and that Jason had a serious grudge issues. She stepped into another shadow and appeared on the deck and watched as Kit walked up on deck and stood at the front of the ship. Allie walked over and leaned on the railing looking towards the groups destination.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Carly groaned, hearing her boyfriend knocking on the door. "And it was such a great dream too." She complained, then remembered that today was the day. "I hope you remember your promises!" Carly jumped on Robin, latching herself onto him. "Do you have everything you need? Plenty of drachmas?" She kissed him for a long time, hoping to stall his departure in any way possible.

Vanessa, still rubbing sleep from her eyes, yawned. "Gods, I hate getting up so early. The sooner we get back, the better." She complained.

"I completely agree, Vanessa." Carly was forced to come up for air. She hugged Vanessa with all her might, not letting go for a second. "You guys take care of each other, please. I want you both back in one piece." For a while, she only hugged the two, enjoying their presences. "Vanessa, how did Chiron react?"

Vanessa snorted. "Are you joking? He practically said to hurry up and get out." She teased her friend. "That was a joke. What he really said was that he knew I could handle this."

Carly nodded. "You can. You all can." She rested her forehead against Robin's. "I'll work hard this week."

BishopOfKings said:

Owen sat at on the beach as his mind wandered. Over the last two days he'd not been able to get Elizabeth to open up about her past. He wanted to help her, but she wouldn't talk. He sat staring at the lake where campers were already out on the water. He sighed and leaned back on the sandy beach and looked up at the sky, hoping for todays attempt would go better.




Erik had met some fine ladies… But Mckenzie…. DAMN GIRL! Erik had been talking to Mckenzie every day since their sparing match and learned how fine she actually was. He was in the arena again practicing his aim. Ever since their match, Erik had been trying to fight without using his luck. He wanted to be as accurate as possible, so that when he used his luck he'd be a lot more accurate. He knew Mckenzie would be around, and he hoped to either have another rematch or maybe a training session.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
McKenzie currently walking out of her cabin, yawning and stretching as she looks around, wondering where Malaki is since she noticed he wasn't in the cabin but shrugged it off since she figured he probably was with Lilac. He seemed attached at the hip with the female satyr who didn't seem to care much about him but in reality she was probably one of the most caring people in the whole camp. She took off her hat and raked a hand through her hair as she wandered, heading to the arena to see who was there.



Bridget currently practicing on some targets she set up by the forest since she didn't want to have to deal with the huntresses of Artemis wanting to compete against her because she has a bow. She sighed and shook her head as she readied her bow and took a deep breath as she focused on the target before her. She let out the breath she had been holding and fired the arrow, the arrow spun before sinking the center of the target with a nice thunk.

Covering a yawn with her hand, Ayslinn wandered the premise of the camp sleepily. She'd gotten a few hours of sleep the night prior but hadn't had a chance to properly eat anything, as such, her body was still sluggish and unwilling to move at a pace more than lackadaisical. She'd settled in well enough after her first day thanks to Olivia. There was much to still get a grasp on, but she felt she had the basics down now at least. During the past two days she'd met, or at least been shown the majority of the campers. A face and a name is all she had for the majority of them, but she was no longer completely lost when asked if she'd seen some random camper she had no idea who was. Her time was mostly spent doing only one of a few things. Reading, writing or drawing, or hanging out with Olivia, though their 'hanging out' often simply consisted of being in the same area as the other while reading. The familiar presence was was nice and, although it was rather odd at first, having an aunt nearby was comforting. Even if that aunt was barely older than her.

After losing her way several times, Ayslinn wound up back at the big building where she'd first been introduced to Chiron. She couldn't help but let out a huff and shake her head at her ineptness. About to step forward and head off again, something caught her attention as odd. Which was odd in and of itself, as the entire camp was full of 'odd'. She was no exception. Turning her attention to the source of 'odd', she found herself looking at a dark haired girl about her own age. That was hardly the odd part, however. What drew, and held, her attention was the state of the girl. Bruised, tired, and wounded, there was no doubt those weren't simply practice bumps. Shifting her direction, she approached.

"Um, hey . . . Don't think I've seen you around here before." Though to be fair, her recognition skills were somewhat lackluster before breakfast. "Are you all right? You looking for Chiron? I think maybe a trip to the infirmary before you pass out might be the more sound decision." She decided to keep the part about not wanting to drag a body around this early in the morning to herself and gave the girl a concerned look. Dubbing her somewhat unsteady, Ayslinn offered her hand in assistance and jerked her head towards the medical tent. "Come on this way." She hoped the girl would comply and not insist on doing something foolhardy.

((@StarrySkyofLostSouls ))
Synaria said:
Covering a yawn with her hand, Ayslinn wandered the premise of the camp sleepily. She'd gotten a few hours of sleep the night prior but hadn't had a chance to properly eat anything, as such, her body was still sluggish and unwilling to move at a pace more than lackadaisical. She'd settled in well enough after her first day thanks to Olivia. There was much to still get a grasp on, but she felt she had the basics down now at least. During the past two days she'd met, or at least been shown the majority of the campers. A face and a name is all she had for the majority of them, but she was no longer completely lost when asked if she'd seen some random camper she had no idea who was. Her time was mostly spent doing only one of a few things. Reading, writing or drawing, or hanging out with Olivia, though their 'hanging out' often simply consisted of being in the same area as the other while reading. The familiar presence was was nice and, although it was rather odd at first, having an aunt nearby was comforting. Even if that aunt was barely older than her.
After losing her way several times, Ayslinn wound up back at the big building where she'd first been introduced to Chiron. She couldn't help but let out a huff and shake her head at her ineptness. About to step forward and head off again, something caught her attention as odd. Which was odd in and of itself, as the entire camp was full of 'odd'. She was no exception. Turning her attention to the source of 'odd', she found herself looking at a dark haired girl about her own age. That was hardly the odd part, however. What drew, and held, her attention was the state of the girl. Bruised, tired, and wounded, there was no doubt those weren't simply practice bumps. Shifting her direction, she approached.

"Um, hey . . . Don't think I've seen you around here before." Though to be fair, her recognition skills were somewhat lackluster before breakfast. "Are you all right? You looking for Chiron? I think maybe a trip to the infirmary before you pass out might be the more sound decision." She decided to keep the part about not wanting to drag a body around this early in the morning to herself and gave the girl a concerned look. Dubbing her somewhat unsteady, Ayslinn offered her hand in assistance and jerked her head towards the medical tent. "Come on this way." She hoped the girl would comply and not insist on doing something foolhardy.

((@StarrySkyofLostSouls ))
Pepper blinks as a voice enters her ears as she looks away from the big house towards the source. Before her stood the girl who had asked the question. "Well... Actually I need to find Chiron... But before that I could use a bit of water." She said and smiled briefly as she looked at the girl, who she figured must have come to camp while she had been away since she didn't recognize her.

(@Synaria, @Holo.)

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