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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

Alec felt bad about constantly bothering Max.

But GODS! What did his mother say to him that ruffled his feathers so much! Max seemed to be dreading the mission to Sugarloaf mountain and it was totally KILLING HIM. He was SO curious that he felt like he would DIE if he didn't get something out of him! Although Max didn't seem very happy with him... Eh, f*** it.

"...I'm fine with hanging out for a few more hours..." He said, rubbing his head awkwardly, looking at Max where he was laying down, then he got up off the couch and sat down next to him, bringing up his courage to speak up, before he leaned down next to Max and muttered, "....please, Max..."

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TechEwok said:
In the expanse of the small meadow, there stood building in it's center with the sun glimmering on it's surface. The crystalline structure was of a deep, lustrous black with pale white marble steps around the building. It was large enough to be considered a home for a few persons, which it was. The entrance was only covered by condensed beaded strands of the same obsidian the structure was constructed from. First room past the entrance was a wide open room, complemented by the marble furniture for a living room. Windows of wide glass let in the sunlight in multiple places including the ceiling. There was a narrow hallway separating two medium sized rooms and ending at a larger room. One room was Isobel's and the other was Vahlen's. The large room was made for Isobel's interaction with the stars. It was shaped in a dome to be focused at the skyline. There were no doors, just the condensed beaded strands of obsidian at every entrance falling straight to the floor.
Vahlen stifled a yawn with his arms as he turned over and tumbled on the marble floor. There was a crack and a heavy sigh that followed. Vahlen lifted himself up and felt his head, feeling the deep cracks in his skull and lifted the fragments from the floor with a flick of the wrist. After repairing himself, Vahlen looked at his bed of sand and the shelves that held cases of various fossils he had found during the journeys he'd had. He sniffled as he was finally waking up and passed through the beads. The sound of the beads dancing next to each other brought a smile to his face. It would never get old. He walked to Isobel's room entrance and looked down to avoid peeking inside through the beads. He knocked on the adjacent wall and hollered, "Oy! Rise and shine, Star-child!. Time tah grab some brakfest." Vahlen waited for a second before repeating it. He stood outside her room until she answered.

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TechEwok said:
The bracelet disassembled and wrapped around hin arm before fading into his skin. Vahlen took in a breath and clenched his left hand and released, feeling strength return to it. He looked at Isobel, "Thanks, marm. Must have forgotten after all that chaos and with ya helping with our new home." He followed behind her and brushed his tattoo with his finger as he thought of something. A way to get what he had initially came here for, Adamantine.
Vahlen cleared his throat and spoke to Isobel when they reached the living room, "Oy. Ya know anyone that has a sense in finding something for me? I've been looking for... something and it's very rare." He looked out the clear window and saw the tree branches swaying back and forth with the breeze of the morning. 'If only it was an oceanfront property, then it'd be perfect.' The thought warmed his soul.

He ran his fingers through his hair and pulled behind him, before letting it fall back and flowing over his face. He accidentally caught his nail under his ceramic rune piercing on the arch of his ear. "Bloody hell!" He looked at his ear using the reflective surface of a wall and saw some blood trickling down. "Bah... I'm BLEEDING!!!!!!! CALL THE PARAMEDICS! GET ME TO A CLERIC! A SHAMAN! SOMETHING!" Vahlen shouted as he frantically ran around looking for something to stop the bleeding.
Isobel blinks as she listens to him and taps her chin... If your looking for a material... I think the Hephaestus could help you with that.." She said as she looked around before finding the kitchen and waving her hands to magick things to her to see what is in the cupboards before hearing Vahlen screaming about something.

She stepped out of the kitchen and made her way over to the man who was screaming and flailing his arms, saying something about blood and the paramedics. She rolled her eyes as she grabbed his arm and tugged him down to her before magicking a wet cloth to her to hold and put pressure to stop the bleeding.

"Oh stop your whining you big baby..."

StarrySkyofLostSouls said:
Pepper blinks as a voice enters her ears as she looks away from the big house towards the source. Before her stood the girl who had asked the question. "Well... Actually I need to find Chiron... But before that I could use a bit of water." She said and smiled briefly as she looked at the girl, who she figured must have come to camp while she had been away since she didn't recognize her.
(@Synaria, @Holo.)
"Ah, well, I'm afraid you won't find him within. He left earlier this morning." She wasn't exactly sure where the centaur had gone, and it was somewhat possible he'd returned to the big house already, but she didn't need to know that. In fact, he'd been spending a lot of time in the medical tent, checking up on the girl who arrived the same day she herself did. "You know, he might be in the medical tent already. He's been keeping a pretty close eye on one of the recent patients. PLUS, they probably have water there. It's a win-win-win as far as I can see." Hopefully, with three points in her favor, the battered girl would agree to at least check the medical tent. At that point, she was sure that the staffing there could tend her, whether she liked it or not. "What do you say?"

((@StarrySkyofLostSouls ))
TechEwok said:
Isobel and her magicks spooked Vahlen a bit. "Ey, ey, ey. Ya unhand my tender e---", Isobel tugged on his ear when she applied pressure, "----YYEEEEOWWWW!!" He screamed as his ear broke off at her touch. He looked in amazement at her. Fragmented where his ear was and his ear still bleeding in her hand.
"Ya pulled off me ear. REALLY? Now it's bleeding out and not attached to me. Gah!" Vahlen let out an angry sigh. Sand began to slither around the adjacent wall and form a message, You really must stop hurting yourself. Vahlen looked at the message, appalled.

"ME?! How is it MY fault? It's your blasted gifts, mother!" Vahlen said quickly. A dart of sand drove into the space where Vahlen's face had previously been. The sand formed another message, You keep disrespecting me, you'll end up regretting it. The sand rushed back out the way it came. Vahlen sighed heavily and ran his hands over his face.

Looking back over to Isobel, he pointed at his ear, "Mind placing that back on me head after it stops bleeding... I dunno if it'll.. um... die or something."

Isobel rolls her eyes a bit as she stops the bleeding and reattaches his ear for him before stepping back from him. "There." She said as she headed back towards the kitchen area to resume searching the cupboards, muttering to herself.



Synaria said:
"Ah, well, I'm afraid you won't find him within. He left earlier this morning." She wasn't exactly sure where the centaur had gone, and it was somewhat possible he'd returned to the big house already, but she didn't need to know that. In fact, he'd been spending a lot of time in the medical tent, checking up on the girl who arrived the same day she herself did. "You know, he might be in the medical tent already. He's been keeping a pretty close eye on one of the recent patients. PLUS, they probably have water there. It's a win-win-win as far as I can see." Hopefully, with three points in her favor, the battered girl would agree to at least check the medical tent. At that point, she was sure that the staffing there could tend her, whether she liked it or not. "What do you say?"
((@StarrySkyofLostSouls ))
Pepper sighs softly. "I guess.. I just don't feel like being touched by the Apollo kids right now.. I've had enough touching from monsters and other people.. But let's go." She said as she started walking with her.

"Ahh . . . Well, you look like a tough girl. I'm sure they won't have to touch you too much." Ayslinn responded optimistically. "Besides, if Chiron is there that's two birds with one stone." Ayslinn walked with the girl, deciding it best not to question exactly why she'd been touched so brutally by monsters. She'd heard word of quests given out to the campers and thought that may have been the reason. Though she could have sworn quests went in groups of three. "Oh, name's Ayslinn, by the way. New in camp, in case that wasn't obvious." After her short introduction she remained silent until she arrived at the medical tent, at which point she called out for the centaur while pushing the tent flap aside. "Chiron? Got a visitor who's pretty set on seeing you."

((@StarrySkyofLostSouls @Holo ))
Synaria said:
"Ahh . . . Well, you look like a tough girl. I'm sure they won't have to touch you too much." Ayslinn responded optimistically. "Besides, if Chiron is there that's two birds with one stone." Ayslinn walked with the girl, deciding it best not to question exactly why she'd been touched so brutally by monsters. She'd heard word of quests given out to the campers and thought that may have been the reason. Though she could have sworn quests went in groups of three. "Oh, name's Ayslinn, by the way. New in camp, in case that wasn't obvious." After her short introduction she remained silent until she arrived at the medical tent, at which point she called out for the centaur while pushing the tent flap aside. "Chiron? Got a visitor who's pretty set on seeing you."
((@StarrySkyofLostSouls @Holo ))
Pepper follows her to the medical tent, limping a bit but focusing on her. "Nice to meet you, I'm Pepper. I have been here for awhile... Well... Technically I haven't since I haven't been back in about... A year..." She said while biting her lip and sighing as she lowered her head and shook it.

StarrySkyofLostSouls said:
Lia shakes her head. "I... I've never really made anything since it's kinda hard to make something out of time..." She said while studying the Rose in her hands as it glowed faintly, pulsing off shadows faintly.

Ethan weakly opens his eyes briefly, his eyes lock on hers for a moment and smiles weakly before fainting again from using so much energy in the past hour.


Elizabeth currently heading to the Boreas cabin with Owen's help, currently letting off cold waves as she walks, slowly recovering as she leaves a frost trail from the lake.


Jezabell sitting by the lake, looking out over the water, trying to wash the make up off her face that her half sisters put on her when she had a nap, annoyed.

Sebastian only stared at the rose as the misty shadows rolled off of it, he looked up at her. "It makes sense in a confusing way. Death is the end of a persons time so our powers would work together, say if I decided to drain someone's life until they were close to death you could reverse that by giving them more time, though. I don't know at what cost to you."


Valencia looked straight down into the eyes of the night sky her expression instantly softening she touched the boy's face tenderly a sort of bittersweet smile on her face as tears welled up in her eyes, "I'm not alone."


Gavriil's eyes flicked over towards the cabins as he felt an opposing cold wind reach him, it had the faintest hint of an arctic wind but he knew them well enough to tell there was another child of the winter, a term he had been called many times by Khione. He strode towards it leaving the arena and making his way to the cabins sending a gust of frozen wind ahead.


Donovan was running, well kinda running he was moving impossibly fast for just running and with good reason as a huntress and her wolf seemed to be hunting him. The girl red in the face and the wolf just enjoying the chase. "At least the wolves remember me!" He he yelped as another arrow whizzed by his ear he ran towards what he believed was a clearing leaping out of the trees to find himself soaring over the lake he was a heartbeat away from getting drenched when he propelled himself over the water's surface with wind kicking up a roster tail he spun towards the bank catching an arrow that would have actually hit him he turned towards the bank and saw another girl surprised he swerved to avoid hitting her hitting a tree instead and crashing down beside the girl clutching his nose. "Owwwwww! Agh who put that there?!"


Antonius smiled chuckling a little, "Sure I'll get you some soup just rest up on a quest like this everyone will need their strength." Antonius walked out of the room turning down the hall towards the mess hall he looked around for a bowl and a spoon using the enchantment to full the bowl with some chicken noodle soup, he was sure to grab a napkin before turning and walking back to Tania's room. "Sit up, it's time to eat."
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Sebastian
Sebastian only stared at the rose as the misty shadows rolled off of it, he looked up at her. "It makes sense in a confusing way. Death is the end of a persons time so our powers would work together, say if I decided to drain someone's life until they were close to death you could reverse that by giving them more time, though. I don't know at what cost to you."


Valencia looked straight down into the eyes of the night sky her expression instantly softening she touched the boy's face tenderly a sort of bittersweet smile on her face as tears welled up in her eyes, "I'm not alone."


Gavriil's eyes flicked over towards the cabins as he felt an opposing cold wind reach him, it had the faintest hint of an arctic wind but he knew them well enough to tell there was another child of the winter, a term he had been called many times by Khione. He strode towards it leaving the arena and making his way to the cabins sending a gust of frozen wind ahead.


Donovan was running, well kinda running he was moving impossibly fast for just running and with good reason as a huntress and her wolf seemed to be hunting him. The girl red in the face and the wolf just enjoying the chase. "At least the wolves remember me!" He he yelped as another arrow whizzed by his ear he ran towards what he believed was a clearing leaping out of the trees to find himself soaring over the lake he was a heartbeat away from getting drenched when he propelled himself over the water's surface with wind kicking up a roster tail he spun towards the bank catching an arrow that would have actually hit him he turned towards the bank and saw another girl surprised he swerved to avoid hitting her hitting a tree instead and crashing down beside the girl clutching his nose. "Owwwwww! Agh who put that there?!"

Lia yawned a bit as she sat beside him, they two of them had been getting together over the passed two days examine the rose and trying to figure out what it could do and why it was the way it was. It baffled them since nothing like this had ever happened before. "Uh well... i'm pretty sure it might kill me... since i'll be taking away someone's time to repair the other..." she said while sighing and shakes her head, looking down and seems bothered by something.


Ethan had been visiting and going to see Valencia whenever he could now that he knew he had a half sister, he was so excited because he hadn't known he had a real blood sister until now and he was ecstatic. He couldn't help getting closer to her and trying to learn what he could about her and learn from her since he really wanted to be close to her.


Elizabeth had managed to get enough rest that she was no longer in danger of passing out from heatstroke again. She was currently walking through camp when she felt the cold breeze fly towards her and raises a brow as she twirls it around her fingers lightly before narrowing her eyes a bit. "Hm... Interesting..."


Evelyn blinks as she looks at the boy who ran into the tree she had been coming to each day to read to the nymph who lived inside the tree, she hoped the nymph was okay and that she wouldn't get mad for something like this. "Uh... You alright...?" she said while raising a brow at the boy, closing her book as she leans over to look down at him.

(@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira)
TechEwok said:
"Well... thank ya, marm. Guess I just... ain't much used to gettin' myself tah bleedin'. I just... ya know, break and not feel anything. Sometimes... it's scary and a welcome feeling when I get hurt, I guess." Vahlen said softly, before turning and walking away from the living room. Vahlen walked through the beads and stood outside. "Aye, so lets head tah camp and grab some food. Those cabinets aren't exactly stocked with food." Vahlen joked. He looked back through the beads, spreading them to poke his head in and smile at her.
"Well? What do ya say, star-child?" he asked, tilting his head sideways.
Isobel sighs softly as she closes the cupboard door before making her way outside, passing through the beads carefully, letting them slip through her fingers. "It's alright... and I guess we should..." she said while looking a bit bitter before blowing at her bangs and starting to walk in the direction of camp.

TechEwok said:
Pushing her to the side in a joking manner, Vahlen laughed. "OK, Misses dark and gloomy! Let's go get us some food and see what the camp is doing now. Then we can scuttle back here and do absolutely nothing, like we've been doing for 2 days... Nothing... zip... Nadas." Vahlen complained. He walked forward and flicked sand at Isobel before chuckling.
Isobel huffs a bit and shoves her shoulder against him slightly as she keeps walking. "Well... if you're itching to do something we can see if Chiron will let you go on a quest or something." she said while walking towards camp, heading to the dining pavillon to get some food so she could head back and avoid the other campers aside from her friends Bridget and Evelyn.

Jonathan smiled and nodded. "It's time to leave. I hope you packed everything you needed." Jonathan said smiling and holding a duffle bag of his gear.

Malaki shifted and hugged lilac snoring lightly. "Mom." He mumbled in his sleep before nuzzling closer to lilac.


Robin smiled and gasped for air before kissing her nose. "We'll be fine. If anything big gets in the way. I'll make it reign." He said smiling knowing he could summon a lot of objects capable of killing monsters.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Holo said:
Jonathan smiled and nodded. "It's time to leave. I hope you packed everything you needed." Jonathan said smiling and holding a duffle bag of his gear.
Malaki shifted and hugged lilac snoring lightly. "Mom." He mumbled in his sleep before nuzzling closer to lilac.


Jasmine stood in the medical tent having her breakfast from a type o+ blood pack while staring at Karan. Chiron smiled and heard a few boxes coming from outside.

Kat smiles a bit as she nods and heads back inside to grab her bag, humming some song that had gotten stuck in her mind for awhile. She then ruffled Olivia's hair who was currently fast asleep in her bed still, the golden dream sand danced around her hand before coiling back around Olivia, showing her dream and making different shapes. Kat then stepped out of the Hypnos cabin and closed the door behind her, carrying her bag on her shoulder.


Lilac grunted as she slowly woke, before stiffing up as her ears flickered and barely caught what he said before she huffed and carefully pulled herself out of his hold and got out of bed, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she stretched. "I don't know how the night guards didn't catch you Kid.."



TechEwok said:
"Quests? No thank ya. I'm not gonna be all, 'Please oh might donkeh, let me on another quest so ya can almost get meh eaten by a damned beast and shared between it's three heads!' Nope. Sorry. Not gonna happen again." Vahlen shouted and waved his arms in protest. He shoved a scrawny kid out of his way into the pavilion. The kid shouted at him and Vahlen shoved his mouth full of sand and tripped him again.
He followed Isobel into the dining pavilion and snatched a plate from someone that wasn't looking and another from someone who was looking. The older gent got up and was forced back down as his feet were sucked into quicksand. Vahlen smiled and looked over to Isobel, handing her a plate. "There ya go. Now let's fill up and get out of here before I end up... finding myself in a tussle." Vahlen said, picking meats and assorted fruits and pastries from plates around tables where folks weren't looking. Muttering something about other people's food always tasting a bit more satisfying than getting it himself.

Isobel sighs and shakes her head in amusement. "Who says it's going to be like that this time? Maybe it will be easier..." she said while blinking at Vahlen took two plates from an unsuspecting and a suspecting people. "Uhm thanks for the plate and I believe that would be a good idea since you can't stay out of trouble can you?" she said while giving him an amused grin while getting some food onto her plate, humming softly as she does.

Ayslinn glanced at the girl within, recognizing her as Jasmine, more so from the blood pack she was hungrily sucking on rather than actually putting a face to a name. There weren't many kids who snacked on blood, even in a place as odd as Camp Half Blood. With a slight nod towards Jasmine, she sidestepped to the left, letting Pepper move forward. "Told ya he might be in here." She said in an aside to Pepper before addressing the centaur again. "Found her standing outside the big house. Says she's been here before. Her name is Pepper." She searched Chiron's face for any hint of recognition at the name. Whether he recognized her or not, she was pretty sure her work here was done, though she lingered in case Chiron had any sort of request for her.

((@StarrySkyofLostSouls @Holo ))
Carly agreed to that, releasing him. "Okay. I'm not worried about you guys." She hated that the only two that talked to her on a daily basis would be gone in an hour's time. "I'll walk you to the gate when you're ready. I never said I'd let you leave, though.

Vanessa knew what Carly was thinking and shifted her bag over her shoulder. "Can we go now? I'm going to die of old age by the time we leave." She could sometimes be impatient. "And, that's saying something, considering I age slower than you guys."

StarrySkyofLostSouls said:
Lia yawned a bit as she sat beside him, they two of them had been getting together over the passed two days examine the rose and trying to figure out what it could do and why it was the way it was. It baffled them since nothing like this had ever happened before. "Uh well... i'm pretty sure it might kill me... since i'll be taking away someone's time to repair the other..." she said while sighing and shakes her head, looking down and seems bothered by something.

Ethan had been visiting and going to see Valencia whenever he could now that he knew he had a half sister, he was so excited because he hadn't known he had a real blood sister until now and he was ecstatic. He couldn't help getting closer to her and trying to learn what he could about her and learn from her since he really wanted to be close to her.


Elizabeth had managed to get enough rest that she was no longer in danger of passing out from heatstroke again. She was currently walking through camp when she felt the cold breeze fly towards her and raises a brow as she twirls it around her fingers lightly before narrowing her eyes a bit. "Hm... Interesting..."


Evelyn blinks as she looks at the boy who ran into the tree she had been coming to each day to read to the nymph who lived inside the tree, she hoped the nymph was okay and that she wouldn't get mad for something like this. "Uh... You alright...?" she said while raising a brow at the boy, closing her book as she leans over to look down at him.

(@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira)

Sebastian looked at Lia and nudged her shoulder with his, "What's bothering you?" Sebastian was clearly more comfortable with Lia being fellow outcasts he felt she was the only one he could really talk to without feeling like he would be rejected or just plain ignored. The only thing now was that he didn't just feel normal around her but he felt good, happy even and now he wanted her to be happy as well.


Valencia knew Ethan was on his way to her, it was about that time of day when he typically tried to surprise her before asking to go do something, she had spent so much time with him she had fallen behind on her training she was actually walking towards the arena to practice when she felt him coming. She didn't understand it but it was always like a sort of tingle on the back of her neck. She kept and eye out and pretty much put herself on high alert only a few steps away from the arena's entrance.


Gavriil was closer than he thought turning the corner around a cabin he was met with the sight of a girl who had white hair and incredibly bright white eyes, "You're the one aren't you." Gavriil demonstrated what he meant by opening the palm of his hand and starting a small snowstorm in it his ice blue eyes glowing as he used his powers wisps of cold rolled off of them.


Donovan nodded still holding his Jose but he sat up in time to blow away another arrow, "Okay I get it!!" He roared across the water a large gust of wind blowing over the lake and rustling the branches on the other side. "Some sisters I've got. Anyways yes I'm alright, thank you for asking. My name's Donovan, I'm Artemis' son." Donovan stuck out his hand a smile on his face and his blue eyes twinkling.


Soleil was slowly sneaking up on Anthony wanting to scare him, she crept slowly to keep from stepping on stray branches or kicking a rock. She stepped over a tree root and crept a little closer grabbing his shoulders with a playful roar. "Surprise! How are you today, staying outta trouble I hope." Soleil was kneeling behind Anthony her arms draped over his shoulders and her chin resting above his collarbone.
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Sebastian
Sebastian looked at Lia and nudged her shoulder with his, "What's bothering you?" Sebastian was clearly more comfortable with Lia being fellow outcasts he felt she was the only one he could really talk to without feeling like he would be rejected or just plain ignored. The only thing now was that he didn't just feel normal around her but he felt good, happy even and now he wanted her to be happy as well.


Valencia knew Ethan was on his way to her, it was about that time of day when he typically tried to surprise her before asking to go do something, she had spent so much time with him she had fallen behind on her training she was actually walking towards the arena to practice when she felt him coming. She didn't understand it but it was always like a sort of tingle on the back of her neck. She kept and eye out and pretty much put herself on high alert only a few steps away from the arena's entrance.


Gavriil was closer than he thought turning the corner around a cabin he was met with the sight of a girl who had white hair and incredibly bright white eyes, "You're the one aren't you." Gavriil demonstrated what he meant by opening the palm of his hand and starting a small snowstorm in it his ice blue eyes glowing as he used his powers wisps of cold rolled off of them.


Donovan nodded still holding his Jose but he sat up in time to blow away another arrow, "Okay I get it!!" He roared across the water a large gust of wind blowing over the lake and rustling the branches on the other side. "Some sisters I've got. Anyways yes I'm alright, thank you for asking. My name's Donovan, I'm Artemis' son." Donovan stuck out his hand a smile on his face and his blue eyes twinkling.

Lia looks up from the rose to look into his gold eyes. "Huh...? No i'm fine... just thinking about some things.." she said while putting on a small smile that she reserved only for those who were close to her and Sebastian was one of the those few. Especially since they had gotten closer the past few days, they had spending their free time with each other.


Ethan currently skateboarding, humming as he does, on his way to the training arena himself actually to get some training in since he realized he had begun to slack and that wasn't okay with him since he knew his other siblings wouldn't be pleased if they found out and his dad would definitely not be happy to know that he was slacking after all the training he had done to finally get his rank.


Elizabeth regarded the boy with light blue hair and icy blue eyes as he made a small snow storm in his hand and raised a brow. "That depends... are you a half brother or a nephew?" she said while watching him, holding a parasol to keep the sun off her skin as it snowed under the said parasol, gently covering her with snowflakes that would vanish upon touching her.


Evelyn raised a brow while watching him. "...I didn't think Artemis had any children... I'm Evelyn if you must know..." she muttered while regarding him slightly. "Hm..." she said before sitting back against the tree to read her book. "You can go now... I believe it's safe for you to leave..." she said while not looking up from her book.

(@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira)

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